A Way Out is the 7th main story mission in Nioh 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all areas of the A Way Out Main Quest.
A Way Out is unlocked when you complete The Hollow Fortress.
Recommended Level: 38
Region: Shadow
Requirement: Complete The Hollow Fortress
Reward: Gesture RELAX, Sohaya Mask, Sohaya Cuirass, Tenmoku, 12000 Gold, 6432 Amrita
Shrine 1
From the shrine head up the hill down the path. In this area, you’ll first encounter the armored dog enemy that can be around humans now. There is an archer up on the left on the cliff and another guy farther down the path. Kill the three of them, then watch the left for a set of stairs going up a path. Head up there killing the enemy by the body, and you’ll reach the point the archer was on before. Go onto the wood path leading onto the roof, then go over into the corner of the fence beside the house to find Kodama #1.
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From there you have to drop down into the tunnel to progress. Kill the two enemies, then go up the ladder at the end. Up the path leads you back to where the stairs were that you just went up. Continue up the path through the last human enemy. You’ll pass a ladder you can kick down later, continuing to the right. In this next area there is a Scampuss just to the right behind a rock, and immediately after you’ll come to an area with a searchlight moving around. If you look up to the right in the tree you can see that the searchlight is coming from a large Owl looking Yokai named a Tatarimokke, so to avoid it you can stay behind the trees on the left side of the path. If you get in the searchlight or shoot the owl it will alert all Yokai in the area to exactly where you are and turn the area into a Darkness Realm, so it would be recommended you don’t do that. If you do get spotted you can run back out of the area to make the owl lose track of you, but the area will stay a Darkness Realm. There is actually a trophy you can earn in this level named Feather Buster for alerting then disabling both of the owls by damaging their red orbs, which you can do if you wish relatively easily.
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Around this first tree a Yamanba will be circling, so it’s likely better to shoot it first and bait it towards you so you can kill it before entering the searchlight area. After you do, wait for the searchlight to move away then go to the left behind the tree. There is one Gaki directly in front of you, and you have a small area to move in that the searchlight doesn’t shine in. Kill it, then after the searchlight passes run up to the left up the wooden planks. Watch at the top of the wood incline as there is one Skeleton Warrior, and you might have a Gaki follow behind you when you sprint up. You should now immediately turn around and look to the left of the incline you just came up, and you should see Kodama #2. Before going to this one, first shoot the skeleton body to the left to trigger it and make it run up to you so you can kill it, then time going down to grab the Kodama, and move over in the left area where the searchlight doesn’t go.
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You’re now going to circle back and go around to the upper area closer to the owl. You can hug the left wall to stay out of the searchlight as you get nearer to the path going left. Watch for the Gaki that will be walking up and down this hill. If you get spotted by the Owl at this point you will notice there is a red orb up the hill that fires darkness orbs at you, destroying this will kill the owl and make the Darkness Realm go away. Kill the Yamanba up there too and grab the nearby item, then you can head down the path.
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On the left beside the hut you come to will be a Gaki, and inside another Yamanba. Head inside the hut and you can grab a small chest, then out the other door will be a Sudama you can interact with. Continue along the path, and on the left before heading up the hill kick down the ladder so you can skip the searchlight area if you die and come through again.
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After the shortcut, you come to a split that goes left and right. You first want to head to the right side towards the human enemies. Kill the first guy, then follow the path around to the right first to grab an item. Then you can head down into the lower area. There is one enemy by the gate on the left, on guy by the body in the middle, and one guy in the house along with a chest. If you break the pots just behind the guy in the middle of the area, you will find Kodama #3. If you go over to the other part of this area there will be one item, and a NPC Benevolent Grave under where an archer is standing.
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Head back to the split in the road and this time go left. On the right before the bridge, there will be a Gaki by the body. Once you start going over the bridge a large three-headed Yokai will start walking towards you. This is called a Mitsume Yazura, they typically walk towards you and attack by throwing various elemental attacks such as ice and fire in your direction. Sometimes they will wind up and the three front heads will shoot a long beam of ice out at you. If you have a longer reach weapon these Yokai are actually relatively easy to deal with, as each eye in them can be hit to stun them, and you can hit them all separately which means 3 stuns. Once it’s dead you can follow the path up the hill to get to Shrine 2.
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Shrine 2
From the Shrine head down the wooden path. You can climb the ladder on the left to knock a Gaki off the roof so it doesn’t jump on you, then go on the roof on the right to kill a Skeleton Warrior. If you then drop down the small hole in this roof you can get inside the house where there is a small chest, and get behind the Yamanba that’s inside. Head out and go clockwise around the tree and you can see a cyclops child there, that you should attack from the back and take out before it transforms into a normal Oni. If you notice the glowing pot on the other side of the tree, breaking this puts Purification element on your weapon for a limited period of time.
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Moving down the path you should see a Bloody Grave in the middle of the path. Before going near it, look up to the branch above and you should see a Biwa Boku-boku. If you go near the Grave while this enemy is alive it will force spawn the Revenant from it, but if you shoot the Biwa first and kill it the Revenant won’t be spawned. If you do fight this Revenant it uses tonfas, and will swing through all of your attacks and not be stunned, so be careful. Go forward around the corner and there will be a Skeleton Archer on the branch ahead, and another just above and to the right with a cannon. If you go up where the cannon one was you can walk out on to the tree, then drop down to a lower one to find Kodama #4.
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After grabbing the Kodama continue down the path. Here you will reach a large clearing with another searchlight in it. There is a Mitsume Yazura patrolling around here, so I would first suggest shooting it to bait it over to you before actually heading into the area after it’s dead. If you get spotted here or want to earn the trophy for this level, the red orb to disable the Owl is over on the far right of the area. If you wish after you kill the Mitsume you can basically just sprint right over there, quickly destroy it using a Yokai ability, then run back out to the path so you can reset yourself.
Assuming you’ve disabled the Owl, there will be some items in this area to grab. Walk directly forward from the entrance and stop at the Bloody Grave. If you look slightly left there should be a Gaki, forward and right will be a Cyclops Kid under the tree, and between them hiding in the bushes you should see Kodama #5.
Head over near the stairs and there will be an item just to the right, and one in the lower path. Go up the stairs where the red orb was and follow that path. Shortly you will come to a tree you can push down, which gets you a shortcut back to Shrine 2. Go back over to the area where the searchlight was and head out the left side, and you will come to a large walkway with red railings leading to a temple building.
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Go just over to the right and kill the Skeleton Warrior, then you can head out onto the branch to grab the item. Go across the bridge where the NPC Bloody Grave is heading towards the temple building. Be careful just after the bridge as a dog will jump out of the grass towards you. Up to the right, there will be three human enemies, one guy farther back who will shoot at you, and one each of an Odachi and Axe enemy. Search the body on the steps of the temple to find Onmyo Mage’s Locks, then just beside the steps on the right to find Kodama #6.
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After grabbing that Kodama, go to the right towards the branch with the pot on it. You can do a drop attack on the Tengu from up here, then carefully fight it on the slightly larger area of the platform just beside it. If you’re even luckier, if it notices you and walks slightly under the branch, the drop attack will knock it off the ledge and instantly kill it (even though Tengu can fly). From there head forward to the next area where you can either go left or right. Go left first down the path and kill the Kid Cyclops quickly. When it’s dead, drop down into the lower area behind the Oni, which lets you get a better start on it.
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Just beside the Oni in the hut will be a chest, then behind the hut you can find the Hot Spring for this level.
Go back up the path with the Kid Cyclops was before and continue further. Watch in the house on the left as there will be a Yamanba inside in the corner, and then a small chest inside. Just past the house will be a Yokai Fog which spawns a Mistume Yazura. Down behind it along the path you’ll find two more Gaki by a body. Continue after and speak to your friend to get a Clay Bell of Beckoning, then head down to Shrine 3.
Shrine 3
Forward from Shrine 3 is a village area, which is almost entirely enclosed in a Darkness Realm. If you follow the path to the left you’ll run into an Umbrella first, then up the wood path a Skeleton Archer. From there you can drop onto the rooftops if you wish, or go down below. The Mitsume Yazura on the farther side of the area is what will dispel the Darkness Realm when it’s killed, so you can basically just head there first. If you choose to drop down be aware there are two Skeleton Cannons to the left that will start shooting at you, so take those out quickly so you can traverse the rooftops without issue.
Watch out on the second rooftop as there will be a Skeleton Soldier lying down. Continue forward towards the Yokai Fog, which will spawn a Tengu. Head over the next rooftop and there is a ladder you can kick down. From up here, you have a couple of ways to go about dealing with the guys below. You can take shots at it from up above, or continually drop attack it from above. The drop attack is probably better, as if you get right in the middle you will hit multiple heads and knock off a large chunk of its ki, then you should be able to continually attack it until it’s fully stunned and finish it off. Once it’s dead the Darkness Realm is dispelled, making dealing with the Oni easier.
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With both those large enemies dealt with you can check around this area more. On the left side, there is a tunnel you can go through which on one side will have a Skeleton Warrior, or if you come the other way a Nurikabe wall. If you go up on the rooftops again and climb the ladder leading to the higher cliff you can find an NPC Benevolent Grave as well as a body that will have Ninja’s Locks. The main thing to be sure to get here is right before the boss door. On the right, there will be a hut with a Yamanba in it, along with a locked chest. Head out the door in the back and smash the pots to find Kodama #7, the final one for this mission.
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Once you have grabbed everything else in this area, you can proceed through the gate at the end to reach the boss for this level.
Tatarimokke Boss Fight
Tatarimokke is a big owl boss. Throughout the entire fight, always run to the left, especially while it’s on the ground. Don’t bother attacking it much while it’s on the ground. The one move you’ll want to exploit is when it flies up in the air. Then it will always shoot mist skulls at you (run in 45* angle forward so they miss), followed by knives (block them), again mist skulls and knives, finishing with a red charged dive attack. The red charged dive you can either burst dodge if you feel good about your timing, or you can simply run to the left and it will miss 100% of the time. The owl always does this exact sequence of moves while in the air. After it has missed its dive attack you can attack from behind. Wait until it flies again and repeat. Only attack after this fly/dive sequence and you’ll be safe.
Twice during the fight it will summon a Dark Realm with a red orb. You can either run away and wait for the Dark Realm to go away on its own (after about a minute), or you can destroy the red orb. Be careful though, the owl will attack you while you focus on the orb. Only attack the orb after the owl has done its aforementioned combo (fly-skulls-knives-skulls-knives-dive). Make sure it dives away from the red orb, not towards it (stand in opposite direction to lure it). Also ensure your Ki bar is sufficiently full so you can unload a strong combo on the red orb to destroy it in one go. If this gives you trouble just wait it out and let the Dark Realm go away on its own. So remember, just run to the left at all times around the owl and exploit that one flying dive move against it.
This finishes A Way Out main mission in Nioh 2. Now the mission Corpses and Ice becomes available.
For all other Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Nioh 2 Walkthrough.
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