Welcome to the NieR Replicant Remaster (ver.1.22474487139) Weapons Guide. This guide gives all locations for obtaining the 33 weapons in the game, required for the following trophies:
- Weapons Collector
- Thank You
- Something Very Special
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It also includes the required materials for all weapons, the number required, and farming/purchase locations for every material, which you need to obtain for the following trophies:
- Upgrade Apprentice
- Reform Specialist
- Forging Master
Upgrading all weapons is the longest grind in the game, and takes an extra 10 – 20 hours at least on top of everything else due to the number of items and how rare some are to find.
Related Guides:
- NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139 – Side Quests Guide
- NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139 – Flower Growing Guide
- NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139 – Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Weapon Locations
Below are listed all weapons and the locations they are found. In Part One you only find/use one-handed swords for story reasons, then the other types can be found in Part Two. All weapons from Part One can still be obtained in Part Two, so you can’t completely miss any of them. The last one-handed sword is obtained after completing Ending E.
Part One
- Nameless Blade – Starting weapon
- Lily-Leaf Sword – 2,400 gold from shop in Nier’s Village
- Beastbain – 16,800 gold from shop in Nier’s Village
- Nirvana Dagger – Located in a breakable box midway up the Lost Shrine.
- Moonrise – Help the villager being attacked by shades in the southern plains area.
- Earth Wyrm’s Claw – 8,400 gold from shop in Facade
- Rebirth – Obtained automatically during the story when you rescue the prince of Facade
- Faith – Obtained from the Mayor in the Forest of Myth if you release the other two villagers from the Deathdream (can be purchased in The Aerie in part 2 if you miss it here, before obtaining Sacrifice key fragment)
- Blade of Treachery – Found inside a box in the Manor while helping Emil
Part Two
One Hand Swords
- Phoenix Dagger – Available from the Weapon Shop in Seafront for 36,200 gold
- Ancient Overlord – Obtained automatically during the story from the King of Facade
- Labyrinth Whisper – Drops from the Shade you need to kill during the side quest “The Bridge in Peril”
- Iron Pipe – Found in Nier’s Dream (the location you are transported to when you complete “The Magical Stone”) OR automatically given when you complete Ending B
- Fool’s Embrace – Obtained during the first door of the World of the Recycled Vessel
- XXXXX’s Sword – Obtained after completing Ending E
Two-Handed Swords
- Kusanagi – Starting two-handed sword in Part Two of the story
- Axe of Beheading – Available from the Weapon Shop in Nier’s Village for 19,200 gold
- Fang of the Twins – Found on the first floor of the Manor Basement at the start of Part Two, hidden in a box in the first room with all the boxes (if you miss it you can go back down there later in the same way)
- Vile Axe – Available from the Weapon Shop in Seafront for 21,600 gold
- Beastlord – Found just outside the door to the boss room when you return to the Lost Shrine in Part Two
- Iron Will – Automatically obtained during the story when you get the item from the Junk Heap for the Weaponsmith
- Labyrinth’s Song – Obtained at the end of the quest “Disturbing the Sleep of Kings”.
- Phoenix Sword – Found in the first room of the Shadowlord’s Castle, in a box to the left of the doors you progress through
- Fool’s Lament – Obtained during the second door of the World of the Recycled Vessel
- Transience – Starting spear in Part Two of the story
- Sunrise – Available from the Weapon Shop in Nier’s Village for 21,600 gold
- Spear of the Usurper – Available from the Weapon Shop in Seafront for 19,200 gold
- Captain’s Holy Spear – Available from the Weapon Shop in Facade for 30,000 gold
- Phoenix Spear – Available from the Weapon Shop in Facade for 37,400 gold
- The Devil Queen – Inside a box when entering the Lost Shrine from the boat entrance, just before the second ladder
- Beastcurse – Inside a box just before you drop down to the boss room in the Junk Heap
- Labyrinth’s Shout – Obtained at the end of the quest “The Damaged Map”.
- Dragoon Lance – Inside a box in the Shadowlord’s Castle 2nd room, immediately after you escape from the Boar shade into the large stairwell, the first box immediately on the right. If you’ve started up the stairs already you’ve missed it
- Fool’s Accord – Obtained during the third door of the World of the Recycled Vessel
Weapon Upgrade Requirements
Below are listed the required materials for each weapon to upgrade it to Level 4 (maximum level). Weapons require different materials plus 1000 gold per level to be upgraded. Weapons are listed in the order that they appear in the upgrade/pause menu.
Note that the NieR Automata weapons that are included in the “4 YoRHa” costume DLC count towards the weapon upgrade trophy if upgraded. They are listed at the bottom of the list.
One Hand Swords
- Nameless Blade – Titanium Alloy (4), Stripped Bolt (10), Broken Arm (3), Dented Metal Bat (1), Simple Machine (1)
- Lily-Leaf Sword – Titanium Alloy (7), Broken Antenna (7), Forlorn Necklace (2), Large Gear (1), Pyrite (1)
- Nirvana Dagger – Titanium Alloy (3), Rusty Kitchen Knife (2), Broken Arm (3), Gold Ore (2), Mysterious Switch (3), Pyrite (1)
- Moonrise – Titanium Alloy (3), Broken Saw (2), Broken Lens (2), Rusty Kitchen Knife (2), Pyrite (1)
- Rebirth – Iron Ore (34), Twisted Ring (1), Large Gear (1), Broken Battery (1), Broken Wristwatch (3), Amber (1)
- Earth Wyrm’s Claw – Iron Ore (26), Scorpion Claw (10), Clay (18), Broken Pottery (2), Amber (1)
- Blade of Treachery – Copper Ore (45), Simple Machine (1), Machine Oil (2), Rusted Clump (2), Pyrite (1)
- Beastbain – Iron Ore (47), Complex Machine (2), Machine Oil (1), Pyrite (2), Crystal (1)
- Faith – Silver Ore (12), Broken Antenna (30), Elaborate Machine (1), Natural Rubber (1), Moldavite (1), Titanium Alloy (4)
- Ancient Overlord – Silver Ore (15), Broken Motor (10), Broken Wristwatch (3), Crystal (2), Moldavite (1), Memory Alloy (2)
- Phoenix Dagger – Silver Ore (18), Giant Egg (2), Eagle Egg (1), Broken Earring (2), Black Pearl (5), Amber (2)
- Labyrinth Whisper – Fluorite (6)
- Fool’s Embrace – Damascus Steel (3)
- Iron Pipe – Dented Metal bat (19), Broken Arm (43), Rusty Bucket (10), Rusted Clump (5)
- XXXXX’s Sword – Iron Ore (60), Rusted Clump (1), Broken Saw (1)
Two-Handed Swords
- Kusanagi – Iron Ore (48), Broken Battery (5), Forlorn Necklace (1), Broken Earring (1), Moldavite (1)
- Axe of Beheading – Copper Ore (43), Rusty Kitchen Knife (3), Subdued Bracelet (1), Stopped Clock (2), Meteorite (1)
- Fang of the Twins – Silver Ore (18), Elaborate Machine (1), Broken Wristwatch (2), Stopped Clock (1), Mysterious Switch (3), Meteorite (1)
- Vile Axe – Silver Ore (24), Simple Machine (1), Broken Lens (2), Twisted Ring (1), Broken Saw (2), Amber (1)
- Beastlord – Gold Ore (5), Complex Machine (2), Machine Oil (1), Amber (1), Simple Machine (2)
- Iron Will – Memory Alloy (5), Rusted Clump (2), Dented Metal Bat (1), Pyrite (1), Elaborate Machine (2)
- Phoenix Sword – Gold Ore (7), Giant Egg (2), Eagle Egg (2), Complex Machine (1), Black Pearl (5), Moldavite (1)
- Labyrinth’s Song – Fluorite (6)
- Fool’s Lament – Damascus Steel (3)
- Transience – Iron Ore (8), Twisted Ring (3), Metal Piercing (1), Crystal (2), Pyrite (1)
- Spear of the Usurper – Iron Ore (8), Subdued Bracelet (1), Broken Lens (2), Pyrite (1)
- The Devil Queen – Iron Ore (28), Crystal (3), Metal Piercing (3), Broken Motor (1), Moldavite (1)
- Sunrise – Silver Ore (6), Large Gear (2), Rusty Kitchen Knife (2), Forlorn Necklace (1), Subdued Bracelet (1), Pyrite (1)
- Beastcurse – Silver Ore (6), Complex Machine (2), Machine Oil (1), Moldavite (1), Elaborate Machine (1)
- Captain’s Holy Spear – Silver Ore (10), Broken Wristwatch (2), Mysterious Switch (3), Broken Earring (1), Moldavite (1), Complex Machine (1)
- Dragoon Lance – Silver Ore (12), Pyrite (4), Pearl (1), Meteorite (3), Simple Machine (1)
- Phoenix Spear – Gold Ore (6), Giant Egg (2), Eagle Egg (1), Broken Wristwatch (1), Black Pearl (5), Moldavite (1)
- Labyrinth’s Shout – Fluorite (6)
- Fool’s Accord – Damascus Steel (3)
4 YoRHa (NieR Automata) DLC Weapons
- Virtuous Contract (One-Handed Sword) – Rusted Clump (1), Goat Hide (1), Crystal (2), Dented Metal Board (3), Titanium Alloy (1), Amber (2), Memory Alloy (2), Severed Cable (5), Moldavite (1)
- Cruel Oath (One-Handed Sword) – Rusted Clump (1), Goat Hide (1), Crystal (2), Iron Ore (4), Silver Ore (3), Amber (2), Gold Ore (2), Large Gear (1), Moldavite (1)
- Virtuous Treaty (Two-Handed Sword) – Same as Virtuous Contract
- Virtuous Dignity (Spear) – Same as Virtuous Contract
Material Count and Locations
Below are listed the total number of each material required for ALL main game weapons (excluding the 4 YoRHa DLC weapons), along with locations for where and how to obtain them in the best manner.
If you decide to do material grinding after Ending E and use that 34th weapon in place of another, it would be recommended you don’t upgrade the Phoenix Sword, which then means you can reduce the number required of the items it uses, most notably saving yourself grinding some of the two Egg types and a third of the total Black Pearls.
If you decide to use the 4 YoRHa DLC weapons you should also not upgrade Iron Will, then grind 1 extra Memory Alloy instead (Iron Will uses 5 Memory Alloy, get 1 more and that’s enough for the 3 YorHa weapons that use it).
Any items in the “raw materials” section of the inventory that isn’t listed here can generally be sold to vendors for money.
- Amber (6) – Recycled Vessel box room, Junk Heap floor B2 box room, Material Shop in Facade for 6000 gold
- Black Pearl (15) – Gather spots on Beach in Seafront (NOTE: In Part Two of the story items don’t appear on the beach until after the ship is gone)
- Broken Antenna (37) – Common drop from ground robots in Junk Heap
- Broken Arm (49) – Common drop from ground robots in Junk Heap
- Broken Battery (5) – Common drop from flying robots in Junk Heap
- Broken Earring (4) – Rare drop from “Shaman” shades
- Broken Lens (5) – Drop from ground robots in Junk Heap, Two Brothers Weaponry for 900 gold
- Broken Motor (11) – Common drop from flying robots in Junk Heap
- Broken Pottery (2) – Rare pickup from gathering points in Northern Plains/Aerie
- Broken Saw (5) – Rare drop from small armored shades in Northern Plains
- Broken Wristwatch (11) – Rare drop from large armored shades in Southern Plains (largest number appear during sunny weather)
- Clay (18) – Material Shop in Facade for 800 gold
- Complex Machine (8) – Random drop from any “boss” shade
- Copper Ore (88) – Two Brothers Weaponry for 480 gold
- Crystal (8) – Recycled Vessel box room, Material Shop in Facade for 2400 gold
- Damascus Steel (9) – Recycled Vessel box room, Junk Heap floor B2 box room
- Dented Metal Bat (21) – Rare drop from small shades in Northern Plains OR Underground Laboratory in the Manor
- Eagle Egg (4) – Recycled Vessel box room, Rare pickup from gathering points in the Aerie
- Elaborate Machine (5) – Random drop from any “boss” shade
- Fluorite (18) – Recycled Vessel box room, Junk Heap floor B2 box room, gather points in Barren Temple
- Forlorn Necklace (4) – Rare drop from “Shaman” shades
- Giant Egg (6) – Rare pickup from gathering point around Nier’s Village
- Gold Ore (22) – Recycled Vessel box room, rare pickup from gathering points in Desert, Barren Temple, or Aerie
- Iron Ore (259) – Random pickup from any basically any gathering point, Two Brothers Weaponry for 1000 gold
- Large Gear (6) – Rare drop from ground robots in Junk Heap
- Machine Oil (5) – Rare drop from flying robots in Junk Heap
- Memory Alloy (8) – Rare drop from boss robots in Junk Heap
- Metal Piercing (4) – Rare drop from flying shades in Desert (must obtain Facade key fragment before they start spawning)
- Meteorite (5) – Recycled Vessel box room, rare pickup from gathering points in Desert or Barren Temple
- Moldavite (8) – Rare pickup from gathering points in Desert or Barren Temple, Material Shop in Seafront for 8000 gold
- Mysterious Switch (9) – Somewhat rare drop from ground robots in Junk Heap
- Natural Rubber (1) – Material Shop in Seafront for 700 gold
- Pearl (1) – Gather spots on Beach in Seafront, Material Shop in Seafront for 3000 gold
- Pyrite (14) – Recycled Vessel box room, rare pickup from gathering points in Desert and Barren Temple
- Rusted Clump (10) – Recycled Vessel box room, caught while fishing
- Rusty Bucket (10) – Found while fishing. Can be commonly caught using a normal lure at the northern sand river in the Desert
- Rusty Kitchen Knife (9) – Common drop in Part One, Rare drop from small shades in Northern Plains, dropped from enemies in Nier’s Dream
- Scorpion Claw (10) – Common pickup from scorpions in the Desert. You can spot scorpion locations on the minimap, going near them makes them jump out and attack you (don’t appear while there are wolves in the Desert).
- Silver Ore (121) – Rare pickup from gathering points, Two Brothers Weaponry for 1500 gold
- Simple Machine (6) – Random drop from any “boss” shade
- Stopped Clock (3) – Rare drop from sword shades in Underground Laboratory in the Manor
- Stripped Bolt (10) – Common drop from ground robots in Junk Heap, Two Brothers Weaponry for 900 gold
- Subdued Bracelet (3) – Rare drop from flying shades in Desert (must obtain Facade key fragment before they start spawning)
- Titanium Alloy (24) – Recycled Vessel box room, very rare drop from ground robots in Junk Heap, common drop from boss robots in Junk Heap
- Twisted Ring (5) – Rare drop from Armored Shades in The Lost Shrine at the end of Part Two of story
Specific Material Farming Methods
Below are different methods for farming specific materials as efficiently as possible.
“Item Drop Rate Up” Words
You can get words in the “Mah” type that increase the drop rate for items from enemies. You can farm the +30% drop rate word “Mahzarken” from the Armored Melee Shades in the Lost Shrine right at the end of the story (a good spot is the same roof route you do for Forlorn Necklaces).
Black Pearl
NOTE: Items don’t spawn on the beach in Part Two of the story until the beached ship is gone, so when farming these you need to do it basically before the ending (or during Part One of the story).
Black Pearls only spawn from gather points on the beach in Seafront (the large beach on the path leading to the lighthouse). While farming for them the method is to save at the mailbox by the post office, then run over to the beach and grab all items. If you find any Black Pearls run back and save again, then load the save to refresh the gather points. If you don’t find any, load your save from the beach instead of running back.
You can also find 1 Black Pearl in the back room of the post office per playthrough, so if you make sure to grab these you can get a free 2 – 4 depending on how many times you complete the story ending.
Broken Wristwatches
Broken Wristwatches drop off random shades early in the game, then from the large fully armored shield-wielding shades in Part Two. If you need to farm specifically for these you want to do it in the Southern Plains during sunny weather. Go in and out of Seafront until the weather in the area is sunny, then there will be 16 of these shades spawned throughout the area. Kill them all, then run in and out of Nier’s Village to reset the area without changing the weather (weather normally doesn’t change when entering Nier’s Village).
Complex/Elaborate/Simple Machines
The Machine items are only dropped from the respawning boss types shades. There are a few places you can farm these, some easier than others.
If you’ve not yet completed the side-quests “A Shade Entombed” and “Disturbing the Sleep of Kings” you can farm these very fast in one of the challenge rooms. The third room on the right side of the area has the rule of no using magic, and spawns a boss shade along with a handful of others. You can kill the boss shade so that it drops one of the items, then use magic to immediately reset the room and spawn the boss. Farm this boss until you have enough machines for all weapons (which one it drops is random, but it drops all types at varying frequency).
If you have already completed those side quests and still need them, the next best route is going to be just going up the Lost Shrine over and over at the end of the story. Two of the floors spawn a boss shade that you can take out, then go through the door at the top and come back in to respawn the enemies. Jump down from the top and make your way back up again.
Damascus Steel
Damascus Steel can be found in either the Junk Heap or Recycled Vessel box rooms. It seems to be more common in the Junk Heap though so that’s a better location to try for it. If you’ve finished every other Junk Heap material and just need Damascus Steel you can run through the box room to see if you get any as a drop, and if you don’t just continually jump in the holes in the floor to game over, and it’ll put you back outside the room immediately with all the boxes back. If you pick up any go back to the elevator to reset the floor.
Forlorn Necklace
Forlorn Necklaces are dropped by Shaman Shades (human-sized ones that shoot orbs) that appear in the second part of the game. You can find 6 at a time during sunny weather in the Northern Plains, but they take quite a while to move between so it’s better time-wise to farm the two that are on top of the Lost Shrine once you have all key fragments. Get to the save point before Gretel’s boss room, then enter and exit the door to respawn the enemies. Take the left ladder up to get to the prior area, then follow the path to the boss room to fight two groups of shades, which each have one Armored Shaman Shade in them. These also drop Broken Earrings, and unless you have incredible luck you’re almost certain to get enough Broken Earrings before the Forlorn Necklaces.
Giants Eggs
Giants Eggs only spawn rarely at gather points in Nier’s Village. There isn’t a really particular way to try for these, just make sure to check any gather points you see when running through the village.
Goat Hide
If you are upgrading the YoRHa weapons they each need 1 Goat Hide. If you are in Part Two of the story already then goats only spawn on the Eastern Road (4 at a time).
Memory Alloy
Memory Alloy is ONLY obtained from the large boss robots located on floor B2 of the Junk Heap. Moving between the areas of the Junk Heap doesn’t respawn these like the other enemies, they only respawn when you actually leave the Junk Heap. So if you’re farming them to try and get Memory Alloy you normally can only fight 4 per time entering the Junk Heap. The three locations you can find these enemies are one in the room after the box room in the first part of B2, one in the first room that you enter going into the second part of B2, and a pair in the southern room through the breakable wall in the second part of B2.
You can somewhat cheese the drops for this by suiciding during the fights. In the second and third locations where the bosses spawn you can kill the bosses to see what the drops are and if you don’t get Memory Alloy, you can let the other enemies that spawn in the area after the bosses kill you. This is best done on hard difficulty so you die faster, then when you continue after you will be just outside the room where the bosses are and can try again. When you actually get Memory Alloy as a drop you will need to then continue out of the Junk Heap and reenter, because it doesn’t save material pickups when you continue from a game over in this manner in the Junk Heap.
Pyrite can be a rare pickup from the boxes in the Recycled Vessel box rooms, so you may end up with enough from that. If you need to specifically farm Pyrite it’s best done in the Barren Temple. An old method to do this is to suicide off the bridge at the very end of the area, but that doesn’t seem to work the same in this version of the game and it’s faster to just enter and exit the Barren Temple, checking the spot on the blocked staircase to the left, then looking into each of the rooms on the sides to see if there’s gather points at the far ends of the rooms.
Subdued Bracelet/Metal Piercing
These are potentially the two worst items to try and get because they only drop from the Flying Shades that appear in the Desert after you get the Facade key fragment near the end of the story. There are only 3 of them that appear at a time: one directly west of the entrance to Facade, one east of the stairwell leading to the boat dock, and one that appears in the sandstorm area to the north (this one is normally spawned already so you can see it on the minimap ahead of time). They almost always have magic resistance shields up, so shooting them with Dark Lance is the quickest way to deal with them.
Alternatively, if you feel like doing another playthrough of the ending there will also be around 15 of these Shades that spawn in the ballroom in the Shadowlord’s Castle that you could try for drops from, but you would then need to play through the story again for another couple hours to be able to upgrade weapons again.
Nier’s Dream Farming
To unlock the ability to go to Nier’s Dream you need to complete the side quest “The Magical Stone” which is available from a woman in the Forest of Myth when you have all 5 key fragments before going to the Shadowlord’s Castle in Part Two. After completing the quest you can talk to her any time to be transported to the location from the prologue again to fight a series of enemy waves. This is good because these enemies drop Rusty Kitchen Knives and occasionally Dented Metal Bats, Broken Wristwatches, and Broken Saws. If you didn’t get enough Rusty Kitchen Knives from early in the game this is the best place to farm for them, because the enemies spawned here have a much higher chance of dropping than normal shades in Part Two of the story.
Recycled Vessel Farming
In the third room of the third door of the Recycled Vessel you are running through the underground lab, and can find a series of boxes. These boxes can contain: Copper Ore, Iron Ore, Silver Ore, Gold Ore, Amber, Crystals, Fluorite, Pyrite, Moldavite, Meteorite, Rusted Clumps, Titanium Alloy, Eagle Eggs, and Damascus Steel. The ones in bold are what’s most helpful to get here, and Damascus Steel is found an okay amount, but the Junk Heap box room is better for that if you only need that. When farming this if you don’t need/care about the completion reward of 50,000 gold/10,000 xp for finishing the door you can grab all the items from the boxes, then jump off the bridge until you die to exit the Recycled Vessel without needing to complete the last two rooms, but get to keep all your obtained up items.
Underground Laboratory Farming
The underground lab is good for farming Stopped Clocks and Dented Metal Bats. While working on the Stopped Clocks go to the final room of floor B1 and continually kill the enemies in the room with the 9 pillars while going up and down the stairs to reset the room. If you get the required Stopped Clocks but still need more Dented Metal Bats, go down to B2 and in the second room will spawn a few waves of the small shades that drop the bats, you can reset by going back up to floor B2.
That’s all of the Weapons and Weapon Upgrades in NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139.
Allan says
What 5 weapons is hardest to farm ? And your suggestion to skip
Gage says
Personal preference, you basically get to decide whether you want to farm Black Pearls or not. Subdued Bracelets from the flying shades have increasingly bad drop rate so you could decide to skip those instead if you want, because IMO Black Pearl farming isn’t that bad in this version of the game.
allan says
thanks mate , m only missing the flower and the last few weapons upgraded
matthew says
Does playing on Hard increase drop rates?
Gage says
In the original, it apparently did (as stated by one of the game designers) but in my opinion, playing on Hard for drops isn’t worth it in this version because of how long it takes to kill enemies. The only time it’s worth switching to hard is for situations like Memory Alloy farming where you want to be able to suicide to enemies. Like if you wanted to get Subdued Bracelets from the desert shades you can either spend like 10 minutes at a time for 3 chances at the drop or do an entire lap of the desert in 2 minutes for more chance at whatever slightly lower drop chance.
Davey says
I’ve picked up more Black Pearls from the smaller beach next to the fisherman than the big beach next to the lighthouse.
Davey says
That being said, they do still sometimes spawn on the big beach—just not as often for me. But yeah, after you do the Ship quest and unlock the nodes again, only 3 nodes pop at a time across both beaches, so just check for those items and reload or save as necessary.
Gage says
Entirely RNG for where you get them, I never had any on the small beach while I was farming them.
Maya says
I’ve been trying to farm Large Gear for the last 10 hours (along with other rare drops from the junk heap) with item drop + 25% on all weapons and magic equipped, and I’ve gotten ONE !! .-. this is so frustrating… any tips?
Maya says
I’m on playthrough 4 with all key fragments gathered r/n, on the route to ending D, btw. In case there is a specific part of the game that’s better to farm for large gear.
Jericho766 says
I don’t know if it helps, but try to farm in B2 first room (enter the room, kill robots, reset floor using elevator). One time i can get 3 Large gears in 2 attempts
Maya says
I did try this actually, but didn’t have any luck with that method either. But thanks for the suggestion! It seems like the game just doesn’t want to give me that damn item. My completionist heart is bleeding, but at least I managed to complete enough other weapons to get the trophy.
Sakaixx says
Getting forlorn necklace can be frustrafing. Almost 12 broken earring but none of that necklace at all
Wim Damen says
“Subdued Bracelet/Metal Piercing
These are potentially the two worst items to try and get because they only drop from the Flying Shades that appear in the Desert after you get the Facade key fragment near the end of the story.”
There is also 1 going up to The Lost Shrine.
I got lucky: it flew over the boarding as it died and dropped me a bracelet.
Data_Messa says
Regarding Damascus Steel
The best place to farm it, is indeed Junk Heap B2, but there is a much faster way to reset the boxes than the elevator. First, just make your way to the end of the section, where there are 2 turrets and you need to blow up the debris that’s blocking the door. Clear the way, than head left and deplete your health by jumping down one of the holes. Once you are up and ready to go, you will see the boxes are reset any can be cleared again. After the run, just let the 2 turrets kill you (don’t forget to order Kainé and Emil to defend, so they won’t destroy them) and you respawn before the turret room, but you can head out and clear the boxes again. Just make sure to leave them, so once you cleared the boxes, you can use them to kill yourself and do it all over again.
denpanosekai says
You lost me after “Once you are up and ready to go”. I need to kill the turrets to return to the box room, don’t I? Right now I’m respawning in front of them, with the box room door behind me locked, and the debris back up, meaning I have to kill the turrets to get through.
Kwihl says
Tip for Machine farming!
The last room in B2 of the Manor has a boss type, convienently placed next to the stairs. He will drop all types of Machines like any other mini-boss Shade, and I imagine this is MUCH faster than climbing the Shrine over and over for 2 mini-bosses if you didnt get your Machines early.
Personally feel this room is better for Stopped Clock as well, as 2 Sword Shades spawn between the stairs and mini-boss, with another 3 in one of the storage rooms next to him. The room mentioned in the guide (with 9 pillars on B1) I have only seen 2 Sword Shades spawn in, so I feel this room would be better for your Dented Metal Bat farming (As about 20 younglings spawn there, and nearly 50 spawn on the other side of the stairs)
The younglings in the last room of B2 wont spawn unless you go to the entrance of this room (or certain spots), so unless you are still after Dented Metal Bats too, then its best to avoid that door and laser focus the Sword Shades and boss.
Daniel says
Are you required to upgrade the DLC weapons? For the trophy ?? Will it count
PhillRich13 says
Just FYI you can run the ‘The Magical Stone’ quest battle as many times as you want, pretty easy farming broken wristwatch, rusty kitchen knife, broken saw, and dented metal bat.
Hiraichwan says
I don’t know about the different versions of the game but with the remastered 1.22…. I farmed the shaman shades in the northern plains to get a few forlorn necklaces and broken earrings. The good shades don’t appear during sunny weather but it’s quite the opposite. (I got all fragments in case it changes something)
When it’s sunny, only little armored shades appear
When it’s cloudy, there are armored and non armored little shades and the shaman shades. Actually 4 will appear in the left side of the map and 2 in the right (one is just below the bridge where you use the ladders to reach the junk heap)
I hope it’ll help someone even if that won’t change the fact that loots depend a lot of your luck!