Ni No Kuni 2 Revenant Kingdom has 175 Side Quests. This Walkthrough will guide you through all Side Quests in Ni No Kuni 2.
No Side Quests are missable! You can still do all of them after the story. After completing the game there is free-roam and new endgame quests appear.
Almost all of them are short 1-step fetch-quests. The objectives and quest icons are marked on the map unless stated otherwise in this guide. More quests unlock every chapter, but you must also have completed lower-numbered quests to make their follow-up quests appear. If a quest doesn’t spawn in the given chapter it’s because you haven’t completed the lower-number quests (e.g. to unlock Side Quest 63 you also need to complete 027 & 043 & 052).
For the more difficult quests I have included explanations, for the vast majority all you need is the starting point and then go to one quest marker which is self-explanatory.
- Do them in order as you play through the story (if a side quest doesn’t show, it’s because you haven’t done the lower-numbered side quests leading up to it). So be sure to do them all. Upgrade your castle along the way.
- Nothing is missable.
- When you need materials just keep playing and assign people to the appropriate stores in Evermore (press options-button on a workplace to see its items and upgrade it for better items). Easy strategy is to assign one person to every store, thus you can cover every type of item so you have them later when you need them.
- Some side quests require general game progress, most things in Evermore require that you build out your castle to a higher level.
- Use Zippelin if you can’t reach a place (unlocks at start of chapter 7).
- If you ever get stuck with a delivery quest (missing materials), just level up your castle, build all farms/mines/markets and fully upgrade them. Then assign 1 citizen to every location and you’ll get all required materials over time. All quest materials can be acquired this way. Some need to be cooked at the Evermore cookshop.
- You need all 100 Citizens to fully upgrade your Castle to level 4 (required for several trophies & achievements). You need to complete pretty much all quests, including the black and blue ones to unlock all Recruitment Quests.
All Side Quests:
Green = Recruitment Quest (New Citizen)
Black = Normal Quest (Guilders Money & Item Rewards)
Blue = Evermore Improvement Quest (Kingsguilders Money & minor improvements for your Kingdom)
- 001: Auntie Martha’s Scrubber – Automatically during Chapter 4
- 002: Top Marks for Trying – Automatically during Chapter 4
- 003: Munokhoi, the Shy Pirate – Starting Location: Sky Pirates’ Base, Quest Giver: Munokhoi, Availability: Chapter 4
- 004: A Favor for Nu Bi – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Armorer (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 4
- 005: Hang On, Hoi Den! – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Hoi Den (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 4
- 006: Pi Chi, the Skillful Seamstress – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Pi Chi (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 4
- 007: Persha, A Maid Like No Other – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Persha (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 4
- 008: Li Li, the Troubled Genius – Automatically during Chapter 4
- 009: Gao Jia, the Sullen Solider – Automatically during Chapter 4
- 010: Bai Gon, the Grizzled Veteran – Automatically during Chapter 4
- 011: Min Ti, the Sharpshooter – Automatically during Chapter 4
- 012: Fai Do, the Downbeat Armorer – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Fai Do (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 4, after doing Side Quest #011
- 013: Yung Mein, the Trainee Guard – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 6
- 014: Tobias, the Trusting Traveler – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Tobias (quest icon on map), Availablity: Chapter 4, after liberating Goldpaw
- 015: Wanted: Exemplary Armor – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Fai Do (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5 + completed Side Quest 012
- 016: Wanted: A Well-Good Weapon – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Nu Bi (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5 + completed Side Quest 004
- 017: A Gift for Gao Jia – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Yung Mein (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5 + completed Side Quest 013
- 018: Chi Pi, the Master Carpenter – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 5
- 019: Ah Chu, the Caring Blacksmith – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 5
- 020: Yu Kan, the Kind Teacher – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 5
- 021: Fitch, the Friendly Blacksmith – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 5
- 022: Long Mein, Ardent Guardsman – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Long Mein (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5
- 023: Hau Ling’s Fall from Grace – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Hau Ling (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5
- 024: Miss Henny’s Misfortune – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Helpful Boy (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5
- 025: Alice, AKA Mini Martha! – Starting Location: Auntie Martha’s Cottage, Quest Giver: Alice (inside Auntie Martha’s Cottage, marked on map), Availability: Chapter 5
- Give her Country Corn Soup, you can cook it at Tasty’s Cookshop in Evermore (after you’ve built it and put Floyd to work in it)
- 026: Muuurielll! – Starting Location: Forest of Niall, Quest Giver: Brusque Greenling (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5
- 027: The Hard-Nosed Huntress – Starting Location: Spineshiver Grove (click link for entrance location), Quest Giver: Moggie May (marked inside Spineshiver Grove), Availability: Chapter 5
- 028: Tales of Derring-Do – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Boastful Man (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5
- 029: High-Speed Hot Streaks! – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Master Chow Chow (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5
- 030: The Seeds of Righteousness – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Despairing Mother (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5
- 031: Bandits at the Border – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Chingis (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5
- 032: Baby Higgledy’s Big Adventure, Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Auntie Martha (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5 + completed Side Quest 025
- 033: Higgledy Hide-and-Seek! – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Alice (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5 + completed Side Quest 025
- Talk to the 5 colored higgledies that stand around the northern part of Evermore (in Castle Level 1 area). Higgledy Locations: Tasty’s Cookshop, Evermore Spellworks, Weapon Workshop, Mining Camp No. 1, Sleepy Ranch
- 034: Going at it with Goldpaw – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Min Ti (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5
- 035: Fun with Fungi – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Henny (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5 + completed Side Quest 024
- 036: Against the Grain – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Muriel (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 5 + completed Side Quest 026
- 037: Tiller, Long-Distance Rower – Starting Location: Capstan-upon-Hull, Quest Giver: Tiller (quest icon on map), Availability: late Chapter 5
- 038: Sick of Sandals – Starting Location: Capstan-upon-Hull, Quest Giver: Crispin (quest icon on map), Availability: late Chapter 5
- 039: The Chicest of Shoes – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Crispin (quest icon on map), Availability: late Chapter 5 + completed Side Quest 038
- 040: Bao Wao the Street Trader – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Bao Wao (quest icon on map), Availability: late Chapter 5
- 041: Ringing Around – Automatically during Chapter 5
- 042: Daddy Come Home – Starting Location: Capstan-upon-Hull, Quest Giver: Keeley (quest icon on map), Availability: late Chapter 5
- 043: Flippos, the Novice Hunter – Starting Location: Broadleaf, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 6
- 044: Pontus’s Ocean of Knowledge – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Pontus (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 6
- 045: Glaucus, the Ambitious Angler – Starting Location: Broadleaf, Quest Giver. Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 6 + completed Side Quest 057
- 046: Thaumas, the Suave Sorcerer – Starting Location: Broadleaf, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 6
- 047: Peleus, the Amiable Armorer – Starting Location: Broadleaf, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 6
- 048: A Career Cut Short – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Nereus (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 6
- 049: Proteus, the Gloomy Jeweler – Starting Location: Broadleaf, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 6
- 050: Triton, the Honest Scholar – Starting Location: Broadleaf, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 6
- 051: Speio, Priestess in Training – Starting Location: Hydropolis (Palace), Quest Giver: Speio (travel to upper level via elevator), Availability: Chapter 6
- Bug Warning!: Make sure you don’t have Side Quest 080 active at the same time. Both of these require the Rejuvenate spell. If you have both quests active at the same time, 051 will bug and cannot be completed.
- 052: Helena, the Hearty Hunter – Starting Location: Broadleaf, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 6
- 053: Lycorias, the Doubtful Guard – Starting Location: Hydropolis (Palace), Quest Giver: Lycorias (travel to upper level via elevator), Availability: Chapter 6
- 054: Hansel, the Fanciful Gardener – Starting Location: Broadleaf, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 6
- 055: A Secret Sweet Tooth – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Sweet-Toothed Man (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 6
- You need to get him a Rosehip Tart. It can be booked at Tasty’s Cookshop in Evermore. However, it’s rarity level 5 and requires a lot of game progress. I couldn’t cook it until after I had beaten the story, this was one of my last open side quests. Fully upgrade the cookshop and cook lots of different dishes to increase cooking level. User ‘krissy’ has reported that you must also have beaten Side Quest 160 to get the cookbook from Dekkah.
- 056: Unfun Fungus – Starting Location: Capstan-upon-Hull, Quest Giver: Mushroom-Lover (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 6
- 057: The Way to a Man’s Heart – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Sibylla (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 6
- 058: The Best Seafood in Seatown – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Marina (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 6
- 059: By Hook or by Crook – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Carless Angler (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 6
- 060: Who’s the Big Boss? – Starting Location: Greenglade Cave (click link for location screenshot), Quest Giver: Grimchilla Elder (enter Greenglade Cave and a cutscene will automatically trigger after which you get the side quest, must have researched the “Nature’s Tongue” Spell at Evermore Spellworks), Availability: Chapter 7 + researched “Nature’s Tongue” Spell at Everymore Spellworks
- 061: Fang’s for Everything – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Helena (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7 + completed Side Quest 052
- 062: Skirmish with the Sea’s Finest – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Lycorias (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7 + completed Side Quest 053
- 063: Tasty Treats Among the Trees – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Filippos (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7 + completed Side Quests 027 & 043 & 052
- 064: A Most Distressing Dream – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Speio (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7 + completed Side Quest 051
- 065: A Love Supreme – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Thaumas (quest icon on map), Availability: CHapter 7 + completed Side Quest 046
- 066: Triton’s Lost Treasure – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Triton (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7 + completed Side Quest 050
- 067: A Cuttyfish Above – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Peleus (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7 + crafted 30 Melee Weapons at Evermore Weapon Workshop + completed Side Quest 047
- 068: You Can’t Make an Omelet… – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Persha (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7 + completed Side Quests 007 & 067
- 069: Daphne, Glaucus’s Biggest Fan – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 7
- 070: Sense and Sensibilities – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Halimede (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- 071: Thetis, Medicinal Merperson – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Thetis (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- 072: Chip the Child Prodigy – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Downtown), Quest Giver: Delivery Robot (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- 073: Oz Wants Out – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Downtown), Quest Giver: Oz (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- 074: Price’s Delayed Delivery – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Midtown), Quest Giver: Price (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- 075: Kent, the Magical Ore Analyst – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Downtown), Quest Giver: Kent (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- 076: An Upgrade for Andy – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Downtown), Quest Giver: Andrew (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- 077: Kimmy, the Cool-Headed Cop – Starting Location: Broadleaf, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 7
- 078: Bot on the Run – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Upper Midtown), Quest Giver: Cindy May (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- 079: Candy, the Spirit-Seeker – Starting Location: Broadleaf, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 7
- 080: The Search for Eternal Youth – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Uptown), Quest Giver: Krystal (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8 + completed Side Quests 089 & 104
- 081: Brodie’s Last Big Job – You get this quest automatically while doing Side Quest 094 (a Chapter 8 quest). During SQ 094 you are tasked with recruiting a weapons expert which leads you to Brodie. Then Brodie gives you SQ 081 which you must complete to recruit him.
- 082: Rumpel, the Village Vet – Starting Location: Greenglade Cave (click link for location screenshot) Quest Giver: Rumpel (enter Greenglade Cave and if you’ve completed Side Quest 60 the quest giver will be on the left side of the cave, marked with a quest icon), Availability: Chapter 7 + completed Side Quest 60
- 083: Lady Forget-a-Lot – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Cheerful Woman (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- 084: Head-to-Head in Hydropolis – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Big Runner (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- At the end of the run you need to jump down the left side of the bridge to take the lead
- 085: Green Fingers, Idle Hands – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Downtown), Quest Giver: Unemployed Gardener (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- 086: Bulking Up Batu-Style! – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Uptown), Quest Giver: Jared (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- 087: Do You Believe in Higgledies? – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Upper Downtown), Quest Giver: Hard-Working Young Woman (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- You need to cook up the higgledy “Droop the Drenched” (blue color) at the Higglery in Evermore. You must upgrade the Higgerly and research new Higgledy Cookbooks.
- 088: A Matter of Taste – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Midtown), Quest Giver: Robo Chef (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- 089: At the Cutting Edge – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Uptown), Quest Giver: Briana (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7
- 090: Tyran 4 Evermore: Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Chingis (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7 + completed Side Quest 031
- 091: The Great Higgledy Hunt – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Cindy May (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7 + completed Side Quest 078 & 033 + Castle Level 3
- Talk to the 5 colored higgledies in Castle Level 2 & Level 3 areas. Their locations are: Chirpy Ranch, Minig Camp No. 2, Spreading Lumberyard, Dispellery, Evermore Elite Barracks
- 092: Big Unveiling in Broadleaf – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Oz (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7 + completed Side Quest 073
- 093: New Model Armor – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Fai Do (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7 + completed Side Quest 015 & 016
- 094: Seeking Superior Weapons – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Nu Bi (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 7 + completed Side Quest 015 & 016
- 095: Da Xing, the Haughty Herbalist – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 9
- 096: Yip-Yip, the Master Tailor – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 8
- 097: Mylas’s Big Adventure – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Mylas (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8
- 098: Ladies Love Fabulous Phorkys – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Phorkys (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8
- 099: Hipponoe, the Shy Arist – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Hipponoe (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8
- 100: Sybilla, the Decisive Diver – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 8 + completed Side Quest 057
- 101: Drew, the Capable Cop – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 8
- 102: Eli, the Dapper Designer – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 8
- 103: Brooke, Committed Careerist – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Uptown), Quest Giver: Brooke (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8 + completed Side Quests 089 & 104
- 104: Briana, Bold Weapon Designer – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 8 + Side Quest 089
- 105: Francine, the Impresario – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 8
- 106: The World’s Best Buyer – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Midtown), Quest Giver: Café Regular / Morgan (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8
- 107: Furnest, the Inscrutable Author – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions (errands vendor), Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (unlike other quests from this vendor, he will gives this to you randomly when talking to him, you don’t need to trade in Tokens to get this quest. It doesn’t matter to what Swift Solutions Vendor you talk, you just need to have completed enough errands. I had done 84 errands, Availability: Chapter 8 + completed lots of errands (I had to do 84 errands).
- 108: Wolf-Poker Incarnate – Starting Location Capstan-upon-Hull, Quest Giver: Reckless Man (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8
- 109: Return to Sender – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Taverna Waitress (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8
- 110: Drakon in Distress – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Animal-Loving Girl (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8
- 111: Three-Minute Steaks – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Midtown), Quest Giver: Robo Chef (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8 + completed Side Quest 088
- 112: Healing Rifts with Higgledies – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Upper Downtown), Quest Giver: Higgledy-Loving Little Girl, Availability: Chapter 8 + completed Side Quest 087
- You need to bring her the Higgledy “Slingsby the Scorcher”. It is found from the Higgledy Stone at Broadleaf, Dynafloor No. 3 (Location Screenshot <– click link for location). You must feed a “Whole Milk” to it to get the Higgledy, can be farmed from Evermore’s Raucous Ranch.
- 113: Energy for Everyone! – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Uptown), Quest Giver: Experimental Nutritionist (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8
- 114: Man at Work – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Uptown), Quest Giver: Man at Work (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8
- 115: A Not-So-Watchful Eye – Starting Location: East Wood (click link for location screenshot), Quest Giver: Monster Inspector (upon entering the East Wood this quest will trigger automatically), Availability: Chapter 8
- 116: The Secrets of the Sauce – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Floyd (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8 + completed Side Quest 029
- 117: The Sweet Stink of Success – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Morgan (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8 + completed Side Quest 106
- You need to find a pair of smelly shoes. These are a random drop from treasure boxes and monsters. User aazel has reported in the comment section that the best place to get them is by opening red treasure boxes in Dreamer’s Mazes. It’s still random though. Luckily, this quest is not needed to get all 100 citizens.
- 118: Building Up to an Attack – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Gao Jia (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8
- 119: Sweet Salvation – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Thetis (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + Side Quests 018, 071, 095
- 120: Rocking the Boats – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Ketch (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8
- 121: Tying the Knot – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Yip-Yip (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 8 + completed Side Quest 096
- 122: Ya Pi, the Proud Soldier – Starting Location: Goldpaw, Quest Giver: Ya Pi (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9
- 123: The Goddess of Good Luck – Starting Location: Goldpaw (inside the casino!), Quest Giver: Yo Ho-Ho (enter the casino in the middle of Goldpaw and talk to the lady near the exit), Availability: Chapter 9
- 124: Callianeira, Priestess of Water – Starting Location: Hydropolis (Palace), Quest Giver: Callianeira (travel to upper level via elevator), Availability: Chapter 9
- 125: Trey’s Missing Memolith – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Downtown), Quest Giver: Trey (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9
- 126: Jared, the Elite Officer – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 9 & Side Quest 086 done
- 127: Alexis, the Hard-Nosed Cop – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 9
- 128: Norbert, the Future Historian – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 9
- 129: Klaus, the Master Merchant – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 9
- 130: Raxel, One-Eyed Mercenary – Starting Location: Ding Dong Dell, Quest Giver: Raxel (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9
- 131: The Engraver’s Riddle – Starting Location: Ding Dong Dell, Quest Giver: Grampuss (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + Research a high Accessory level at Outfitter
- You need to give him an Underdog’s Ring which you can craft at the Outfitter in Evermore (must research accessories to unlock it)
- 132: Grimm’s Determination – Starting Location: Ding Dong Dell, Quest Giver: Guard on Patrol / Grimm (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9
- 133: Ritter’s Got Tailor’s Block! – Starting Location: Ding Dong Dell, Quest Giver: Ritter (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9
- 134: Pollution Solution – Starting Location: Ding Dong Dell, Quest Giver: Roden (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9
- 135: The Misunderstood Magician – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 9
- 136: Kitty, the Bubbly Baker – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 9
- 137: The People’s Pâtissière – Starting Location: Ding Dong Dell, Quest Giver: Rosamund (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9
- 138: Marlene, Good Girl Gone Bad – Starting Location: Ding Dong Dell, Quest Giver: Injured Soldier / Marlene (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9
- 139: Lady Trudy, Charming Farmer – Starting Location: any Swift Solutions, Quest Giver: Swift Solutions (do errands and trade in Tokens of Gratitude to get this quest), Availability: Chapter 9
- 140: Taming Tyger – Starting Location: Hermit’s Hollow (click link for location), Quest Giver: Tyger (enter Hermit’s Hollow cave to the north-east of Ding-Dong Dell), Availability: Chapter 9
- 141: The Tainted Wyvern – Starting Location: Sky Pirates’ Base, Quest Giver: Sky Pirate in the Know (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9
- 142: The Perfect Present – Starting Location: Goldpaw (inside the Casino!), Quest Giver: Work-Obsessed Croupier, (enter the casino in the middle of Goldpaw and talk to the guy behind the gaming table), Availability: Chapter 9
- 143: Make My Sister Smile Again – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Upper Downtown), Quest Giver: Hard-Working Young Woman (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + completed Side Quests 087 & 112.
- You need to cook up the higgledy “Jumblie the Lovely” (yellow color) at the Higglery in Evermore. You must upgrade the Higgerly and research new Higgledy Cookbooks. The Sour Salts ingredient can be bought from a vendor in Hydropolis, the rest can be farmed in Evermore.
- 144: The Dark Side of Development – Starting Location: Broadleaf (Lower Downtown), Quest Giver. Brisk Employee (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9
- 145: Fresh Fish Suppers for All! – Starting Location: Ding Dong Dell, Quest Giver: Hootenanny (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9
- 146: Time for Tea – Starting Location: Ding Dong Dell, Quest Giver: Flustered Mother (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9
- You must find 4 children. One at the Ding Dong Dell entrance on the little island on the right side, one behind the shop keeper’s tent (near errand giver), one running in circles around the water in the middle of Ding Dong Dell, one standing at the water in the middle of Ding Dong Dell. If you need screenshots, see Children Locations.
- 147: The Bandits are Back… Again! – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Chingis (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + completed Side Quest 090
- 148: Power Dressing – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Trey (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + Side Quest 125
- 149: An Unexpected Windfall – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Price (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + completed Side Quest 074
- 150: On Cold Ground – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Lady Trudy (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + Side Quests 003 & 139
- 151: Almost Too Good to Be True… – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Niall (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9
- 152: Ding-Dong vs. Ding Dong Bell – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Raxel (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + Side Quest 130
- 153: A Gruff, Gruff Grandad – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Bai Gaon (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + Side Quests 081, 093, 094
- 154: Nu Bi’s Crisis of Confidence – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Brodie (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + Side Quests 081, 093, 094
- 155: Toil and Trouble – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Grisella (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + Side Quest 135
- 156: Longing for Lustrous Locks – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Brooke (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + Side Quest 103 & 123
- 157: Wish Upon a Stone – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Klaus (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + Side Quest 129
- 158: Dressed to Kill – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Ritter (quest icon on map), Availability: Chapter 9 + Side Quest 133
- 159: A Man of Many Names – Starting Location: Capstan-upon-Hull, Quest Giver: Sin-Gul (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY
- His name is: Sin-Donwaribihapi-Tstaykenmayt-Haoozbiznis-Sbinawile-Watsamata-Gul
- 160: Dekkah’s Grand Tour – Starting Location: Rolling Hills (click link for exact location, it’s in the open world near Ding Dong Dell), Quest Giver: Dekkah, Availability: AFTER STORY
- You have to bring him a Steak Dinner. I found this in a treasure chest in Rolling Hills area, not far from the quest giver. Just fly around with Zippelin and open all treasure chests in the area. Alternatively, it can be cooked in Evermore. Next you have to get him some Lucky Lobster, Hydropolition Stew, Executive Steak, Cooey Curries. All of these can be cooked in Evermore. The ingredients can easily be farmed in Evermore or be bought from the General Store in Evermore.
- 161: Testing the One True King – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Senturi (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY + Castle Level 3
- 162: Tyran’s Lament – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Chingis (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY + Side Quest 147
- 163: Kingdom of Crystal Seas – Starting Location: Hydropolis, Quest Giver: Environmental Inspector, Availability: AFTER STORY
- 164: A Tall Order – Starting Location: Ding Dong Dell, Quest Giver: Easy-Going Servant (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY
- 165: A Higgledy and a Half – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Da Xing (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY + Castle Level 3 + Side Quests 091 & 095
- There are 5 higgledies in Evermore, their locations are: Mining Camp No. 4, Fine Fish Market, Ship-Shape Shipyard, Evermoria Gardens, Castle Entrance (behind Weapon Workshop)
- 166: A Blossoming Art Career – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Hipponoe (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY + Side Quest 099
- You need to find an Opal Huebloom, this can be found in the 10th Dreamer’s Maze on Faraway Isle (island to the right of Broadleaf, enter the Dreamer Door in the woods after completing the first 9 Doors). It’s a random item pickup inside the Maze, just walk over the golden sparkles and you’ll randomly get high-rank materials.
- 167: Legend of the Bright Bellies – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Furnest (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY + Side Quest 107
- You must cook him a “Sultan’s Crown” at the Evermore Cookshop. The ingredients for it are rare but can all be found in the 10th Dreamer’s Maze on Faraway Isle (island to the right of Broadleaf, enter the Dreamer Door in the woods after completing the first 9 Doors. Then walk over the golden glittering stuff on the floor to get random items).
- 168: Currying Favor – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Norbert (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY + Side Quest 128
- 169: Sap for the Zapper – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Alexis (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY + Side Quest 127
- You need to find an Aromatic Sap, this can be found in the 10th Dreamer’s Maze on Faraway Isle (island to the right of Broadleaf, enter the Dreamer Door in the woods after completing the first 9 Doors). It’s a random item pickup inside the Maze, just walk over the golden sparkles and you’ll randomly get high-rank materials. Alternatively, it can be farmed from a fully upgraded Towering Lumberyard but this requires Castle Level 4 and you must have found all 100 citizens to upgrade it.
- 170: The Divine Silence – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Fai Do & Nu Bi (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY + Side Quests 153 & 154
- 171: A Costume Fit for a Consul – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Grimm (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY + Upgraded Castle to Level 4
- 172: Pretty as a Princess – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Halimede (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY + Upgraded Castle to Level 4
- 173: Classy Cloud Snake Clobber – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Jared (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY + Upgraded Castle to Level 4
- 174: Jazzing Up the Junior Consil – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Kent (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY + Upgraded Castle to Level 4
- 175: Outfit Upgrade for Bracken – Starting Location: Evermore, Quest Giver: Andrew (quest icon on map), Availability: AFTER STORY + Upgraded Castle to Level 4
And those are all 175 Side Quests in Ni No Kuni 2.
For more Ni No Kuni 2 guides, check out the full Ni No Kuni 2 Wiki.
Corey says
Quest 65 is a love Supreme from thaumasin kingdom
PowerPyx says
Thanks, it’s updated now.
Roger says
#065 – A Love Supreme
Quest Giver – Thaumas outside of the Hyper Hubble-Bubblery in Evermore.
Not aware of conditions for this one, just showed up, didn’t take notice of what exactly I did.
PowerPyx says
Added, thanks!
Kubus says
I just unlocked Quest 65 right after I crafted 30 melee weapons at the blacksmith in Evermore to complete sidequest 140. It appeared on the map at the same time as quest 68. So I think the requirements for unlocking sidequest 65 are the same as 68 (crafted 30 melee weapons + completed sidequest 67)
Sunny says
I can second that.
Druidean says
Quest 65 has got to do with a specific weapon crafted in the weapon shop, it is not ‘random’ albeit that I do not remember which specific weapon it was (it was atleast a spear). <3
Ruan says
Hey, i can’t unlock sidequest 107. I already completed 128 Errands and he doesn’t give it to me.
Cat says
There is actually a task chain that triggers sidequest 107. For reference I was in chapter 8 with about 80 tasks completed when I picked up on this chain. All three tasks in this sequence will mention a “celebrated writer” in the task detail, so look out for that.
– the first task requires turning in 1 Cosmic Peas, I forgot the actual task name, but pay attention to “celebrated writer” in the task description.
– turn in first task, then look for a task called “What Cotton”, that requires a frostyfluff cotton.
– turn in second task, and you’ll be offered the final task called “Sickening for Silk”, requiring a spectral silk.
Speak to the taskmaster again after turning in the third/final task, and he should give you sidequest 107 to recruit Furnest.
WinnieKawaii says
Anyone figure out 117, where is the pair of smelly shoes located?
Cat says
They’re random mob drop or chest loot with the “stinky” curse, so it’s all RNG where and when you’ll find a pair. Some people are close to the plat without ever finding a pair.
aazel says
Best place for stinky shoes is random red chest in mazes. Found it at the 4th and 6th maze even after giving back the quest.
G Monkey says
How many total skirmishes are there?
PowerPyx says
Maybe 53 (I did all 43 unique ones and 7 Evermore Defense Missions which just kept spawning new defense skirmishes, dunno for how long these defenses keep coming).
G Monkey says
Idk why I am unable to complete Criminal Capture Bandit Gang which is a level 16 and my guys are 51! Gordo has whooped me bout more than ten times! Sigh
Hartgroove says
Quest #051: Speio, Priestess in Training may glitch, it happened to me and for some other people.
When it says learn Rejuvenate spell, make a separate save, because when you do quest may not update and you will not be able to complete it. Hopefully it will be patched soon.
Peter says
This bug happens in a way that links quest #051 and #080. Both of these quests require the rejuvenate spell. Basically, it occurs if you have both these quests active at the same time. You’ll still be able to do #080, but you’ll be stuck with #051 not completing forever.
A surefire way to avoid it, is to do #51, and DO NOT trigger the start of #080 until #51 is fully done and rejuvenate spell is learned.
PowerPyx says
Thanks, I will add a note about that in the guide!
Peter says
Yeah … this bug really sucks, as there’s no real way to “undo” an active quest. And not completing this quest has so many downstream implications since Speio is such an important citizen to completing various other trophy earning objectives. This quest appears midway through the whole game, and the only way for now to backtrack is to restart. This is practically game breaking for me.
I am really holding out hope that Level 5 will issue a patch at some point.
Peter says
This bug has now been fixed by the latest patch (1.0.2) on the PS4
Hartgroove says
Exactly, i had those 2 quests active, both objectives was to learn the spell, so i did and only 1 updated. I don’t have a separate save file, so i decided to write to BANDAI NAMCO support.
Current game version is v1.01
Here is the answer i got:
“Please note that the developers are aware of this issue and they’re currently working on releasing a software update which fixes this.
We kindly ask you to be patient as this is going to take some time.”
krissy says
rosehip tart can only be cooked after dekkah gives you the cookbook in sidequest 160.
Jesse says
Quest 114 Man at Work turns into Quest 114 Screw Loose. Anyone know what to give this guy?
RapThor says
I believe you can give him any stuff. Evan made up some story with the item. (Headless screw and such nonsense haha)
Alex says
Hey guys, can I get platinum without completing mission 117(smelly shoes)? Spent 2 hours of grinding… no luck. Thanks.
PowerPyx says
Yes you can get platinum without doing this quest. I still had it open myself when the platinum popped, it’s not important.
BevertjeNL says
sidequest 086 is needed to make sidequest 126 appear at swift solutions.
its a pain to find out why it didnt show for me the whole time especially if its my last citizen
PowerPyx says
Thanks, I added a note to it.
Talal says
ok guys the cosmic peas are really killing me , anyone can help how to get it ? some ppl say its from death door at calmlands but i have been farming there for like 2 straight hours and nothing is it really there ? and is it a drop or casually farm the brighty spots in the cave ?
NIK911 says
Could you tell me why the side quest 31 doesn’t start? I’m collected all citizen, but the last citizen may be available after completing a chain of side quests starting at 31.
Timoteo says
I got the same bug, when Grant and Karo gave me the quest of Karo, they stuck in front of the castle. And Grant never gave me the quest n 31.
Nathaniel says
Some specifics on those three quests that people asked about:
#65 – unlocked when you make the Lullaby lance
#67 – unlocked when you make the Cuttyfleche
#68- unlocked when you make the Mom’s favorite pan