There are 20 Vaultlander Figure Locations in New Tales from the Borderlands. Finding the first 16 that are not tied to pre-order or online bonuses unlocks the “Not Dolls. Action Figures!“ trophy and achievement. The other 4 Vaultlanders come as a pre-order bonus, from using online SHIFT codes, and for starting a new game, but they do not count for the trophy and achievement.
Here are the locations for all Vaultlanders:
Vaultlander #1: Phuong
Automatically unlocked during the escape from the spaceship in Episode 1.
Vaultlander #2: Claptrap
In Episode 1 Chapter 3, right after you escape the spaceship you will be in a marketplace as Octavio. Do NOT interact with the radio just yet. Instead, talk to Paco and your other friends. After you help Paco find his friend, he will give you a Vaultlander finder, now go to the opposite of Paco’s truck and pick up Claptrap from the garbage heap.
Vaultlander #3: Amara
In Episode 1 Chapter 3, you will reach a point where you walk around as Fran inside the restaurant and show the insurance lady the damage. You can’t miss this part. On the opposite of the Jukebox, there is some Rubble on the ground. Inspect it once with /
, after that interact with
to get this Vaultlander.
Vaultlander #4: Zane
In Episode 2 Chapter 3 you will have your first Vaultlander fight in the sewers in order to proceed with the story. You can’t miss this part. You MUST win this fight to get this figure. This is the first out of six fights for And Still Champion… .
Vaultlander #5: Vasquez
During Episode 3 Chapter 2 you will have to search parts for a gun inside Fran’s shop. Interact with the fridge in the storage room behind the bar to start a Vaultlander fight. You MUST win this fight to get this figure. This is the second out of six fights for And Still Champion… .
Vaultlander #6: Roland
During Episode 3 Chapter 6 you will be inside a Morgue. Interact with the cold locker around the corner to start a Vaultlander fight. You MUST win this fight to get this figure. This is the third out of six fights for And Still Champion… .
Vaultlander #7: Maya
During Episode 4 Chapter 3 you will be in a laboratory. take it from the table at the end of the room.
Vaultlander #8: Mordecai
In Episode4 Chapter 4, when playing as Fran in the new Fran’s Frogurt shop, interact with the cash register to find the Vaultlander.
Vaultlander #9: Brick
Also in Episode4 Chapter 4, next to the cash register from the previous Vaultlander, is a car trunk. Defeat the Badass Superfan hiding in here to get this Vaultlander. This is the fourth out of six fights for And Still Champion… .
Vaultlander #10: Moze
The last Vaultlander in this Episode is also in Chapter 4. When reuniting with L0U13, a Badass Superfan will challenge you to a fight. Defeat him to get the Vaultlander. This fight is story related. You can’t miss it. This is also the fifth out of six fights for And Still Champion… .
Vaultlander #11: Handsome Jack
In Episode 5 Chapter 4 inside Susan’s office interact with the Vaultlander on the red “X” on the floor. Defeat the Badass Superfan to get the Vaultlander. This is the sixth and final fight for And Still Champion… .
Vaultlander #12: Krieg
In Episode 5 Chapter 4, when rescuing Anu from a surgical table you NEED to TACKLE Stapleface when prompted and she’ll give you Krieg.
Vaultlander #13: Lilith
Finishing the Game with Anu and Octavio relathionship of 50% or more.
Vaultlander #14: Fiona
Finishing the Game with Anu and Fran relathionship of 50% or more.
Vaultlander #15: Ellie
Finishing the Game with Octavio and Fran relathionship of 50% or more.
Vaultlander #16: Zer0
Finishing the Game with a Skateboard score of 75% or more.
Vaultlander #17: Fl4k
He was a pre-order bonus for this game. (does not count for Not Dolls. Action Figures!)
Vaultlander #18: Hot Loader Vaultlander
Only available via Shift code giveaway on Gearbox Twitter account. (does not count for Not Dolls. Action Figures!)
Vaultlander #19: Axton
Only available via Shift code giveaway on Borderlands Twitter account. (does not count for Not Dolls. Action Figures!)
Vaultlander #20: Salvador
Automatically unlocked when starting the game (does not count for Not Dolls. Action Figures!)
That’s all 20 Vaultlanders in New Tales from the Borderlands. After getting the first 16 you will earn the “Not Dolls. Action Figures!” and achievement.
For more guides check out New Tales from the Borderlands Trophy Guide & Roadmap.
d2thamax says
I didn’t unlock Ellie the first time I had Octavia & Fran’s friendship over 50% but I’ve just unlocked her on my 2nd play through with it over 50% and on the same play through I finished with a skateboard score of 80% and the true ending but I didn’t unlock Zero!
OTPYG says
Same here. Didn’t unlock Ellie despite meeting the requirements.
Slayfil543 says
I have my Skateboard score at 80% and everyone’s relationship is above 60%, but I don’t have Fiona or Zero’s figures. Any help with this?
Clif Watson says
Not a fan of this Skateboard Score fiasco and seeming inconsistencies. I finished my play through at Skateboard 78% and relationships 57%, 60% 71% BUT I only unlocked Lilith and Ellie. My hope here is that if I just replay Episode 5 and follow an 80% guide then *magically* that will trip the Fiona and Zer0.
Lucibur says
I’m only missing Zer0 currently, I read somewhere that said you have to accept the shard as Anu in the last chapter of episode 5. So I’m putting that to the test to see how that plays out.
Kevin says
I missed a vaultlander can I go back to the point in the game where I get it grab it and back out or do I have to play through the rest of the episode?
BodyChipper says
I restarted a section once after getting a vaultlander and when replaying the battle it said I already had it, so I would say yes, you can