Need for Speed Unbound Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 40 – 50 hours (largely dependent on how optimized you want to be with story progression and how long Online takes)
- Offline Trophies: 32 ( 3
, 7
, 22
) (Story trophies may not pop offline, try to stay connected to online if possible)
- Online Trophies: 10 (1
, 1
, 1
, 7
- Total Trophies: 42 (1
, 4
, 8
, 29
- Number of missable trophies: None, if you don’t meet the requirement for a Qualifier/The Grand you’re put back on Friday to try again
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can complete Story on Relaxed difficulty
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 Story playthrough + minimum 25 Online Series completions (75 races total)
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Game is only available on PS5
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Game is only available on PS5
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, you keep playing the weekly schedule after finishing the story
- Release Date: November 29, 2022 (Palace Edition), December 02, 2022 (Standard Edition)
Welcome to the Need for Speed Unbound Trophy Guide! The sequel to Need for Speed Heat, and the first game on (and only on) current-gen consoles. This is the first game since NFS Rivals to be directly developed by Criterion after the prior developer Ghost Games (now EA Gothenburg) being returned to the role as a support studio for other titles. Though even with the developer change back to Criterion this is still very much in line with the games Ghost had made, keeping a lot of the ideas and setups from Heat.
If you played Heat then you will largely know what to expect trophy-wise. You will need to complete the story mode, collect 260 collectibles and complete 160 open-world activities with a 3-star rating. The online employs a lobby setup with separate progress from the single player. Some of the trophies can be annoying, but you can boost wins with other players if needed to get those out of the way.
Step 1: Story Mode
Finish the Story first. You can do either Story or Online first, but starting out in Story would be best so you can familiarize yourself with the game world a bit and get used to the controls. You’ll need to complete the Prologue before Activities and Collectibles start appearing in Story, so don’t worry they don’t seem to exist if you try looking for them early.
The story employs a calender setup for progression, where you start the week on Sunday daytime, then alternate completing races during the day and night to earn rewards and progress to Saturday, where you complete a Qualifier or The Grand in week 4. These require you have a minimum amount of money for buy-in, as well as having a car of a specific tier (or all 4 tiers for The Grand). While progressing through the weeks you should keep your old car in the tier it’s in, then set up a new car for the next tier so that you know you’ll have the 4 required. If you mess up and either don’t have enough money for the buy-in on Saturday or fail to win the race the game puts you back on Friday to try again, so you can’t completely “fail” in the story or get stuck.
Step 2: Collectible and Activity Cleanup
You should work on doing all of the Collectible and Activity cleanup in the story next. This is because you get a bunch of extra cars The progress between these is shared between Story and Online, but completing them in Story during the day is the easier option since you can use a fully upgraded S+ tier car easily and won’t be bugged by other players. There are 260 Collectibles and 160 Activities, you need a 3-Star Rating on all Activities.
Step 3: Online Mode
The Online in NFS Unbound has totally separate progress from the Story this time, but the “bonus” vehicles from some things in the story like the Qualifiers and for completing all Collectibles and Actvities are given for you for free in the Multiplayer. This means you’ll have a bunch of extra cars to use and sell, and even earn the trophy for having 10 cars immediately if you completed everything in Story mode first.
You will need to complete a total of 25 series for the trophy Mixtape, and can complete all the other requirements within that 25 series. If you do Online before Story and want to avoid spending extra time on griding, DON’T SPEND ANY MONEY until you have $243,000 banked. Using this you can buy 9 of the cheapest car available from the start ($27,000 each) to earn the trophy for having 10 cars in your online garage. You can then sell all these cars then spend $157,500 to upgrade your online garage. At that point, you can then spend money on whatever you want. If you do complete Story first you can do whatever you want with your cars, keep and sell whatever you like.
If you need to you can boost Online wins with other players, but unfortunately you can’t entirely boost completing a race with 7 other players as parties at launch are limited to 4 players, so you’ll need to try and have other online players join your races to meet the 8 total players.
See Need for Speed Unbound All Collectibles & Activity Locations.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
Need for Speed Unbound Trophy Guide
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The Need for Speed! The Need for Speed! |
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Earn all other trophies in Need for Speed Unbound to unlock Platinum (no DLC required). | ||||
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The Bear Champ Smash all bear collectibles |
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This trophy is awarded for destroying all 100 Bears there are available to find in NFS Unbound. These are large human-sized inflatable bears that can be found around the game world. If you played NFS Heat these take place of the Flamingo collectibles in that game.
For Bears and the other collectibles, you will see a green circle on your minimap when you are within the area of them, helping you to find the location. Bears are basically always on ground level, typically in parking lots or other areas near roads. The Bears are then also represented on the map with an icon that looks like the head of a bear. For a map showing the location of Bears and other collectibles, along with individual locations if needed, you can check out the following page: |
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Most Wanted Escape a Heat 5 cop chase |
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This trophy is awarded for escaping any Heat 5 cop chase. This is practically guaranteed during story progression, as high payout races increase heat further, and you will quite often be stuck in a chase after completing a race that you need to escape from to continue racing or return to the garage.
Escaping chases in NFS Unbound can sometimes be frustrating due to how relentless the police can be, especially at Heat 5. Outrunning isn’t extremely viable until you are driving S or S+ tier vehicles, so you will need to be craft about ramming them or getting them stuck. Going off jumps helps, especially long jumps if you spot them. When helicopters show up you can continue driving and they will leave after a short period, allowing you to continue escaping. When this happens and no other cops are near you it is possible to pull into a spot hidden from the road and turn off your engine with |
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New Crew Complete Qualifier 1 |
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Story-related, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded for completing the Qualifier at the end of Week 1. This qualifier requires having an A tier car, along with $20,000 for buy-in. This and the other two qualifiers consist of a set of 3 races in a row, with the slowest two/three racers being eliminated in the first two races. This means you don’t actually need to win all three races, just the final one (there’s not any extra reward for placement during the first two races). If you need you are allowed to use restarts during the qualifier and it will just restart the current race, not make you start all 3 races over. If you don’t have enough cash for the buy-in on Saturday or fail to win the race and run out of restarts, the game will put you back on Friday night so that you can try again, meaning that you can’t get stuck and need to restart the story or anything like that. |
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Oh, It’s On Complete Qualifier 2 |
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Story-related, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded for completing the Qualifier at the end of Week 2. This qualifier requires having an A+ tier car, along with $50,000 for buy-in. |
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Lake Better Watch Out Complete Qualifier 3 |
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Story-related, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded for completing the Qualifier at the end of Week 3. This qualifier requires having an S tier car, along with $100,000 for buy-in. |
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Found Family Complete the Grand |
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Story-related, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded for completing the Grand at the end of Week 4, which is the final story-related weekend series. This requires you having one of each of the prior 3 tiers of cars, along with an S+ tier and $200,000 for buy-in. The Grand is a series of 4 races this time, one in each tier of car. This is why it’s recommended you just make a new car for each tier instead of upgrading the prior one because then you don’t really need to worry about re-upgrading lower levels of cars. You can upgrade the lower-level cars with things like Differential and Auxillary parts though as these don’t actually increase car ratings, but still provide bonuses. You can then also tune cars to favor grip which is more useful during races. Otherwise, the races are the same as the Qualifiers. Slower races are eliminated in the earlier races, with the final race being just the top 3, which you then need to come in first to win. |
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Hey Lakeshore Complete the prologue |
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Story-related, cannot be missed.
This is awarded for completing the prologue, which is the short section you play through right at the start of the story. The game introduces you to the basic setup of starting races and how they work, along with upgrading your vehicle. Once you complete the prologue all the money you currently have is taken away, so don’t worry to much about doing every single possible event to earn cash. |
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Adbusting Break all billboard collectibles |
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This trophy is awarded for destroying all 80 Billboards there are available to find in NFS Unbound. These are large billboards that can be in multiple locations such as attached to the sides of bridges or on posts off the ground. On one side there is an image of a man in sunglasses, and on the other side is typically graffiti. Once you’ve collected a billboard it will reappear when returning to the area later, but the image on the front will now have graffiti on it. Most require going off nearby jumps to reach them, as all but a handful of ones on posts have concrete at the bottom which prevents you from just running through them. Billboards are represented on the map with an icon that looks like a billboard.
For a map showing the location of Billboards and other collectibles, along with individual locations if needed, you can check out the following page: |
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Heaven Spot Collect all street art collectibles |
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This trophy is awarded for collecting all 80 Street Art pickups there are available to find in NFS Unbound. Street Art are large images that you can find on the sides of structures with a ladder sitting in front of them. They are collected by driving near them (generally you can run into the ladder to find the spot) and then hitting ![]() For a map showing the location of Street Art and other collectibles, along with individual locations if needed, you can check out the following page: |
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In The Zone Get 3 stars on all Speed Run activities |
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This trophy requires you to earn 3 stars on all 30 Speed Run activities in NFS Unbound. Speed Runs operate similarly to previous games, where you need to meet an average top speed over a stretch of road, instead of just at one point like Speed Traps. You can basically do the same thing though, and start farther down the road from the start point to get up speed, then race through the Speed Run area. Speed Runs can be started from either end of the area, so if you aren’t getting a good enough run up from one side you can attempt from the other side.
For all activity types, it’s easiest if you just wait until Week 4 where you can set up an S+ tier car with maxed stats. This makes the 3 star requirement on most of the activities very easy, as they are typically a decent amount lower than the “Rival” requirement which isn’t needed for any trophies. Whatever car you use is basically a personal preference, just make sure you have everything upgraded to the highest level part, then you can tune your car fully to grip setting which is better for cornering and top speed. The only activity this doesn’t apply for is Drift Zones, but you can just tune the handling setting as far toward drift as it can go. For a map showing the location of all Speed Runs and other activities, along with individual locations if needed, you can check out the following page: |
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Frequent Flyer Get 3 stars on all Long Jump activities |
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This trophy requires you to earn 3 stars on all 45 Long Jump activities in NFS Unbound. Long Jumps operate similarly to previous games, where you will have a ramp you need to jump off of and reach a specific distance traveled in the jump for the star levels. The majority of jumps have paths leading up to them, so you can make your way back up to the end of the path before taking the jump.
For a map showing the location of all Long Jumps and other activities, along with individual locations if needed, you can check out the following page: |
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Catch My Drift Get 3 stars on all Drift Zone activities |
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This trophy requires you to earn 3 stars on all 35 Drift Zone activities in NFS Unbound. Drift Zones operate similarly to previous games, where you have a specific area you race through and need to drift for a certain distance within the area. Some zones are circuits in a small area, and others have you follow a certain section of road. Drift Zones are timed and you need to complete the full zone for your score to count, so it’s recommended you purposely set up a high-level drift car for these to make sure you can complete them quickly enough and with enough drift. If you don’t want to do that you can just tune the handling on your normal high level car towards drift, and purchase drift oriented tires if you want to tune it slightly farther.
For a map showing the location of all Drift Zones and other activities, along with individual locations if needed, you can check out the following page: |
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Caught On Camera Get 3 stars on all Speed Trap activities |
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This trophy requires you to earn 3 stars on all 50 Speed Trap activities in NFS Unbound. Speed Traps operate similarly to previous games, where you have a point on a road you need to drive through at high speed for the star levels. You can basically just follow the road in one direction away from the Speed Trap location, then drive back at high speed to meet the requirement.
For a map showing the location of all Speed Traps and other activities, along with individual locations if needed, you can check out the following page: |
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Cleaning Up Collect all collectibles and get 3 stars on all activities |
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This trophy is awarded for collecting all 260 collectibles and getting 3-star ratings in all 160 activities. This means that you will automatically earn this trophy once you have earned all of the following:
You can check the following page for large maps of all collectible and activity locations, as well as pages that include images of each individual collectible and activity map location if needed: |
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Serious Guap Bank $75,000 during one session |
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This trophy requires you to bank at least $75,000 when returning to the garage after a single Day or Night session. You may get this during normal play if you complete a lot of activities or grab a lot of collectibles early, but if you don’t you are actually guaranteed to earn it after completing the second Qualifier at the end of Week 2 as the reward for winning is $100,000. | ||||
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Cash Money Millionaire Earn $1,000,000 in story mode |
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This trophy is awarded for earning a total of $1,000,000 during story mode. This is cumulative, you don’t need to have a million dollars at one time. There unfortunately isn’t a way to track this total unless you decide to do it manually, but you are basically guaranteed to earn this during the story. When you earn it will depend on how optimized you decide to be with progression and whether you do lots of extra races. If you do it’s possible to earn it before completing the second Qualifier, if you don’t and only do the bare minimum you’ll still earn it before or when completing the Grand. | ||||
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Flow Master Score 250,000 during a Takeover event |
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This trophy is awarded for scoring at least 250,000 points during any Takeover event. Takeover is an event type similar to drift events from prior games, but you also score points for things like running into specific green and purple obstacles and for getting air. You are introduced to this automatically during Week 1 of the story.
250,000 points is quite a bit in Takeover, and is basically impossible until you are in Week 2 or 3 with higher-level cars, along with much longer events compared to the ones available in Week 1. Some tips for how to do this are as follows:
If you are having issues doing this in Takeover you can also try in Drift events, which also count even though they aren’t specified. Setting up an S+ drift car makes scoring in drift events quite easy, then you also don’t need to worry about the obstacle scoring aspects of Takeover events. |
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In the Flow Score 200,000 during a Takeover event |
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This trophy is awarded for scoring at least 200,000 points during any Takeover event. | ||||
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Rebel Without a Pause Complete 30 street races in story mode |
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Street races are a specific type of race in the game, where you typically race through the city or the suburban areas of the city. If you aren’t avoiding doing extra races you’ll likely earn this without trying during the progression of the story, but if not you can just specifically watch out for these races which are denoted by the icon of a triangle with an arrow pointing up in it. | ||||
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Style it Out Complete 10 Takeover events |
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This trophy is awarded for completing a total of 10 Takeover events during the story. Unless you are specifically avoiding them you will likely earn this through normal story progression. Takeover events typically have a high payout and are relatively easy once you understand how they work, so it’s recommended you still play them even after completing 10. Note that the “practice” events during the day do also count towards this, even though they only award $500. | ||||
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Rydell’s Rydes Fully upgrade your story garage |
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This trophy is awarded for fully upgrading your garage in story mode. Upgrading your garage allows you to buy higher-level upgrades, with three tiers of upgrades available once fully upgraded. This is done by going to Rides > Performance > Upgrade garage. The upgrade tiers are Pro costing $7,500, Super costing $50,000, and Elite costing $100,000, for a total of $157,500
It isn’t recommended that you worry about doing this right away in the story. You aren’t actually able to upgrade your cars past the level required for the weekly qualifier, which means that using parts of a higher level is not really worth it. You can just upgrade the garage one tier per week so that you are doing the Elite upgrade in Week 3, though if you are doing as many races as possible and have a ton of extra money in Week 2 you can do the upgrade then if you really want. |
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Escape Artist Escape a Heat 5 cop chase in an A+ car |
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The trophy is the same requirement as Most Wanted, just you need to specifically be in an A+ tier car. You are automatically chased by cops after races quite often, so you are guaranteed to get this through normal gameplay. | ||||
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Public Enemy Take down 5 cops within a single session |
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This trophy is awarded for taking down a total of 5 cops during a single day or night session during the story. If you don’t manage to earn this during normal gameplay, the easiest way to take down cops is to just run into them while not in a chase. This is generally the easiest way to deal with them overall and avoid chases to begin with, because you will instantly wreck everything except the highest level heavy vehicle if you run into them at a decent speed. | ||||
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Untouchable Escape 50 cop chases |
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This trophy is awarded for escaping a total of 50 cop chases in story mode. Unless you are specifically avoiding extra races to complete the story faster, it is basically guaranteed that you will escape this many chases during normal gameplay, as around half the time you will automatically be in a chase at the end of races.
There isn’t a single place to track this total, but if you want you can check the challenge menu under the Skill category where there are challenges for escapes in each Heat tier. Add the total together to know how many times you’ve escaped chases. |
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Access All Areas Fully upgrade your Lakeshore Online garage |
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This same requirement as Rydell’s Rides, but the for your Lakeshore Online garage. It is highly recommended you do this AFTER earning the trophy for owning 10 cars at once, as unless you are planning to play the online past trophies you basically won’t need the higher level of upgrades. Purchasing the cars first allows you to sell them back, then you can use this money to upgrade the garage and you can worry about saving less money. If you completed everything in Story first then you’ll have a bunch of extra cars from things such as winning the Qualifiers/the Grand and completing all Activities and Collectibles, which you can then sell and only keep the ones you like.
The cost to upgrade the garage is the same as story mode, so Pro costs $7,500, Super costs $50,000, and Elite costs $100,000, for a total of $157,500 required to fully upgrade the garage. |
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Full House Complete a Lakeshore Online playlist with 7 other players |
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This trophy is awarded for completing a full 3 race playlist with a full group of 8 players. This can be frustrating as there is no general matchmaking and you are only facing the players in your current lobby if they decide to join the race, and can’t fully be boosted as at launch you can only make parties of 4 players, meaning you need other players in the lobby to still join. No players can leave during the playlist either, you need to finish the third race with all 8 players still in the race (though they can DNF during races and it still counts).
You shouldn’t specifically worry about this until you are finished or close to finishing your 25 playlists for Mixtape, but you can aim to join playlists started by other players if a number of others are joining. If you need to specifically go out of your way to try this, I found the best method was to wait for other players in the lobby to start playlists, joining immediately and waiting through the countdown to see how many players join. If not enough join you can quit the countdown with 1 second left and try again. If it seems not a lot of players are joining you can check on the map and beside player icons it will show a checkered flag if the players are currently in a race, so if many are you can try waiting for them to finish or find a new lobby by quitting to the main menu. Once you do get into a race with enough players, I’d recommend staying in last place the entire time to try and bait players to stay in. Players are more likely to quit if they fall way behind, but if there’s still someone else behind them they’re less likely to quit. If you DNF during a race (the timer that starts after a player finishes runs out before you finish) you can still continue racing and this doesn’t affect the completion of the playlist. |
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B for My Name Win a Tier B Lakeshore Online playlist |
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This trophy is awarded for winning any B tier Lakeshore online playlist (set of 3 races). This counts regardless of how many players are in the race with you, and even if all other players leave you can
For this and the other win-based online trophies, you can boost them with another player if needed. Have a friend join your party then go start a playlist. If other players try to join and you don’t want to deal with them you can just back out of the countdown and try again. Once you’re in the playlist you can then finish it out, letting whichever player win and repeat for the other tiers. |
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Bring Your A Game Win a Tier A Lakeshore Online playlist |
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This trophy is awarded for winning any A tier Lakeshore online playlist (set of 3 races).
For A tier and above you are offered a loner car if you don’t currently own one in this tier, and that’s completely fine to use instead of using your money to buy cars in each tier. |
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Teacher’s Pet Win a Tier A+ Lakeshore Online playlist |
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This trophy is awarded for winning any A+ tier Lakeshore online playlist (set of 3 races).
Note that for A+/S/S+ there are playlists that have you race once in each tier of car called “Mixed Tier” playlists. These DON”T count for any of the win trophies, it needs to be a playlist only for the single car tier. |
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Superstar Win a Tier S Lakeshore Online playlist |
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This trophy is awarded for winning any S tier Lakeshore online playlist (set of 3 races). | ||||
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Top Billin’ Win a Tier S+ Lakeshore Online playlist |
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This trophy is awarded for winning any S+ tier Lakeshore online playlist (set of 3 races). | ||||
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Mixtape Complete 25 Lakeshore Online playlists |
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This trophy is awarded for completing 25 Lakeshore Online playlists, regardless of position or number of players in the race (this means it still counts as a completion even if all other players leave and you complete it by yourself, but you still need to complete all 3 races).
If you want to know how many playlist completions you have, you can check the challenge menu and scroll down almost to the bottom (the list is sorted in alphabetical order of car reward). You can then pin the “Finish any 30 playlists” challenge which awards the Volkswagen Beetle, allowing you to quickly check how many you have completed so far. |
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#Blessed Own 10 vehicles in your story mode garage |
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This trophy is awarded for owning 10 vehicles at one time in your story mode garage. In story mode, you can buy cars yourself, win them during specific events at night, and as a reward for each Qualifier and the Grand. Winning them from the night races is the cheapest overall way to get cars, as these events have high buy-in, but this is typically less than buying the cars outright and the cars come already upgraded somewhat if you want to use them. You can tell what days they are on with the “Win a Car” text that will be at the bottom of the session block in the calendar.
It would be recommended that you don’t sell any cars until you earn this trophy, then you can do whatever you want with them as long as you have enough cars to compete in each Qualifier and the Grand. |
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The Collector Own 10 vehicles in your Lakeshore Online garage |
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This trophy is the same requirement as #Blessed, but for owning 10 vehicles at once in your Lakeshore Online garage. If you complete everything in Story mode first you’ll automatically have a bunch of cars from winning the Qualifiers/the Grand as well as completing all Activities and Collectibles, which means you’ll earn this trophy immediately.
If you do Online first and want to be optimized and get this out of the way as quick as possible, you will want to not spend any money online until you have a total of $243,000. Once you do this you can buy the Volkswagen Golf GTI (1976) 9 times, which is the cheapest car immediately available immediately at $27,000. Once you have purchased 9 and earned this trophy you can sell them to get back half of your money. You should then use this to upgrade your online garage (if you do this first you can’t “get back” the money for the garage, meaning you might need to spend extra time to earn more money). Note there are some cheaper possible cars, but they require completing a large number of races to make available for purchase (for example the Chevrolet C10 Stepside Pickup costs $18,000, but requires finishing 30 Tier B playlists in a Chevrolet so you can finish all the other requirements before you actually have this available to buy). |
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Hey Speedie! Reach 200MPH in story mode |
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This trophy is awarded for reaching a speed of 200 MPH (or 321 KMH if you use metric) while playing in story mode. This is quite a high speed so you won’t be earning this for a while with your starting cars. You can potentially earn it early during the car deliveries from Rydell and Tess when you use a high level car, but if not you’ll be guaranteed to earn this when you are using S or S+ tier cars later one. | ||||
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100 Miles and Runnin’ Drive a total of 100 miles in story mode |
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This trophy is awarded for driving a total of 100 miles (160 kilometers) during story mode. There isn’t a way to track this, but this is relatively speaking a very small distance for a racing game, so you will be guaranteed to earn this fairly early in the story. | ||||
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Throwing up Tags Customize your Driving Effects |
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This trophy is awarded for customizing your Driving Effects in story or online. These are the visuals that appear around your car during drifts or using nitrous, and customizing them changes the color and visual that appears, along with the sounds in a separate customization setting. You can find these options by going to Rides > Style > Driving Effects while in the garage. | ||||
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Fashion Killa Customize your clothing |
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This trophy is awarded for customizing your clothing in story or online. If you customize it while creating your character right at the start this counts, but if you need to do it later you can customize your clothing in the garage by going to Character > Clothing and changing any option. | ||||
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Cool Whip Apply a custom wrap to your ride |
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This trophy is awarded for changing the wrap on any of your vehicles in story or online. Wraps consist of all the extra visual pieces you can put on your cars on top of the paint job. You can grab a community-made warp if you like, or just stick some parts on yourself. You can find these options when in the garage by going to Rides > Style > Paint & Wrap. | ||||
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Kick it Use max Burst Nitrous 5 times during Lakeshore Online events |
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This trophy is awarded for using max Burst Nitrous a total of 5 times during events while playing online. Burst Nitrous is specifically the larger yellow bar on the nitrous meter which fills up from more active actions: drifting, near misses, grip turns, air time, wrecking police vehicles, etc. This bar drains quickly instead of staying like the blue nitrous bar, so you need to keep doing these actions to raise it. You are at “max” when all 3 bars fill up at once and your whole speedometer turns yellow.
If you don’t manage to earn this during normal online play, the easiest way to get max Burst is just by holding |
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Drop the Beat Use max Burst Nitrous 5 times during story mode events |
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The trophy is the exact same requirement as Kick It, just in story mode instead of online. You are basically guaranteed to earn this through normal play during the story. |
BT says
Amazing guide as always, Pyx!
I don’t know if anyone else has faced this issue, bust I just finished NFS:Unbound (did the last race, rolled credits), and found that I’ve been playing in “offline mode” and no trophies had unlocked.
Looks like that when my PS5 was in rest mode, the game lost connection to the EA servers. I noticed the problem when I finished the game and haven’t had a trophy pop in quite a while.
I hit “Go Online”, drove around the city, restarted the game, but no dice. It seems quite a few trophies hadn’t popped, because I was playing in offline mode… Did not get the trophies for the last race, final qualifier, achieving 200 K in a Takeover and some others. Since there is no New Game+, I guess the only option is to delete the save file and start all over again…
Dave says
So you’re basically saying that you must have a constant online connection in order to achieve trophies?
That’s ridiculous.
BT says
@Dave, yes, unfortunately. I deleted my save game and started the story mode from the start, making sure I stay connected to the EA servers. I’ve popped one of the trophies that didn’t pop offline – the one for completing 10 takeover events. I assume it’s the same case with the others.
fede says
for the full house trophy, if you want, you can add me: millefalchi87
Douggy says
I Add you my friend, my tag is DouggyThayer
I need this trophy too
carlokkia says
Is it possible to pause the game? It was not possible int he previous games.
Gage says
Yes single player is totally separate from the online and can be paused.
Tabeayo says
For online trophies my ID is Fenix_ExE_19
DetektivColumbo says
If anyone wants to go for the online playlist trophies together, let me know.
PSN ID: DetektivColumbo
Abood722 says
You can add me if you need help with the online trophies
Nikki_boagreis says
The trophy for scoring 200k in a Takeover event didn’t unlock until i restarted the game, it was delayed for some reason even after restarting it didn’t unlock for roughly 30 minutes.
Nounnis92 says
Add us on PSN for Full House Trophy:
PSN: nounnis
I’m in Sydney, Australia.
SzpalsenPL says
Add me to boost online trophy
Psn: SzpalsenPL
zulqarmessi says
PowerPyx, guys are u gonna release Marvels Midnight Sun Guide???
PowerPyx says
Nothing planned for it, sorry.
Too many games overlapping.
guccimental says
If anyone wants to team up and try finding a full lobby for Full House add me!
PSN: guccimental
LaserTomate says
I don‘t get the Trophies for A+ and S+ Playlist. I tried different Cars but nothing happened.
Anyone can help?
Cascadibear says
Hi guys, anyone available to help boosting the winning playlists trophy?
PSN: Cascadibear
venomgamer5000 says
We can help each other with the online trophies.
Pepal says
Drift zone stars is stuck on 102/105, anyone else???
Mark Emmanuel Brown says
You’re likely missing one. Same happened to me.
Fourz says
I’ve applied community wraps and made my own, still didn’t get the Cool Whip trophy. Any ideas what could have went wrong for this?
spid28 says
need help for online, 7 player group (im french)
PSN: Goku_Paris_SG
venomgamer5000 says
If anyone wants to boost online trophies, please add me. We can help each other.
psn : venomgamer5000
xAsteQx says
Looking to boost online trophies with someone, my psn is xAsteQx
A says
Need help with Full House and All Win trophies. Let us team up
Looking for help with full house trophy
Sakkes2 says
Can you help me with the full house trophy?
Mayby also with 2 other trophys?
– bring your A game
– teacher´s pet
My cars are to weak to complete a online playlist with a A and a A+ car.
Wan says
Anyone want to complete online trophy just add me
PSN: Bishkobeng
Btw im from malaysia
Valtheral says
PSN: Valtheral add me for online trophies
Sam says
Need help boosting the S+ win and full house trophy. Can help with other trophies too.
PSN: samlogan
Jonny says
Tryna get that full house trophy
Psn: Jonnyvu
alerion says
need help with all online trophies can play any time more or less just want to get this finished
psn id: aIerion__ (the second letter is a capital i)
Jordan says
Any one need help on rank S & S+ add me fozzy–22
Daniel says
Hy guys
For Online trophies boosting add me
PSN: max_thieriot
Dix3n says
I need Full House if anyone wanna do it, feel free to add me: Farlov
M4kub says
Need also help on boosting all online trophies.
Add: M4kub-92
Douggy says
Let’s set a specific time for everyone to get this trophy, I’m from Brazil
My PSN : DouggyThayer
Dix3n says
I just finished the platinum, the last trophies i needed was Catch My Drift (3 star all drift zones), Cleaning Up (all collectibles and 3 stars on all activities). I watched them both pop up, followed by the platinum “The Need For Speed”. All 3 pop ups showed up one after the other.
But when I went in to the trophy list, Cleaning Up and the The Need For Speed was not unlocked, even though I watched them pop up. The other 40 trophies are all unlocked, it shows up as 40/42 unlocked.
Anyone else experienced this or someone who knows what to do?
Mark Emmanuel Brown says
Go to trophies and sync to server
Mari says
I have now completed the online mode for the third time with rank A+, but the trophy did not appear. anyone the same problem?
SC96 says
Anyone trying to get the online trophies add me Slim_Chicken96
LucasF7 says
Need help for Full House trophy.
Can’t have it in normal way.
PSN : Luluziiinho (with 3 i)
Christopher says
Anyone want to do the tier trophies?
PSN: ChristyCurran
Aciid_Silence says
If anyone needs online trophies add me
PSN: Aciid_Silence
TheDevilsFuneral says
Add me for the online trophies 🙂
Psn: TheDevilsFuneral
Nathaniel Browne-Walker says
Add me for Full house trophy “Witness_NBWK”
Nick says
Add me for online trophies
Psn: ifeellikepablo__
Pedro says
Add me for online stuff: FroztyPanda
Missin all online Trophies.
Moanie_Mahoney says
Hi guys setting up a boost for FULL HOUSE trophy. Message me on psn include nfs boost in message. Need 6 more people. I’ll post back here with updates on how many people we still need.
Psn- Moanie_Mahoney
Jahzeel says
Add MadnessXXII
x_Mirec_x says
Hi, i sent you friend request. I need this trophy too. My nickname is x_Mirec_x.
williamstans says
I need this trophy too, please add me
PSN: williamstans
InnesJack says
Hello, add me for full house. I’ve literally just installed the game so hopefully there is a starter car I can use for the race. Want to get this trophy out of the way. PSN – InnesJack
Ryan says
Need help with online trophies -add me RHenry23
x_Mirec_x says
I neef help with FULL HOUSE online trophy. Please add me. My PSN nickanem is:
Thanks a lot!
AB says
Need help with Full House trophy
Will help with other online trophies if needed.
PSN ID: Mamababa
Sakkes2 says
The only trophy I need is Fullhouse.
Can someone help me with this?
Or someone hwo needs the trophy to
Marley says
Hey All,
I also need help boosting the online trophies.
Psn: MarleyOfWar
williamstans says
Hi All,
I Need help with online trophies -add me williamstans
We can boost those trophy together.
Fishcake66 says
You still wanting help I need all online trophys for this game add fishcake66 altho I am away most of the weekend
Fishcake66 says
Looking for help getting the online trophy’s if anybody needs them
Add fishcake66
InnesJack says
Looking to boost the online wins. PSN InnesJack
Noski94 says
Online Need Help !
Andrew P says
If anyone wanna boost online trophies add me up psn Rp-Toronto and message me I will be on all day.
Nite says
Looking for all 5 tier playlist online trophies help. PSN McSpicy28
Edd435x says
Looking for players to do full house
PSN = Edd435x
Edd435x says
The only trophy I need is Fullhouse.
If anyone else needs this drop me a message – PSN = Edd435x
One2dad says
I just installed and started the game.. want to get this online trophy out the way.
PSN: one2dad
Usually online 9pm – 12 pm pst (california)
Andrew P says
Add psn Rp-Toronto need 7 players in playlist trophy. Online everyday message me let’s boost it
Daniel says
Looking for people for the Full House and online playlist trophies. Add me: Maggot9
Christian says
Need help with 7 players trophy
Id: Chistia_2031
Nite says
Looking for all 5 tier playlist online trophies help. PSN McSpicy28
Am online now
Joe Morrish says
I’ve just finished the Grand but now can’t see any Takeover events on my map, will they show up again? I still need ‘Flow Master’
Poksee says
Hit me up to do the online trophies. Happy to take turns for us both to get them all done quickly.
ID: Poksee
Soul-_-Warrior says
Looking to do the online win trophies. We can take turns getting them.
ID: Soul-_-Warrior
Elem_0 says
Hi, you can add me for all online trophies.
Psn id eLem_0
Elem_0 says
All trophies acquired except full house
LuKiRk says
Looking for tier playlist online trophies help.
PSN: LuKiRk93
Marv says
Still need full house trophy ,trying to get 8 players to finish is a nightmare ,hot me up if anyone still down for this trophy
PSN marv71
ThakanPL says
Hi, can someone help me with online trophies, please. We can take turns ofc
PSN: ThakanPL
Mr_Tumbleweed says
I could use some help with S+ (apparently I stink at racing online) and, of course the 8 person race…
I’ll be on in a few hours.
PSN: Mr_Tumbleweed
M4lcom says
Hi looking for people for full house psn M4lcom285
Makavelli7775 says
I need people for trophy full house
Psn Makavelli7775
Jack says
Just need to online trophies
PSN ID: JP-095
Marie says
Basically need all online trophies for this game if anyone wanna team up! 🙂
Psn xChasingthunder
Waytoplat says
I you still need a boosting partner I’m up to do the online win trophies
Micke Varg Christensen says
Don’t get it, so basically you need to choose online mode and play the story mode there?
It haven’t even unlocked the Hey Lakeshore trophy even I have a couple of hours in the game and 2 or 3 days.
JKatarn says
Still need all online trophies, see if anyone is still playing
ID: JKatarn says
Need full house trophy. Psnid is skoker1111
John says
I need full house trophy add me
Alejandro says
I need full house trophy add me
Need help for the full house trophy also the tier B-A-A+ S- S+
Please add me on TIZEN-JO
Babunyaga says
Anyone wanna do the online trophy can add me
Psn id: babunyaga
Kratoses says
Help trophy online id rechexreche
Annanethir says
Cleaning up doesn’t pop. I finished all. Got all the trophy except this one. Is this a bug?
Christopher wardle says
Looking to boost tier wins for all of them
Psn: Bibster100
Antonio says
Hello online trophies. XxAnToNio93xX
Scotty_222 says
Need help getting the full house trophy
8 players in one race
Add me scotty_222
Gilbert says
Hello, need help with the full house trophy. Anyone interested in help? My psid: Hiroberuto
Alex says
Looking for people to do multi-player trophies with
Psn is venomfan_666
mahdi says
I finish the story but I didn’t get the fund family what should I do? need to finish story again?
John says
Looking for a Partner to help me unlock the Multiplayer trophies especially the “Full House” trophy. My PSN ID is WakeyGamer89
Bofa says
Looking for a Partner to help me unlock the Multiplayer trophies especially the “Full House” trophy. My PSN ID is The7Hood96
Shabab says
need full house trophy add me or text me sHas-DuMpEr-8252
Kats says
Need help with full house trophy.
PSN: Sparkerboi
Smokewinner says
I also need help to get that trophy
Kats says
For anyone still chasing the ‘full house’ trophy. Do NOT try and do this in free roam – it will take you years to achieve.
You can get the trophy by entering one of the online playlist events, in the PVP menu
Good luck! ????