Necromunda Hired Gun Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 10 – 15 hours
- Offline Trophies: 49 (1
, 2
, 11
, 35
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: None, all missions can be replayed at will
- Glitched trophies: The Best Student, Sniper, other trophies might not be awarded until completion of a mission instead of during a mission when the requirement is met
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, the entire game can be played on Easy difficulty
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 + cleanup
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Missions can be replayed at any time
- Release Date: June 01, 2021
Welcome to the Necromunda Hired Gun Trophy Guide! This is a new game from Streum On Studio taking place in the Warhammer 40K universe specifically in the Necromunda subseries. You play as a hired gun/bounty hunter working against different rival gangs to take down the leader of a gang who has previously wronged you. The game plays like a mix of Doom 2016 + Titanfall 2 with fast-paced gunplay and melee takedowns combined with very fast movement including wall-running and grappling. The game includes 13 main story missions, along with replayable generated side missions for more rewards to gain more loot and upgrade your hired gun with.
Step 1: Complete the story
Necromunda Hired Gun is basically a linear FPS, so the first step is to just start working through the main story missions to reach the end of the game and have everything unlocked. You can aim to get A/S ranks on missions as you go if you want or leave them to work on at the end of the story where you have more upgrades and are stronger. You can also complete side missions as you go if you want once they are unlocked, or just leave them for later.
Step 2: A/S Rank Main Missions
After the story has been completed you can now go back through and work on replaying any missions you didn’t earn an A rank on prior. After you have finished the story you should have unlocked a number of upgrades for your character which should make getting A ranks easier due to better survivability.
Step 3: Cleanup
After getting A/S ranks on each of the main missions all you should potentially have left is cleanup of any miscellaneous trophies for kills with abilities or completing missions a certain way. If you don’t want to run missions you can grind most trophies in Martyr’s End either by just running around or killing enemies in the Gladiatorum.
Necromunda Hired Gun Trophy Guide
Anonymous says
Thank you for the trophy guide. Not as interested in the game as I was before release, but I’ll keep it in my wish list in case I don’t have any other games to play. Good to know it has an easy Platinum trophy and no glitched trophies.
Hollow says
How do you get an S rank on a mission? I just got A’s on all of them but still can’t seem to get an S rank
Hollow says
Never mind j just got it. Only thing left that wont seem to pop is the 10 Headshots trophy
Macleod says
Are you sure the kills in gladitorium counts? I’ve tried several times but the 10 headshot in a row still not pop
Arker says
Is the trophy Sniper glitched or what? I have made 10 headshots several times, both in the gladiator arena and on the first mission. It never unlocks, what the hell!?!?
Paul says
Same here, have tried with sniper and shotgun with no trophy popping up. Even completed mission just in case it unlocks at end. I would it’s glitched judging on how rare this is. Have even tried using slow motion and still not popping after 22 head shots in row.
Gage says
I’ve added a note in now about that trophy being glitched for people. Maybe try doing it on a new save game right at the start of the story?
Heija_angel says
* light spoilers*
Any tips on defeating the boss in chapter 13? With 2 hits i’m from 100% (energy and health) to 6 health left in phase 2. It’s almost looks imposible to hit him and his it’s hard to get away from his charge.
I even play on easy but is doesn’t realy feels that way :S
PhantomFear94 says
I’ve heard some shocking things about Xbox Series performance, can anyone confirm if this game has big technical issues?
Gage says
There’s some hitching and the game can crash somewhat frequently, but I didn’t think it was awful performance overall considering dev size/budget. Something they have said they’re working on already.
Joshua Jefferies says
I think the best student trophy is glitched. I have all missions done either S or A and it hasn’t unlocked the trophy for me.
Link000 says
The pedestrian trophy is also bugged. I have run and re-run Avarus atleast 8 times now, never once even going near L1 but it will not trigger. One of the last 2 I need as well :'(
Javas says
I found a fix for “Sniper” on the steam forum page, tried it and it worked!!
Start a new save file, speedrun through the first map. You can play on easy and skip all cutscenes. Once you arrive to the hub town, do all the tuturial crap and dialogue until you can select missions/bounties on the board.
From here on, run to the gladiator room, pop 10 headshots and the trophy unlocks!!
nemec says
another cple i cant seem to get to pop (havnt started a new save yet tho, just sayin) weapons lover and who needs weapons
nemec says
so hows this for a glitch, i finally got weapons lover to pop (replayed a campaign mission wouldnt pop in side missions) and got it with the zap trophy straight after it even said on the notifaction trophy list at 91 % go to the actual list and weapon lover didnt go thru back to 86 wtf
Ghosttwozero says
Only have death from above trophy left. Have done more than 100 wall run kills in lvl+ repeated in gladatorium still no luck
Anonymous says
I take back what I said about no glitched trophies. Disappointing that this game has these trophy-breaking bugs even now but at least I’m glad I skipped buying and playing Necromunda: Hired Gun.
Anonymous says
I know I’m years too late for this to be relevant, but since I previously wrote this game off because of glitched trophies, I feel compelled to say that I just now earned the Platinum trophy after playing it for about 16 hours in total. I encountered no glitched trophies in the PS5 version, but did experience 1 crash (which isn’t that big of a deal because the game autosaves often). All the trophies were relatively easy to earn on Normal difficulty, but at the end I was forced to grind for the the wall running distance and wall running kills trophies (which was an annoying waste of time), despite that I still liked the game overall.
Anonymous says
Thank you for this response, years later. I wish more would do it. Not everyone can or wants to play a game when it first comes out.