In Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker (NTBSS) you can equip your custom character with new Ninjutsu and Secret Techniques (Skills) at the Inn.
Unlocking New Skills: You do this by leveling up masters at the Ninjutsu Library. Head over to Sasuke at the market square and talk to him (after the initial tutorials). He will let you enter the Ninjutsu Library.
Choose someone as your master who has the attacks that you want. If you play a healing character you will want to pick a healer such as Sakura. If you prefer to play a ranged build, pick someone with ranged skills such as Sasuke. You can view their unlocks by pressing in the Ninjutsu Library. See the screenshot below, in the bottom right corner you can see all unlocks.
Now you must level up your master. This is done by earning XP, mostly through quick matches and Ninja World League (PVP). A quick match win gives your master 200XP and a loss gives 100XP. Don’t bother with VR missions, they give only small amounts of master XP. Simply put: play lots of PVP. It does not matter what character you actually use during the match. You don’t have to play as the master character. It makes no difference to the XP you earn. Whether you pick a custom char or another it’s always 200XP per win.
After every match it shows the Master XP you have gained. See the circled match results below:
There is one final thing! The new Ninjutsu attacks from your master don’t unlock instantly. You have to go back to the Library to unlock the new moves. You can also keep track of your mastery level in the library. Now equip the new moves at the Inn (Sakura at market square) under “Change Battle Equipment”.
Just keep leveling up different masters to unlock all their moves. Mix them up with your custom-made character to find the perfect moves that suit your playstyle.
Here’s another handy guide: How to Unlock All VR Masters — you need to unlock them first to learn their moves.
Omega0119 says
Does having a female character affect the costumes you’re allowed to wear? Or being a different village affect what you’re allowed to equip? For example, sasukes custume/sharigan on a female character from the Hidden Mist; will the character be able to use those items?
Weelp says
He wont. Female characters have different unlockeable costumes.
narutostorm says
what’s the max xp for a master i mean how many master xp do you need to max that master out (get all the rewards)?
??? says
Yokaibuu says
Can you only use certain Justus for certain classes? For example they have different symbols next to the jutsu. Like fireball can only go on range on etc. because I feel like defense barely has any Justus .
PowerPyx says
Yes and no. Every Jutsu is bound to one class only. However, there are multiple Jutsu types per class. The healer for example also has Attack Type (red icon) and Ranged Type (purple fireball icon) Jutsu.
However, the Attack & Ranged classes can’t actually use those specific moves, only the healer can.
Same for attack type, they also have Ranged Type attacks but Ranged Type can’t use those.
Glass-shellz says
How do you get jutsu for using a class multiple times. I believe I unlocked Lightning lariat for playing fighting class over and over by I’d like to know if you have to play the class consecutively and how many there are
PowerPyx says
New jutsus unlock at 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 matches played with the class. As far as I know 50 matches is the last unlock (and rest from VR Masters).
Jay says
How do u do secret technique on ps4 triangle triangle circle?
PowerPyx says
Shimada says
What are the jutsus that you can get from playing ninja world league ?
Jiimmyy says
Can you make a list of all jutsu that go to each separate class?
Dartangan Thurmond says
Attack class: Summoning snake,lightning style lariat. Ultimate jutsu:Lightning style chakra mode
Range class:Summoning Salamander, Lightning style shuriken net. Ultimate jutsu: inferno style Susano’o
Defense class: summoning toad,8 trigrams palm rotation. Ultimate jutsu:water style water prison rosary bondage jutsu.
Healing class: summoning slug,heavy boulder jutsu. Ultimate jutsu:insect jamming
Sudeep Xenon says
One question do I have to buy more expantion packs (DLC’s) to unlock the combos and attack moves OR all moves are already present in the game the . Is dlc’s are only for extra missons and skins. please answer me I wanna buy this game but don’t wanna buy the expantions I just wanna play local multiplayer with friends.. says
The dlc unlocks a special training to certain character (giving you new jutsus, hair, clothes and weapons). All the character are present in the game, but you can’t train with them without buy the Dlc.
Ice Fisher P26 says
I own all character dlc, I have Naruto (the last battle) at 2k exp. but thats where the exp bar ends and I still cannot use his ninjutsu. It’s the same with other dlc fighters who only have the 1 star as opposed to the others who have 5 which I can use their abilities fully.
How do I unlock the ninjutsu of these 1 star dlc fighters?