The Krypt in Mortal Kombat 11 is where you can open chests with money. This Mortal Kombat 11 Krypt Walkthrough will guide you through the entire Krypt and show you the key items needed to advance to the next area. If you’re stuck in the Krypt this will show you the path. This walkthrough is structured area by area. You can view the area name in the bottom left corner of the screen at any time. Also use the coordinates and map for reference.
To speed things up you can run by holding R2 / RT. It allows you to move much more quickly.
Palace Entrance
After the initial cutscene there will be two chests in front of you. They’re both for free. Each one contains 50,000 koins and 100 hearts. Make sure you open both of them to get 100,000 koins for free. This also opens the big gate in front of you.
Now that the big gate is open walk forward until the end of the area. There you find Shao Kahn’s Hammer on an altar (coordinates: 4459, 250). Pick it up by pressing /
Use Shao Kahn’s Hammer on the half-broken gate, right behind where you picked it up. You do this by pressing (PS4) /
(Xbox One) – coordinates: 3208, 306. This will swing the hammer and destroy the gate. This leads to the Courtyard.
Immediately after destroying the half-broken gate with the hammer, head to the left side of the courtyard. Next to the blue glowing Kronika’s Time Vault (that lets you reset chests), there’s a breakable wall that you must destroy with the hammer (coordinates: 948, 3843).
Behind this wall is a big Gong. Hit the Gong with the hammer (coordinates: -67, 5163). This unlocks trophy Enough Already and opens a new gate in the courtyard.
Head back to the main courtyard where you came from and head through the now open gate (coordinates: -3105, 164). This brings you to the Forge.
At the forge you can craft items but for now we’ll ignore that as we need more ingredients. From the forge take the path to the right, leading to the Mountain Pass. There’s a locked door that requires the Dragon Amulet, but we’ll get back to this later. The path leads you to the Shrine.
Shrine & Warrior Shrine
After the mountain pass a short cutscene shows you the Shrine. Spending 50,000 koins at the shrine will earn you the trophy Gimme Dat Money. You can win various items here, from key items needed to advance in the Krypt to crafting materials and much more. Right now we don’t need it to advance so unless you want the trophy / achievement you can skip this.
Take the path to the right of the shrine and a meteorite will come crashing down, destroying a statue in its path. Smash the meteorite with your hammer (coordinates: 896, -6085). This gives you the key item Gem of the Living.
How to impale heads on the Warrior Shrine: To the right side of where the meteor crashed (opposite of the tall statues), on the wall you can see the heads of all playable characters. This is the Warrior Shrine. When you move closer to the wall it will change the area to Warrior Shrine in the bottom left. This is where we must impale a head for trophy Skull Kabob. You get these heads by doing 25 fatalities AGAINST the SAME character in Klassic Towers or Towers of Time (Versus Matches don’t count). Klassic Towers > Endless > pick Scorpion > press
to turn AI Fighter ON. The AI finishes the match with a fatality 90% of the time (brutalities don’t count). When the fight against the 2nd tower character starts, pause the game and pick “Finish Tower”. This will end the tower but the order of opponents will stay the same and you can grind this out against the 1st person in the tower. Restart the tower, turn AI fighter ON and let it do a fatality on the same first opponent again, quit to Tower when second match starts, repeat. After 25 fatalities against the same character, their head will drop as a match reward. Then you can impale it at the Warrior Shrine in the Krypt (see trophy “Skull Kabob”) to get 1 victory for that character. Quitting out from the Tower Menu to the Main Menu changes the first character in the tower, allowing you to farm the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th head. Do this until you got the heads of 5 different characters (5 x 25 fatalities = 125 fatalities). This also counts towards the trophy for playing 250 Towers. It takes around 1.5 hours per character but the AI will fight for you automatically and your only manual input is to restart the tower.
Head downstairs to the left of the Meteorite to find another Gong and hit it with the hammer (coordinates: 1123, -8450). This gives 25,000 koins and opens a gate leading back to the main Courtyard (coordinates: -43, -3046).
The Courtyard Part 2
Now we must backtrack through the courtyard to where we hit the 1st Gong. To the left of the 1st Gong is a door that we can now open with the Gem of the Living key item that we got from the meteorite (coordinates: 1562, 5251). This brings you to the Gardens area.
Make it across the bridge in the gardens and destroy the wooden barricade on the left side with the hammer (coordinates: 4877, 3576). Behind this is a room with the lever. Pull that lever (coordinates: 4562, 2102). Below is a picture of the lever.
Pulling that lever opens the right gate, behind which you find the key item Cracked Horn of Motaro.
Remember where the Meteorite crashed? We need to head back there to put this horn into the big gate with the horned demon emblem on it. The horn is the missing piece and will open it. It’s in the courtyard area (coordinates: 4054, -6198). This leads to the Courtyard Cave.
Courtyard Cave
Advance through the Courtyard Cave and pull the lever on the elevator to get to Goro’s Lair.
Goro’s Lair
Goro’s Lair is an underground dungeon with various rooms. Follow the path straight ahead. A cutscene will trigger in a room with Goro’s white frozen corpse sitting on a throne. There are 3 paths here. Straight ahead, left, right. We’ll take these paths one by one.
Path Straight Ahead of Goro’s Throne: just slightly to the right when facing Goro’s throne a path leads straight up (to an area behind the throne). Follow the path to the end to find the key item Scorpion’s Spear (coordinates: -7126, -5248). This lets you grab out of reach objects and corpses. You can now start pulling hanging bodies towards you with /
for trophy
Get Over Here. These are hanging everywhere and a few of them respawn when exiting and re-entering the Krypt from the Main Menu, so you can farm 50 bodies for the trophy this way.
Path Right of Goro’s Throne: Let’s backtrack to Goro’s throne. This time take the path to the right. At the end of this path you reach The Jails area and you can find the key item Kenshi Takashi’s Blindfold from a corpse (coordinates: -8759, -12780). Now pressing /
(XB1) allows you to look into the spirit realm to reveal hidden treasures, but it consumes Soul Fragments (green items) while active. To get back out of the room you must activate the Blindfold to see a destructible wall on the side of the room and hit it with the hammer.
Path Left of Goro’s Throne: Once again we backtrack to Goro’s Throne, this time taking the path to the left. Use the chains on the walls to open the gate along the way, leading to a large dining hall. Head upstairs and to the right to find another gate that can be opened with a chain on the wall (coordinates: -2159, -1799). Behind the gate you find an elevator, take it. Once at the top of the elevator, follow the path until you see a cutscene with a man falling down on spikes. He gets impaled and you can examine the corpse for key item Ermac’s Amulet of Souls (coordinates: -7518, -3877). This lets you spend souls (green currency) on the green pots that cost 100 souls each. It also lets you repair certain objects using these souls, such as the bridge by the forge for example. You can get back out the same way you came, you can lift up the rubble that blocks your way using Ermac’s Amulet.
The next main step is to find the Mind of the One Being, Soul of the One Being, Heart of the One Being and use them at the door at the start of Goro’s Lair (coordinates: 3542, -6176).
In order to get these 3 Orbs to open the vault in Goro’s Lair, you have to do x 10 Fatalities, x 10 Brutalities and x 10 Mercies in tower challenges! Exit the Krypt and head to “Klassic Towers” or “Towers of Time” and fulfill these requirements. The fastest way is to do a Mercy at end of match (when it shows “Finish Him/Her” stand at mid-distance and press +
). This gives your opponent some health back. Then you can follow up with a Brutality, easiest one is Uppercut by holding
but it only works if you haven’t blocked during the final round. This completes two tasks per match. After you did 10 of each you just have to do 10 fatalities. After every 10 of these moves you get the required Orb for the Vault Door in Goro’s Lair. Also see How to Use Show Mercy Move. Inside the Vault is a chest that costs 80,000 koins to open.
…to be continued.
You can also find a blue amulet key item randomly from chests. This can be used on the broken statue where the meteorite crashed through in the courtyard to get Raiden’s Staff. Raiden’s staff is used in Goro’s lair, in the dining hall there is a gate that requires a skeleton key to open, behind it are traps, pass through the traps and there leads 2 hallways, one leads to a cave filled with Spiders that will kill you if you get too close and the other leads to a door that requires Raiden’s staff to open. Behind the door are more traps in a room filled with Lava.
Now that you have Scorpion’s Spear, Kenshi’s Blindfold, Ermac’s Amulet you can access some new areas. Not all of them are directly tied to the main steps for Krypt Progress, but it doesn’t hurt to take a quick detour and explore!
Courtyard: Let’s backtrack to the Courtyard where we started (take elevator up from Goro’s Lair). Where we hit the 2nd Gong there’s a red chest locked behind a gate. You can use the Blindfold to see chains on the 4 pillars around it and pull all 4 chains to open that gate (coordinates: Courtyard -1026, -8818).
The Sacrifice: This is an area behind the 2nd Gong (coordinates: -873, -12960). It has a lever that moves a statue’s arm up and down. Unclear what to use it for, says “Locked” when approaching it, still undergoing investigation.
Lower Courtyard: To the left of the Shrine (where you can donate infinite money), you can head downstairs and find 3 levers and a Dragon Puzzle with spinning plates. Pull the levers to line up the plates so they make up the Mortal Kombat Dragon Logo (coordinates: Lower Courtyard: -5129, -7381). This opens a new door with a draw bridge. You can now use Scorpion’s Spear with to pull down the Drawbridge and make way to some new chests.
The Pit: From the Forge, take the path up ahead. Now that you have Ermac’s Amulet you can repair the broken bridge for 2000 Souls (coordinates: The Pit -8689, -971). There’s only a new chest at the end.
…to be continued.
Special Thanks / Credits
Massive thanks to the following people for sending tips and helping with the completion of the steps:
RealRockNRolla = How to Get the 3 key items to open the vault in Goro’s Lair
Bean = Info what to do with Raiden’s Staff
Hakoom = Various Info and confirming some hints
True_Captain_Che = For finding the best farming method to get 5 heads / victories by farming first opponent in Klassic Survival Tower
RealRockNRolla says
Once you get Kenshi’s Blindfold, at the Palace Entrance (4891, -632) there’s a hidden wall that you can smash that takes you through to the Dead Woods where there is a 3,000 Soul item and 10,000 Soul item which I would assume allows players to progress further in the Krypt.
Zayne 79 says
The 3,000 one reveals a chest for 250,000 coins which gets you several skins and a tower key! Use that key in towers of time to summon a new tower and grind that tower!!!! You will get more keys inside that tower to grind on forever (sitting on 210 keys atm)
The 10,000 soul thing gives you a forge item which I didn’t use yet cause I don’t know the recipe and don’t want to screw up (was lucky and got 10,000 soulfragments from a daylie mission lol)
Seemefeelme says
Thanks a bunch!
There is a puzzle further up to open 2 doors with the gates, choosing the Skeleton just kills you though.
RealRockNRolla says
Thanks @Zayne 79 – been trying to figure out what the hell they were so at least I can grind for the souls now, currently 1,000 away. Have you figured out how to unlock the kharacters treasures near the shrine?
Hakoom says
anything usefull with the towers which need keys? do you get the victory items or heads etc?
Zayne 79 says
My buddy got kollectors head but we don’t know why. He just got it as a reward after a tower match (the tower we opened with the key) so we think it might be you have to do something like 50 brutalities on a character to get the head of that character. Just a wild guess.
Hakoom says
@Zayne 79 u did 50 brutalities on kollector then?
when you got the item was the brutality against kollector?
anything else you did in the match? like a mercy or powermove etc
Zayne 79 says
We are not sure about the 50 brutalities. We grinded the tower you can unlock with a key you get from the 250k chest (needs the 3k souls first to be unveiled)
That Tower is an endurance match with 7 kollectors as opponents, only the last one can be finished with a brutality or fatality and we let the AI do the tower for us while we had lunch etc. The AI performs faralities and brutalities on him and we did that tower a good 40-50 times if not more. No mercy where done against him so it’s not tied to mercy
Hakoom says
@Zayne 79
thanks alot for the info iam doing that now i kiled him like 40 times i hope to get it soon
i think the other trophy is glitched and needs a patch thed 1 with victory pose
Hakoom says
@Zayne 79
got the head now just like you said :D thanks !
Zayne 79 says
Update on the heads: I got the kollectors head now after using fatalities over and over on him. Forgot to count but at least 50.
RealRockNRolla says
I somehow got a Baraka key that I used for his tower, completed it but it was insanely hard. Found it in a chest within the Krypt after re-stocking the chests using Koins.
Victor says
Did you use the same character the entire time ?
Jason says
The arm that raises and lowers above the fire pit is activated with heart of blaze which is in the 80,000 chest behind the door that need the 3 orbs of the one being to open.
As far as getting Kollectors head, you must perform 50 brutalities against any particular character to obtain their head. These will be added to warriors shrine in krypt once collected, or you may have to manually place once obtained. Unsure
Dave says
What are the coordinates in the Dead Woods for the 3,000 Soul item and 10,000 Soul chests? Please send me a picture if you can. Thanks.
Jhonsson says
Great guide as usual, can’t wait for days gone guide… Are you playing it?
Bean says
Raiden’s staff is used in Goro’s lair, in the dining hall there is a gate that requires a skeleton key to open, behind it are traps, pass through the traps and there leads 2 hallways, one leads to a cave filled with Spiders that will kill you if you get too close and the other leads to a door that requires Raiden’s staff to open. Behind the door are more traps in a room filled with Lava.
Both areas seemingly lead to nothing but extra loot open.
Zayne 79 says
In the room you open with the staff is a chest for 20,000 (left side) that contains the dragon amulet. The amulet can be used to open the corresponding door on the island
Seemefeelme says
How did you get the Skeleton Key? From the chests I guess?
Zayne 79 says
Skeleton keys are random chest rewards
ckingrevenge says
To use raidens staff, go to Goro’s dining hall (left path from dead goro), then up the left set of stairs at the Goro statue, through the swinging obstacles, then once you pass them take the left path straight ahead and you will be able to use it on the door on the right at the end of the path (5233, 4884)
RealRockNRolla says
In order to get the 3 Orbs to open the vault in Goro’s Lair, you have to do x 10 Fatalities, x 10 Brutalities and x 10 Mercies in order to get each Orb. This HAS to be done on tower challenges in order to receive the Orbs.
PowerPyx says
I’ll try that, thanks =)
Hakoom says
timed or classic towers?
must be done on 1 tower or its cumulative?
RealRockNRolla says
Doesn’t matter, easier on classic on very easy 🙂 no, they stack.
Hakoom says
nm i can confirm this works and there is a chest inside worth 80k
Hakoom says
do you know how to get the heads or what loot do you get in the towers which require keys?
Zayne 79 says
The 80k chest contains Blazes Heart which is the item you need on the graveyard (where you pull a lever to move the arm of a statue. Place the heart in the cage and pull the lever again to activate it. You get 1k souls and some coins.
PowerPyx says
Thanks for the comments so far guys, keep them coming =)
I’ll go through this over the coming days and update the guide piece by piece. Once I updated it, will make a credits section at the end of the guide to list everyone who helped.
RealRockNRolla says
You can interact with Reptile if you have a skeleton key and go to the Torture Halls, after passing the final trap. There’s a hall of lots of locked cells. It’s the cell with nothing in it. If you equip Kenshi’s blindfold, you can smash the wall and interact with Reptile. Then you have to track him down to get a reward(still trying to find him).
jaime algarin says
I found reptile in Goros Lair.Location 6921,-6145.Get off the elevator use blindfold make a quick right you will see him digging up something.
RealRockNRolla says
I’ve found him 3 times today so far, The Pit, Goro’s Lair as you said and in the Dead Woods. 200 x souls each time I have found him, might be a good way to farm if he goes to the same locations in a cycle.
RealRockNRolla says
The 80,000 Koin chest after opening up the 3 Orb door in Goro’s Lair gives you Heart of Blaze key item.
RealRockNRolla says
You then use the Heart of Blaze on The Sacrifice pit found at (-801, -13555), pull the lever first, then place the Heart of Blaze, once you have done so, pull the lever again and use Scorpion’s spear to get 500 souls + some Koins. It opens up a new gate beside the sacrifice pit that unlocks a Shao Kahn skin called Rain’s Gift.
Hakoom says
thanks i did all
in the dragon amulet door you open
there is a puzzle inside
do you know where do we get the items for them? i got only1 and it requires 3
Zayne 79 says
The other items are amulets. One of it, shinoks amulet, needs to be crafted in the forge and requires the item you get for opening the 10k souls tree!!!
I was lucky to get 10k souls as a daylie bonus (yes I know how much luck I had on that one lol)
Crafting the amulet costs 60k coins and another 1,500 souls
Still don’t have the third but my guess is it has to be crafted as well. Don’t have the recipe yet for it (shinoks amulet recipe was a random chest reward so that one will be random too, most chests are total rng unfortunately)
Zayne 79 says
We found reptile 4 times so far. After you activate him the first time he will be at random locations and is only visible when you wear the blindfold. He makes a clap sound when he is near so you could turn up the volume but be aware that when the ghost appears that kills you his sound effect will creep you to death lol
Hakoom says
do you remember the locations?
i found him once from the reptile statue thing
Zayne 79 says
In Goros lair, on the bridge you rebuild for 2k souls and in that little temple you can reach with an elevator from goros lair.
He can be everywhere 🙁
RealRockNRolla says
Is the clap loud? I haven’t even found him once yet, searched everywhere as well. Hoping it doesn’t reset every time you go in/out of the Krypt.
Zayne 79 says
Not really loud but you will notice it, he punches the floor. We just walked around with the blindfold nonstop on to find him.
Dann says
can’t really find that 80.000 chest. Do you have the location
Hakoom says
at the end of the path at the door you open with 3 orbs
Zayne 79 says
After you open the door with the 3 orbs in goros lair just follow the path to the end (watch out for the fire spitting traps). The room is not big and has only a couple chests in it
Dann says
Yeah i found it thanks guys :-) .. Now i am stuck with the wheel of 3 .. Already have 1. The middle one.
The other items are amulets. One of it, shinoks amulet, needs to be crafted in the forge and requires the item you get for opening the 10k souls tree!!! (that is what i need the 10k souls tree .. where is that location??
RealRockNRolla says
It’s in the Dead Woods
Hakoom says
in the dead forest like a big tree thing
those are not required for the trophy though
better use 3000 on the river and open the 250k chest so u can farm key towers for 1 head
Zayne 79 says
In the beginning where you destroy the first wall on the right into the „forrest“ area. Go straight, turn left and walk back. It looks like a normal green glowing thing you can open with ermacs amulet.
Corbin says
After using the of one mind key items to open the door in goro’s lair the chest for 80,000 koins contains Heart of blaze key item which is used at the sacrifice area in the map -1181, -13773. Lower the cage and put in the blaze heart, raise it up, use scorpions spear to pull it into the fire pit and the cages on either side of the statue will be unlocked. Kenshi’s blindfold is needed to open the chest under the left statue. Credits go to Trophy Germany YouTube channel.
Dann says
LOL i thought i get 1K of souls with that Tree.. but it cost me 1K on souls haha. Rather spend the 3k on the river then.
Dann says
Btw when you forge something in the machine, mine always says failed yet it took the souls and the money. Do you have that as well?
Zayne 79 says
Yes! Don’t use the forge without knowing the full recipe unless you have stuff to burn lol
99% are skins and consumables anyways
alpha says
raidens staff is bugged for me, i have the blue amulet but it says locked when i approach the statue. any advice?
Zayne 79 says
That’s weird. You sure the amulet is called „gem of the living“ and you are at the right statue? (Destroyed raiden statue)
Zayne 79 says
It’s not gem of the living, I was wrong sorry. It’s something else I forgot the name of
Insidious Dr. Chupa says
The Sacrifice:
Pull the lever to lower the statue’s arm.
Use Kenshi’s Blindfold.
Approach the cage that the arm is holding and hit the Use button. It will catch fire.
Go back to the lever and pull it again to raise the arm.
Use Scorpion’s harpoon to break open the cage, setting the fire pit underneath alight and opening the cage doors on either side of the fire pit. One contains nothing, one contains a 15000 Gold chest that (for me anyway) had a couple of Shao Khan items.
Zayne 79 says
There is a glitch atm with the shrine. If you use Naknadas charm consumable and put coins in the shrine the server kicks you back to main menu and you lose the charm!!!
I contacted NRS yesterday about it and they are looking into it. Hopefully gets fixed soon.
ascendant says
so i have shinnok’s pendant formula thing but i dont know where to access it, anybody have any ideas?
Zayne 79 says
You mean shinnoks amulet? Go to the forge and put the stuff in and craft it (costs 60k coins and 1,500 souls)
Zayne 79 says
Or do you mean where to look at the recipe? All recipes are under Kustomize and then Kollection. Not available in the krypt (which is stupid)
ascendant says
Thanks Zayne. And for everyone who doesn’t have it here’s what the recipe entails: 1 Ensorcelled Demon Heart, 1 A fan with a skull on it (yet to find), and one Enscorcelled Eye of a Dragon.
Victor says
I just got “Severed Head Of Shao Kahn” from a normal Time Tower, didn’t keep count. But can confirm you don’t need to do the key towers.
Victor says
Can also do it from Klassic Towers. Just got Noob.
FuJ says
Did you focus on getting 50 brutalities or fatalities?
I’m confused in this part tbh. I’m doing fatalities right now in the Kollector tower (using 250k key).
This tower reward you with 75k coins which is valuable in my opinion better than turboing the AI matches.
Victor says
I focused on Fatalities, but sometimes I got a brutality. I think it’s just finishing moves though.
I just got Scorpion after 22 fatalities and 5 brutalities. So still unsure about the actual amount. Going to work on Scarlet now.
RealRockNRolla says
I’ve been doing a mixture of fatalities / brutalities and am currently grinding most of the kombatants. Focusing on doing the small 2 opponent ToT towers and having the AI just blast out fatalities / brutalities to speed it up.
Rainkingx1 says
Are you letting AI do it or are you doing it yourself ? After you beat the first character do you restart the tower so you can keep getting the fatality and brutality on the same character ?
Sebastian says
Can somebody tell me how to get the dragon amulet?
Thanks in advance!
Josh Smith says
you have to use Raidens broken staff on a door down in Goros lair and buy a 20,000k chest that is on the left side of this trap riddled room. I don’t remember the exact coordinates but it is down by where you encounter Reptile for the first time. I’m pretty sure someone else put this step in their comments above so make sure you read all of them.
Zayne 79 says
Mercy input is: Hold LT (L2 for ps4) down, down, down, release LT (L2)
Stalker-NSDQ79 says
For sacrifice: Open the 80.000 Coins Chest in Goros Lair where you needed the three Orbs to open to receive the Heart of Blaze.
Stalker-NSDQ79 says
Dragon Amulet: Inside the Lava Room. Left hand Platform. Coordinates 7436, 3102
Harry says
So as I understand it.You can get a character head to put on the wall shrine in the krypt by doing 50 Fatalities/Brutalities on the same opponent character in any tower Time or Klassic.Is that right? I am still working on getting the 3000 souls, spent mine on the soul chests.
Loris says
Behind the One Being door you will find Blaze’s Heart in a 80.000 chest, then you can return to “The Sacrifice” behind Raiden’s statue (-873, -12960). I think you have to pull the arm down, put Blaze’s Heart in, pull up the arm and use Scorpion’s Spear. You should find 2 chests, an invisible one that you can’t see without Kenshi’s “Blindfold” ability
Dann says
Created Item Parts Required
Amulet of Shinnok Enscrolled Demon’s Heart, Skeleton Soul, Necromancer’s Eye
Ethereal Armor Copper Plating, Element of Order, Essense of Edenian Magic
Where can i find that enscrolled Demon’s Heart? and the other stuff.
Trent says
Found a demon heart outside of room of bridge you lower with scorpions spear, he is on the side of the mountain right before entrance. Not sure if it is random or consistent spawn though
Trajjik says
How do you get past the torture halls traps I can get by the first one but the one where the blades swing from the ceiling and wall has given me hell
Dann says
you can walk and you can run, use the run button (ps4 R1)
Destin says
The 80k chest that you find behind the door with the 10 fatalities brutality and mercy keys had blazes orb or something use this to ignite the torture thing where you pull the lever and it lowers the cage
warren agnew says
Do you get the head after the match (once you’ve done enough finishers) or at the end of a tower
Dnytzy says
Someone have all the locations where reptile could be? Found him just 1 time next to the elevator
II B L AD E z I says
Ive found him on the bridge above the pit & in the pit itself
Dann says
Update: if you go to endless towers and let the AI play for you, you can get some heads, these heads can be used to unlocked shangs room in the krypt. Also put on the augments if you have em so u can boost ur souls up while cpu is playing for you
Jacob says
Does it have to be a mirror match?
PietroFreitas says
In the sacrifice area you’ll have to put the heart of Blaze, found in the chest that costs 80k coins. You can pull the lever, put the heart then pull again, so you’ll need to use Hanzo spear to explode the jail and spread the lava from heart on the fire pit.
RealRockNRolla says
So, this may not be useful to anyone yet, depending how far in the Krypt you are, but one full recipe which is fantastic is this:
Transmute of Souls Full Recipe Guide:-
Lost Soul Essence x 2
Necromantic Runestone
This gives you 250 souls – it costs 40 souls and 4 hearts to complete.
Cayden says
Does anyone know any other reptile locations I can’t find him anywhere
warren agnew says
I’m going to try the survivor towers because it has each character and they only have one round so saves abit time. I’ve made a table to count how many finishers have been done on each character fingers crossed it works
Dante says
Keep us updated!
Jd says
Anyone know how to get the items for the puzzle in the room you need the dragon amulet for
Keith says
is that like the bug pit area? has all the egg sacks and stuff in it? I was able to get the middle gem, but have no idea how i got, probably a random drop from a chest or tower reward
Jd says
Yeah I have middle and I know you need shinoks amulet but not sure how to get the third
Keith says
So if I hook up a turbo controller, load up an endless tower and leave it on overnight; would this work to unlock some heads since A.I. controlled bots usually have a 75-80% rate of fatalities?
PowerPyx says
No, the AI will lose after 15-25 fights.
Keith says
I think it varies. I have a decently equipped Cassie augment-wise and I’ve gotten up to 38 wins
Greg says
At the sacrifice you Move the arm down then enter the key items which would be a red gem like item and then lift the arm back up and it will drop the fire down and all three skeletons will set on fire and give you 500 souls (800,13555)
Anthony Williams says
ok so basically getting all the heads for warriors shrine will take me roughly 50 something years…and thats if im grinding non stop 24 hours with no sleep and no eating. great thats fucking great.
jason says
does anyone actually read the comments lol i see people asking the same questions over and over and over even tho the answers have been provided like numerous times lol
II B L AD E z I says
I have found the dragon amulet in a 20,000 chest in the fire area begind the door that requires raidens staff. The amulet is used opposite the forge, along the cliff edge (door in rock face)
Dnytzy says
You will get cetrions amulet by having her severed head on warrior shrime ;)
Seb says
There’s a green spot near the river in the forest requiring 3000 souls. Anyone knows what it does?
Seb says
Update: its spawns a 250,000 koin chest that contained 5 skins and a tower key in my case. Don’t be stupid like me guys and don’t forget to use a lockpick on that one…
angelbless says
Yeah, it gives you a chest with some skins…. the chest costs 250K coins though…not really worth it IMO.
Snake2410 says
In the Dragon Amulet puzzle room the third amulet you need is Cetrions. You get it by performing 50 fatalities on her in towers to get her head, then placing her head on the spike. You’ll get her amulet along with the rest of the stuff. I still need Shinnoks before I can complete the puzzle to see what’s inside.
Levi says
The second fatality for sub zero is found in a chest on the right side of a golden arch in the bottom right section of the main island. To get there you have to go through Goro’s dining hall on the right side tunnel (opened by chains) until you are in a prison. From there use Kenshi’s bandana thing to hit right of the brazier and follow it through to another elevator which leads you up to the new courtyard.
Modularpatch-911 says
Does anyone know something about the Shinnoks Amulet ?
angelbless says
You need to forge it.
Just so there is no confusion, only FATALITIES work towards the severed heads. I did a brutality only run on Centrion and it never gave it to me. I unlocked it this morning using about 40 fatalities.
P.S. the elevator near Kollector only takes you up to the beginning area. Good for a short cut but nothing else
mitch2161998 says
In reference to The Sacrifice: if you go through the door in goros lair where you need 10 mercys (coordinates: 3542, -6176). There is a red key item in the chest at the very end (wanna say it cost 80k koins) then you can put that item in the sacrifice chest thing and then lift it back up before spearing it, this opens the surrounding gate but no new areas from what i can see
Jason S says
I put the middle amulet and the certrions amulet and then farmed for Shinnok’s amulet.. once I came back to put Shinnok’s in.. certrions amulet is glitched and doesn’t let me pull the lever… I checked my inventory I have her head but I don’t have her amulet.. does anyone know how to fix this?
Finally finished the elder gods puzzle. It takes you to another area with spiders with a few chests to open. Also connects to an area that overlooks The Pit with a few more chests. Seems like Shang Tsung’s room is all thats left
Elusive says
We really need the Krypt guide to be updated for this part (it’s not very clear what is needed and how to obtain it, Shinnok’s amulet apart).
Alexander says
Hi powerpyx, i have unlocked the thing in the country yard where you need to pull the lever, I’m pretty sure you need heart of the blaze. You get it in Gordon lair after you open the 80 000 chest, nothing special happens other than you can open a few chest that are locked away
Jimbobishigh says
I have speared 63 Bodies in Crypt and trophy hasn’t poped any suggestions on this??
PowerPyx says
There are reports of this trophy taking longer to unlock. I don’t think it’s permanently glitched, just some players have reported it took like 20 minutes to pop and unlocked in a different menu or even minutes after closing the game entirely. I’d say spear some more bodies and just let the PS4 sit for a while, exit and re-enter the game. Also check in your trophy list that it didn’t “stealth pop” as sometimes the trophy animation goes invisible but it’s actually in the list.
RichES8301 says
I need help getting the amulet for the Raiden statue i did the towers of time tutorial back when the game came out i don’t have it anymore i can’t get the staff and progress what do i do?
Terry Sayles says
I’m trying to find out how much koins do I need to save up to unlock all the chest in krypt on mortal kombat 11 aftermath on Xbox one