Mortal Kombat 1 Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10 (everything can be done on ‘Very Easy’ and online trophies can be boosted)
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30 Hours (15 Hours for everything except Mastery Grind, 15 Hours for 5 Masteries if grinding leveled Seasonal Tower, longer with other methods)
- Offline Trophies: 0, all stats are tracked via online servers so trophies don’t unlock offline
- Online Trophies: All trophies are online-only. Everything tied to Invasion Mode, Online Versus, Daily/Weekly Quests, Shrine, Shops is only playable while online. Other trophies from offline modes (such as Towers) won’t unlock offline, this is because all stats/profile progress is saved on the online servers.
- Number of missable trophies: 2 –
Vanquished (if you don’t finish a Season Endboss before the Season ends it will reset all progress, seasons last 50 days),
The Mighty Have Fallen (Titans are special events inside Invasion Mode that only spawn for 4 days near the end of every 50-day season, and then they disappear so you must check regularly when they are available). However, there is a workaround to switch the console date back in time to still do these (pick day when Titan spawned).
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can play everything on ‘Very Easy’
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 Story with one Chapter 15 Replay, 10 Towers, 5 Ranked Online Matches, 1 King of the Hill Online Match, 1 Full Invasion Mode Season
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: No, game is only on PS5
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: No, game is only on PS5
- Level Select after Story?: Yes, there is Chapter Select for story. All other modes can be replayed at any time.
- Supports Manual Saves?: No, only 1 Autosave. Invasion Progress is stored on online servers.
- Release Date: September 14, 2023 (Premium Edition) / September 18, 2023 (Standard Edition)
- Guide Updated: November 22, 2023 (updated for Invasion Season 2 Changes, new Kameo XP Farming Method)
Welcome to the Mortal Kombat 1 Trophy Guide! Mortal Kombat 1 launches with 23 Main Characters and 15 Kameo Characters (see How to Unlock all Characters). The Kameo Characters are secondary support characters that help you in battle. They can be summoned to do a quick attack but have a cooldown. The use of Kameo Characters is the main difference to previous Mortal Kombat games. There are 5 Modes: Story, Towers, Invasion, Multiplayer, Practice. The new Invasion Mode requires navigating different worlds and finishing their encounters until reaching the “Season Boss” in the final world. Most time will be spent in this Invasion Mode. The most time consuming task is mastering 5 Kameo Characters. You won’t even master a single one by the time you have all other trophies. Through normal gameplay it would take 30 hours or more to master a single Kameo but it can be done in under 10 hours if farming Survival Encounters in Invasion Mode. Even if you aren’t good at fighting games you can beat the entire game by spamming uppercuts the entire time as they deal good damage and the AI has trouble blocking them. Everything can be done on ‘Very Easy’ difficulty. Always finish matches with a Brutality to get more Kameo XP (brutalities give more than fatalities and are faster). The XP Breakdown can be seen in the match results screen. Overall, you will get lots of trophies very fast in this game, the only big hurdle to Platinum is the Kameo Mastery grind.
Step 1: Finish Tutorial [5-10 Minutes]
For Become A Ninja In No Time, complete the Basic Tutorial. You will be prompted to play the tutorial before starting your first match, or by going to Learn > Tutorial > Basic. This only takes a few minutes and teaches you the gameplay basics. After the 5th sub-tutorial called “Super Meters and Fatal Blows” you’ll earn the trophy.
Step 2: Finish Story [90-120 Minutes without Cutscenes, 6 Hours with Cutscenes]
Play through story mode to unlock What Just Happened??. You can pick “Very Easy” difficulty and skip all cutscenes if you want to save time (story only takes 90-120 minutes if you skip cutscenes). An easy method is to spam
uppercuts on enemies.
Step 3: Replay Story Chapter 15 [5 Minutes]
After finishing the story, replay the story from the start of Chapter 15, from the mission called “It Has Begun”. That’s where you select which fighter you want to use for the rest of Chapter 15. Reach the endboss again to unlock Who Was That??? for having finished Chapter 15 twice total.
Step 4: Finish 10 Towers with different Characters [100-150 Minutes]
Go to Main Menu > Kampaign > Towers > Pick the “Novice” Tower on Very Easy (6 Opponents) and finish it with 10 different characters to unlock 10 Tower Endings. It takes around 10-15 minutes per tower (100-150 minutes for 10 playthroughs). An easy method is to spam +
. Do each tower playthrough with a different character to earn
Puppet Master &
Happy Endings.
Step 5: Invasion Mode, Defeat Invasion Season Boss [6-8 Hours]
Go to Main Menu > Kampaign > Invasions. Now play through this mode until you reach the Season Endboss. The way Invasions work is that every 50 days it resets this mode with new maps / encounters / endboss. Make sure you finish the Invasion playthrough before the end of the 50-day season. You can see how many days are remaining by walking around in Invasion Mode and pressing , check the top right corner. This is technically missable if time runs out before you finish the Endboss, then you’d have to replay everything from scratch in the next Season. If you start and the season ends in 1-2 days it will be better to wait until the next season starts.
You must finish all worlds to reach the Season Endboss. This takes around 6-8 hours total (around 1 hour per world). An arrow icon will indicate the main path so you know where to go. If you reach locked paths/gates, they need key items obtained from nearby towers. While working towards the Endboss you will earn the majority of Invasion Mode trophies automatically. The rest can be cleaned up afterward.
An easy/fast strategy is to use Baraka, put most points into his Attack attribute, spam Uppercuts with +
. Baraka’s uppercut has good range and does more damage than other characters. His forward stab with
also works well. This way you don’t have to worry about learning combos, no skill required. If a main boss is too difficult simply level up by playing Towers at Gateway Portal (the world in the middle of Mesa Screen). The higher your level, the easier it gets. Level 30 is the maximum. Equip Talismans with the word “Armor” in their name (Electric Armor Talisman, Ice Armor Talisman, Fire Armor Talisman etc), these protect you from all incoming damage when pressing
and are particularly helpful for boss fights. When you get “Boosters” that grant permanent resistance increases, use them all on your main character, they don’t carry over to other characters (don’t waste them on characters you don’t primarily play).
Try to finish all fights with a BRUTALITY by holding +
on the final hit (while enemy still has health left, before Finish Him/Her). Brutalities give more Kameo XP than doing Fatalities/Kameo Fatalities, and their animation is quicker so it save time. Keep using the same Kameo character, this will help gain XP to reach Kameo Mastery.
Step 6: Online Multiplayer & Cleanup [15 Minutes]
Now get the Multiplayer Trophies done:
Kontender – search ranked “Kombat League” matches, let the opponent beat you up and always click “Rematch” until the other player reaches 3 wins. When one player has reached 3 wins it counts as a completed set and it changes from “Rematch” to “Friendly Rematch”. Then search for a new opponent. Do 5 complete sets to get the trophy (it won’t count if you or the opponent quit after 1-2 wins). You can stand idle, no need to win any matches. It still unlocks the trophy if you always lose. The whole process only takes 15 minutes.
King Slayer – for this you must defeat the “King” player in a King of the Hill Match. Easiest option is to invite a friend to a Private Match. The host will automatically be the king. The joining player must defeat the host to unlock the trophy. This makes the joining player the king. Now the host defeats the joining player to take back the crown and pop the trophy. This only takes a single match, can be done in 1 minute.
Total Disrespect – during an online match press the Down-Button 4 times in quick succession to do a taunt, without being interrupted
. Can be boosted in private King of the Hill Match.
The Mighty Have Fallen [MISSABLE] – this is gated behind timed special events. Titans only spawn for 4 days at a time near the end of seasons (some point during the last 14 days). So check regularly if they are available. When they are it will spawn a new Mesa that has a 4-day timer on it. If you miss a Titan during a season you’ll have to wait another 50 days for the next one to spawn.
After all this take a look what else you have left. Clean up anything you still need before starting the Mastery grind.
Step 7: 5 Kameo Masteries [10 Hours if playing actively, 50 Hours using AFK Turbo Controller Method]
Here begins the obligatory grind as is tradition with Mortal Kombat games. While all other trophies are super quick and easy, getting 5 Kameo Masteries is very time-consuming.
A Kameo Mastery is achieved when you reach Rank 15 with a Kameo character. You can check the Rank by going to Main Menu > press Touchpad > scroll to the character progression. There are 15 Kameo Characters total but you only need to max out 5 of them. Because they level up much slower than main characters it’s very grindy. From doing all other trophies you won’t even have mastered a single Kameo.
Active Playing Method 1 (5 – 6 Hours per Mastery):
The first active method that doesn’t require setup or much extra effort is to replay the random fight node located to the left in Wu Shi Academy. This fight is scaled to your level, so when you’re Level 30 it’s Level 30 as well, but unlike other Level 30 fights you can find after defeating the Season Final Boss it is only one round and doesn’t have a bunch of extra effects added, making it much shorter. A win with a Brutality in this fight awards 150 XP, or 270 XP for a Flawless Brutality.
Active Playing Method 2 (8 – 10 Hours setup, then 30 Minutes to 2 Hour per Mastery):
The second active method is to continually replay the Seasonal Tower located in the center Gateway Portal mesa. The Seasonal Tower is 10 fights long and starts at Level 10, raising 1 Level each time you complete it with seemingly no cap. This means that if you play it enough you can raise the Level above 30, which increases the XP you can earn past anywhere else in the Invasion mode. If you get it up to the 40 – 50+ range then you can earn upwards of 1000 – 2000 XP per successful match, allowing you to complete a Mastery very quickly if you can reach that point. It requires replaying the Tower a lot of times to increase the level though, and each level has a pair of random effects and randomized opponents on it which seemingly can’t be reset, which is why this is much more effort and ends up being much more difficult along with the long setup time.
If you are wanting to perform this method pick a high damage character such as Baraka, and set their stats up with most points in Attack. Relics won’t be the same for everyone, so use what you have that increases damage with not too many negative tradeoffs (such as increased damage in exchange for not being able to block). You can check the shop in the center of the Mesa for new items every hour (it has 3 each of Forge Materials, Konsumables, Relics, and Talismans at a time). For a Talisman you specifically want the Windbreaker one, which causes you to send out a damaging gas cloud in front of yourself that damages the enemy when they stand inside it. You should be able to purchase a Level 30 one of these from the second last shop in the final mesa of the Season (the second last shop in each areas seems to always sell Talismans).
Once you reach level 40 or higher on the Tower keep note of how hard of a time you are having with fights. The first 3 fights will be the worst as the enemies are “boss” types which typically have 2 phases and hyper armor, with the other 7 fights actually being easier as they typically don’t have the boss modifiers. If you start struggling to get past the first 3 fights then that’s when you likely want to stop increasing the tower level, and just back out of the tower on the final fight. This lets you keep all your earned XP and Kurrency to that point, but doesn’t increase the tower level and keeps it the same, allowing you to grind the same level of enemies as much as you like as long as you never finish the tower. Obviously the higher you can get the more XP you can earn, but once you reach the 40s you can earn 1000+ XP per match, allowing you to complete the Mastery very quickly relative to the other methods.
AFK Turbo Controller Method (12 Hours per Mastery):
For this you need a compatible Turbo Controller. In Season 1 you could stand on a low-level Survival node and simply turbo the X button, it gave 65 Kameo XP for every 20 second Survival. But in Season 2 this only gives 9 XP and the Survival nodes scale to your level, meaning you will die if you try to idle it (in case they patch it back feel free to test this in future seasons). As of Season 2, a new turbo method is to continually play a Level 28 mission in the final mesa Rampart with Liu Kang. To find the location, go to the final boss, then go backward on the path until you reach the 4 way split with the fight “Getting Frosty”. Go left at the split 6 spaces to reach the fight “Axe-Cident”. While playing as Liu Kang you can then turbo the X-Button and hold the left stick/movement to the right (using a rubber band or some other method). Due to the positioning of the node you won’t move, but can still continually restart the fight. While fighting with Liu Kang holding right and hitting X repeatedly performs a 3-hit Kick combo, pushing him toward the opponent at all times. At level 7 Mastery you unlock the Brutality “Pop Goes The…” which triggers off that three hit kick combo, as long as one of the three hits deals the final blow and you are facing right, meaning you can continually turbo this to repeat the fight, performing a Brutality the majority of the time (if the opponent moves to the left of you then the Brutality won’t occur, but you’ll still win matches from the combo). This earns 65 XP for a win, or 105 XP with the Brutality. Set your Liu Kang up with 40 – 50 health, then the rest of the points in Attack and let the fight run this way. Equip whatever Relic you have that increases damage if possible to make it go a little quicker.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Mortal Kombat 1 – How to Unlock All Characters
- Mortal Kombat 1 – How to Perform All Secret Fatalities (Button Inputs)
Mortal Kombat 1 Trophy Guide
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Kompletionist Komplete All Trophies |
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Earn all other trophies to unlock platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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Become A Ninja In No Time Komplete The Basic Tutorial |
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From Main Menu go to Learn > Tutorial > Basic. Complete all 5 sub-tutorials here:
Before playing your first match the game will automatically prompt you to play the tutorial, but if you skip it or exit you can still do it from the Tutorial Menu at any time. |
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Eye Of The TaiGore Spend A Total Of 1 Hour In Practice |
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Go to Main Menu > Learn > Practice > select your characters and stay in this mode for 1 hour. It doesn’t have to be one hour in one sitting, it still counts if you leave Practice and then re-enter the mode later for the remaining time (e.g. spend 10 minutes and then another 50 minutes in a separate session will unlock the trophy). You don’t need to press any buttons or anything. It’s fine to stay idle so you can do other things and keep the game running. |
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A New Timeline Komplete 50% Of Story Mode |
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Automatic story-related trophy, unlocks in Story Mode, after Act III Chapter 9 “Firewater”. |
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What Just Happened?? Komplete 100% Of Story Mode |
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Automatic story-related trophy, for finishing Story Mode. There are 4 Acts total and 15 Chapters. The story takes around 90-120 minutes total if you skip cutscenes. |
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Who Was That??? Komplete Chapter 15 Twice |
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After finishing the story for the first time, replay from the first Chapter 15 mission (Act IV) called “It Has Begun”. That’s the point in the story where you must select which fighter you want to use for the rest of Chapter 15. Now finish all Chapter 15 fights again and the trophy will unlock when reaching the final boss. Replaying just the endboss (“Horrible Bosses”) won’t unlock the trophy, you must replay Chapter 15 from the start. Luckily, this only takes 5 minutes if you skip cutscenes. Pick a different character than on the first run to make sure the game counts it correctly as a new run. The trophy will actually unlock before the final boss fight, you don’t even need to finish it and can quit out at that point. |
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Titan Deal 10,000 Damage To Opponents |
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This will be one of your first trophies. It counts the total damage dealt cumulatively across all matches. Each opponent has 1,000 health so you will deal 10,000 total damage within 10 matches. |
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Beaten And Broken Spill 5,000 Pints Of Blood |
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This will unlock automatically while going for other trophies, don’t even worry about this. As you attack enemies you will automatically spill their blood each fight. You can keep track of it in your fighter card statistics. Go to Main Menu > press Touchpad Within the first few hours of gameplay you will spill to 5,000 pints of opponent’s blood naturally. It still takes a while but roughly after finishing the story and doing 5 Towers you should have it. |
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It Has Begun!!! Komplete Cage Mansion Tutorial |
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Automatic Invasion Mode trophy, cannot be missed. Complete the tutorial section by finishing Johnny Cage’s Mansion in Invasion Mode. After Encounter “Ugly Me”, you can enter the final room of the mansion and a fire portal will spawn. Step through the portal to exit the Mansion Tutorial and enter the first Invasion World. The trophy will unlock shortly after that. It can be a bit delayed and may take 2 minutes to pop, so don’t quit the game until it does. Just start the next match in the first Invasion Level you arrive at and it should pop shortly thereafter. |
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Kontender Play 5 Kombat League Sets |
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This trophy description is slightly misleading. You don’t just need to PLAY Kombat League Matches, you must FINISH the whole Set (a “Set” is complete whenever the first player reaches 3 wins via Rematch function). Go to Main Menu > Versus > Online > Ranked – Kombat League. These are the ranked matches against random online player. You must finish 5 FULL Kombat League match sets until the first player has reached 3 wins. After each win (every 2 rounds) you must click REMATCH. After the first player reaches 3 wins it will show “Final Set Results” and the “Rematch” option changes to “Friendly Rematch”. At this point it will count as “1 Kombat League Set played” towards the trophy. So do this 5 times. In total that means you must play at least against 5 people, always until one player has reached 3 wins (5 opponents x 3 wins x 2 rounds per win = minimum 30 rounds). If the opponent quits out it won’t count towards the trophy and you must find someone else who rematches you until you or the opponent has 3 wins. It DOESN’T count if you don’t keep rematching the opponent until someone has 3 wins. If you quit out after the first or second win it will not count towards the trophy. Only after the full 3-win set is complete it counts. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose the set. You can stand idle and just let the opponent beat you up 3 times in a row, 3 losses in a row will still count as having finished a Kombat League Set. This means the trophy is very easy because you don’t actually need to play, can just lose on purpose to give the opponent 3 wins, then search for a new opponent. |
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Deadly Assassin Perform 20 Different Fatalities |
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The easiest and fastest method is to do this in the “Fatalities” Learn Mode. Go to Main Menu > Learn > Fatalities. Do the Fatality of 20 different characters. You have to perform 20 DIFFERENT Fatalities (meaning 20 Fatalities of different Characters), not the same one 20 times. There are 24 playable characters at launch, so do the fatality of any 20/24 characters. This will just a little under 20 minutes. The trophy is confirmed to unlock from the “Learn” Mode, it doesn’t need to be done in real matches. |
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Karnage Perform 10 Different Brutalities |
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The easiest option is to play with 10 different characters and use their brutality by HOLDING While there are more unlockable brutalities for each character that isn’t needed. The basic |
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Annihilation Perform 10 Different Kameo Fatalities |
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“Kameo Fatalities” are performed using your Kameo Character (the secondary character that helps you in combat). The button input and required distance to opponent can be viewed in the Move List under “Kameo” section. After you deplete an opponent’s health you get the “Finish Him/Her” screen. Input the correct button sequence while standing at the correct distance from the opponent. In the Movelist the Kameo Fatality will show the distance in the name (Close / Mid / Long). For “Close” stand at the enemy and do one double-step back ( Example: Kano’s Fatality is called “(Mid) Heart Ripper” Repeat this for 10 different Kameo Characters. You have 10 different Kameo Characters unlocked from the start. The remaining 5 are unlocked by increasing your Player Profile Level, one unlocks every 5 levels with the last one at Level 25. Also see Mortal Kombat 1 – How to Unlock All Characters. |
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Making Friends Is Easy Use 10 Different Kameo Characters |
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During character select you will get to pick a second character that joins you in combat. These are the “Kameo Characters”. There are 15 Kameo Characters total, simply finish matches with 10 of them. You can use the same main character, only the Kameo character must be different. The fastest option is to do it in Invasion Mode because matches only last one round, but it also counts across other modes. You have 10 different Kameo Characters unlocked from the start. The remaining 5 are unlocked by increasing your Player Profile Level, one unlocks every 5 levels with the last one at Level 25. Also see Mortal Kombat 1 – How to Unlock All Characters. |
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Puppet Master Komplete A Klassic Tower With 5 Different Characters |
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Go to Main Menu > Kampaign > Towers. Play the first tower “Novice” that only has 6 opponents and set the difficulty to ‘Very Easy’. Finish this tower with 5 different main characters. For |
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Give A Koin Spend 10,000 Koins On The Shrine |
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The Shrine can be found in Main Menu > Extras > Shrine. Using the Shrine costs 1000 Koins each time and gives one random Kollection reward (Character Art, Environment Art, Music, and some Cosmetics). Simply use the Shrine 10 times total to spend 10,000 Koins total. You get more than enough Koins on your way to Invasion Level 20. Koins can also be earned quickly from Tower Matches (250 per match) and from completing the tutorial (250 per tutorial). Don’t worry about it, just focus on other trophies and you’ll get more than enough Koins automatically along the way. *Long Trophy Pop Delay* |
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Test Your Might Komplete 5 Unique Test Your Might Encounters |
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In Invasion Mode you will frequently find “Test Your Might” encounters. These appear as dots on the floor (just like regular combat encounters), and often during Tower Matches. These are little challenges that require you to mash buttons and click *Long Trophy Pop Delay* |
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So I Just Kill Stuff?? Komplete 5 Unique Encounters |
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Adventure Time Komplete 25 Unique Encounters |
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Automatic Invasion Mode trophy, cannot be missed. “Encounters” are the glowing circles on the floor in Invasion Mode. Each of these is a Fight, or a Test Your Might, or Survival Challenge, or Ambush. For this trophy you must step on 25 of these floor markers and complete the fight. This will happen automatically while playing through Invasion Mode, you have to finish Encounters to advance. You will get this within the first 1-2 hours of gameplay in Invasion Mode. |
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King Slayer Dethrone A King |
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For this you must defeat the “King” in a King of the Hill online match. Luckily, this can be done in a private match with a friend or second console. Only 2 players are needed when doing it in Private Match. Go to Main Menu > Versus > Online > either Kasual – King of the Hill or Private – King of the Hill. The easiest option is to play a Private King of the Hill with 2 players. The player who is hosting the match will automatically be the “King”. The player who joins must defeat the host to earn the trophy. This makes the joining player “King”. Now the host can defeat the joining player to dethrone him and unlock the trophy. It only takes a single match to do this so it’s very quick and easy when done in Private Match. If you have a second console you can simply join yourself from a different account. |
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Buddy System Komplete Mastery With 1 Kameo Character |
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Rollin’ With My Krew Komplete Mastery With 5 Kameo Characters |
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There are 15 Kameo Characters. They are the secondary support characters you can summon in battle. You must reach Mastery with 5 of them. Mastery = Rank 15. You can check the Rank by going to Main Menu > Touchpad > scroll over the Kameo character. Always use the same Kameo character until you’ve maxed one out, then switch to a new character. Each match you win gives 2 types of XP: Profile XP + Kameo XP (can be seen by pressing You get more Kameo XP if you finish matches with a Brutality (Fatalities also give a small bonus but Brutalities give more). Easiest option is to hold While working on all other trophies you will not even master a single character. They level much slower than main characters. Each level-up takes longer than the previous one. This means after you have all other trophies done this will be your long boring grind to platinum.
Season 2 Update: With the Season 2 update the amount of XP gained in fights has been changed, and now seems to be tied relative to the level of a fight instead of being static, along with there being a massive reduction in XP earned from Survival matches (they give the same XP as a Level 1 fight). This means that the prior methods for idling XP or replaying low level Endurance matches is no longer viable, as you get 1/10th the XP for completing Survival matches as you did during Season 1 (5~ XP instead of 65~ XP), and Endurance XP is scaled to the level of the fight so replaying low level ones gives the same extremely low amount of XP. There are new active and idle methods, with one active method being much faster but requires much more effort. SEASON 2 – Active Playing Method 1 (5 – 6 Hours per Mastery): The first active method that doesn’t require setup or much extra effort is to replay the random fight node located to the left in Wu Shi Academy. This fight is scaled to your level, so when you’re Level 30 it’s Level 30 as well, but unlike other Level 30 fights you can find after defeating the Season Final Boss it is only one round and doesn’t have a bunch of extra effects added, making it much shorter. A win with a Brutality in this fight awards 150 XP, or 270 for a Flawless Brutality. SEASON 2 – Active Playing Method 2 (8 – 10 Hours setup, then 30 Minutes to 2 Hour per Mastery): The second active method is to continually replay the Seasonal Tower located in the center Gateway Portal mesa. The Seasonal Tower is 10 fights long and starts at Level 10, raising 1 Level each time you complete it with seemingly no cap. This means that if you play it enough you can raise the Level above 30, which increases the XP you can earn past anywhere else in the Invasion mode. If you get it up to the 40 – 50+ range then you can earn upwards of 1000 – 2000 XP per successful match, allowing you to complete a Mastery very quickly if you can reach that point. It requires replaying the Tower a lot of times to increase the level though, and each level has a pair of random effects and randomized opponents on it which seemingly can’t be reset, which is why this is much more effort and ends up being much more difficult along with the long setup time. If you are wanting to perform this method pick a high damage character such as Baraka, and set their stats up with most points in Attack. Relics won’t be the same for everyone, so use what you have that gives increase damage with not too many negative tradeoffs (such as increased damage in exchange for not being able to block). You can check the shop in the center of the Mesa for new items every hour (it has 3 each of Forge Materials, Konsumables, Relics, and Talismans at a time). For a Talisman you specifically want the Windbreaker one, which causes you to send out a damaging gas cloud in front of yourself that damages the enemy when they stand inside it. You should be able to purchase a Level 30 one of these from the second last shop in the final mesa of the Season (the Second last shop in each areas seems to always sell Talismans). Once you reach level 40 or higher on the Tower keep note of how hard of a time you are having with fights. The first 3 fights will be the worst as the enemies are “boss” types which typically have 2 phases and hyper armor, with the other 7 fights actually being easier as they typically don’t have the boss modifiers. If you start struggling to get past the first 3 fights then that’s when you likely want to stop increasing the tower level, and just back out of the tower on the final fight. This lets you keep all your earned XP and Kurrency to that point, but doesn’t increase the tower level and keeps it the same, allowing you to grind the same level of enemies as much as you like as long as you never finish the tower. Obviously the higher you can get the more XP you can earn, but once you reach the 40s you can earn 1000+ XP per match, allowing you to complete the Mastery very quickly relative to the other methods. SEASON 2 – AFK Turbo Controller Method (12 Hours per Mastery): The new method to turbo in Season 2 is to continually a Level 28 mission in the final mesa Rampart with Liu Kang. To find the location, go to the final boss, then go backward on the path until you reach the 4 way split with the fight “Getting Frosty”. Go left at the split 6 spaces to reach the fight “Axe-Cident”. While playing as Liu Kang you can then turbo the X-Button and hold the left stick/movement to the right (using a rubber band or some other method). Due to the positioning of the node you won’t move, but can still continually restart the fight. While fighting with Liu Kang holding right and hitting X repeatedly performs a 3-hit Kick combo, pushing him toward the opponent at all times. At level 7 Mastery you unlock the Brutality “Pop Goes The…” which triggers off that three hit kick combo, as long as one of the three hits deals the final blow and you are facing right, meaning you can continually turbo this to repeat the fight, performing a Brutality the majority of the time (if the opponent moves to the left of you then the Brutality won’t occur, but you’ll still win matches from the combo). This earns 65 XP for a win, or 105 XP with the Brutality. Set your Liu Kang up with 40 – 50 health, then the rest of the points in Attack and let the fight run this way. Equip whatever Relic you have that increases damage if possible to make it go a little quicker. |
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Where’s Blanche Trade For An Item From An Outworld Shop |
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Outworld Shops can be found throughout Invasion Mode. For example, one can be found in Mesa: Sun Do Festival (at least in Season 1, might change in future Seasons). They look identical to Earthrealm Shops. The shopkeeper looks like a 4-armed blue guy. Simply buy one item from such a shop to unlock the trophy. Here’s an example showing him at Sun Do Festival (second world in Season 1): |
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Take And Deny Trade For An Item From An Earthrealm Shop |
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Earthrealm Shops can be found throughout Invasion Mode. For example, one is always at the “Gateway Portal” (the flying island in the middle between all Mesas). They look identical to Outworld Shops. The shopkeeper looks like a 4-armed blue guy. Simply buy one item from such a shop to unlock the trophy. Here’s an example location showing him at the Gateway Portal: |
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Ultimate Power Use A Talisman |
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Automatic Invasion Mode trophy, unlocked after Encounter “Demon Lady”. Talismans are unlockable and usable only in Invasion Mode. You will get the first Talisman automatically after the first few encounters in Invasion Mode, after the encounter called “Demon Lady”. Then on the next encounter you automatically get a tutorial on how to use it. Talismans allow you to shoot ranged projectiles by tilting the right stick |
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Talis-Mania Use A Talisman 10 Times |
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See After obtaining a Talisman simply tilt the right stick to the right or left |
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Running On Empty Recharge A Talisman |
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See After obtaining a Talisman simply tilt the right stick to the right or left |
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So Krafty Forge A Talisman |
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Automatic Invasion Mode trophy, unlocked during Forge Tutorial. The Forge is automatically discovered early during the Invasion Mode while going through Johnny’s Mansion (can’t miss it). By the time you reach the Forge you will automatically have a Talisman and a crafting component from previous encounters. Talk to Forge NPC > Upgrade Talisman > select your Talisman > add a crafting Komponent for the upgrade > press the Options-Button |
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Feeling Stronger Reach Invasions Level 5 |
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Unstoppable Reach Invasions Level 10 |
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Juggernaut Reach Invasions Level 20 |
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In Invasion Mode your character has an “Invasion Level”. This is different from your Profile Level (it’s a level exclusive to Invasion Mode). You will reach Level 20 automatically on the way to the Season Boss for Don’t even worry about this, Level 20 will come naturally while you play. It takes around 6 hours of gameplay to reach Level 20. An easy strategy is to play Baraka, put all points in Attack attribute, and just spam uppercuts with |
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Not So Big Now Are You?? Defeat A Mini Boss In Invasions |
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Automatic Invasion Mode trophy, cannot be missed. Throughout invasion mode, some of the Encounters will be “Mini Bosses”. They look just like regular opponents but have more buffs that make them stronger. You will automatically encounter them on your way to Invasion Level 20. |
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Who Da Boss?? Defeat A Major Boss In Invasions |
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Automatic Invasion Mode trophy, cannot be missed. Major bosses are found at the end of Mesas (Worlds) in Invasion Mode. They have multiple phases and have buffs that make them stronger than regular opponents. You will automatically encounter one at the end of the first Mesa, the world where you go after finishing Johnny Cage’s Mansion Tutorial. It will change every Invasion Season. On your way to defeating the Season Endboss you will automatically have to defeat Major Bosses along the way, so can’t miss it, they are on the mandatory main path. |
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Vanquished Defeat The Final Boss Of An Invasions Season |
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*INVASION MODE* For this you must play through all Mesas (worlds) during on Invasion Season. The last world will have the Season Endboss. It takes around 10 hours to finish all worlds in a Season. The Seasons reset every 50 days, which deletes your Invasion progress and you must start over. The time until the reset is shown when you press An easy strategy is to play Baraka, put all points in Attack attribute, and just spam uppercuts with |
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Always Accessorize Equip A Relic |
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Relics are automatically obtained in Invasion Mode as rewards for beating certain encounters. The first one unlocks early on after Encounter “Smoke Hazard”, while going through Johnny Cage’s Mansion (can’t miss it). Afterward while walking around the mansion press |
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Kollector Equip 3 Different Relics |
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Throughout Invasion Mode you will frequently earn Relics as rewards from Encounters. They can also be found in Chests and bought from Shops. For example, the Shop at Gateway Portal sells Relics (floating island in the middle between all Mesas). Note that some Relics have certain stat requirements, such as requiring a minimum of 10 Defense Attribute to equip them. When you have collected 3 Relics and fulfill the stat requirements, they can be equipped by pressing |
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The Mighty Have Fallen Komplete A Titan Battle |
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*INVASION MODE* *HIGHLY MISSABLE – TIMED ONLINE EVENTS* Titans only spawn for 4 days during each 50-day Season in Invasion Mode. For example, during Season 1 (ending November 05, 2023) the Titans appeared from October 27 – October 31. In Season 2 (ending December 15th, 2023) the Titan appeared from November 17 – November 21. You should check frequently if Titans are available through Invasion Mode. When they are available a new Mesa gets added to Invasion Mode on the bottom left that looks like this: Select this extra Mesa, then in the node on the right side you can find the current Titan boss.They’re a stronger version of a regular opponent who has extra buffs and multiple phases, just like bosses. You must defeat the Titan over multiple rounds until they are fully defeated, then the trophy unlocks. EXPLOIT: As of Season 2 (confirmed to work November 17, 2023) you can change the date on your system to move backwards to the prior Season/timeframe, which makes the Titan mesa reappear, allowing you to replay the boss. Go to PS5 Settings and change date to October 31, 2023/November 18, 2023. Then the Pyramid will spawn, allowing you to replay the Titan fight. After this close the game, change the date back to current date, open Invasions and play a random fight to get the trophy (this might get patched in the future, was confirmed to work on November 18, 2023 during Season 2). Note that the Season 2 Titan fight (General Shao) is easier than the Baraka fight from Season 1, having only 4 phases instead of 5, and Shao not growing in size in the middle phases like Baraka. |
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Automatic Invasion Mode trophy, cannot be missed. Start Invasions Mode and finish the first match to get a key. Then move forward to Johnny Cage’s Mansion and open the door with the key. It’s the first Invasion Mode trophy you will earn. |
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Made It Out Alive Komplete A Survival Encounter |
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Automatic Invasion Mode trophy, unlocked after the Encounter “Survive” (while walking through Johnny Cage’s Mansion). Survival Encounters are minigames where you must evade some projectiles, obstacles etc. The first story-related one has you duck and jump over some projectiles. You have to finish these encounters to advance further into Invasion Mode, so can’t miss this. |
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Make Way, I’m Koming Through Klear An Obstruction In Invasions |
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Automatic Invasion Mode trophy, unlocked after Encounter “Ugly Me”. Obstructions are blockades throughout the Invasion Mode map that are blocking off certain paths or rooms. To clear these you must solve encounters nearby, one of the encounters will clear the blockade. You will automatically be doing this while advancing through Invasion Mode so don’t even worry about this, can’t miss it. |
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Found You Unlock A Secret Fight |
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Secret Fights randomly appear after regular fights, having you fight a second opponent immediately. Starting the fight unlocks the trophy, you aren’t required to actually complete it. Season 1: Season 2: |
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Stop Hiding Survive An Ambush |
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While walking from one encounter to the next you will sometimes get a surprised enemy encounter called “Ambush”. Defeating this surprise attacker will unlock the trophy. This is completely random. Just run around the map and Ambushes will happen regularly, you will frequently get them while playing through Invasion mode, so don’t even worry about this. Season 2 Update: |
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Quest Master Komplete 3 Daily Quests |
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From the Main Menu (or in Invasion Mode) press Touchpad |
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Working Overtime Komplete A Weekly Quest |
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From the Main Menu (or in Invasion Mode) press Touchpad |
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High Score, Is That Good? Obtain A Total Score Of 5,000,000 In Gateway Towers |
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*INVASION MODE* Gateway Towers can be played in Invasion Mode, from the Mesa in the center called “Gateway Portal” (available after finishing Johnny Cage’s Mansion tutorial). You must get 5,000,000 Score from A SINGLE Hourly / Daily / Weekly tower (Seasonal Tower doesn’t count because it doesn’t give a score). It doesn’t add up your scores across multiple towers, has to be 5 million from one tower. Season 2 Update: With the Season 2 Invasion the scoring of the Gateway Towers has been changed, so you can get higher scores much easier. You can quite easily get over 5 million points on a daily tower with 5 fights, trying to finish the fights with minimal health loss and Brutality/Fatality on every round, Flawless Victories not required. Old Season 1 Method (in case the Season 2 method gets changed this may become relevant again): In Season 1 there are two methods: Finish a Tower with at least 7 floors with all Brutalities, or finish a tower with at least 5 floors with all Flawless Victories + Brutalities. The towers are random and always change so if you get a difficult tower with lots of environmental hazards you can wait until new towers appear and hope for an easier one. It’s somewhat luck-dependent, just check for the hourly & daily towers frequently until you find one that matches the criteria. The towers can be replayed as many times as you want until the time elapses and they are replaced by a new tower. Season 1 Method 1: 7 Floor Towers – Beat Every Fight with a Brutality, doesn’t need Flawless Victories For 7 floor towers you must win every floor with a BRUTALITY (not Fatality). Brutality is performed by HOLDING
Season 1 Method 2: 5 Floor Tower – Beat Every Fight with Brutality + Flawless Victory For 5 Floor Towers you must finish all 5 floors with FLAWLESS VICTORY + BRUTALITY (not Fatality). You aren’t allowed to take any damage in any fight. Brutality is performed by HOLDING
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There Is No Knowledge That Is Not Power Use 10 Single Use Items |
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In Invasion Mode, you will get tons of items that can be used once and then disappear from the inventory. While walking around the map press |
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Happy Endings Unlock 10 Tower Endings |
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Go to Main Menu > Kampaign > Towers. Play the first tower “Novice” that only has 6 opponents and set the difficulty to ‘Very Easy’. Finish this tower with 10 different main characters. At the end you always unlock a Tower Ending for the character you played. You can keep track of which endings you have unlocked and which ones you still need under Main Menu > Extras > Kollection > Movies. The ones you completed will show the Character Ending movie there. |
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Big Spender Spend 10,000 Seasonal Kurrency |
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To spend Seasonal Kurrency go to Main Menu > press Options-Button You get Season Kurrency throughout the game for match rewards and doing Daily/Weekly Challenges. The fastest way is to play Towers. |
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Total Disrespect Perform A Taunt Without Being Interrupted During An Online Match |
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Go to Versus > Online. Play any type of online match. To do a Taunt press the Down-Button 4 times in quick succession: |
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Thank You For Being A Fan!!! Watch The Kredits |
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The “Kredits” are unlocked after beating a Tower for the first time. If you skipped them, you can rewatch the Kredits any time from Main Menu > Extras > Kollection > Movies > Kredits. For the trophy you have to watch the full credits without skipping them. Just sit idle and don’t press any buttons and the trophy will pop afterward. The kredits are 14 minutes long. |
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Witness Me!!! Change Your Kombat Kard Player Module |
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For this you must be online. From the Main Menu press Touchpad |
Stu says
Which turbo controller is compatible with PS5?
PowerPyx says
– CronusZen works. But it’s tricky to set up.
– Friend of mine is using PlayStation’s Remote Play app on PC with a Macro to cycle Enter-Button (which translates to X Button on PS5). But new Remote Play version no longer supports keyboard so you need an old version.
– There are also modded PS5 controllers on ebay that claim to have Turbo but I can’t vouch for those.
– Another option would be to buy a programmable robot arm and make it click the button for you infinitely, they are available for $60+ (just search for it on amazon) and once you set it up will work for all games in the future for all consoles (since it’s an external mechanical device it can’t be blocked on a software level).
Bran says
reWASD works as an alternative to buying a turbo controller.
ExeCutoR says
you can also use the PS Remote App for Android and an App called Autoclicker. ;) worked fine for me. 🙂
Luke says
If you want to boost the online trophies hit me up DANGATV is my PSN
Andrew says
I’m down to boost, PSN is BigTimePlaya45 I’m on PS5
Chad says
I’m down. Silvertoxxin is my psn
Zillajay23 says
I was trying to get the online trophies I’m not sure how to do it though can we do KOTH?
Zillajay23 says
My gamer tag is zillajay23
Snake2410 says
Also, in Invasions if you go to the Wu Shi Academy and buy the two xp items and the free Invasion level up item with coins you can level up much faster. You can buy them multiple times and the 50xp will give a couple levels, the 100xp will give you like 5 – 6 levels, and the free level item will give another.
I don’t know how long it takes for replenishment to the store takes though. Probably an hour or two. I hit level 30 within a couple hours of unlocking the Academy location, only buying 2 of each item.
Cascadibear says
Hi there, looking to boost ‘em online trophies. Hmu on PSN! ID: Cascadibear
ShadowsGH says
If anyone wants to do the online trophies, add me ShadowsGH.
Silk says
What is the lowest level tower you have seen?
PowerPyx says
I’ve seen Level 4 towers. Just stand in front of tower, fast travel to 1st mesa, fast travel back and it will scale down the level.
Snake2410 says
Another way to get the 5 million points trophy is 7 stage towers. You don’t need flawless victories that way, just brutalities. I got 5,450,000 points on one a little while ago. You may not even need brutalites if you hit all the fatalities on it.
Snake2410 says
Correction, fatalities won’t work. It only gives around 4,500,000 points.
Darkknight0815 says
Looking to boost king of hill trophy. On right now so invite away.
PSN Darkknight0815
Darkknight0815 says
Tried to message some of you peoples on here but everyone is listed as private lol
Lasse200 says
Does this offer still stand? By the time you’re reading this, i’ve already gotten the other online trophies. Just for this one, i don’t wanna waste time doing it properly XD. PS ID is the same as my name here
Silk says
I did the 8th floor tower and used maxed attack baraka and mostly just did uppercuts and brutalities. Got over 5.5 million that way. Just kinda wait for them to cough at low health to get the brutalities everytime.
Greg says
Hello how can i setup a macro from pc to spam the survivor game for the 5 kameos ? can you please explain i cant find it anywhere..
Bran says
reWASD works with a PS4 controller connected to the fully-updated remote play for PS5. Just using the free trial.
Survive macro I use: (should cover if you receive items or not)
Cross (down), 80 ms, Cross (up), 32988 ms, Cross (down), 154 ms, Cross (up), 955 ms, Cross (down), 155 ms, Cross (up), 8780 ms.
Repeat that with 9999 iterations with no pause between iterations and to ‘execute at once’ (would map it to a button you wouldn’t use generally. Hope this helps!
Karoof316 says
Looking to boost the king of the hill trophy if anyone needs it.
Please add me and send a msg. psn: karoof316
Diego says
If you want to boost the online trophies
Let me know my gamertag is: crazyfrog1999
KingBek_DZ says
Anyone know about remote play i used it but when i start the game keyboard stop working
PowerPyx says
You need an old version of Remote Play, the new one no longer supports keyboard in-game.
John says
And could you get banned for spoofing as the newest version? You never know with sony
Bran says
reWASD will let you map your controller onto your keyboard and run in the latest-update for remote play for PS5. May need a PS4 controller though.
Snake2410 says
I discovered something interesting, and maybe helpful, using the gateway towers level glitch. Obviously that’ll more than likely be patched at some point in the near future, so that’s not really the important part here.
It is possible to do all fatalities on a 7 stage tower for the High Score trophy, but the issue is that you have to defeat every opponent within about 10 – 15 seconds at most. Playing around with it last night I did this and fatalitied everyone. I ended up with 5.1 million points. I beat everyone within 10 – 15 seconds. I bet using something like the Windbreaker talisman might end fights fast enough. Paired with the Konsumable that makes talismans have infinite usage for that encounter would be very handy as well.
Snake2410 says
I should add that I didn’t get a single flawless either.
Thiv says
I used a blood armor (but probably any armor talisman would work) which had a pretty lucky affix: +10 max charges which allowed me to just activate at the beginning of every floor and power through with a max atk Reptile
Shazam_Savage says
I am available to boost King of the Hill trophy.
Message me on PSN – Shazam_Savage I am on EST.
Dave says
Send me an invite on King of the hill private match to boost.
Snake2410 says
I think they changed when Who Was That? pops with the most recent patch. It didn’t pop for me until I beat the final boss the second time.
KaI says
Looking to boost online trophies psn kazi_117 will be on 8-10am Brisbane Australia time
MikkoGod says
Boosting up King of the Hill private
predator1819 says
Looking to boost king of the hill trophy.
Psn: predator1819
Aaron Stinsman says
My PSN is AaronStinsman if anyone would like to do the online trophies.
Nikki_boagreis says
If you want people to add you for boosting “it helps if your account isn’t set as private”
Dylan says
Send me an invite for king of the hill trophy
Psn TheDylmaster
Shazam_Savage says
For the repeat Chapter 15 trophy, I had to actually defeat the final boss.
Not sure if this was just me.
PowerPyx says
Might just have been a long trophy delay, happens a bunch with this game. For me it popped as soon as the intro cutscene to the boss fight played (before even hitting the endboss).
Antienne says
Can someone help me with King of the hill trophy? My PSN is rick-conforti
Klutz m says
King of the hill boosts? I’m on now leave a message if you can
Psn msv_90
DemonshireGaming says
I would like to het the King Slayer trophy. Send me an invite at PSN DemonshireGaming.
Kainreaver says
Available to assist for the King of the Hill related trophy and the other online trophies.
PSN: kainreaver12
Eastern Time, on from around 6:00pm
Calypso says
Komplete A Titan Battle
This trophy is time sensitive and will only be obtainable the last week of Invasion season. Titan Scorpion will be the first Titan Battle. What is unknown is if he replaces the final boss on the Invasion board, or if he replaces the Seasonal Tower. I can’t get anymore info other than its an end of season boss. He will be comparable to your level 30 Invasion character, but with mostly maxed stats – hence him being a Titan.
He will be tough, but winnable. Just put all XP into damage and hope he doesn’t one hit kill you before you land a combo on him. Or set everything into Defense and chip away with your weak attacks.
PowerPyx says
What is the source of this info? 🙂
Did the devs say anything about this?
Rafael says
Big Spender is glitched. Just spent like 20K and nothing. Maybe the last patch glitched it.
Rafael says
Can confirm had to spend like 26K for the trophy to pop. Was almost running out of things to buy. Maybe save 10K and spend it all at once instead of bits to make sure!
Jade says
How is the XP farming after the recent patch?
Bri-Bri says
King of the Hill boosting tonight/this weekend? Send me a message on PSN: Bri-Bri
Damian says
You can watch Kredits after story mode and trophy will pop 🙂
Zack says
Looking to do king of the hill trophy if any one would like to psn is LankyLad-Joker
Silva says
Anyone wanna help/need with King of the Hill trophy?
psn El-Nino89
just send a msg
Will says
If anyone wants to do the king of the hill trophy message me on PSN…
Antienne says
Send me a friend request on PSN for multiplayer trophies
Erik larson says
Anyone looking to boost the king of the hill trophy can send me an invite at VacantCrossface
GrashVandicoos says
Any1 wanna boost the online trophies?
Add me on psn: GrashVandicoos
Saleem Houston says
Hey the levels aren’t scaling down when fast travel at the gateway portal..did they patch this?
Forsaken says
I had this same problem at first. You have to travel to the Messa and then fight an opponent. I chose a level 4 opponent then after the fight fast travel back to the tower and it should scale down.
Prince Young says
Looking for private match on King of the Hill to obtain a trophy by defeating the king.
PSN ID: prince5382
Zezo says
The Mighty Have Fallen
Is there any new news regarding this trophy? It is the only trophy I have left to obtain platinum
Thank you for explaining the trophies. I have been following you for a long time. I would be happy if you accepted my friendship on ps NightmareTrophy. This is my personal account.
PowerPyx says
Once the trophy becomes obtainable I will update it in the guide asap.
Until then we don’t know.
illyrianshepherd says
If you want to earn the online trophies, add me on PSN.
PSN-ID: illyrianshepherd
I’m on Central European Timezone.
Forsaken says
Has anyone else been having issues with ranked matches? It searches non stop for a match and never finds one. I let it sit for over an hour yesterday and nothing.
Eric says
I’ll help! Could use help myself as well. Send me request, GT is TheNaughtyLlama
Forsaken says
regarding the High Score, Is That Good? trophy I was able to obtain this on the Weekly Tower III it has 6 floors and 6 days remaining. I beat every floor with the basic uppercut Brutality and I got 1 flawless victory that gave me a total score of 5,031,840. Also as a note I tried to complete each floor as quickly as possible for time and health bonuses.
Dennis Pazmino says
I did the same in a 8 floors tower, the max about I got was: 2.660.200 I think that was patched.
Whatevaho81 says
I need king of the hill still. Hit me up on ps5 @ whatevaho81
illyrianshepherd says
I’m up for it, but I can’t write to you on PSN because of your settings.
angelbless says
Thank you for the guide!
Does anyone has a good macro for the Endurance fight kameo farming method, so I can try it on remote play? Thanks in advance!
gamingfan1981 says
I could use a helping hand with king of the hill trophy please and thanks. PSN gamingfan1981
DeeJay3k says
Im on for the king of the Hill trophy, central Europe send me a massage. PSN: DeeJay3kPS
Tales Zuliani says
PM me for multiplayer boosting – SephirothSama
TeamTrooper says
If anyone wants to boost the “Dethrone a king” / king of the hill trophy, feel free to reach out.
PSN: teamtrooper
twitter: teamtrooper
Ash-M-Moore says
Anyone up for the king of the hill trophy?
My name is Ash-M-Moore and i’m on PS5
Daryl Hughes says
Online trophies needed
Uk London time
Available from 6am-6pm
Husky says
Need the koth trophy , on at evenings EST.
Andrew says
Anyone willing to help with King of the hill, user is ajlyn0 on psn
WBdink says
Still need help? I need these trophies as well. I sent you a request.
Raul says
Anyone want to boost for king of the hill? Online as RCM_088.
Jacobe says
Deathby-1000cuts if anyone wants to boost trophies I need all of them
Anthony says
Willing to boost king of the hill and help any other online. Send me a message. Legndgamr69
Enutrik says
Can anyone boost King of The Hill Trophy for me please? I’ll boost back! PSN ID is Enutrik 🙂 please and thank you
ACE says
Did a 8 floor tower 7 brutalities 1 fatality got only 1,5 mil what is wrong
PowerPyx says
You must do ALL brutalities to get the multiplier. If you do 1 fatality you will lose out on the multiplier at the end.
Judgementday4 says
If anyone wants to boost the koth trophy please add me
Timmy12er says
Here’s how I got “High Score, Is That Good?”
1 Flawless
3 Brutalities
Score: 5,398,080
TYPE: Hourly
TIME: 4 seconds + 4 seconds + 5 seconds
1) Travel to Hourly tower in Gateway Tower
2) Mesa select to Fengjian Village
3) Play low-level encounter (Level 3)
4) Mesa select to Gateway Portal
5) Play Hourly Tower
Chris says
Can anybody help with king of the hill trophy on ps5
wicked_clown_x says
If anyone wants to knock out the online trophies send me a message. PSN: wicked_clown_x
I am on EST.
endegrim says
If anyone could help me with the King of the Hill trophy, would be much appreciated;
PSN: endegrim
Curtlee says
Do you still need help with this?
Tried to message you on PSN but your settings blocked me from messaging you.
YourHeroChris says
Has anyone unlocked the Eye Of The TaiGore trophy? I’ve had practice open for over an hour and it still hasn’t popped.
Caleb says
Need help with King of the Hill trophy?
Mike says
I also need KOTH trophy help……PSN name is MScavulli. Time zone is CST
Carl says
hi there have you done koth? i tried to message you on psn but your setting
dont allow me to message you
Dennis Pazmino says
The 7 towers+all brutalities method for the High Score, Is That Good? trophy is not working now, the max amount I got is: 2.660.200.
illyrianshepherd says
Someone has earned The Mighty Have Fallen Trophy on PlayStation.
MKDevotee says
The Mighty Have Fallen trophy is obtainable now, as based on the trophy tracker. It’s showing 0.1% now meaning someone definitely got it. I’m not sure how to get it though: I replayed the main boss and some of the “mini bosses”, but nothing happened. Maybe someone here can figure it out.
PowerPyx says
Might be devs testing something for now. Titans should be live soon then.
MKDevotee says
Great news! Just got my platinum! So they’ve just added a new mesa in Invasions, the pyramid. There you can fight a titan. The first one is Baraka this season. It’s not an easy battle, so I recommend using right talismans and Konsumables. It took me about 15 mins to defeat him.
George says
Titan battle is live on invasion mode just got platinum!
Sypher says
Trophy “The Mighty Have Fallen” are now available in mesa for four days.
Dennis Pazmino says
Any new or something to the the High Score, Is That Good? trophy now? It seems, it was patched, I’m level 26, and when I reduce the level of the tower goes to 4, it is easy enough to do Brutalities, but I only get 2.660.200, really complex to achieve 5 million.
Edd435x says
I did this today
Weekly tower 3 with 8 floors
Got one flawless
Brutalities all way through
5,2 million
Tried to not let counter go below 75 seconds
Not been patched still works.
Edd435x says
Also did this again today at challenge tower
Weekly tower II
8 floors.
8 fatality’s
3 flaw less
Timer never under 75 seconds
5.4 million points
Xanadu says
Need help with ‘King Slayer’ trophy. I will help in return if you need it, too. PSN: XanaduEX_ (PST Time)
Richie says
Anyone still needs the King of the Hill trophy? Drop your PSN to add you, I’m in CST time.
V says
DeeJay3k says
Hi, Im need KOTH trophy, my psn is: DeeJay3kPS, add me and we can do this
Rafael says
To whoever lost the timeline for Mighty Have fallen like me! Leakers said another Titan battle is coming either today 11/02 or tomorrow 11/03 and that it will be General Shao! Log in every day to make sure you don’t lose this one as well to secure your trophy before the end of the season!!
Rafael says
Guys! For everyone who missed the chance there is a workaround! Go to your ps5 settings and change the date for 10/31/2023. Then the pyramid will be there. Beat baraka and then close the game. Change the date again and then open invasions and play a random fight there. Trophy will pop!! Either do that or wait for General Shao to show up!!
V says
I need taunt and king of the hill as I only match against pro players .
Atom says
This Kameo grind is mind numbingly stale, can anyone recommend a good ps5 turbo controller?
Rafael says
If you missed the chance there is a workaround! Go to your ps5 settings and change the date for 10/31/2023. Then the pyramid will be there. Beat baraka and then close the game. Change the date again and then open invasions and play a random fight there.
Hayden says
Is anyone still needing the King Of The Hill Trophy? Looking to get it done PSN: DosMcGos
Omen66 says
The what just happened?? Trophy is glitched for me. Completed the whole story twice now and it just isn’t popping. Tried to delete the save but the progress is server side so it stays at 100%. So I highly doubt I will be getting that trophy
Rover_Libra says
Anyone willing to help with any of the online trophies? I need all 3 myself and am willing to help anyone out.
PSN: Rover_Libra
XtremeGuardian says
Looking for some help boosting the King of Hill and taunt trophy. Appreciate any quick help to knock them out. I play US East coast evenings and nights.
PSN: XtremeGuardian
Luke_Marko_85 says
Hi guys, could maybe someone here be so kind to me and help me with this trophy? ???????? Unfortunately, none of my Friends from the PSN List plays Mortal Kombat 1 ????
Luke_Marko_85 says
PSN Name is Jayden_Luca13713
Brian says
Heya. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with the king of the hill trophy? It’s the last online trophy that I’m missing. Due to my work schedule, I’m only available to game no earlier than 11 pm pacific standard time. If our schedules match up, please feel free to send me a message on psn. My username is BryMalibu.
Carl says
hello Brian add me holdernvkv8 for king of the hill
Cidel says
Hi guys!
I would greatly appreciate any help with the King Slayer trophy. Will gladly return the favor!
PSN: Cidel_
Chris says
Do you still need help with Kingslayer? I’m having trouble finding a recent forum for this.
Cidel says
Yeah, I still need help with this King Slayer trophy. I tried to friend request you (ChrisTarren) but your privacy settings didn’t enable it. You can try to add me.
Donlino65 says
Season 3 Titan Battle is Live for 4 more days!
Get on it 🙂
Carl says
for HighScore, Ia That Good? the path mentioned for season ! going to a easy mesa and winning it and returning to daily tower 7 floors still works in season 3 , i got 7 brutalitys which earned me 666 million points
Chris says
Add me for the Kingslayer trophy please.
CC says
Add me for Kingslayer please Chris. I need it too.
Garry says
Looking to do King Slayer trophy.
Please add me – PSN ID: Guiced_GG
Rageful says
need help boost with king of the hill please add Gejmer_PRO
Sharpy says
Looking to do online trophies, add SharpyQ
Abdulaziz says
Looking to do online trophies, add : Abdulaziz-ksa
Discosal says
Looking to do the online trophies- Discosal
Stefan says
Looking to do King of Hill trophy ASAP if anyone needs it, we can boost each other, please add. Flatulantrat
meekulator says
hi mate, I’ll do it with you.
meekulator. Will be on today if you like in the next hour or so?
squidy says
does anyone now if the titan battle exploit still work on season 3?
Axel says
Looking for king of the hill trophy.
Will boost also. Please add true_method9
Dust says
hi I’m looking for someone for online trophy king
if anyone is available my profile is: Dust_92_
Windwalker_125 says
You still need this? If so I’ll add because I need it to.
Stephen S says
Looking to boost Kingslayer.
PSN: SteveSett44
Windwalker_125 says
Looking to do King Slayer trophy.
Please add me: wind_walker125
Darkwraith_Demon says
Great Netherrealm. I played the last season and unlocked everything. In the last days of the third season there was no pyramid like it said here that it comes at the end of a season. Had the perfect relics etc for the titan fight, and now a new season. Everything I had unlocked was broken. Titan fight didn’t happen. Thanks for nothing. I’m really mad. All I was missing was the Titan trophy and now everything is gone and I’m back to level 1. The exploit with resetting the time doesn’t work anymore either.
Donlino65 says
Any word on a new XP farm for Season 4?
Renatto says
With the new Season 4 they made some changes. 200-400 Kameo XP for simple fights, semi bosses 450-680-800 Kameo XP, Mesa end boss ~2000 Kameo XP, 4 floors Towers ~1000 Kameo XP. Flawless victory useless as 20-40 Kameo XP only… So with this the grind is much more easier than before.
Darkwraith_Demon says
Small Notice. The new Titan Battle is now available in MK1 for 3 days! In case anyone is still missing the trophy.
bobbyTheBobbler says
You might want to update the guide, as the Titan battle workaround no longer works. So manually resetting the date on your console will no longer bring back the titan battle.
Adz says
Looking for someone to help me get the King Slayer trophy:
Thank You.
Edd says
Looking for someone to help me get the King Slayer trophy:
PSN: Edd435x
abou83 says
Looking for someone to help me get the King Slayer trophy
PSN: Abou83
Steve says
Looking for someone to help me get the King Slayer trophy
Psn Spajken111
Christopher wardle says
Looking for King of the Hill
Ps5: Bibster100
Gianni says
Need help for Online Trophy KOTH
My PSN : ForzaRomania
Alex says
Need help for KOTH
PSN: vanders2791
Joe says
Need help with King Slayer trophy KOTH.
PSN: poyzerj
Joe says
Sorry. PSN is jpoyzer
Ramzi says
Looking for help with KOFH and taunt trophy. Willing to return the favor
PSN: Tunees