Uragaan is a large Monster that you can slay or capture in Monster Hunter World.
Characteristics: Large brute wyverns that feed on ore, using their mighty jaws to crush solid rock to powder. They’ve been known to confront Lavasioths over territory dispute.
Useful Information: A crushing slam from the Uragaan’s jaw can send shockwaves across the ground, detonating any explosive rocks in the area. In addition, when an Uragaan is toppled, its body can be mined for ore.
Known Habitats: Elder’s Recess
Element Weaknesses:
- Fire: 0/5 (immune)
- Water: 3/5 (most effective)
- Thunder: 1/5
- Ice: 2/5
- Dragon: 2/5
- Poison: 3/5 (most effective)
- Sleep: 1/5 (almost immune)
- Paralysis: 2/5
- Blast: 2/5
- Stun: 3/5
Rewards & Carves:
- Uragaan Carapace
- Uragaan Scale+
- Uragaan Scute
- Uragaan Marrow
- Monster Hardbone
- Inferno Sac
- Firecell Stone
- Lava Nugget –> Must stun the Uragaan so it falls to the ground and press
to mine its back.
For all other large monsters, check out our Monster Hunter World Wiki.
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