Monster Hunter World Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 300+ hours (You need all GOLD giant crowns + all GOLD miniature crowns. This is luck-based, one person might be lucky and get the crowns fast, another might have bad luck and take much longer)
- Trophies: 50 (1
, 2
, 11
, 36
- Offline Trophies: 44 (0
, 2
, 11
, 31
- Online Trophies: 6 (1
, 0
, 0
, 5
) – HELP!, I Am the Reinforcements, Hunters United, Hunters United Forever, Spreading the Word, Conqueror of the New World
- Number of missable trophies: 0 – Nothing missable
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, there is no difficulty select in this game
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
Welcome to the Monster Hunter World Trophy Guide! This is a time-consuming but very enjoyable and easy platinum trophy. The game is fantastic and keeps introducing new features and monsters with every quest. It’s a very complex game with a ton to do. Whether you hunt solo or with friends, it’s totally doable either way. Solo you have your Palico helping out and monster’s health scales down. The trophy list is pretty straight-forward. There are a handful of tutorial trophies such as mounting your first monster or catching your first fish. The rest is all progression based. Getting to Hunter Rank 100 and obtaining all Minature/Giant Crows will take up the most time. The crowns are random drops — every monster can spawn in a size smaller or bigger than normal. If it’s much smaller you get a miniature crown, if it’s much bigger a giant crown. This is completely random and you will have to kill the same monster many times.
Step 1: Beat the Story
Just enjoy the game. Nothing is missable so play any way you like. You can do optional tasks and delivery requests along the way. These unlock upgrades for Astera and make the game a bit easier. Always talk to NPCs in Astera and do their quests for the upgrades.
Your only main objective here is to beat the story. Along the way you will learn how the game works and unlock a bunch of trophies through natural progression.
Two things are advisable:
- Capture Pro
(capture 50 monsters) – Always capture monsters alive instead of slaying them (see trophy guide for more info). You need to capture 50 monsters alive for this so start working on it during the story.
- Hunters United Forever
(do 100 quests in multiplayer) – You may want to play together with friends for this or find a random group of players via the quest board. 100 quests is quite a lot so start playing with others from the beginning. Always shoot the SOS flare to have other people join you.
Beating the Story takes around 70 hours. This is just a very small fraction of what the game has to offer and the smallest part for platinum.
Step 2: Miscellaneous Trophies + increasing Hunter Rank
After the story, have a look what trophies you’re missing. Most likely you’ll have the repetitive trophies left, such as doing 50 arena quests. You still need to reach Hunter Rank 100 which takes a long time. Combine it with the miscellaneous grindy trophies.
Your Hunter rank increases by defeating monsters after the story. There’s nothing special about it, just complete quests and slay high-ranking monsters in investigations to rank up.
Note: during the story your Hunter Rank is capped at 16 and cannot go any higher. However, any excess Hunter XP you have earned will be added to your rank after the story. So you might jump from Rank 16 to Rank 30 instantly after the last story mission if you farmed a lot of monsters beforehand. It’s faster to do this post-story though as the endgame monsters give more hunter rank.
Step 3: Hunter Rank 100 + Gold Miniature/Gold Giant Crowns
This is where the true grind starts. First, let me point out that the official English trophy descriptions on crown trophies are wrong. Only GOLD crowns count for them, silver do not. The word “gold” was lost in translation from the Japanese trophy list. The trophies that require only one crown are an exception, for them the rarity value does not matter. For the trophies that require 10 / All crowns only gold counts!
Crowns in Monster Hunter World are obtained when you defeat a Monster that is much bigger or smaller than its normal version. Each Monster can spawn in different sizes.
- Capturing/Killing a monster that is roughly 25% smaller than the norm gives a gold miniature crown.
- Capturing/Killing a monster that is roughly 25% bigger than the norm gives a gold giant crown.
Their sizes are tied to specific investigations. Gold crowns have the highest drop-chance in investigations that are 15 minutes/1 faint and only 3 tries to 5 tries. Investigations with tempered monsters and 3 monsters also have increased drop chance. Focus only on those types of investigations.
In story assignments (and most optional tasks / arena) the size ranges are fixed so they will never drop gold crowns. Just hunt the same monster again and again via 15min/1 faint investigations and hope to get lucky. It’s very grindy but you can do it on the way to Hunter Rank 100.
PSN User SilveriusRevlis has written a perfect “Crown Sniping” Guide, he got all the gold crowns in 100 hours with his strategy. I highly recommend you give it a read, will save hundreds of hours and is by far the fastest way to get all crowns: Gold Crown Sniping Guide by SilveriusRevlis.
Since crowns are tied to specific investigations, here is a Google spreadsheet with a list of investigations that can drop the crowns (again credit to PSN User SilveriusRevlis): Gold Crowns List by SilveriusRevlis.
You can see what crowns you’ve earned by going to the Ecological Research Center in Astera. Talk to the Chief Ecologist and view the Monster Field Guide. When scrolling down the list of monsters it says “Smallest” and “Largest”. To the left of each value it shows the crown icon. Make sure they are in golden color, silver does not count! If there’s no crown icon you have not defeated a monster that fits the requirements.
By far the fastest way is to use the Sniping Method as outlined in the Reddit post linked above. Defeating monsters for crowns will also bump up your hunter rank so those trophies go perfectly together.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Monster Hunter World Wiki
- Complete Monster List
- Complete Crafting List
- Complete Armor Set List
- Complete Weapon List
- Complete Palico Cat Armor List
- All Camp Locations
- How to Start & Join a Squad
Monster Hunter World Trophy Guide
For all Monster Info, Crafting Material Locations and more, check out our Monster Hunter World Wiki.
For the Iceborne DLC, check out Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Trophy Guide & Roadmap.
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Conqueror of the New World Unlock all trophies for Monster Hunter: World. |
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Earn all other trophies in Monster Hunter World to unlock platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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Welcome to the New World Earn the right to take on two-star assignments. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
You can see your assignment-levels on the quest board (stars behind quests). |
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Nothing Stops This Commission Earn the right to take on three-star assignments. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
You can see your assignment-levels on the quest board (stars behind quests). |
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Defender of Astera Earn the right to take on four-star assignments. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
You can see your assignment-levels on the quest board (stars behind quests). |
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Into the Deep Earn the right to take on five-star assignments. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
You can see your assignment-levels on the quest board (stars behind quests). |
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Death Begets Life Successfully guide Zorah Magdaros. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Note: this is the second fight against Zorah Magdaros, the one that unlocks 6-star assignments. |
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The Empress of the Highlands Earn the right to take on seven-star assignments. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
You can see your assignment-levels on the quest board (stars behind quests). |
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One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall Earn the right to take on eight-star assignments. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
You can see your assignment-levels on the quest board (stars behind quests). |
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The Sapphire Star Solve the mystery of the Elder Crossing. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This unlocks when you’ve beaten the story and defeated the endboss. |
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The Hunter’s Life for Me Complete 50 optional quests. |
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Optional Quests can be started from the Quest Board in Astera or by talking to the Handler. You unlock more optional quests as the game progresses. Simply play through the story and you will unlock 50 of them. Also talk to people in Astera who have an exclamation mark (!) above their head. They may have an optional quest for you that yields good rewards. There are way more than 50 optional quests. You can still do them after the story. By then they are much easier to complete. | ||
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An Inquisitive Mind Complete your first investigation. |
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See trophy “The Franchise Hunter”. | ||
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The Franchise Hunter Complete 50 investigations. |
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You can accept investigations at the Resource Center in Astera. It’s at the lower level of Astera by the quest board (unlocks after some story progress). At the Resource Center click on “Manage Investigations”. Accept one of the unregistered Investigations. Then head to the quest board to start the investigation. These are mini-quests that require you to slay a variety of small and big monsters. There are around 250 of those investigations, just pick whatever is easiest (small monsters hunts are fastest). | ||
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Step into the Arena Complete your first arena quest. |
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See trophy “Nowhere to Go but Up”. | ||
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Nowhere to Go but Up Complete 50 arena quests. |
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Arena quests can be started in the Gathering Hub of Astera. You can fast travel there, or enter via the upper level of Astera. Talk to the arena quest giver in the Gathering Hub. More of these quests unlock as you progress through the game. What’s special is that you are given a preset equipment set and then have to slay a monster in the arena. Up to two players can take part in this. Your reward depends on how quickly you kill the monster. There are even global leaderboards for the best times. Complete one arena quest for “Step into the Arena” and any 50 arena quests for “Nowhere to Go but Up”. In the guild card you can keep track of how many arena matches you did. | ||
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New World Settler Establish five camps. |
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Over the course of the story you will automatically unlock 3 optional camps (1 in Ancients Forest, 1 in Wildspire Waste, 1 in Rotten Vale). So if you wait with this until after the story you need to find only 2 more. To establish a camp you must first find the campsite on the map. Then you earn a Delivery Quest, to be handed in at the Research Center in Astera. Complete that Delivery Quest to unlock the camp. | ||
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The Art of Camouflage Escape the Jagras pack by hiding in some shrubs. |
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This is a story-related trophy, done at the very start of the game. During your very first Jagras encounter, your newfound friend “The Handler” will tell you to hide in the bushes. You don’t have any weapons at this point in the game so you can’t fight them and must hide instead. “The Handler” will show you the bush where to hide, just follow her. It’s a marked main quest objective to hide with her in the bushes until the Jagras go away. Once they have gone away you can leave the bush and the trophy will pop. This should be your first trophy in the game! | ||
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Angling for a Bite Catch your first fish. |
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You automatically have a Fishing Rod in your inventory as soon as you finish the prologue (when you reach Astera for the first time and get your weapons). It’s a fixed item in the inventory that you will always have. Now go on an expedition, for example in the Ancient Forest, find a little lake or go to the ocean where fish are in the water. Select the fishing road by pressing |
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Mmm, So Tasty! Cook your first well-done steak. |
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For this trophy you need to use the BBQ Spit while on a quest or during an expedition. It’s a fixed item in your inventory, you will always have it from the start of the game. You also need some raw meat to cook which you can get from slaying small monsters and looting them. Activate the BBQ Spit via the item wheel (hold |
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The Bigger They Are… Mount your first monster. |
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You can mount monsters by striking them with attacks in midair. Once mounted, if you avoid getting thrown off the monster while you continue to damage it, you can knock it down.
This only works on big monsters (the ones you have to hunt during quests). Climb up to higher ground and jump down on the monster. Make sure you time your attack to hit the monster in midair to begin mounting it. |
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A Living Fossil Capture a fish known as “the living fossil.” |
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For this trophy / achievement you must capture a “Petricanths”. It’s a rare glowing fish. You must use the fishing rod to catch it. It can spawn in the bright blue waters on Rotten Vale map. It can spawn at any daytime and on any rank/difficulty. See the video for what it looks like & the location. Furthermore, the creature needed for trophy “Bristles for All” spawns in the same location as the Petricanths fish. That other creature will spawn on the back of the nearby mosswine. So go to the mosswine first before it walks away and then check for the Petricanths fish. If it’s not here fast travel to ancient forest to look for the third creature and come back. Side Note: Fast traveling back to camp does not make fishes/animals respawn. You must travel to a completely different map to reset everything. |
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Snuggles for All Capture a fluffy, snuggly creature. |
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For this trophy / achievement you must catch a tiny white bird called “Downy Crake”. It only spawns on the backs of Aptonoths in Ancient Forest and on the backs of Apceros in Wildspire Desert (those are the friendly dinosaur monsters). It can spawn at any time of day and on any rank (low-rank & high-rank). To see the exact spawn locations and what the creature looks like, check the video. I recommend that you fast travel between the Ancient Forest and Wildspire Desert. At the first camp of each area are the required monsters that can spawn the bird on their back. If it’s not there, immediately fast travel to the other map and keep doing this over and over again. It took me 2 hours to find the birds, they are ultra rare (1% spawn chance at best). |
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Bristles for All Capture a stiff, bristly creature. |
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For this trophy / achievement you must find a tiny black bird called “Bristly Crake”. It rides on the back of Mosswines in Rotten Vale (and only in Rotten Vale, not on other maps). It can spawn at any daytime and on any rank (low-rank & high-rank). Important: Leave your Palico behind (talk to your cat at camp and tell it to stay) + equip the Ghillie Mantle. This way you won’t scare off the rare bird. If your Palico is with you it could scare the bird. The Ghillie mantle renders you invisible to animals so they won’t even know you’re there. Get close and use the capture net to make this ultra rare catch. |
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Rainbow Bright Capture a creature that glitters like a rainbow. |
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For this trophy / achievement you must capture a “Prism Hercudrome” with the capture net. This is a small bug sitting on some trees in the game. It only spawns at dusk and dawn. You will notice the sun-icon in the top left corner starts blinking when the sun goes up or down. That’s when this rare bug will spawn in specific locations. See the video for what it looks like & the location. It’s available on low-rank & high-rank difficulty. |
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Commissioned Work Obtain 100,000 research points. |
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Research Points are rewarded every time you investigate a monster track, complete bounties, or gather certain research items (two unique types of plants on each map). Investigating monster tracks is the most reliable way, they give 10-20 points per track investigated. Getting 100,000 Research Points will happen naturally when you go for Hunter Rank 100.
You don’t need to have 100,000 research points at the same time. You are allowed to spend them! This trophy cumulatively tracks all the points earned over the course of the game. So if you spend 80,000 points and then earn another 20,000 points the trophy will pop. |
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Bourgeois Hunter Possess 1,000,000 zenny. |
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Zenny is the money in Monster Hunter World. In the endgame you will easily get 10,000+ Zenny per quest and if you sell the resulting rewards it can be as much as 50,000 or more. Getting 1 million is no problem at all and will happen naturally on your path to Hunter Rank 100. For this trophy you must have 1,000,000 Zenny at the same time in your inventory.
Remember you can also sell your Monster Materials at any time! These give a ton of cash. You can do this at the Provision Stockpile in Astera. Talk to the NPC there > Click “Sell” > “from Item Box” > press There’s also an easy trick (thanks to user Ualone):
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Impregnable Defense Obtain five highly rare pieces of armor. |
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Rarity 8 (Orange) is the highest rarity armor in the game. You need to craft 5 of those at the smithy in Astera.
They show up in the crafting list once you’ve defeated the elder dragons at the end of the story. All the parts are from the elder dragons. There are 5 sets in total (because there are 5 elder dragons) and each set consists of 5 parts. So in total that’s 25 pieces to choose from and there are some additional one-piece sets such as the “Dragonking” Head Piece. While farming the 50 elder dragons for trophy “Elderslayer” you will get more than enough parts to craft 5 armor pieces. |
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Power is Everything Obtain five highly rare weapons. |
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Rarity 8 (Orange) is the highest rarity for weapons in the game. You need to craft 5 of those at the smithy in Astera. First, you must craft some base weapons and then upgrade them piece by piece. With each upgrade the rarity will go up by one. The endgame weapon trees start at a high base-rarity so they need only 1-2 more upgrades to be of rarity 8.
The final upgrades require elder dragon parts. You’ll have to kill 50 of those for trophy “Elderslayer”. However, to get the upgrades for lower rarity levels you must slay other monsters too. While going for all the miniature & giant crowns you will have to farm each monster many times and should have no trouble obtaining the parts required for 5 weapons. Compared to the armor this is much more time-consuming as each upgrade level of weapons requires different parts. All parts are obtained from defeating large monsters. If you’re unsure about a part, check out the Monster Pages for their drops and the Monster Hunter World Wiki. |
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Movin’ On Up Move into an upgraded room. |
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You automatically unlock an upgraded room later in the story, when earning the right to take on 7-star assignments. Now head into your living quarters at Astera (they are on the lower level near tradeyard). Inside you must talk with the housekeeper. There’s now an option to “Move to a New Room”. Agree to it and the trophy will pop. | ||
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First Friends Befriend your first Tailraider. |
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While you’re on expeditions, Palicos (cats) will randomly stand around the map. They can spawn in any region. Open the map and look for an icon that says “Palicos” (make sure you have all icons enabled, don’t use filters). Go to a Palico Location on the map and they will agree to be your tailraider friend. Their spawns are random, they won’t always be there. They can spawn from the beginning of the game.
They also have a green dot above their head so you can see them from far away when one is nearby. You could just go on an expedition and run around the map until you find one. Alternatively, fast travel between different maps and check if one has a “Palicos” icon. The Tailraider Palicos are usually in quiet or hidden places. For example, they might be called “A-Lister Palico”, another one is called “Kirby”. You don’t have to talk to them, just walk into them and they befriend you automatically. |
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Bosom Buddies Become fully proficient with any Palico Gadget. |
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Reach level 10 with any Palico Gadget, for example “Vigorwasp Spray”. Palico (your cat) will automatically equip the Vigorwasp Spray gadget after a little story progress has been made, this cannot be missed. Just keep playing and this trophy will unlock sometime during 5-star or 6-star assignments. In the mission result screen (at the end of every mission) you can see your current gadget proficiency level. Level 10 is the maximum proficiency. The proficiency increases automatically with every mission, you don’t have to do anything special for it.
If you want to learn more about the other Palico Gadgets (there are 6 in total and they can be really beneficial), check out this complete guide: Monster Hunter World: How to Get All Palico Skills (Gadgets). |
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Monster Ph.D. Research everything about almost every monster. |
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For this you must finish the research on all Big Monsters. You research Monsters by investigating their tracks and hunting them (ideally you will capture them alive, see trophy “Capture Pro” on how that works). To see your progress, visit the Ecological Research Center in Astera. It’s at the Trade Yard where the Botanists are standing. Each Monster has multiple research levels. Simply find more tracks and hunt the same monster repeatedly to increase its research level.
You have to fully research the Low-Rank as well as High-Rank version of each monster. The high-rank versions unlock later in the game after earning the right to play 6-star assignments. These are stronger versions of the same monster that give you better drops. A few endgame monsters only come in High-Rank versions and have no Low-Rank version. Again, all of this is tracked at the Ecological Research Center in Astera. On the world map you can press Below is a list of all Monsters in the game (going by the order of in-game monster list). Click on the linked names to view their specific page with spawn area and weaknesses: *Monsters added via patches are NOT required for this trophy. |
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Temper Temper Hunt your first tempered monster. |
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See trophy “Indomitable”. | ||
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Indomitable Hunt 50 tempered monsters. |
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While out on high rank expeditions (6 stars+), you can find blue monster tracks. Interact with them for a chance to unlock tempered monster investigations. When you’ve unlocked such an investigation it will give you a prompt on the right side of the screen. Now head back to Astera and talk to the NPC at the research center. Go to the investigations screen. If it’s your first tempered monster investigation you will receive a short tutorial popup.
Tempered Monsters are exceptionally powerful members of their species. While Tempered Monsters pose a terrible threat, defeating one will yield materials that can be used for augmenting. If you think you’re up to a challenge, the rewards are well worth the risk. The chance of unlocking a Tempered Monster investigation increases as you collect Tempered Monster Tracks (blue color). In investigation select you will know it’s a tempered monster when it has a purple background and the reward icons are purple. Play 50 of those investigations and successfully slay or capture the monster. You can kill the same one multiple times (and you have to as there are no 50 different monsters in the game). So just keep grinding these out and feel free to repeat the same ones. When you run out of Tempered Monster investigations go on an expedition in a high-rank map to find more blue tracks. To clarify: tempered monsters don’t actually spawn in expeditions, only their tracks do. These monsters only exist within the investigation quests. Note: this trophy and “Temper Temper” unlock at the end of the investigation screen, not right away when you kill the monster. |
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Miniature Crown Record your first miniature crown in your hunting log. |
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See trophy “Miniature Crown Master”. | ||
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Miniature Crown Collector Obtain a miniature crown for 10 or more monsters in your hunting log. |
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See trophy “Miniature Crown Master”. | ||
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Miniature Crown Master Obtain a miniature crown for almost every monster in your hunting log. |
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Miniature Crowns / Golden Giant Crowns are obtained when you defeat (capture/kill) a Monster that is roughly 20-25% bigger or smaller than its normal version.
Each Monster can spawn in different sizes. This is completely random. However, a lot of story assignments, arena quests and optional quests have fixed monster sizes and will never drop a crown. Therefore you should play investigations only.
Their sizes are tied to specific investigations. Gold crowns have the highest drop-chance in investigations that are 15 minutes/1 faint and only 3 tries to 5 tries. Investigations with tempered monsters and 3 monsters also have increased drop chance. Focus only on those types of investigations. PSN User SilveriusRevlis has written a perfect “Crown Sniping” Guide, he got all the gold crowns in 100 hours with his strategy. I highly recommend you give it a read, will save hundreds of hours and is by far the fastest way to get all crowns: Gold Crown Sniping Guide by SilveriusRevlis. You can see what crowns you’ve earned by going to the Ecological Research Center in Astera. Talk to the Chief Ecologist and view the Monster Field Guide. When scrolling down the list of monsters it says “Smallest” and “Largest”. To the left of each value it shows the crown icon. Make sure they are in golden color, silver does not count! If there’s no crown icon you have not defeated a monster that fits the requirements. Note: Unlike giant crowns, the miniature crowns are always dropped in golden rarity (there’s no silver for them). Because miniature crowns only drop in gold, they are by default much rarer than giant crowns (which can drop in silver rarity). So the odds of getting a miniature crown can be compared with getting a gold giant crown. It is extremely ultra rare (after 120 hours of gameplay I didn’t get a single one). There are 30 monsters in the game. However, Zorah Magdaros and Xeno’jiiva are always the same size because they are story-related monsters. This is why the trophy description says “almost every monster”. You need to get the crowns for all other monsters that can drop one, which makes it 28 total (56 crowns total). Below is a list of all Monsters in the game (going by the order of in-game list). *Monsters added via patches are NOT required for this trophy. |
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Giant Crown Record your first giant crown in your hunting log. |
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For this trophy a silver crown will do, it doesn’t have to be a gold crown like for the other trophies.
See trophy “Giant Crown Master”. |
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Giant Crown Collector Obtain a GOLD giant crown for 10 or more monsters in your hunting log. |
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The official trophy description is wrong! You need all GOLD giant crowns for this. It says so in the original Japanese trophy list but this was wrongly translated into the English list. Getting silver crowns won’t do anything, only gold crowns count for this. Those are even rarer to get.
See trophy “Giant Crown Master”. |
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Giant Crown Master Obtain a GOLD giant crown for almost every monster in your hunting log. |
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The official trophy description is wrong! You need all GOLD giant crowns for this. It says so in the original Japanese trophy list but this was wrongly translated into the English list. Getting silver crowns won’t do anything, only gold crowns count for this. Those are even rarer to get.
Gold Crowns in Monster Hunter World are obtained when you defeat (capture/kill) a Monster that is roughly 20-25% bigger or smaller than its normal version. Each Monster can spawn in different sizes. This is completely random. However, a lot of story assignments, arena quests and optional quests have fixed monster sizes and will never drop a crown. Therefore you should play investigations only.
Their sizes are tied to specific investigations. Gold crowns have the highest drop-chance in investigations that are 15 minutes/1 faint and only 3 tries to 5 tries. Investigations with tempered monsters and 3 monsters also have increased drop chance. Focus only on those types of investigations. PSN User SilveriusRevlis has written a perfect “Crown Sniping” Guide, he got all the gold crowns in 100 hours with his strategy. I highly recommend you give it a read, will save hundreds of hours and is by far the fastest way to get all crowns: Gold Crown Sniping Guide by SilveriusRevlis. You can see what crowns you’ve earned by going to the Ecological Research Center in Astera. Talk to the Chief Ecologist and view the Monster Field Guide. When scrolling down the list of monsters it says “Smallest” and “Largest”. To the left of each value it shows the crown icon. Make sure they are in golden color, silver does not count! If there’s no crown icon you have not defeated a monster that fits the requirements. There are 30 monsters in the game. However, Zorah Magdaros and Xeno’jiiva are always the same size because they are story-related monsters. This is why the trophy description says “almost every monster”. You need to get the crowns for all other monsters that can drop one, which makes it 28 total (56 crowns total). Below is a list of all Monsters in the game (going by the order of in-game list). *Monsters added via patches are NOT required for this trophy. |
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Capture Novice Capture your first monster. |
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See trophy “Capture Pro”. | ||
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Capture Pro Capture 50 monsters. |
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First you need to have 3-star assignments unlocked (happens automatically through story progress). Then go talk to the guy called “Smart Biologist” in Astera. He is standing with the other biologists near the exit gate (downstairs area of Astera, left of the Resource Center). He has a yellow exclamation mark (!) above his head. So just go talk to everyone with that mark downstairs and you’ll find him. He gives you a 2-star assignment called “Snatch the Snatcher”. This is a tutorial quest that teaches you how to capture monsters instead of slaying them.
To capture a monster you must do the following:
You can craft tranq bombs and various traps. There are also many capture missions in the game where the necessary traps & tranquilizers are provided to you in the item box at camp. |
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Elderslayer Slay 50 elder dragons. |
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Elder Dragons are the strongest monsters in the game, encountered at the very end of the story (8-star assignments) as well as after the story. Kirin is the exception, he can be encountered as a 5-star assignment and is the easiest to kill.
There are 6 different Elder Dragons you can slay: You must farm these elder dragons until you’ve killed them a total of 50 times. Do note that elder dragons cannot be captured alive, they must be killed. After having finished the story you can replay old story quests. You also unlock investigations with elder dragons or can search for a quest / SOS flare online. The easiest option is to keep killing Kirin in his 5-star quest. See How to Unlock Kirin Quest. I recommend farming Kirin as he’s only 5 stars and the quickest to kill after the story. Expect each try to last around 10 minutes (with loading times) if you have a team of 4 well-equipped players. In the best-case scenario that’s 8.3 hours to slay 50 elders. You should also slay some of the other elders so that get material drops for highest-rarity armor and weapons, required for the trophies “Impregnable Defense” & “Power is Everything”. Technically, Zorah Magdaros is also an Elder Dragon but he cannot be slain so he doesn’t count for this trophy (you fight him in two story assignments but he walks away at the end). |
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Monster Slayer Hunt 100 large monsters. |
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See trophy “Monster Hunter”. | ||
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Monster Hunter Hunt 500 large monsters. |
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Large Monsters are all the ones you can track and hunt. For a list for all large monsters, refer to trophy “Monster Ph.D.”
During all main assignments and optional quests you will be hunting large monsters. They are also part of some assignments. By going on expeditions you can farm them as often as you want. They respawn every time you revisit a map and are always traveling along the same paths. When you go for Hunter Rank 100 this should come naturally along the way. It’s extremely time-consuming. However, you can also kill low-rank monsters with a group of 4 players after having beaten the game. Then you can clear out entire maps relatively fast. |
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HELP! Fire an SOS flare for the first time. |
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*Online Trophy*
While on a quest (or in an expedition), press the Options-Button, press R1, click on “Fire SOS Flare”. You must be connected to the online servers for this to work. |
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I Am the Reinforcements Respond to an SOS flare, and help complete 10 quests. |
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*Online Trophy*
Go to the quest board and select “Join a Quest” > “Respond to SOS”. Complete 10 of those quests. |
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Hunters United Complete a quest via multiplayer. |
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*Online Trophy*
See trophy “Hunters United Forever”. |
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Hunters United Forever Complete 100 quests via multiplayer. |
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*Online Trophy*
For this you can team up with friends and play through the game together or farm endgame quests together. If you have nobody to play with you can go to the Quest Board in Astera and search for other online sessions. Do 100 multiplayer quests with other people in your party. Joining SOS flare events counts too. The easiest option is to open a party chat on PS4 with friends and have them join you through the party chat room (click on a friend’s name in party and join). Once they’re in your session, go to the quest board to accept a quest. Now your friends will receive an in-game notification and can select the same quest at their board. Then you can depart together on the quest. |
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Spreading the Word Collect over 50 Guild Cards. |
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*Online Trophy*
Other people can send you their guild card and you can send yours to them. Whenever you’re on a quest or expedition, check if there are other players around (Options-Button > Communication > Player List). From there you can send someone your guild card and if you’re lucky they will send you theirs. Always play online and go to places where lots of players are. To check how many guild cards you have press Options-Button > Info > Guild Card List. This is somewhat random as other people need you to send their cards. You can also have friends send you theirs. |
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Established Hunter Reach hunter rank 100. |
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During the story you gain hunter ranks by completing main mission assignments. The Hunter Rank is capped at level 16 during the story. After the story the cap is removed and you can go up to Hunter Rank 100.
Any extra XP going over the level 16 cap will be added to your hunter rank after the story. So you might jump from Rank 16 to Rank 30 instantly after the last story mission if you farmed a lot of monsters beforehand. What this means is that none of your Hunter XP from the story get lost, they are simply added later after the cap has been removed. It’s faster to do this post-story though as the endgame monsters give more hunter rank. After the story you gain Hunter Rank XP every time you slay or capture a large monster. This will happen naturally by just playing the game. It’s very time consuming though and will take up the most time to platinum together with the miniature/giant gold crowns. There’s nothing special you need to do. Just play the game and defeat the large monsters after the story. To see your current rank, press the Options-Button (top right corner). |
» For the Iceborne DLC, check out Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Trophy Guide & Roadmap.
This trophy guide is initially based on patch 1.02.
If you notice any patches that impact trophies please leave a comment to be credited.
Special Thanks / Credits
Massive thanks to the following people for sending tips and strategies:
Ualone = several tips and confirmations, also for helping me slay the elder dragons 🙂
ikemenzi = providing a list of high-rank rewards of all monsters for the monster wiki
omega-killer = several tips and missing armor screenshots for the wiki
Naz = for pointing out that high-difficulty investigations (15min/1 faint/3-5 tries) have the best drop rates for gold crowns
SilveriusRevlis = for his amazing Gold Crown Sniping Guide and providing a google spreadsheet of what investigations can drop gold crowns
Mike says
Approximate amount of time to platinum: Unknown (maybe 300-400 hours due to the Minature Crowns & Giant Crowns being random)
Alex says
Lol sure about that?
Mike says
So what about coop in this game ? Can i finish whole game with my friend or what ? How it’s works ?
PowerPyx says
Yes you can play all missions in co-op (once you’ve completed the prologue). All main missions, side missions etc.
Mike says
Awesome! Thanks a lot!
Monster Hunter World question says
Hey I am thinking to buy game or not. Is game too hard to fights with monsters? I don’t like Dark Souls series because due to tough combats and dies many times. So I want to know how hard game is in begins of game and after upgrades etc…?
PowerPyx says
It’s waaaay easier than Dark Souls. I played the entire game solo and had no trouble whatsoever. Failed only 2 missions. When playing with others it can be even easier (if they know what they’re doing).
Don’t worry about the difficulty.
Monster Hunter World question says
Thank you very much Powerpyx. You always the best for guides. :D
Chris says
How can you have a guide and play the entire story when the games was just released today?
Ielibili says
How can you make already a guide when you only achieved 25% of the trophies? Just curious.
James K says
PowerPyx has been doing this for years and with the number of games coming out I presume the prospect of PP completing this is minimal unless he just does it for personal satisfaction. It’s easy in many isntances to tell how long tasks x & y take to achieve, as well as what will be v easy and v hard, once you get a scope of a game . I can, to an extent, predict the length of a game after the first few hours. He does also stipulate that certain guides are of an unknown length at this stage and normally “work in progress” if you read the introduction narrative on fresh guides. I’ve been using these walkthroughs since 2015 and never once as any of them ever caused an issue.
PowerPyx says
That’s because I have unlocked all the “do xyz once” trophies but there are more time consuming “do xyz 500 times” trophies.
Such as killing 500 monsters. I don’t need to kill 500 to tell you how to do that. I’ve done everything in this game enough times to know how it works exactly.
Other examples include:
– Do 1 & 50 arena matches
– Complete 50 Investigations
– Get 10k research points
– Get 1MM zenny
– Research everything about every monster
– Get all miniature / giant crowns
– Capture 1 & 50 monsters
– Hunt 100 & 500 large monsters
– Do 100 Multiplayer Quests
– Collect 50 Guild Cards
I have done all those tasks many times, it’s always the same after that 🙂
itzsp3ktacular says
For the trophy first friends, you can actually get it pretty early into the story. I got it when I unlocked the first camp in the ancient forest. Then when I started the hunt for pukei pukei quest I fast traveled to that camp and on the mini map I saw a icon showing a palico nearby and when I went to it I saw the tailraider palico and I got the trophy.
PowerPyx says
You’re right. I just got this after unlocking the tailraiders feature (sending palicos on gathering quests for you) and thought it must’ve been related to that.
It is indeed random, they can show up at any point in the game. Thanks for the info! =)
Anthony says
Is this going to be a super hard plat?
Tristen Howard says
Hard, no. Long and grindy, yes
Anti says
What are the requirements for the “Hunters United Forever” Trophy exactly.
1. Can I creat a game (assignments, optional, etc.) and fire a SOS signal so ppl can join?
2. Can I join SOS sessions
3. Or do i have to creat a lobby and wait for 1-3 ppl join before starting the Mission?
and thanks for the guide!
PowerPyx says
#3 is what I can confirm to be working for sure.
As for the first two, we need more confirmation.
Has anybody here gotten “Hunters United” (complete 1 quest in multiplayer) by shooting an SOS flare / joining someone who fired one? Then it will work for the 100 quests too.
Luay says
Yes, I finished an SOS mission by joining someone and it unlocked ‘Hunters United’ for me. So I presume it counts towards the 100 online missions trophy.
PowerPyx says
Thanks for confirming! Then it should count.
Anti says
Thanks alot folks!
Luke says
I also unlocked hunters united after creating an SOS session, so launching SOS, joining SOS and normal multiplayer should work, right?
Daniel says
Hi. Just realized that i missed some trophies, the trophies are ”in to the deep” ”Death Begets Life” ”The Empress of the Highlands” ”One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall”
I am HR8 now and should got them. Anyone have the same issue? Really dont want to start over 🙁
PowerPyx says
You mentioned your Hunter Rank. Let’s make sure there’s no confusion:
None of these trophies have anything to do with hunter rank. The one for 8-star assignments is for unlocking quests with 8 stars on the quest board. It has nothing to do with the Hunter Rank in your Guild Card.
Did you mean the 8 star ranking on quest board? So you finished the story and deafeated all the endbosses? But those trophies did not pop? Then it could be glitchy, please confirm if that’s the case.
If you meant literally your Hunter Rank, just keep playing and you’ll get those trophies from unlocking higher-star assignments (not related to hunter rank).
Uaone says
Hi, PowerPyx, this maybe can be useful. For Bourgeois Hunter, you can sell all of your materials, equipment and wathever you want to get the million zenny, without saving.
First, manually save.
Then sell everything until you get one million zenny and the trophy.
Then quit the game directly from the PS4 dashboard.
Reload the game and you’re back at the moment you started selling things.
If you want to be more safe, before doing this upload your save in the cloud or copy it on a USB external memory.
PowerPyx says
Thanks mate, good tip! I’ll add it in 🙂
Daniel says
THanks for your reply. I have not yet finished the main quest yet but i just completed the quest were you should sight that poison monster (great girros) in rotten vale i think,there is also an radobaan there . Shouldnt i have got the trophies by then?
Daniel says
And i have Done, Death Begets Life were you have to guide that big lava monster but did not get the trophy for it 🙁
PowerPyx says
You have to guide it again later in the story. Don’t worry, keep playing and it’ll unlock. It happens at the end of 5-star story mission on the quest that unlocks 6-star story missions.
The first time you fight Magdaros gives no trophy.
themuffinboyy says
The trophy for 10,000 research points has different wording than the trophy for 1,000,000 zenni which leads me to believe they have different requirements. Is it confirmed that you need to have all 10,000 research points at once? Or is it cumulative?
Lumocolo says
There has been a post on PSNP saying that the collect 10 Gold crowns did not unlock. Raising the question if the trophy bugged for this user, is glitched or it requires you to get 10 gold crowns.
I know the first crown trophy worked for a silver crown.
However if it is 10 gold crowns then 300-400 hours might not be long enough
PowerPyx says
Hey guys,
I need your help testing something!
There is a huge difference between amount of people who earned 1 miniature crown (2,2%) and 1 giant crown (56%).
My THEORY is that miniature crowns are from tempered monsters only, which spawn in the endgame on high-rank.
If one of you finds a miniature crown, please leave a comment (or send me an email using the contact form or direct message on Twitter) so we can collect data and figure out if there’s more to it or if it’s completely RNG. If it is completely random it’ll be a 1000 hour platinum.
Mike says
are they completly idiots in Capcom ? If this is true…
fisty123 says
I wish it was as you said but it is not the case, Take a look at the most recent PSNP listing that unlocked their first small crown. They are no where near the story where tempered monsters unlock.
They got a mini crown before beating Zorah Magdaros
PowerPyx says
Well there goes that theory xD
Someone told me that in past MH games the crowns were from specific investigations (never personally played them so not sure). That’d be the next thing to test then…
For the time being, if anybody here finds a crown, be it miniature or giant, leave a comment where it dropped (low/high rank, expedition, or specific tasks/quest/investigation). Then we can narrow it down and test some more.
Investigations are probably the best place to start.
Mike says
I got a lot of giant crowns during investigation. And I killed and captured around 80 monsters, have 56 hours in the game and got 0 miniature crowns.
Hey, PowerPyx, can you conntact Capcom for more detail inforamation how miniature crowns drop system works ? Because this is impossible…
fisty123 says
Between the glitched trophy/Gold crowns talk this will be one hell of a grind, however if you speak to Monster Hunter fans most said the plat will be way over 500 hours some said even over 1000.
I can tell you one thing in the past Capcom did events on the 3DS versions and these events sometimes were announced with something like “25% chance of getting a small crown” This was not for every event but it took place a bit.
A final note on Monster Hunter tri people have put in way over 1000 Hours and never got all the crowns. Given Capcom know this I can not see them changing the % ratio on small crowns.
Samuel says
I’ve done more than 50 optional quests and the trophy “The Hunter’s Life for Me” didn’t unlock. Does the 50 optional quests include the Arena quests under optional quests?
The way I completed most of my optional quests were by responding to SOS requests for optional quests that I did not complete yet.
fisty123 says
@Powerpyx it would seem this platinum time will need to be increased a forum post on psnp explains on the Japanese version of the game the trophy list looks that shows up on their console looks to have Gold crowns in the title.
PowerPyx says
I saw.
Will update to 1000 hours+.
Well at least now it’ll be one of the rarest platinums of all time 🙂
fisty123 says
Question on the arena 50 battles has it been confirmed that you need to do 50 different quests?
PowerPyx says
Actually, I’m starting to think there aren’t even 50 of them. There seems to be one per monster (and there are only 30 monsters in the game). So any arena match should be fine and you can repeat the same one.
Jay says
Got my first miniature crown on my fifth Bazelgeuse. Joined a random SOS for a high rank investigation. Not sure what it was called though.
Skidracket says
Well thats good to know you don’t have to solo investigations to get a mini crown 🙂
Jay says
Just got another golden mini crown on another investigation, this time for azure rathalos. Investigation was the one for tempered rathalos and tobi.
Mike says
@You need all GOLD giant crowns + all GOLD miniature crowns. @
But trophy description says for almost every monster in your hunting log, not for all.
PowerPyx says
It’s worded like that because Zorah Magdaros and Endboss have no crowns. That’s why it says “almost all” because you can skip those two.
For every monster that can drop a crown you need the crown.
Pip says
Not sure the gold thing is correct. I have two silvers and the trophy popped for obtaining a giant crown.
Have you done it yourself? Or do the 1 and then 10 can be any type and the almost all have to be gold. Trophies could be different for America.
PowerPyx says
As stated in the trophy guide, for the trophy that requires 1 crown the value does not matter, it can be a silver for that.
For the others (10 crowns & all crowns) they must be gold.
diazau says
Luck is smiling on me in this game so far. Very first mosswine I see in my first trip to rotten vale had the bird on its back ps4. I’m usially the one who spends hours hunting rare spawns.
Thanks for the guides all these years pyx
Skidracket says
Anyone know which recipe gives Felyne Weakener? I read that it helps make monsters smaller
Swarovski says
1000 hours…
Problem is it’s not just 1000, It’s 1000+ lmao
Luay says
Powerpyx, do you think we can host a guild card boosting session?
PowerPyx says
I’m working on new website features to organize boosting sessions for future titles (didn’t make it in time for MHW unfortunately).
For the time being, joining online sessions with lots of players and sending everyone your card, is your best bet. In a sessions of 16 people usually 1-2 will send you their card back. You can also check in our PowerPyx PS4 Community to find some people to share guild cards with and feel free to leave your PSN-ID here if you want others to add you.
Roy says
I’d just like to point out that the Kirin is classified as an Elder Dragon in game (even though it looks like a unicorn) and also counts towards the Elderslayer trophy.
PowerPyx says
Correct. And that makes him perfect to farm for the trophy since he’s only a rank 5 monster. I shall add that in! =)
Roy says
I know that you like to gather information about the crowns so I’ll share with you that it seems like I’ve been getting an increasing number of new silver giant crowns from tempered monsters, I also just received my first miniature crown from a tempered Vaal Hazak.
Keg says
Any advice on the miniature trophies? I know it says it comes down to luck, but I have 7 Giant ones, and not a single miniature. Perhaps they unlock only after a certain point in the game, or maybe they’re just way more rare than Giant? I’ve probly killed about 120 Large monsters at this point (doing rank 7 quests currently, and have done nearly all optionals, HR 14).
Secondly, I’ve read that there are silver and gold trophies. Can anyone confirm if silvers count towards Giant Crown trophies?
Thanks! And thanks for the guide as aways Mr. PowerPyx 🙂
Keg says
I’ve answered my second question. Silvers DO count (at least for the first giant crown trophy). Still curious if anyone has any info/advice on the miniature crowns though. Thanks
PowerPyx says
All of those questions are answered in the trophy guide, under the trophies for all miniature crowns and giant crowns 🙂
– Minatures are rarer because they can only drop in gold (wheras giant can also drop in silver)
– For the trophies that require only one, the value does not matter, for the trophies that require 10/all they must be gold.
– For farming advice / what missions to play see trophy guide (basically: investigations with tempered monsters & 3 monsters in one quest)
Anderson says
Any clue as to trophies stack between characters? such as the hunt 500 large monsters??
Eric says
I not sure for the crown drop rate. Been played for about 60 hours, got 2 gold miniature crown but 0 gold giant crown (only silver giant crown so far)
Both miniature crown are drop from non-tempered monster (That time i still haven’t go through final boss, just keep join co-op to farm some material and play for fun co-op with stranger)
Prospekt42 says
Anyone know the best place to contact capcom about a question for the crown trophies?
Anthony says
This game looks amazing but i’ll pass 1,000 hours minimum for the platinum, nope i’ll stick to darksouls.
Hartia says
For A Living Fossil, you can also find it in Eastern camp the water pond right beside it in Elder Recess. Found it pretty often.
GiorgioG says
A person has taken the platinum
PowerPyx says
Indeed. That means it can be done in under 1000 hours.
Still a lot of luck but it’s a relief to see everything is obtainable and nothing is glitched.
Naz says
Two people have the plat now, with one reporting that it took 330 hours.
Their tips were to try and do 15 min/1 faint investigations and try to do investigations that have only 3 or 5 attempts and never 8 attempts.
PowerPyx says
Good info. I heard the same from some friends. I’ll add it in!
TheDeadlyOmega says
Does anyone know if there is a way to stay on a map after the quest is done? I just saw what I believe was a giant monster for a gold crown and have no way to stay on. I tried staying in camp after, but the monsters on the map were completely different. Kinda sux!
Chris says
I’d like to know how you can apparently replay story quests? Since every mission is blacked out and states cannot replay assignments. Which kinda tells me thatvreplaying older story quests is bullcrap.
Steve says
You replay quests by joining others online.
Naz says
There is currently an event quest running this week called Deep green blues that gives a much, much higher chance at both gold mini and large crowns for the ancient forest monsters – Great Jagras, Pukei Pukei, Tobi Kadachi, Anjanath and Rathalos – with many reporting getting up to 4 crowns in one run.
I personally have gotten 9 of the 10 available crowns from farming this quest and only missing giant Anjanath, which will be available during the Horizon Aloy armour event after 28th Feb.
There will be similar events for both the wildspire wastes map and coral highlands map being released next week and the week after respectively.
Maybe they will also do similar events for rotten vale and elders recess maps later and hopefully cycle the events so people don’t permanently miss these easy crown opportunities.
Additionally, the Street Fighter V event currently on (need SFV save) features a guaranteed gold giant crown for Barroth.
Hope this info helps in some way.
diazau says
Mate thanks for the tip, just completed small and large crowns for all 5 of those monsters in 7 runs. Events are the key.
theclubhouse says
Oh, it helps! GREAT call, man. Got two big crowns on my first run (Anja & Rathalos) and then a mini crown for the great jagras on my second. Not bad considering I had hunted them cumulatively well over 100 times and had 0. Will farm this to get as many as I can and keep my eye out for future events. Thanks for the heads up!
Kino says
For “nowhere to go but up” trophy, do the quests have to be all different?
themuffinboyy says
Steve says
Hey,do captured monsters count towards the monster slayer and monster hunter trophies, or do they have to be killed?
PowerPyx says
Captured monsters count for it.
Doesn’t matter if you slay or capture.
Steve says
Perfect, thank you ?
Steve says
Unfortunately captures do not count towards the trophy, I found out when my cumulative kills and captures did not pop the trophy. It only popped after the 100th kill.
Julian says
Can you get crowns by catching monsters rather than killing them? (since you specifically write “_killing_ a monster 25% larger/smaller…”)
PowerPyx says
Yes you can capture them. That’s even faster than slaying monsters. I’ll reword that in the guide to avoid confusion.
It does not matter if you capture or kill, they can give a gold crown either way.
Julian says
That should not happen, pls remove the last comment.
PowerPyx says
I did, and no worries it never went live. All comments go through moderation before being made public (only visible to you but not to others).
Must’ve been an autofill bug with your browser I reckon.
T10sile says
While I haven’t had the success some have mentioned, I got all Ten Crowns for the listed monster in deep blue green in 31 runs.
Luay says
Powerpyx, what is the fastest way to finish the 50 arena quests trophy?
Naz says
This week’s event – Wildspire Bolero – gives increased chances at gold crowns (both mini and large) for the following monsters:
– Kulu Ya Ku
– Barroth
– Jyuratodus
– Rathian
– Diablos
Another event of note is ‘Snow and Cherry Blossoms’, which gives pretty insane HR points.
JPL12 says
Hey PowerPyx, a huge fan of your guides here. Just have a quick question regarding the monster phd trophy. There’s a skill in the game called Scholar and it says that it speeds up progress on research levels and special investigations, but the effect is only seen at the quest results screen. Have you tried using it? If so, did it make obtaining the trophy a bit easier?
Naz says
Thanks for the guide PowerPyx. Got the plat.
This week’s crown event has 4 monsters as opposed to 5 in the previous ones. They are:
– Tzitzi ya ku
– Paolumu
– Pink rathian
– Legiana
They have also confirmed that event will be cycled, so no worries if people have missed previous crown events.
Tom says
Congrats on the platinum!
Do you know if there are any plans for these events in rotten vale, elders recess or even the elder dragons?
VORGIN96 says
looking for a group to snipe crowns with add me on PSN username: UCHIHA_HEMO i’ve killed kulu ya ku for around 300 times and still no large crown :/ about to give up on this shitty trophy
Knuubbel says
PowerPyx, Discord user Longinus has discovered a difference in the monster’s roars depending on their size. Large Gold Crown monster roars are deeper than standard ones, you can actually HEAR if it’s a Large Gold.
All credit to Longinus.
Nattliv says
Great trophy guide thanks.
bringmesilence says
Am I the only one who didn’t get the “Bosom Buddies” trophy? I have both the Vigowasp Sprey & the Flashfly Cage on level 10, but no trophy. Is it bugged or am I missing something?
MidnightDragonDX says
You should update your guide. You now need Deviljho for the research trophy, but not the crown trophies.
MidnightDragonDX says
Never mind. Saw you already did. I’m blind apparently. :P
PowerPyx says
Haha no worries, I’m glad someone is paying attention. I just updated it one or two days ago after someone messaged me about it. These things can sometimes slip through when I work on other games so having the community to point out patch changes is a huge help 🙂
Vintes says
The event also have a chance of dropping big or small golden crown because I got 3 small gold crown in one game
Jack Holiday says
In Bourgeois Hunter trophy guide you say the items can be sold at Provisions Stockpile. But you can also sell them at any Item Box. I don’t know if it was added with a patch but I’ve been doing so since April.
Jack Holiday says
I guess that option was available since launch: [Link removed]
Jack Holiday says
In Patch 4.00 they removed Deviljho from the list of the monsters required for
“Monster Ph.D.” trophy. Here’s official patch note:
“- The trophy conditions for “Monster Ph.D.” were updated to no longer include monsters added in free title updates.”
PowerPyx says
Thanks for letting me know! I’ll update it in the guide now.
Matheus says
I’m looking for a group/party to try and get the gold crowns.
My plan is we join forces in trying to locate large/small monsters (using a guide to estimate their sizes). When one of us find it we let the others know. With 4 people looking for the same crown things should go a lot faster.
My time zone is UTC-3.
If you’re interested just reply with your username and I’ll add you!
Pebbles says
Goin for my 2ed MHW platinum 92% atm
Fadomas says
Ain’t nobody got time for this fuck that shit
thelegofan1210 says
With the side quests, arena quests and investigations, can you repeat one of each 50 times to get the trophies?
llToxic_ll says
Investigations can only be done specific times. You will need to do different investigations to reach 50. But you will get them really easy by trying to get all gold crowns
thelegofan1210 says
With the 50 guild cards, I ask the people for it but most the time, they no one gives me theirs. Got any tips?
llToxic_ll says
I read that you can do this with one person. It seems like you only need to recieve the guild cards, this means you can delete them right away after recieving one. Your friend can just repeat sending you his guild card and you repeat the deleting process until you reach the number you need.
Hope this helps. I will try this for myself soon.
ahmed shaheer says
do trophies stack between different regions of the game
motcho says
i was gonna platinum this game, after reading the comments, phuck that !