Monster Hardbone is a crafting component in Monster Hunter World. It is used to craft various High-Rank Weapons, Armor and Upgrades.
Monster Hardbone is obtained by slaying or capturing large monsters (High-Rank, 6 stars+). It will be rewarded in the quest reward screen. Either play quests or kill high-rank monsters in expeditions.
Monster Hardbone is randomly dropped from the following large monsters (High-Rank, 6 Stars+ only):
- Azure Rathalos (Ancient Forest, Elder’s Recess)
- Bazelgeuse (Any Map on High-Rank)
- Black Diablos (Wildspire Waste)
- Diablos (Wildspire Waste)
- Lavasioth (Elder’s Recess)
- Legiana (Coral Highlands)
- Odogaron (Rotten Vale)
- Pink Rathian (Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands)
- Rathalos (Ancient Forest)
- Uragaan (Elder’s Recess)
You can get it from any of these monsters. You can defeat them as often as you wish to farm Monster Hardbone, they respawn when fast traveling to another map.
For all other crafting materials, check out our Monster Hunter World Wiki.
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Gary says
Never seen either of these monsters and I have 2 in my inventory.
PowerPyx says
The list was still incomplete earlier. Has been completed now with full monster list 🙂