Monster Bone+ is a crafting component in Monster Hunter World. It is used to craft various Weapons, Armor and Upgrades.
Monster Bone+ is obtained by slaying or capturing large monsters (low-rank). It will be rewarded in the quest reward screen. Either play quests or kill monsters in expeditions. It cannot be obtained from bonepiles.
Monster Bone+ is randomly dropped from the following large monsters (Low-Rank):
- Legiana (Coral Highlands)
- Odogaron (Rotten Vale)
- Rathalos (Ancient Forest)
- Diablos (Wildspire Waste)
On High-Rank (6 Stars+) it is dropped by:
- Great Jagras (Ancient Forest)
You can get it from any of these monsters. You can defeat them as often as you wish to farm Monster Bone+, they respawn when fast traveling to another map.
For all other crafting materials, check out our Monster Hunter World Wiki.
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