There are 15 Monster Hunter World Camp Locations. Each map has 2-4 camps, there are 5 maps in total. Camps are used for fast travel and as respawn points when you faint. Unlocking them early will save you a lot of walking later on, so getting them should be your first priority when reaching a new area.
To unlock the camp location you must first find it and then complete its delivery quest in Astera’s Research Center. Finding the camps is the tricky part because the game does not show them on the map and doesn’t even tell you they exist. All camps are in quiet places far away from monsters. You will have to stray from the main path to find them. They tend to be on the outer edges of the map, inside caves or up high where no monsters can reach.
When you find a campsite your buddy, “The Handler” will make an audio comment saying that this looks like a good campsite. Then you must head back to Astera and talk to the NPC at the research center to view delivery quests. All those quests are called “Setting up Camp”. You must bring 2 unique items to the Research Center to complete the quest and unlock the camp.
Camp Locations Video Guide
Ancient Forest Camp Locations
- Southwest Camp (1) – Automatic Unlock (Assignment: Jagras of the Ancient Forest)
- Northwest Camp (8) – Delivery Quest: Setting Up Camp: Ancient Forest I (2 x Iron Ore + 1 x Ancient Bone)
- Northeast Camp (11) – Automatic Unlock (Assignment: Bird-Brained Bandit)
- Ancient Forest Camp (17) – Delivery Quest: Setting Up Camp: Ancient Forest II (1 x Anjanath Pelt + 2 x Monster Bone L)
The Ancient Forest Camp (17) is quite tricky to find. It’s at the very top of the tree. If you chase after the Grimalkyne up there (which is marked on the map) you’ll run into it automatically. You must go over one of the small tree branches at the very top of the big tree. The screenshot below points you in the right direction. The other camps aren’t too difficult to find.
Wildspire Waste Camp Locations
- Southwest Camp (1) – Automatic Unlock (Assignment: The Best Kind of Quest)
- Central Camp (6) – Delivery Quest: Setting Up Camp: Wildspire Waste I (2 x Vespoid Shell + Monster Bone M)
- Northeast Camp (15) – Delivery Quest: Setting Up Camp: Wildspire Waste II (1 x Rathian Scale + Monster Bone L)
- Eastern Camp (11) – Automatic Unlock (Assignment: Sinister Shadows in the Swamp)
Coral Highlands Camp Locations
Only 2 camps on this map!
- Southern Camp (1) – Automatic Unlock (Assignment: Ballooning Problems)
- Northest Camp (12) – Delivery Quest: Setting Up Camp: Coral Highlands (1 x Tzitzi-Ya-Ku-Hide + Monster Bone M)
Rotten Vale Camp Locations
Only 2 camps on this map!
- Southest Camp (1) – Automatic Unlock (Assignment: Radobaan Roadblock)
- Central Camp (11) – Automatic Unlock (Assignment: Into the Bowels of the Vale)
Elder’s Recess Camp Locations
Only 3 camps on this map!
- Southern Camp (1) – Automatic Unlock (When reaching Elder’s Recess)
- Eastern Camp (8) – Delivery Quest: Setting Up Camp: Elder’s Recess I (2 x Barnos Hide+ & Monster Bone+)
- Northwest Camp (16) – Delivery Quest: Setting Up Camp: Elder’s Recess II (1 x Dodogame Hide+ & 2 x Wingdrake Hide) –> Can only reach this camp after defeating Nergigante or after befriending the Gajalakas.
The Northwest Camp (16) is a bit tricky to find. After defeating the elder dragon “Nergigante” in an 8-Star story assignment, you can enter area 14 and find a small tunnel leading to area 16. The screenshot below points you in the right direction. (*Credit to omega-killer and Okizu for this camp location)
Hoarfrost Reach Camp Locations
There are 5 camps on this map. This is part of the Iceborne Expansion.
- Southern Camp (Area 1, Upper Map Floor) – Automatic Unlock from Story (available as soon as you reach Hoarfrost Reach)
- Western Camp (Area 5, Upper Map Floor) – Automatic Unlock from Story (available after you go on an expedition in Hoarfrost Reach for the first time)
- Central Camp (Area 7, Upper Map Floor) – Delivery Quest: “Setting up Camp: Hoarfrost Reach I” (1000 x Research Points, 1 x Tobi-Kadachi Membrane+)
- Northeast Camp (Area 15, Upper Map Floor) – Delivery Quest: “Setting up Camp: Hoarfrost Reach II” (1200 x Research Points, 1 x Azure Rathalos Fellwing)
- Shipwreck Camp (Area 12, Bottom Map Floor) – Automatic Unlock from Story (available when reaching two-star Master Rank assignments)
Guiding Lands Camp Locations
There are 2 camps on this map. This is part of the Iceborne Expansion.
- First Western Camp (1) – Automatic Unlock (as soon as you reach Guiding Lands region)
- Eastern Camp (3) – Delivery Quest: “Setting Up Camp: Guiding Lands I” (3 x Heavy Dragonvein Bone – dropped by large monsters in Guiding Lands, 1 x Prosperous Crystal – found in Guiding Lands Forest area at level 2 ore rarity)
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Subject says
PowerPyx I love your guides but I wanna let you know don’t spend time looking for base camps that don’t exist, you found them all already 🙂 only the forest and wildspire have 4 camps the others have 2
PowerPyx says
That’s perfect, then the list is complete 🙂
I’ll double check with some friends to see if they found anything else.
Thanks for the tip!
PowerPyx says
Asked around and nobody has found any more camps. That should be all of them now.
Thanks again for the tip!
Blazed4life says
Not true all of those i have found in all the areas
Okizu says
In Elder’s Recess, I have found three camps for far. The camp you are missing is Northwest Camp (16) Its after you finish the cat quest. After talking with the Gajalaka Leader, you have to take the path of water streams and it will lead you to the camp.
PowerPyx says
Will check it shortly, thank you so much =)
PowerPyx says
Updated it in the guide now. 3 Camps in Elder’s Recess.
However, you don’t have to do the cat quests. Just beat Nergigante to unlock Area 14. Then from Area 14 you can go through a small tunnel leading to Area 16.
I’m pretty sure that’s all of them now, but if anyone stumbles across another one please leave a comment here.
Baconreos says
Tyvm helped me find last ancient firest!!!
Baconreos says
Ben says
You don’t have to beat Nergigante for 16, just do the initial quest, if you fail(like I did lol) you can go back to it in expedition and it will be open. Just found it while roaming and haven’t beat Nergigante yet.
Honeybeeq says
Thank you!! Thanks for taking the time to make this post and mark on map where the camps are, this really helped me a lot! I was spending hours scouting the map trying to find camp sites.
Cj110100100 says
so the camp numbers are just to fuck w/ us ?!?
Ben says
Camp numbers are what “zone” they are in in that map.
A new MH fan says
Would like to point a small detail you’re missing in the Hoarfrost Reach camps:
“Northeast Camp (Area 15, Upper Map Floor) – Delivery Quest: “Setting up Camp: Hoarfrost Reach II” (1200 x Research Points, 1 x Azure Rathalos Fellwing)”
The one above requires progress in the Iceborne story, I don’t want to spoil it for others, but players won’t be able to access its general area right from the start.