In order to unlock the Silver Ecologist’s Award and Gold Ecologist’s Award in Monster Hunter Rise you will have to take a picture of all the Endemic Life in the game, including some rare creatures. As endemic life the game counts all the small insects/animals that you can pick up but which you can’t actively use in a hunt. There are a total of 27 regular ones and 5 Rare ones you will have to take a picture of.
Techinically 7 of them are rare since Felicicrow and Fortune Owl are also rare and random but they do not count toward the Silver Ecologist’s Award but only towards the Gold Ecologist’s Award.
In order to take a picture use either or
on your D-Pad to choose the camera, equip it with either
and press
to take a picture. You will see the name of the creature that is in frame which will confirm that the picture you are taking counts.
Not all Endemic creatures are available on each map and some of the rare ones are only available at a specific time of day and don’t always spawn (slightly random spawnrate). The guide will be structured by map locations so you can get as many as possible during a single visit.
It is recommended to take the pictures during Expeditions since you can take your time there. In order to go on an Expedition go to the Gathering Hub, talk to Minoto and choose Hub Quest: High Rank, Expedition Tour and choose the map you need. By holding down the Touchpad you can pull out the map and by using /
you can change the map category to “Other Endemic Life” which will highlight the Endemic Creatures on the map as well.
For Rare Endemics make sure to buy the Call-of-the-Wild Dango since it makes them appear each time you visit the map.
After taking a picture make sure it registered! Press Options, go to Info -> Hunter’s Notes -> Endemic Life and make sure you can change the picture of the Endemic Life with :square:. Only then it means the picture was taken correctly!
Shrine Ruins – Green Spiritbird
You can find them all over the map, since you need them to max out your stats.
Shrine Ruins – Yellow Spiritbird
You can find them all over the map, since you need them to max out your stats.
Shrine Ruins – Orange Spiritbird
You can find them all over the map, since you need them to max out your stats.
Shrine Ruins – Red Spiritbird
You can find them all over the map, since you need them to max out your stats.
Shrine Ruins – Golden Spiritbug (only Low Rank)
Right behind the Area 1 camp enter the tunnel and you can find them at the other end of it.
Shrine Ruins – Gilded Spiritbug (only High Rank)
Right behind the Area 1 camp enter the tunnel and you can find them at the other end of it.
Shrine Ruins – Wirebug
You can find them everywhere, for example in Area 2.
Shrine Ruins – Vigorwasp
You can find them everywhere, for example in Area 2.
Shrine Ruins – Clothfly
You can find one in Area 4.
Shrine Ruins – Butterflame
On your left right after going through the gate to Area 9.
Shrine Ruins – Peepersects
In the northwest corner of Area 2.
Shrine Ruins – Cutterfly
You can find one in Area 12.
Shrine Ruins – Flashfly
On the path between Area 3 and 4.
Shrine Ruins – Rock Lizard
You can find one on the rocks at the Path between Areas 6 and 8. However, Lizards are not guaranteed to spawn at the same location each time.
Shrine Ruins – Boulder Lizard
You can find it on the mountains between Areas 6 and 10. However, Lizards are not guaranteed to spawn at the same location each time.
Shrine Ruins – Scale Lizard
You can find one at the top of Area 6 on the western side. However, Lizards are not guaranteed to spawn ath the same location each time.
Shrine Ruins – Great Wirebug
You can find them on every map in many places. There is one right behind your camp in Shrine Ruins.
Shrine Ruins – Snow-faced Fox !RARE!
Sitting on the gate at the top of Area 5, will run away after a short while, so take the picture quickly. ONLY AT NIGHT!
Frost Island – Red Lampsquid
When you hide all the icons from your map, Lampsquid will still be visible. They are roaming between areas on the water surface. Just check your map where they currently are.
Frost Island – Yellow Lampsquid
When you hide all the icons from your map, Lampsquid will still be visible. They are roaming between areas on the water surface. Just check your map where they currently are.
Frost Island – Green Lampsquid
When you hide all the icons from your map, Lampsquid will still be visible. They are roaming between areas on the water surface. Just check your map where they currently are.
Frost Island – Golden Lampsquid
When you hide all the icons from your map, Lampsquid will still be visible. They are roaming between areas on the water surface. Just check your map where they currently are.
Frost Island – Monksnail !RARE!
In area 8 climb the ship and look towards the ocean. Sooner or later it will appear from behind the rocks. ONLY AT NIGHT!
Flooded Forest – Trick Toad
You can find one in Area 11.
Flooded Forest – Giganha
Just place Raw Meat anywhere in the water and they will start jumping up devouring the meat.
Flooded Forest – Quetzalcobra !RARE!
Start climbing the temple in area 2 from the west. After using the Wirebug to get higher run on the edge of the temple around to the east side of it. Just below you there will be a side entrance you can reach with wirebugs. Inside there will be an altar, wait there for a bit and the Quetzalcobra will spawn. DAY ONLY!
Sandy Plains – Pincercrab
You can find them on the walls in Sandy Plains. There are some in Area 2.
Sandy Plains – Regitrice !RARE!
Found inside the ruins in Area 12. DAY ONLY!
Lava Caverns – Echobat
Flying in area 3.
Lava Caverns – Hellbill !RARE!
In the north of Area 14 you can enter a small cave, inside run up the wall and you will end up in a volcano. Once inside look up and left and wait for the Hellbill to appear on the cliff there. NIGHT ONLY!
Any Arena / Infernal Spring Quest – Prism Spiritbird
Just start any quest in Arena or Infernal Spring and you will find one in front of you.
Any Map – Felicicrow + Fortune Owl
Those 2 count to the Lucky Life category and can spawn on any map. You will get a notification about them if you get close to them. They keep moving around the map and will take breaks which will give you the opportunity to take a picture. Just make sure to pay attention to them during your hunts.
These are all the Endemics needed for the trophies.
Related Monster Hunter Rise Guides:
- Monster Hunter Rise – All Endemics & Rare Creatures Locations
- Monster Hunter Rise – All Hunting Helpers Locations
- Monster Hunter Rise – All Relic Locations
- Monster Hunter Rise – All Decorations & Hanging Scrolls Locations
- Monster Hunter Rise – Crown Hunting Guide
Juliano Movio says
You miss the bird Wailnard, at Shrine Ruins.