Metro Exodus Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10 (2/10 if using the ranger hardcore exploit)
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30 Hours (20 if using the exploit)
- Offline Trophies: 50 (1
, 3
, 6
, 40
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 4 – Full Strength, Eternal Voyage, Your Destination. Dressed for Success is semi-missable
- Glitched trophies: Nothing Yet
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, you must complete the game on ‘Ranger Hardcore’ difficulty
- Minimum Playthroughs: 2, for the good and bad endings (1 and a bit if using the exploit)
Welcome to the Metro Exodus Trophy Guide! This entry in the series is a slight departure from the previous titles as it introduces some wide open levels which you can explore, as such collectibles are spread across them and can be tricky to find. Moral points also make a return but to a much lesser degree. There are no glitched trophies but 3 game spanning missable trophies, as well as a difficulty related trophy for completing the game on Ranger Hardcore, which serves as the only challenge in an otherwise easy trophy list.
Step 1: Play through the story on Any Difficulty, Collectibles, Good Ending, Full Strength and Miscellaneous Trophies
In this step it’s recommended playing through the game on Reader or Easy difficulty to make gathering collectibles and going for other trophies a breeze. Chapter select is available in case anything is missed and you can track collectibles via the ‘Collectibles’ option in the pause menu which will show how many collectibles there are per chapter. Make sure to fulfill the choices spread out across 3 chapters for the good ending and to make sure your crew survives until near the end of the game for the ‘Full Strength & Your Destination’ in particular, as they are game spanning missable trophies. Go for all collectibles here as well, if you happen to miss any they can be found using chapter select, see Metro Exodus Collectibles Guide (Diary Pages & Post Cards).
Step 2: Miscellaneous trophy clean-up
This may not be necessary, all trophies that require a set number of kills, cleaning your weapons and such all carry over to new playthroughs and chapter select on the same save slot. Use chapter select to cleanup any chapter specific trophies and whatever else before starting a new game as this won’t allow you to use chapter select. Another important thing to note is that you CANNOT change difficulty using chapter select, so cleaning up trophies on a Ranger Hardcore run would be problematic, it’s vital that you cleanup most if not all misc trophies before moving on.
Step 3: Ranger Hardcore Playthrough, Bad Ending
This will be the most challenging part of the platinum. Here you need to start a new game on Ranger Hardcore difficulty and complete the game. This isn’t too difficult but it comes with some drastic changes especially if you played on Reader difficulty in your first playthrough. Also go for the bad ending here as well so as to avoid a potential 3rd playthrough since you won’t be attempting side missions in order to save your crew members anyway. There has been a newly discovered exploit in which you can unlock both trophies with ease very quickly, see ‘Hardcore’ for more information.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
Metro Exodus Trophy Guide
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Platinum Trophy Get all Trophies. |
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Unlock all other trophies to earn platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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Brakeman Detach all train cars on the MOSCOW level. |
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When you board the train near the end of Moscow, you will have the option of detaching train cars as you progress, this is indicated by the red lever on the left of the 2 car doors that you can use to detach, simply hold ![]() |
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Exodus Complete the MOSCOW level. |
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Story related and cannot be missed.
You will earn this after completing the Moscow level. |
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Aurora Name the locomotive. |
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Story related and cannot be missed.
You will earn this during the Winter level after tuning the radio. |
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Regatta Get into a boat. |
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Story related and cannot be missed.
On The Volga level you can get in to a boat to traverse water, which you will have to do as part of the story but they are located all around the level as well if you choose to explore first. |
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Railwayman Get into the Trolley. |
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Story related and cannot be missed.
You will earn this trophy after getting on to trolley car in the train depot in Volga. |
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Friend of the Crew Find the guitar and teddy bear on the VOLGA level. |
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Further in to the Volga level after talking to Miller about the passenger car, go speak to the little girl called Nastya and she will ask you find a teddy bear, the location will be marked on the map. The guitar is found in a bandit camp in the lower part of the center area of the map, Idiot and Damir or Stepan will mark it on the map for you as you leave for the passenger car. Scale the tower in the center of the camp and you will see the guitar leaning against a railing at the top, you can’t miss it. |
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Long distance passenger Find the passenger train car. |
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Story related and cannot be missed.
You will earn this trophy after attaching the trolley to the passenger car in Volga. |
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Fisherman Kill the Catfish. |
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For this trophy you need to kill the large mutated Catfish that will sometimes stalk you as you use boats around Volga. You cannot kill it with guns however and it must be done in a specific location. In the depot where the catfish will attack you multiple times, make your way to the end where there is a small area with the lever you use to re-position the tracks. Pull the bell nearby to lure the catfish into the water ahead, then cut down one of the bodies hanging above and quickly pull the lever on the left to rotate the track which will drop the debris on catfish, killing it. | ||
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Duke Duke survives. |
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For this trophy Duke must survive the entirety of the Volga level. To do this you need to stay on neutral ground with the cult and complete the bridge section at the end in complete stealth. If you get spotted reload your game or Duke dies. Make sure you also play the church section in stealth by non-lethal means as well to be safe and get the moral point.
If Duke does not survive it’s recommended replaying the chapter and continuing from there as it will lock you out of Full Strength. |
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Lower the Bridge Complete the VOLGA level. |
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Story related and cannot be missed. You will earn this after completing Volga. | ||
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Righteous vengeance Kill 90 cannibals. |
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At the start of Yamantau right after the cutscene where you are freed from captivity by the crew, you will be ambushed by infinitely spawning cannibals. You can choose to ignore the others and keep killing here or try to unlock it naturally by progressing through the level. There are dozens you can kill as you are on the trolley driving away at the end, throw grenades or molotovs for many kills here too. | ||
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Spoiled dinner Complete the YAMANTAU level. |
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Story related and cannot be missed.You will earn this after completing Yamantau. | ||
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Driver Drive the Bukhanka. |
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Story related and cannot be missed.
This will unlock early on in The Caspian after dealing with a Thug and taking his Vehicle. |
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Carmaheddon Make 50 kills with the Bukhanka. |
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You should start working on this as soon as you acquire the Bukhanka vehicle in The Caspian. As you are travelling from objectives or other locations enemies will spawn in roads or desert areas usually in groups of 4-6, run them over with the car to kill them with ease. If you don’t have this before getting the oil just drive around and kill enemies until it unlocks. | ||
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Roller coaster Use the bucket lift on the CASPIAN level to reach the Oasis. |
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When you go to the oasis as part of the story, you will navigate a cave section and come to an area with a bucket lift leading to the top of the Oasis. You need to stealthily approach the lift so wait for the couple of guards to move away, once you get on it the trophy will pop. | ||
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Complete road map Find maps in the laboratory. |
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Story related and cannot be missed.
This trophy will unlock upon finding the maps in the bunker laboratory. |
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Damir Damir stays with crew. |
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There are specific tasks required in order to get Damir to stay with you at the end of The Caspian chapter. These consist of moral points and fleeing slaves, as well as playing stealthily, they are listed below:
If you fulfill all requirements he will join you at the end of the level which is part of the good ending and the missable ‘Full Strength’ trophy. If he doesn’t come with you and you are going for the good ending make sure to immediately replay the chapter afterward and fulfill the above requirements. |
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New order Complete the CASPIAN level. |
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Story related and cannot be missed.
You will earn this after completing The Caspian. |
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Gor’ko! Attend the wedding on the SUMMER level. |
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Story related and cannot be missed.
You will earn this after the wedding scene on the Summer level. |
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Decommunization Destroy the biggest statue in front of the children’s camp on the TAIGA level. |
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Early on in the Taiga chapter you’ll come up to large statue just before the small bridge where the pirates warn you. Approach it and melee it for the trophy. | ||
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Master of the Forest Stand your ground against the Bear at the first encounter. |
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The bear is encountered around 2/3 through The Taiga chapter. For this trophy you need to deal enough damage to the bear so it flees, DO NOT go up the ladder or you will miss this trophy. If you are going for the ‘Forest Child’ trophy then you will only have the crossbow, on Reader difficulty it took around 25 bolts to deal enough damage, just aim for the head and keep running away until it flees. | ||
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5 o’clock Take part in the Admiral’s tea party on the TAIGA level. |
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In the Taiga chapter you will come to Admirals room as part of the story. Instead of progressing forward sit down when he prompts you to, now for the next several minutes the admiral will ramble on about various things. Eventually you will have to play the guitar and the admiral will fall asleep, the trophy will then unlock. | ||
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Forest child Complete the TAIGA level without attacking anyone or getting noticed. |
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This trophy can be slightly tricky depending on whether you are combining it with ‘Aylosha’. You need to finish the entire Taiga chapter without being spotted even once or attacking any human enemies, this includes knockouts.
The best way to approach this is playing on Reader difficulty and only sneaking through enemy camps at night, if you do it during the day enemies will detect you from a mile away. You can be heard and enemies can catch a glimpse of you, as long as they don’t fully detect you and start shooting it will be fine. The trickiest part is the boat section in the swamp camp. You need to make sure the enemies aren’t facing you as even if it’s dark they will notice you rowing the boat and hear you, make use of quick saves and keep trying. If they do notice you try and row away as quickly possible so they lose sight of you. |
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Alyosha Alyosha doesn’t get wounded. |
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This takes place in the Taiga chapter. There are conflicting reports as to what will or won’t void this trophy. I’ll list what I did to get it to unlock.
Others have mentioned that they killed many pioneers and pirates and still unlocked the trophy. However, to be safe I recommend against doing that especially as you can combine it with the ‘Forest Child’ trophy. If you fulfilled the requirements Olga will appear at the end of the level and Aloyosha will be unharmed and you will be on track for the good ending and ‘Full Strength’ trophy. |
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Sword of Damocles Complete the TAIGA level. |
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Story related and cannot be missed.
You will earn this after completing The Taiga level. |
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Putrification Pass the putrid tunnel. |
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Story related and cannot be missed.
Unlocks in The Dead City chapter. You will earn this after going through the tunnel with the slug enemies and tentacles on the boat. |
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Guide Pass the Research Facility without killing a Blind One on the DEAD CITY level. |
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This takes place in the Dead City chapter. Blind Ones are large gorilla enemies that look similar to the Librarians in the previous games. You first encounter one in a QTE when you come to the facility. The obvious aim here is to sneak past them, they can’t see but they can smell and hear you if you get too close. Watch out for the broken glass scattered through this section as it will alert them if you step on it. DO NOT shoot any you come across and the trophy will unlock after the QTE at the end of the section. | ||
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Full Strength Duke and Damir stay with the crew, Alyosha doesn’t get wounded. |
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This trophy is missable is because you need to ensure you fulfill certain requirements on The Volga, The Caspian and The Taiga so the respective crew members stay with you until the end of the game. This is best combined with ‘Your Destination’ as at least 2 need to survive for the good ending anyway. Refer to ‘Duke, Damir and Alyosha’ for the specific trophy requirements. If you fulfilled all 3 individual character requirements then the trophy will pop upon completing the game. If you miss any character requirements in the playthrough you are attempting this trophy and the good ending on, I recommend replaying the relevant chapter again and continuing from there. |
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Hardcore Complete the game in Ranger Hardcore mode. |
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Ranger Hardcore is the highest difficulty in the game and available from the start. It is a considerable step up if you played on Reader difficulty / Easy prior. Below are general tips and advice to help you survive.
Note that this difficulty also limits the HUD. You can see it but it’s greyed out a little. Workbenches are also less frequent so you may need to drop your weapons for enemy weapons if they become too degraded but it shouldn’t be much of an issue if you are avoiding combat as much as possible. Exploit: It has come to light that there is an exploit that will allow you to get this trophy in addition to the bad ending with ease. To do this you need the physical version of the game and must play on version 1.00 without installing any updates for your 2nd playthrough, this cannot be done on the digital version. I have listed the steps below, credit to danielwang008 for discovering this exploit! 1. Complete the game with the good ending (game version doesn’t matter, but do the good ending now since you can’t get it using the exploit). |
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Eternal Voyage Save Anna by paying the ultimate price. |
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This serves as the game’s bad endings. You basically want to do the opposite of the good ending choices and ensure 2/3 members don’t stay with you until the end. Any opportunities you came across for moral points make sure to do the opposite, which involves killing surrendering enemies, captive slaves / prisoners and so on. As long as 2 crew members die you will receive this ending.
I’m not sure if Alyosha getting wounded has any impact on the ending currently, as such I recommend getting Duke killed and making sure Damir leaves. |
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Your Destination Assume command of the Order. |
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This serves as the game’s good ending. You need to ensure at least 2/3 crew members stay with you until the end of the game and you make good choices throughout your playthrough which work in tandem with each other. Refer to Full Strength, Duke, Damir, Alyosha for more information on having them survive your playthrough. |
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Professional Make at least one kill with every ranged weapon. |
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The description for this trophy is slightly misleading, you need to get a kill with every weapon in the game, not long ranged weapons specifically. List of weapons below:
Some weapons you’ll be given through story progression, namely the Tikhar and Helsing, others can be found on enemies or as loot in each level and you can also swap them out on the Aurora in later levels. Simply get a kill with all 10 weapons for the trophy. The Rail Gun that you get from Miller does not count. |
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Gunsmith Install a modification of each category on a single weapon. |
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Weapons mods are found from other weapons in the game, you can loot them in the game world or from enemy corpses. Once you have a mod for all 5 slots of any weapon simply install them and the trophy will unlock. | ||
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Tidyman Spend 500 chemical resources on cleaning weapons. |
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Once you reach the level Volga, you will start finding resources around the game world, usually in containers. These can be used to clean your weapons at any workbench. You should be cleaning your weapons at every opportunity. This is unlikely to unlock on your first playthrough as you generally spend no more than 5-9 resources in one go. It will likely unlock on your 2nd playthrough instead, if not then utilise the exploit below, thanks to TTG for pointing this out!
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Handyman Spend 500 consumable resources on crafting. |
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Once you reach the level Volga, you will start finding resources around the game world, usually in containers and these can be used to craft throwable weapons, filters, med kids and ammo. On lower difficulties these resources are plenty. Use them at any workbench you come across and the trophy should unlock quite early in the game. | ||
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Dressed for Success Find all upgrades for Artyom’s suit. |
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*Semi-missable* For this trophy you need to find all upgrades for Artyom’s suit, these can be found in specific places across the Volga and Caspian levels. They provide Artyom with upgrades such as extra armour, more ammo capacity and so on. For this trophy you need to find each one, there are 8 in Volga and 5 in Caspian. Unlike the diaries and postcards they do not carry over when using chapter select making this somewhat missable. If you miss any upgrades on Volga then you’ll need to play from there up until The Caspian, collecting all suit upgrades in one playthrough. The locations are included in the Collectibles Guide linked below.» Metro Exodus Collectibles Guide |
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Martian Patch the Gasmask. |
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Sometimes in combat your mask will be damaged by enemy attacks. You will be prompted to press ![]() |
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Last Breath After running out of filters in a hazard zone, craft a new one while suffocating. |
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You can do this in any area where you have to wear your gas mask. Simply wait in any area and keep switching filters when prompted until you run out and begin suffocating. Quickly press ![]() ![]() |
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Antibiotic Kill 300 mutants. |
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Mutants are basically any non-human enemy, ranging from watchmen, demons, shrimp, spiders and so on. You will easily kill 300 of these naturally throughout the course of the game so don’t worry about this one. | ||
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Sniper Kill 50 enemies at long distance. |
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It’s best to attempt this using a modded weapon with a scope such as a revolver or valve on a lower difficulty. It’s not clear what counts as ‘long distance’, but you can kill plenty of ghouls on The Caspian in the open areas using a Valve / Revolver in the desert areas, or you can pick off enemies in bandit camps the same way.
In The Caspian there is a sniper nest that Anna will mark on your map. At the top of the crane you can take out the sniper and pick up his scoped Valve, climb on top of the room and several enemies will appear in the distance across the bridge. If you make a quick save here you can reload and keep killing them until the trophy pops. |
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Silent marksman Kill 30 enemies with Tikhar. |
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The Tikhar is given to you as part of the story in Volga by Tokarev after speaking to Miller upon returning from church. Kill any 30 enemies with it for the trophy. | ||
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Robin Hood Kill 30 enemies with Crossbow. |
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The Crossbow (Helsing) is found on a statue at the start of The Taiga level in plain sight. Kill any 30 mutant / human enemies with it to unlock the trophy. | ||
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Headhunter Kill 300 human enemies. |
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Human enemies are found in abundance in most levels however mandatory fights with humans are few. If you are going for the good ending then you may not get this naturally. You should unlock it during your bad ending playthrough. Simply kill enemies instead of knocking them out. | ||
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Saboteur Melee-kill or stun 50 enemies. |
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You will easily acquire this trophy naturally as long as you take a stealth approach. Most enemy encounters in the game allow opportunities to perform melee kills or stuns same as the previous 2 Metro games. Simply approach an enemy undetected and either hold ![]() ![]() |
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Kaleidoscope Kill 3 enemies using sniper scope while wearing the Gas mask and using the Night Vision goggles. |
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Sniper scopes can be looted off weapons found in the game from enemies or in various other locations and they can be applied to your weapons. The Night Vision goggles are located in the depot on the far right of the map in Volga. As part of the story you go to this depot. At the end of the area after Anna radios you, there is a partially opened door you can go through and then a subsequent door ahead. You will see the goggles just ahead on a candle lit table.
Put on your gas mask, night vision and equip any weapon with a 4x zoom or greater scope, kill any 3 enemies like this for the trophy. |
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Firebird Kill a demon with fire. |
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Demons are large flying creatures that appeared in the previous two Metro games. It’s recommended to attempt this trophy on Reader difficulty as the Demon will take less damage to be killed by fire. They can be found in various locations such as The Volga, and there is a perfect location here to get this trophy. There is a demon in the bottom right hand corner of the map atop of a tower guarding the teddy bear needed for the Friend of the Crew trophy. Simply climb the tower quietly and throw a molotov where it’s resting for an easy kill. | ||
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Librarian Find all 70 hidden Diary pages. |
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There are a total of 71 diaries in the game, not 70 like the trophy suggests (you need all 71 to unlock the trophy). They are spread throughout all the chapters, often located on enemy corpses or tables throughout the main story path but some require exploration. Refer to the below collectibles guide.
» Metro Exodus Collectibles Guide (Diary Pages & Post Cards) |
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Old world pictures Find all 21 post cards. |
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There are a total of 21 postcards in the game spread throughout all the games chapters, they are quite small and often hard to see on walls / locker doors and such. Refer to the below collectibles guide.
» Metro Exodus Collectibles Guide (Diary Pages & Post Cards) |
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Join us on air Find a tune on the radio. |
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You can operate the radio in between levels on the train such as Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. Tune the radio using ![]() |
Luke says
You absolutely killing the game!! Love it
Ancaria says
Can you please mark the missable trophies with red font *missable*?
Thank you, you are the only trophy hunter I follow his guides
PowerPyx says
This is a good idea actually. I made the *Missable* in trophy guide red and bold so it stands out. Thanks for bringing this up.
Sven says
Thank you for the awesome Guide. I repeat my yesterdays question in the Collectible Guide:
Can i do the bad ending via chapter select? I end this game today on normal, and didn’t get both ending (good and bad) trophies…
I don’t wanna play two more times trough the game:/
Sellers says
You could chapter select and play from Volga, either way it requires most of a full playthrough.
Jaap says
Yes you can get good and bad ending by chapter select. For good ending you need at least 2 out of the 3 team members with you at the end and for the bad ending only 1 or less of course. Also for the bad ending it is easier to kill everybody and the game should flash indicating your are doing something bad
Aske says
Wtf difficulty 5/10? You kidding me? Its easy plat – 2/10
Sellers says
2/10 is too low, you can die very quickly and there are some annoying areas. Rating it a 2/10 would be misleading to most players. When I finish Ranger Hardcore I’ll probably lower the number.
bojelrro says
Hey, did upgrade suit parts count in different plays? Or You need take all in one playthrough?
Sellers says
I know they don’t carry over on chapter select, whether they do on a new playthrough as I collected them all in one run, someone will have to confirm that.
Sven says
Thank you Sellers. I think i do two more walktroughs. One on easy with collectible and saving the three people and the other on ranger hardcore with bad ending.
Jaap says
I would stongly advice to follow the roadmap in a different order as doing any missing trophies at the end after you have done your Ranger Hardcore run can be a pain. This since once Ranger Hardcore has been selected you cannot change back the difficulty meaning you have to do all missing trophies on the hardest setting. I made this mistake myself and simply was not able to do the Forest Child trophy on Ranger Hardcore as it is extremely difficult to not get detected at the last part of the level. Unfortunately had to do a third playthrough (took luckily only 4 hours if you run through it) to get that last trophy. Therefore, play on easy/normal on your first run. Then do all missing trophies by chapter select and the at last do the Ranger Hardore run with the bad ending.
Sellers says
That’s a very good point, I’ve reordered the roadmap to reflect that, thanks for your input!
Sven says
And yes, that whats jaap said, is important.
You can’t change the difficulty via chapter select. I would implement this to the trophy guide.
phantomfear9494 says
Big up to Sellers for listening to people’s feedback and acknowledging it, its a very good roadmap and its only gotten better since it was revealed.
Its really refreshing to see that feedback is taken on board without taking it personally, well done mate.
Jaap says
Agree with you and good to see how the feedback has been handled. My feedback b.t.w. has not been any critic at all, I just made this mistake myself and wanted others to prevent to make the same mistake. The game is just out for about 10 days so new information comes in by the day plus there have been other mayor game releases over the last week so appreciate all the effort put into this. Keep up the good work.
Paul Shaw says
Hi. Thanks for your great walkthrough as always in detail and well put together.. just wondering if I could back track a few chapter’s as I missed out on duke survives and but got trophy for saving other two person’s. I am on level dead city at start and don’t want to Finnish game and start all over again. I am aiming for good ending and full strength trophy. Cheers.
Jaap says
You can finish the game to get the good ending without having Duke surviving as you only need 2 out of the 3 to get the good ending. This is actually how I got the trophy myself. I have to add to this that I did most of the game without killing and “good guys” so not sure some other factors have influence on the trophy.
For the full strength you need all three characters on one save so you can only do this by by chapter select by replaying the Volga chapter to save Duke and continue the game all to the end (and of course get the other two Characters with you/not to get hurt). The game does not recognize you have all three characters with you if you only replay the chapter with the missing character.
Sellers says
If you do that you’ll have to play from Volga onwards and save the other 2 again.
Hawkwind666 says
Hi. I’m playing the Xbox One version, and unfortunately it’s not possible to back up saved games (unlike on PS4). Would this make the Ranger Hardcore trophy much harder?
Jaap says
I would say no as the game is only using 1 save slot so I would not know how not being able to make a back up save would make it more difficult.
Sellers says
Nah I wouldn’t worry about it, i only did it once when I triggered a checkpoint during an alert, you’ll be okay.
Poza says
Good job bro i love you… In the mean while i got 2 glitched trophies silent marksman and antibiotic?
Daniel says
Hi Seller & Powerpyx
I found a good glitch to the “hardcore” trophy, but only for disk version of the game.
First, finish the game and have save file, next, disconnect network and re-install the 1.00 version of the game, third, finish moscow level in ranger hardcore difficulty and kill everyone along the way. Finally, when entered the winter level, quit to main menu and you can see that you can load the final chapter which only contains cut-scenes. Due to the kill, we are lack of good will points, therefore the bad ending trophy will pop with the hardcore trophy by the end of the movies.
Harry james says
Anybody having trouble with collectables?
I picked up the bandit note in the little island on the Volga chapter yet when I go into the menu’s it isn’t showing up
Daniel says
Hi powerpyx and seller,
If using disk version of the game, there is an easy way to pop the hardcore trophy as well as the bad ending trophy.
1. Finish the game in any difficulty in good ending and back up save file.
2. Uninstall the game, disconnect network and re-install the game so the game would be version 1.00
3. Open new game as ranger hardcore difficulty, kill as much people as you can along the first mission moscow.
4. When entering the 2nd mission winter, return to main menu and you can see you are able to directly load the final movie of ending. You can see the bad ending trophy and the hardcore trophy to pop at the end of the movie.
PowerPyx says
We’ll test this to confirm. Thanks Daniel for the tip, will make the platinum a lot easier!
Ti0sile says
Can anyone confirm if this works!
Daniel says
Well, I used this way to pop two trophies, so I think if you have the disk version ,it should work.
BTW, I used the EU region disk, I don’t have NA region disk so you can test by yourself
Killtubecameron says
I can confirm this works I just got the bad ending trophy and hardcore
Time 2:40am
PSN killtubecameron
James K says
Sadly, I play Xbox so I’ll have to do it “legit”. Heard its not that bad, though. Only 2 achievements I’m missing now.
Handy if I ever decide to stack on PS, though.
Daniel says
Thank you Killtubecameron for confirming, hope it can help people suffer in the ranger hardcore difficulty
Daniel says
My psn is danielwang008. Feel free to contact me if you are confused about the process
TTG says
I played and finished the game on 1.02, did a save backup and followed the instructions.
Disconnected, uninstalled then reinstalled on 1.00. Finished Moscow and went to main menu.
Chapter select only had up to Winter because the 1.02 save was no longer compatible and wasn’t being read. Sounds to me like this can only be done if you finish the game on 1.00 then go back and follow these instructions.
TABEAYO19 says
no works
linetto says
Daniel, did you play the game the first time you finished with version 1.00 or the updated version?
Paul Shaw says
Hi. Glitch does not work. Did everything has said. Played on 1.00 on easy, finished game. Start new game on 1.00 on ranger hardcore unroll winter mission. Went back to main menu and no chapter select after winter also there no difficult setting available, only goes up to hardcore on my 1st run at 1.00.. Anybody else having trouble with this..
OTPYG says
Can also confirm this works. Follow the steps as listed, be sure to start a new game don’t chapter select Moscow, and you’ll get your trophies.
Garry Junior says
I know it’s the right article for that but did the exploit could work in the first metro 2033 and light in the redux version if yes I’ll finally start those waiting in my backlogs forever thanks
phantomfear9494 says
For forest child, I can’t avoid some pirates who tell me to go away right at the start of the level (after decommunization trophy).
phantomfear9494 says
Does that count as being spotted?
Sellers says
Nah you’re good, that’s just a cutscene effectively, as long as you don’t enter combat you’re fine.
Suli says
Hi, one question: can the trophies be obtained by restarting the checkpoints? Clean the weapons, run over enemies with the van, eliminate human enemies …? thanks !!
Daniel says
Yes of course
phantomfear9494 says
Yep, checkpoint farming is a very good method. Like Dishonored games, if you’re doing a peaceful playthrough you can still go back and farm kils etc with a weapon, as long as you don’t overwrite your save.
OTPYG says
The description for ‘Brakeman’ needs to be updated. It is only possible to detach the cars if in stealth, and it’s very easy to break stealth mode in that section. A checkpoint also occurs as soon as stealth is broken which means a chapter restart is required should you be seen -_-
Daniel says
Why you must play in stealth in Moscow level? I am wondering
OTPYG says
@Daniel my post is very self-explanatory.
Deburger says
1st. stealth isn’t required. I did it many times in different approaches and stealthless play was never an issue.
2nd. for me it’s hard to imagine how would you fail stealth on last two karts, when whole train section is designed to avoid fight, you can fail stealth only if you decide to shoot someone.
Gabriel221 says
I need help gus.
In the trophy of killing the enemies with all the weapons, I did it correctly, I acquired all the weapons and even then I did not get the trophy, someone also had this problem?
Sorry for my bad english guys, Im from Brazil
Sellers says
Hmm, all i can suggest is getting a kill with all of them again as one maybe didn’t register?
Hawkwind666 says
When you start a new game on RH is your collectible progress saved? I’m missing 2 that are located near the end of levels and if possible, I would like to pick them up on RH.
Sellers says
Yes they are saved, suit upgrades are not however.
Raj says
Hi about metro exodus hardcore exploit, if i first beat the game with good ending on the latest update and I backup the save after which I uninstall and reinstall the game with network disconnected wouldn’t the save be unreadable on version 1.00?
TTG says
OK so here’s what I did.
Uninstalled 1.02
Went offline
Played through Reader difficulty and got good ending on 1.00
Backed up save just in case
Started New game on Ranger Hardcore
Finished the first mission, killed a few people
Got to Winter, quit to main menu
Chapter select the Finale
Got bad ending
Hardcore trophy unlocked (already had bad ending first playthrough)
Paul Shaw says
Hi. Are you saying that when finished game on 1.02, you cannot use this glitch after uninstall and reverts back to 1.00, then play moscow mission till winter chapter, then use your usb to download game then chapter select final. Hope that makes sense.
amjed says
dude the game now in patch 1.03 is this method still work for the Hardcore trophy ?
Daxie says
I finished the game in 1.03, down to 1.0. thanks to this method, got my platinum 🙂
Alex says
I can confirm it’s still working (v.1.03). One important thing: Do NOT use chapter select before Winter! I failed the first time as I glitched into an instant death loop and had to replay the Moscow chapter which didn’t make it possible to choose chapters after Winter.
I did everything one more time in sequence, which made it possible to select Finale in the chapter select, so I finally got the platinum trophy 🙂
TTG says
Can be done on any level. Easiest is Volga
Start on Reader difficulty
Have 2-3 weapons on you
Jump into the water a few times to get guns dirty
Find the nearest workbench
Confirm that all weapons are max degraded
Change difficulty to Hardcore (this ups the chem requirement to clean weapons)
Clean weapons to max
Reload quicksave and repeat.
Platinum achieved. Seya.
Sellers says
Thanks for this, added to the guide.
Frompraguewthlove says
On Tidyman trophy, guys, if you stuck with this like me( i see not much players on ps4 have it) i played 2x on easiest and 1x on hardest dif, still not get it, try in volga, or where ever is water- jump in from ground or boat, 2 times for AK/tikhar, 3 times for shotgun and it will be completly dirty, good position is close to Anna felt in bunker, cause of workbench close-by, just make sure quicksafe ( i end up dead somehow?) I repeat this 3x times and got it.(playing on easier dif, not the most easy) Hope it help, ciao
Valentinas says
IF you miss some armor upgrade and select previous chapter to get it before completing game it will still add up to ones you collected , so if you miss one in volga like i did and go back to pick it up as last one you need it will give you tropy. Hope it helps someone.
Thomas says
Hey the compass upgrade isnt in the crashed airplane, what do i do?
Dragontechnique says
Yea same for me 2, i played first on Ranger HC and now on reader difficulty to get the rest. On my second playthrough on reader i had the compass from the beginning of the game! But i hope there will be no impact on the trophy.
IloveTEST400 says
CAN CONFIRM – the exploit works on XBOX too, did it tonight – once you’ve completed the steps to the PlayStation version, go to dashboard, go back online and do the update, when the updates finished load game back up and just replay the finale mission. Both achievements should unlock after they shoot rifles
Amjed says
how to do it this not work with 1.03 im on ps 4
Amjed says
just finish the game on first play and got the good end , and im in 1.03 patch so how to do the hardcore glitch if i uninstall the game and go offline then reinstall it the game did not read the save files from the 1.03 patch and must update, so how do you guys do it on patch 1.03 pleas if any one know how
IloveTEST400 says
You’re using the disc version yes?
Traverse says
I already beat the game on story and got the good ending, now I already started new game on RH and I’m already going for the bad ending and I’m at the Caspian. Is it ok to start another new game over my current RH playthrough if I uninstall? I have the disc version.
Sellers says
I don’t think that will work as you have gone past the point where you do the exploit in Winter, unless you have a backup save you’ll have to continue legit.
Traverse says
I mean if I uninstall the game, then start a new game over my current RH playthrough will the exploit still work since I already got the good ending. Or di I have to do 2 playthroughs on ver 1.00?
Jeremy says
I have tried the exploit for the ranger hardcore but it is not working when I try to play a new game as it says missing game files.
Sellers says
The game hasn’t fully installed yet, often patches will download but the game is still installing in the background, that’s what this sounds like to me.
Steven Pitchford says
Forest child trophy can be recieved if you are spotted by a few passive humans in Tiaga. I was spotted by 2 people near collectables that spoke to me but were passive, still got trophy. It’s the the hostile humans you need to avoid. Animals don’t count either.
Steven Pitchford says
Also, Dressed for success can also be completed with chapter select. Missed one upgrade in Volga, as soon as I grabbed it the trophy popped.
linetto says
If I make a quick save, do some killing and then reload the quick save, count the killings?
Does it work even if I die and reload the last rescue?
Alberto says
In addition to the known requirements.
For the good ending, if it happens to me to kill some human is it a problem?
Or if I kill one, don’t you unlock the trophy?
Farren says
Regarding the ‘Hardcore’ trophy glitch/exploit
I can confirm you DO NOT need to play through the prologue and Moscow chapters or meet any requirements for the bad ending
All you need to do is reach the first checkpoint in the game. This is just after you gain control of Artyom. Walk to the door at the end of the tunnel and the checkpoint will activate. Back out the the main menu and hit chapter select. Choose Finale and you will unlock both the ‘Hardcore’ and ‘Eternal Voyage’ trophies
Ian says
Adding this a month later for version 1.04. Got this to work! I have the physical version, so I had to delete the game and re-install from disc. Once I did as instructed, I did the first bit until a save, then loaded “Finale”. It then took forever while on the “Downloading Content” screen. I have no idea if it actually downloaded anything or not, but after about 30 minutes it suddenly dropped into the bad ending finale. At the end I received the “Hardcore”, “Eternal Voyage”, and rather bizarrely – the “Mutation” trophy from the New Game Plus mode.
Thanks Powerpyx & Farren!
Pat says
Can I still select any chapter after using the exploit?
Manuel says
the trophy of the postcards has an error when you take the number 17 card does not appear correctly what makes it impossible to get the trophy to someone else has happened?
phantomfear9494 says
Not sure if anyone is still reading the comments for this, but I picked this up again to do Iron Mode (half way through) after maxing it out around 3 weeks ago. For the “Duke” achievement, which I was super paranoid on before, ALL that matters is not killing cultists. Getting caught at the end of the bridge shouldn’t matter, only killing people once caught (just run past and press square/X to knock out accordingly). I was speed running Volga in around an hour for Iron Mode on easy, getting caught, knocking enemies out like no ones business (including on the bridge) and Duke still survived. I did NONE of the extra stuff. All I did was not kill any cultists, and if I needed it the trophy / achievement would have popped.
meru says
the game in patch 1.04. Is this glitch still available for Hardcore trophy?
Joseph2709 says
Well, I was able to pass through that final boat section only thanks to distracting guards. Used 2 cans while sitting in boat already (not more, as they become too much suspicious), wait till they fully pay their attention on distraction direction and finally I got through. It took me still 3 tries though…
Joseph2709 says
Oh, forgot to say – regarding forrest child trophy comment
Gabriel says
Is there a trick to complete the iron difficulty quickly? I feel my way of writing, I am Spanish and I use a translator.
Jirka Krapacek says
Exploit for Ranger Hardcore didnt worked for me
Shahin Miah says
Hardcore exploit still works with patch 1.08 ☺️
Sammy says
Do you have the digital or disk version of the game?
Lacek84 says
This game is glitchy as sh*t. First, I did not get the trophy for all weapon kill, second, one of my postcard just disappeared (I’ve checked my live stream and I did took it for sure), now I cannot get it again, so it ruined my 100%. Fck this sht.
David says
So I’m half way through Sam’s Story DLC and I picked up a suit upgrade and got the trophy for obtaining all suit upgrades for Artyom from the main game. Is this a glitch or an exploit? Just thought it was very weird.
Lacek84 says
I found a glitch to get both “Your Destination” + “Hardcore” trophies without even starting a game (on PS5)… :D
Luay says
Would you mind telling us how? Pls
Radek says
Glitch Works on ps5 version (disc)?
Lacek84 says
Okay, here are the steps for EZ “Your Destination” + “Hardcore” trophies:
Start the game without any progress, backup (if needed) then delete your save data in PS OS. Then go to chapters, press square for unlocking all chapters. You’ll get a message that you’ll get no trophies on this save slot bla bla bla. Now start a new campaign on ranger hardcore. Press square to skip the first cutscene with the metro in the past. Now you’ll see Moscow covered in snow. Here wait a few seconds then press PS button and close the game. Start the game again, now as you can see in the main menu there is now a “continue” option active, which is sending you to the finale. Just watch the ending to the end then voila, booom both trophy is yours. :D
As of today this is working on patch 1.001.000.
It works 100% I’ve tested it on my multiple accounts.
If anybody using this guide anywhere, please do mention my name, thx! :D
I found this out (good ending trophy first) by accident, because I wasn’t able to unlock the DLC’s so I restarted the game after only unlocked all chapters in the main menu, then I was curious why there is a “continue” option available when I didn’t ever start a campaign… :D Then I figured out how to do it for getting ranger HC trophy.
Gon89 says
It works !! thanks you saved me a lot of time. Do you know if is it possible to get “eternal voyage” through this method too? I’m asking because I’ve already done the good ending before seeing your comment haha and I need the bad ending
Lacek84 says
Sadly you can’t. With this trick when you are “teleporting” to the finale it is always the “semi”-good ending.
xLordMule says
Hi, thank you for sharing. What do you mean with “Start the game without any progress”?
Lacek84 says
It means start the game without any save data (like you start the game for the very first time).
Abu-megren- says
Thank you very much you really saved us
Marcelo Petrone says
Thanks man, it worked like a charm?
Tales Z says
Just tested on a brand new download (no saved game or any other trophy at all) on July 1st 2012 and it unlocked both trophies
I did the step by step and watched the entire finale up to when credits start rolling
God_Delusion_77 says
Fantastic tip, thanks for the help! This worked today (4th Sept 2022) on the digital (ps plus) PS5 version :-)
Lacek84 says
Ok, so I forgot to tell you how to start a New Game + (with iron mode) after this glitch. So, after the finale cutscene you’ll be back at the main menu. Here you just select “Chapters – Moscow” then wait until the game auto saves (you’ll se a bunch of 0’s at the bottom right). After this quit game, select “New Game” select “slot1” select New Game+ on reader difficulty and iron mode. Profit.
Freddy Gillund-Paulsen says
Thanx, still works as of may, 2023..
PSN : freddygpaulsen
Lacek84 says
Also forgot to mention after this trick you can start a new game+.
Erjoni says
Yes it works !!!! Great job, just did it on PS5, digital version of the game and got the 2 trophies unlocked !!!! Amazing 🙂
Blaze says
Hi thank you for this the your destination trophy popped but the hardcore trophy didnt pop even though i chose hardcore ranger in new game do you know what i could have done wrong thank you so much
Ah13 says
Many thanks, it works, followed your instructions and both the trophies popped. Thank you for sharing.
PotrikBerger says
Many thanks indeed! Am so chuffed with this. Am 2 away from the century of plats and wasn’t looking forward to a double play through of this so you have saved me a lot of time in getting to that milestone.
It worked for me today with both the trophies detailed above. Love this! Can’t believe it worked
igor says
On my second playthrough on Volga, my main objective was to Kill Duke, so I kill every single enemy I encountered, including the Cult. and get detected just right at the beginning of the bridge mission, and Duke still survived after all lol.
Sam says
Hey, just wondering whether it matters if I select New Game or New Game+ for the second playthrough?
Nebzz says
To use it is not necessary to have the physical version of the game. I made them yesterday with the digital PS5 version. You don’t have to finish the game either, just create a new game in advanced difficult ranger in the Moscow chapter until you have an automatic save, (killed a nosalis) return to the main menu create a new game in easy on a new location save then go to the selection of chapters press the square key to unlock all the chapters, a message warns you that the trophies cannot be obtained in this save location (it does not matter) launch the last final chapter once the cutscene begins return to the main menu loaded your save in difficult ranger, advanced in the Moscow level until the cutscene where the nosalis attack you, return to the main menu choose in the selection of chapters the last final chapter watch the cutscene until the end you will get 2 trophies the bad ending and the difficult ranger mode
Rappa says
Still Works. Thank you.