This is the original Day-One version of the walkthrough – for players who intially used this version and want to continue with it. This is the version prior to November 14, 2024 and was replaced by the OPTIMIZED WALKTHROUGH. The Optimized Version is recommended for new players to gain more free days at the end, and has an optimized dungeon order to make it easier. The version here will still get you all possible trophies in one playthrough but things aren’t always done at the first opportunity. If you were mid-walkthrough before it was optimized you can continue with the old version here.
Refer to Metaphor ReFantazio 100% Walkthrough for the up-to-date version if you’re just starting out.
Welcome to the Metaphor ReFantazio 100% Walkthrough. This 100% Schedule Guide includes all Trophies & Achievements, Follower Ranks, Archetypes, Quests, Gold Beetle Collectibles, Recipes, Drawings, Debate Candidates, Books, Towns, and everything else.
By following this you will have all possible Trophies/Achievements at the end of the first playthrough. The only trophy that requires a second playthrough is Closing the Book, because the Superboss spawns exclusively in New Game+. All other trophies will unlock on the first playthrough with this guide. You can select any difficulty you want, but Storyteller is recommended for grinding efficiency, as you will earn Money, MAG, and XP at a much faster rate.
For ranking up your followers, there isn’t anything special you need to do. Unlike the Persona series, it doesn’t require having a matching Persona, or in this case Archetype, as you don’t need to pick any specific dialogues when you spend time with them and they’ll always rank up after each follower event. Picking the “correct” dialogue will only reward you with extra Magla, which is pointless since the amount you get is very little, so you can pick whatever dialogue you want whenever you spend time with followers. You can press while in town or on your Gauntlet Runner to quickly bring up your follower tab and see who you can spend time with. If you see a lit-up pink follower icon, you can spend time with them. If you see a grayed-out follower icon, you can spend time with them but you haven’t met a certain prerequisite.
Be aware that the majority of items for crafting Vessels/Masks come from random enemy drops. This will be different for every player. Just make sure you’re crafting Masks/Vessels whenever you can, and stock up on Mask pieces at the Weary Shopkeeper in Brilehaven if you need extra Mask pieces. The Weary Shopkeeper sells different Mask pieces for each in-game day and will only sell you one of each Mask piece a day. In a similar vein, you can buy Talismans from the Hunter on Virga Island, but you can only buy 1 of each Talisman per playthrough. You can increase the item drop chance by using skills learned from the Merchant Archetype. All created Vessels and Masks carry over into New Game+. If you didn’t get enough random drops on the first playthrough you will get more than enough in New Game+.
If you make any mistakes during your playthrough, there will be some extra time towards the end of the game, so there’s no need to worry if you make a couple mistakes. You’ll need a 2nd playthrough anyway on New Game+ to fight the Superboss, and you can always clean up mistakes there. Feel free to save in a different manual save slot each day in case you make a mistake and want to reload.
During your down time, there will also be activities you can partake in that increase your Royal Virtues. Some of these have dialogue options, and others do not. Some of them will give you more points based off picking the correct dialogue option. There is a degree of randomness to this for some events, so to play it perfectly safe, it’s recommended to make a save just incase you end up choosing the wrong option and getting less than the points state in the guide.
100% Walkthrough with all possible Trophies & Achievements
A Guide by ObsiEez, Monomaru, LuckySlime.
- Afternoon
- Earn
Stunning! on the very first enemy encounter.
- Earn
Allies United after defeating the boss.
- Earn
- Night
- Once you’re at the camp, pick up the Gold Beetle under one of the trees behind where Strohl is. This is highly missable as you cannot come back to this area after this night. (1/49)
- Earn
Shake on It after unlocking your first Follower.
- Afternoon
- Towards the end of the Nord Mines, there will be a dragon you can sneak past. If you’re feeling up to it, you can battle the dragon which will reward you with a weapon for the Warrior class. You cannot come back to this dungeon, so this is your only chance to get it if you want it.
- Earn
Out of the Fire after completing the Nord Mines.
06/07 – 06/10
- Nothing but Story
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Sunshade Row – Collect the Gold Beetle behind the stairs leading to Comfort Concoctions. (2/49)
- Grand Trad, Comfort Concoctions – Collect the Gold Beetle by choosing to stick your hand in the sack of spices near the door. (3/49)
- Grand Trad, Sunshade Row – Talk to More to visit Akademia, then accept the side quest “More’s Task: Foreword and Prologue“.
- Progress the story and once you reach the boss fight, use a Synthesis skill to earn
United Front.
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Sunshade Row – Accept the side quest “Pagan’s Dilemma” from the Mustari Man. Go to St. Fermis Church to buy the Breath of Fresh Air and turn in the side quest. (+4 Tolerance)
- Grand Trad, Sunshade Row – Give the Main in Pain a Medical Herb.
- Grand Trad, Sunlumeo Street – Accept the side quest “Help the Hushed Honeybee” from the Young Nidia Man
- Grand Trad, Recruitment Center – Collect the Gold Beetle in the corner of the hallway. (4/49)
- Grand Trad, Regalith Grand Cathedral – Talk to the Water Merchant and purchase the 3 Fruit Cordial she’s selling. This will be very useful for the upcoming dungeon.
- Grand Trad, Catacombs Entrance – Enter the dungeon. The dungeon is quite long and you have a limited amount of MP, so make sure you use it sparingly and to take advantage of the Magic Recovery skill on the Mage Archetype. You’re aiming to finish it within a single day, which can be difficult with your limited MP. Once you progress further into the dungeon, you’ll encounter a Trance Crystal, which will infinitely spawn enemies. This is extremely useful to grind EXP, A-EXP, MAG, & Reeve from. It’s heavily recommended you don’t destroy the Trance Crystal as if you find yourself struggling once you reach the end of the dungeon, you can come back to grind some more on the enemies there. This is also a perfect place to grind using Magic Recovery to fully restore your party’s MP if you’ve ran out.
- While in the dungeon, try to get the Healer Archetype to Rank 10, so you can turn in the quest “More’s Task: Foreword and Prologue” and accept “More’s Task Chapter One: Ordeal” to progress his follower rank. (Rank 2) (+4 Imagination)
- Once you reach the end of the dungeon and defeat the boss, you’ll unlock
Calamity Averted.
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Recruitment Center – Accept the bounty “Mans’ Not-So Best Friend“.
- Spend time with Hulkenberg. (Rank 2)
- Night
- Grand Trad, Hushed Honeybee Inn – Help Fabienne cook. The dialogue you get is random, so make sure to save before hand until you choose the correct one. (+3 Tolerance)
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Sunlumeo Street – Turn in the side quest “Help the Hushed Honeybee“. (+4 Wisdom)
- Grand Trad, Hushed Honeybee Inn – Buy information from the Informant. Specifically the Secret of the Redgrass Shop so you can purchase Redgrass.
- Spend time with Strohl. (Rank 2)
- Night
- Grand Trad, Sunlumeo Street – Gaze at the view of the Royal Capital. (+2 Wisdom)
- Afternoon
- Buy something from any of the shops currently having a sale to unlock
Shrewd Shopper.
- Grand Trad, St. Fermis Church – With Rank 2 Wisdom, you can now purify an item to unlock
Blessed Power.
- Grand Trad, Sunlumeo Street – Accept the side quest “A Bullish Embargo” from the Igniter Merchantess.
- Grand Trad, Regalith Grand Cathedral – Buy some Pristine Clear Water, Bidou Meat, and Redgrass, which will be needing for cooking later on in the game.
- Exit out the front gate to travel to Belega Corridor.
- Belega Corridor – Collect the Gold Beetle on floor B3, by going through the tunnel on the left side of the big open room. (5/49)
- Belega Corridor – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon and return to town.
- Buy something from any of the shops currently having a sale to unlock
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Sunlumeo Street – Turn in the side quest “A Bullish Embargo“. (+4 Courage)
- Turning in the quest will automatically make you spend time with Brigitta. (Rank 1)
- Night
- Grand Trad, Hushed Honeybee Inn – Make Redgrass-Roasted Bidou with Fabienne. Choose option 2 for maximum points. (+3 Tolerance)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Strohl. (Rank 3)
- Night
- Grand Trad, Hushed Honeybee Inn – Cook with Fabienne. The dialogue you get is random, so make sure to save before hand until you choose the correct one. (+3 Tolerance)
- Afternoon
- Exit out the front gate to travel to Tradia Desert
- Tradia Desert – Collect the Gold Beetle located in the bush near a rock to the left of where you start. (6/49)
- Tradia Desert- You can now loot everything, then complete the objective to beat the boss here.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Recruitment Center – Turn in the bounty “Man’s Not-So Best Friend“, which will unlock
Monster Hunter. (+4 Courage)
- Grand Trad, Sunlumeo Street – Spend time with the Chatty Elder. (+2 Imagination)
- Grand Trad, Recruitment Center – Turn in the bounty “Man’s Not-So Best Friend“, which will unlock
- Night
- Spend time with Brigitta. (Rank 2)
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Sunshade Row – Spend time with the Activist Woman. (+2 Eloquence)
- Night
- Grand Trad, Sunlumeo Street – Spend time with the Chatty Elder. (+2 Imagination)
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Sunshade Row – Spend time with the Activist Woman. (+2 Eloquence)
- Night
- Grand Trad, Sunlumeo Street – Spend time with the Chatty Elder. (+2 Imagination)
06/22 – 06/23
- Nothing but story.
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Interact with the stove to collect new recipes. You won’t actually be cooking for awhile, however.
- Gauntlet Runner – Enter the pantry for free cooking ingredients. You’ll be able to do this every day from this point on, including on days when you aren’t traveling. Make sure to check the pantry every single day from this point on as it will give you unique ingredients you can’t get elsewhere, or give you early access to some ingredients.
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read New World Travel Diary. Choose 1, 3, 1 for maximum points. (+4 Imagination)
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Interact with the campfire to get a cooking item. You’ll be able to do this every night you’re camped out on your Gauntlet Runner. This will give you unique ingredients you won’t be able to purchase until very late into the game, so make sure you’re checking this every night you’re camped out on the Gauntlet Runner.
- Gauntlet Runner – Spend time with Strohl. (+4 Imagination)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Spend time with Strohl. (+4 Courage. Rank 2 Courage)
- During a story event, you’ll get the Tree of Prophecy Drawing. (+4 Wisdom)
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Spend time with Hulkenberg. (+4 Imagination. Imagination Rank 2)
06/26 – 06/28
- Nothing but story.
- Afternoon
- Martira, Thoroughfare Square – Buy the 3 Mellow Milk and the 3 Fruit Cordial from the Water Trader.
- Martira, Stairstone Market – Buy some Mora Coney Meat from the Hardy Butcher.
- Martira, Thoroughfare Square – Accept the side quest “A Dagger, a Ring, and a Rake” from the Pompous Man. You’ll need Rank 2 Imagination in order to accept it.
- Martira, Thoroughfare Square – Accept the side quest “Hatching a Plan” from the Gloomy Youth.
- Martira, Recruitment Center – Accept the bounty “The New King of the Imps“.
- Martira, Visca Alba Tavern – Buy the new info from the informant.
- Martira, Visca Alba Tavern – Interact with the fireplace to find a Gold Beetle. (7/49)
- Martira, Visca Alba Tavern – Go into the Inn room and interact with the water jug to find a Gold Beetle. This seems to be a random drop, as you might get MAG or Reeve instead. Keep interacting with it every day until you get the Gold Beetle. (8/49)
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Abandoned Tomb. Once traveling, spend time with Hulkenberg. (Rank 3)
- Night
- Spend time with Strohl. (Rank 4)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Strohl. (+3 Courage)
- Abandoned Tomb – Collect the Gold Beetle on floor B2 by following the ladders. (9/49)
- Abandoned Tomb – You can now loot everything, then complete the objective here and return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Martira, Thoroughfare Square – Turn in the side quest “A Dagger, a Ring, and a Rake“. (+4 Courage)
- You’ll automatically spend time with Cuculus after turning in the quest. (Rank 1)
- Night
- Spend time with Brigitta. (Rank 3)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Giant Sandworm Nest. While traveling, spend time with Strohl. (+4 Courage)
- During a story event, you’ll get the Midnight Sunsands Drawing. (+4 Wisdom)
- During another story even, you’ll battle Catherina. (Rank 2)
- Night
- Spend time with Neuras. (+4 Wisdom)
- Afternoon
- You’ll enter the Sandworm dungeon. You cannot come back to this area, so make sure to grab everything you can before reaching the exit.
- Nothing but story.
- Afternoon
- Martira, Recruitment Center – Accept the bounty “The Man-Eater in the Mine“.
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course to Komero. While traveling read Pride and Persuasion. Choose 2 for maximum points. (+4 Eloquence)
- Komero – You’ll automatically complete the side quest “Providing a Spark“, and accept the side quest “Relic Search: Inventor’s Bequest“. This will also unlock Neuras as a follower. (Rank 1)
- Komero – Buy the Practical Pidgeon Parcel, as well as some Orgo Sugar, then return to base.
- Night
- Martira, Thoroughfare Square – Turn in the side quest “Hatching a Plan“.
- Martira, Thoroughfare Square – Talk to More and go to Akademia. Study the Gunner Archetype and the Merchant Archetype, and then turn in the side quest “More’s Task Chapter One: Ordeal” and accept “More’s Task Chapter Two: Solitude“. (Rank 3) (+4 Imagination)
- Spend time with Brigitta. (Rank 4)
- Afternoon
- Martira, Blind Well Alley – Enter the dungeon. This dungeon isn’t nearly as long as the first dungeon so MP isn’t as big of an issue, but you should still try and use it sparingly since we want to complete the dungeon in one go.
- Throughout the dungeon you’ll have to sneak past a specific enemy. You can fight them, but it isn’t worth it as you don’t get any special rewards for beating them.
- During the dungeon you’ll want to steal from an enemy in order to unlock
What’s Yours is Mine.
- You’ll also want to get the Merchant Archetype to rank 15 so you can turn in the side quest “More’s Task Chapter Two: Solitude” and accept “More’s Task Chapter Three: Drifting“. (Rank 4) (+4 Imagination)
- After defeating the boss of the dungeon, you’ll unlock
Dark Truths.
- You’ll automatically turn in the bounty quest “The Old Castle Town Kidnapper“. (+4 Courage)
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Martira, Visca Alba Tavern – Accept the side quest “The Queen of Cuisine: Heart“.
- Spend time with Bardon. (Rank 1)
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Check the stove for new recipes.
- Grand Trad, Hushed Honeybee Inn – Cook with Fabienne. The dialogue you get is random, so make sure to save before hand until you choose the correct one. (+3 Tolerance. Rank 2 Tolerance)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Maria. (Rank 2)
- Night
- Martira, Stairstone Market – Make a speech at the podium. (+4 Eloquence)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Hulkenberg. (Rank 4)
- Night
- Martira, Stairstone Market – Debate Roger at the podium. Choose option 3 to win the debate. (+4 Eloquence, +1 Imagination)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Maria. (Rank 3)
- Night
- Spend time with Heismay. (Rank 2)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Strohl. You’ll accept the side quest “A Noble’s Legacy“. (Rank 5)
- Night
- Grand Trad, Regalith Grand Cathedral – Make a speech at the podium. (+4 Eloquence)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Maria. (Rank 4)
- Night
- Martira, Stairstone Market – Debate Lina at the podium. Choose option 1 to win the debate. (+4 Eloquence, +1 Imagination)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Heismay. (Rank 3)
- Night
- Martira, Thoroughfare Square – Talk to the Spirited Youth and take the plunge. (+4 Courage)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Maria. (Rank 5)
- Night
- Grand Trad, Hushed Honeybee Inn – Cook with Fabienne. The dialogue you get is random, so make sure to save before hand until you choose the correct one. (+3 Tolerance)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for Man-Eater’s Grotto.
- Gauntlet Runner – Once you start traveling, go cook Benevolent Bread. Since Maria is now Rank 4, you can cook without passing time. Afterwards, spend time with Hulkenberg. (Rank 5)
- Man-Eater’s Grotto – Follow the path near the Talkative Tooth to find a chest with a Screwed-Up Material for Neuras.
- Man-Eater’s Grotto – Collect the Gold Beetle on the bottom floor, near the 2 staircases to the north. (10/49)
- Man-Eater’s Grotto – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon and return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Martira, Recruitment Center – Turn in the bounty “The Man-Eater in the Mine“. (+4 Courage)
- Martira, Visca Alba Tavern – Turn in the side quest “The Queen of Cuisine: Heart” by giving her the Benevolent Bread you made.
- Grand Trad, Sunlumeno Street- Accept the side quest “A Haunted Heirloom” from the Resentful Noble.
- Grand Trad, Catacombs Entrance – Accept the side quest “Skullduggery” from the Nervous Soldier.
- Spend time with Maria. (Rank 6)
- Night
- Martira, Stairstone Market – Debate Loveless at the podium. Choose option 2 to win the debate. (+4 Eloquence, +1 Imagination)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Magical Bread.
- Spend time with Strohl. (+4 Courage)
- Night
- Spend time with Neuras. This will complete the side quest “Relic Search: Inventor’s Bequest” and start “Relic Search: Dregs of Destiny“. (Rank 2)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Invincible Noodles.
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read Bygone Days. (+4 Tolerance)
- During a story event, you’ll get the City Ruins Drawing. (+4 Wisdom)
- Night
- Cook Critical Meatballs.
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read Bygone Days. (+4 Tolerance)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Curative Coney Roast.
- Spend time with Strohl. (+4 Courage. Rank 3 Courage)
- You’ll have another forced battle with Catherina. (Rank 3)
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Redgrass-Roasted Bidou
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and finish reading Bygone Days. (+8 Tolerance)
- Afternoon
- Brilehaven, Seabreeze Street – Collect the Gold Beetle near the dock. (11/49)
- Brilehaven, Seabreeze Street – Collect the Gold Beetle at the dead in the alleyway. (12/49)
- Brilehaven, Merchants’ Bazaar – Collect the Gold Beetle in the small alley near the Black Cat’s Crow. (13/49)
- Brilehaven, Merchants’ Bazaar – Collect the Gold Beetle in the corner by the Recruitment Center. (14/49)
- Brilehaven, Arenafront Wharf – Collect the Gold Beetle in the top right corner of the area, by the boxes. (15/49)
- Brilehaven, Arenafront Wharf – Talk to the Elderly Entomophile. You can now turn in Gold Beetles in exchange for items to him.
- Brilehaven, Merchants’ Bazaar – Buy some Briny Salt from the Water Merchant, and some Marbled Bluefin Tuna from The Ruffian’s Reel.
- Once you’re done with everything, you can progress the story.
07/21 – 07/22
- Nothing but story.
- Afternoon
- Brilvehaven, Seabreeze Street – Accept the side quest “Efflorescent Youth” from the Kindly Boy. You can then go to St. Fermis Church to buy the Rainbow Flower and turn the quest in.
- Brilvehaven, Seabreeze Street – Accept the side quest “Dental Distress” from the Sullen Man.
- Brilehaven, Merchants’ Bazaar – Accept the side quest “Superior Scrimshaw” from the Craftsman. Make sure you visit the informant after accepting the quest to buy Fiend of the Forsaken Tower in order to actually mark the Forsaken Tower on the map.
- Brilehaven, Recruitment Center – Accept the bounty “Grieving Ghost of the Goblet“.
- Brilehaven, Arenafront Wharf – Give the Main in Pain a Medical Herb.
- Brilehaven, Arenafront Wharf – Accept the side quest “The Chalice vs. The Brew” from the Brewer.
- Brilehaven, Nightprowler – Accept the side quest “Deeds and Diversions” from the Overfamiliar Man.
- Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square – Talk to Julian to get The Future of Magic book. This is highly missable as once you’re finished with this area and start going to the next area, Julian will no longer be here to give you the book.
- Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square – Accept the side quest “Soldier’s Solace” from the Exhausted Woman.
- Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square – Talk to more and go to Akademia. You should have studied 15 different Archetypes by now, so you can turn in “More’s Task Chapter Three: Drifting” and accept “More’s Task Chapter Four: Turmoil“. (Rank 5)
- Spend time with Bardon. (Rank 2)
- Night
- Brilehaven, Merchants’ Bazaar – Debate Jin at the podium. Choose option 2 to win the debate. (+5 Eloquence, +1 Imagination. Rank 3 Eloquence)
- Afternoon
- Brilehaven, Merchants’ Bazaar – Debate Glodell at the podium. Choose option 3 to win the debate. (+4 Eloquence, +1 Imagination)
- Night
- Spend time with Heismay. (Rank 4)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Bardon. (Rank 3)
- Night
- Spend time with Brigitta. (Rank 5)
- Afternoon
- Brilehaven, Merchants’ Bazaar – Debate Rudolf at the podium. Choose option 3 to win the debate. (+4 Eloquence, +1 Imagination)
- Night
- Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square – View from the Watchtower. (+4 Wisdom)
- Afternoon
- There will be a big sale today, so if you wanted to buy any weapons, armor, or anything else, now would be a good time.
- Spend time with Bardon. (Rank 4)
- Night
- Brilehaven, Merchants’ Bazaar – Debate Milo at the podium. Choose option 1 to win the debate. (+4 Eloquence, +1 Imagination. Rank 3 Imagination)
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Catacombs Entrance – Enter the dungeon and make your way through the newly opened doors in the Mausoleum. At the end you’ll get the Black Jewel Necklace, and you should have gotten 8 Mortaskulls in the process. Once those are done, you can leave the dungeon.
- You’ll be able to turn in the quest “Skullduggery” as soon as you exit the dungeon.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Grand Trad, Sunlumeo Street – Turn in the side quest “Haunted Heirloom“. (+4 Courage)
- Spend time with Bardon. (Rank 5)
- Night
- Spend time with Brigitta. (Rank 6)
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Regalith Grand Cathedral – Go complete the side quest “A Noble’s Legacy“.
- Completing the side quest will automatically make you spend time with Strohl. (Rank 6)
- Night
- Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square – View from the Watchtower. (+4 Wisdom)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Bardon. You’ll also get the side quest “The Right to Rule“. (Rank 6)
- Night
- Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square – View from the Watchtower. (+4 Wisdom. Rank 3 Wisdom)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Strohl. (Rank 7)
- Night
- Spend time with Alonzo. (Rank 2)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Bardon to fight the boss and you’ll complete the side quest “The Right to Rule“. If you find yourself, struggling with the boss fight this early, you can either do it on Storyteller difficulty, or push it to a later date as you’ll have more than enough time to complete it. (Rank 7)
- Night
- Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square – Spend time with the Masked Woman. (+4 Tolerance)
- Afternoon
- Brilehaven, Warship Harbor, Charadrius – Enter the dungeon. The dungeon itself is pretty short and is mostly just a string of boss fights. Halfway through the dungeon you’ll have a choice between going to the Port Corridor or the Starboard Corridor. It doesn’t matter which one you choose to go down and even though you get a unique quest at the end of each corridor, they don’t count towards completing all Side Quests, so the only reason to backtrack to the other path is for a few extra items.
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Tomb of Lament, making sure your route also goes to Inudo so you can stop there.
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Coney Stew.
- Spend time with Heismay. (Rank 5)
- Inudo – Buy the Toothbrush of Hygienia. You can also pick up some Mellow Milk, then leave the town.
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Spend time with Hulkenberg. (Rank 6)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read New World Travel Diary. Choose 2 for maximum points. (+4 Imagination)
- You’ll stop at a vista along the way, getting the Peregrine Falls Drawing. (+4 Wisdom)
- Tomb of Lament – On the bottom floor, there will be a hole in the wall you can crawl through to get the Gypsum Crystal for Neuras.
- Tomb of Lament – Once you reach the second half of the bottom floor, there will be a hole you can crawl through that leads to a Gold Beetle. (16/49)
- Tomb of Lament – Once you reach the end of the dungeon, there will be a hole in the wall leading to another Gold Beetle. (17/49)
- Tomb of Lament – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon and instead of returning to town, set up camp instead.
- Night
- Spend time with Neuras. You’ll turn in the side quest “Relic Search: Dregs of Destiny” and accept the side quest “Relic Search: Youth’s Folly“. (Rank 3)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Forsaken Tower. Choose the path that goes through Lina’s Gauntlet Runner.
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Steadfast Stew.
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and finish reading New World Travel Diary. Choose 1 for maximum points. (+8 Imagination)
- You’ll then have a battle with Lina.
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read The Future of Magic. Choose 2 for maximum points. (+4 Wisdom)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read The Future of Magic. Choose 2 for maximum points. (+4 Wisdom)
- You’ll then have a battle with Catherina. (Rank 4)
- Forsaken Tower – There will be a Gold Beetle on the 5th Floor. (18/49)
- Forsaken Tower – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon and return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Brilehaven, Merchants’ Bazaar – Turn in the side quest “Superior Scrimshaw“. (+4 Courage)
- Brilehaven, Seabreeze Street – Turn in the side quest “Dental Distress“, which will reward you with a Gold Beetle. (19/49)
- Brilehaven, Seabreeze Street – Talk to the Troubled Old Man and answer his questions.
- Brilehaven, Recruitment Center – Turn in the side quest “Grieving Ghost of the Goblet“. (+4 Courage)
- Brilehaven, Arenafront Wharf – Turn in the side quest “Chalice Vs. The Brew“.
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Talk to the Pompous Noble and tell him about the Forsaken Tower, then go turn in the side quest “Deeds and Diversions“.
- Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square – Talk to More to visit Akademia. You should have gotten the General Archetype to Rank 15 by now, letting you turn in the side quest “More’s Task Chapter Four: Turmoil” and accept the side quest “More’s Task Chapter Five: Resolve“. (+4 Imagination) (Rank 6)
- Spend time with Strohl. (Rank 8)
- Night
- Spend time with Alonzo. (Rank 3)
- Afternoon
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Talk to the Spirited Receptionist and accept the side quest “Defeat the Coliseum Monster“, then talk to him again to fight in the battle and complete the side quest.
- Night
- Spend time with Heismay. (Rank 6)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Imp’s Den.
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and finish reading The Future of Magic. Choose 3 for maximum points. (+8 Wisdom)
- Imp’s Den – Collect the Gold Beetle in the very north area of the map. (20/49)
- Imp’s Den – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon and return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Brilehaven, Recruitment Center – Turn in the side quest “The New King of Imps“. (+4 Courage)
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Tacitum Receptionist and take part in the Bronze Gauntlet Challenge and win 30 battles. (+4 Courage)
- Night
- Spend time with Alonzo. (Rank 4)
- Afternoon
- Nothing but story, but you’ll unlock
On Knife’s Edge after defeating the boss.
- Nothing but story, but you’ll unlock
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the kitchen and interact with the stove to get new recipes, then cook Precision Fermented Ribs.
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read Pride and Persuasion. Choose 3 for maximum points. (+4 Eloquence. Rank 4 Eloquence)
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and finish reading Pride and Persuasion. Choose 1 for maximum points. (+8 Eloquence)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Cursed Love Ballad.
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read Top Secret Poetry! Do Not Read!. (+5 Courage)
- During a story event you’ll get the Towering Seawall Drawing. (+4 Wisdom)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – You can spend the day with whoever you want. You’ll get a special accessory that gives you +5 in all stats no matter who you hang out with, so feel free to choose whoever you like.
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read Top Secret Poetry! Do Not Read!. (+5 Courage)
- Nothing but story.
- Afternoon
- Virga Island – Buy ingredients from the Boastful Shopkeeper.
- Virga Island – Buy ingredients from the Water Seller.
- Virga Island – Collect the Gold Beetle by the Rooster Inn. (21/49)
- Virga Island – Collect the Gold Beetle behind the Golden Deer Hearth. (22/49)
- Virga Island – Collect the Gold Beetle on the walkway by the Chief’s House. (23/49)
- Virga Island – Collect the Gold Beetle on the platform behind the Dragon Statue. (24/49)
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Dragon Temple.
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Stale Black Beard.
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and finish reading Secret Poetry! Do Not Read! (+10 Courage)
- Dragon Temple – After some story events, you’ll automatically leave.
- Afternoon
- Virga Island – Accept the side quest “Peak Curiosity” from the Dejected Man. Make sure you visit the informant after accepting the quest to buy Phantom Avian of the Spire in order to actually mark the Spire of Blind Faith on the map.
- Virga Island – Accept the side quest “The Price of Hope” from the Enthusiastic Woman. You can then go to the Lycaon Magic Association in Grand Trad and listen to the Igniter Merchant, then you can turn the quest in.
- Virga Island, Golden Deer Hearth – Talk to the informant and buy the Secret of the Eugief’s Stall, which will let you buy mask pieces from the Eugief in Brilehaven. This is extremely useful as they’re difficult to come across certain ones. They cost 25,000 reeve each and he rotates his stock every day. Due to the randomness of the mask drops from enemies, the guide might not line up perfectly with crafting the masks, so if you find yourself lacking the required mask piece you can check the stall the buy any pieces you need whenever he sells them.
- Grand Trad, Recruitment Center – Accept the bounty “The Greater One-Eyed Scoundrel“.
- Grand Trad, Comfort Concoctions – Pick up the Gold Beetle behind where the pots used to be. (25/49)
- Grand Trad, Comfort Concoctions – Buy the Parchwater from the shop. This is needed to progress the story.
- Virga Island – Turn in the main quest “Ancestral Solution“.
- Virga Island – Accept the side quest “A Guiding Gift” from the Hoarse Fisher-Crone.
- Virga Island – Accept the side quest “Save the Mourning Snakes” from Junah.
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Dragon Temple.
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Finisher Noodles.
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read Bygone Days. (+4 Tolerance)
- Dragon Temple – You’ll want to collect 3 Polar Stones in the dungeon for one of the side quests. You only need 1, but you get more rewards for collecting all 3. All 3 are located before you find Eupha.
- Dragon Temple – You can grind Magla Pills from the enemies that infinitely spawn from the Trance Crystal next to the first Magla Hollow.
- Dragon Temple – Once you beat the boss at the end of the temple, you’ll unlock
History Untold.
- Afternoon
- Virga Island – Turn in the side quest “A Guiding Gift“.
- Virga Island – Accept the side quest “The Trial of Malnova” from Eupha.
- Virga Island – Talk to the Clumsy Boy beside the well to get a Gold Beetle. (26/49)
- Virga Island – Talk to Edeni and use his weather clearing ability at the Land of Ceremony. You don’t need to do this if you don’t want too as you’ll get increased EXP and A-EXP if you don’t, but you won’t earn extra press turns during battles, so the choice is up to you.
- Virga Island – Buy ingredients from Graco Meat Market.
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course to the Land of Ceremony.
- Gauntlet Runner – Check the stove for new recipes then Cook Almighty Golden Stew.
- Gauntlet Runner – Spend time with Eupha (+6 Imagination)
- During an event, you’ll get the Prismatic Sea Drawing (+4 Wisdom. Rank 4 Wisdom)
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Holistic Whitefish Platter.
- Gauntlet Runner – Spend time with Heismay. (+3 Tolerance)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Sweeter than Poison…
- Gauntlet Runner – Spend time with Eupha. (+6 Imagination)
- Land of Ceremony – Follow the diagonal path on the east side of Floor B2 to find the Mossy Pillar for Neuras.
- Land of Ceremony – Near the end of the dungeon, once you make it back to the first floor, there will be a Gold Beetle in the corner. (27/49)
- Land of Ceremony – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon, which will complete the side quest “The Trial of Malnova” and unlock Eupha as a follower. You can go back to town afterwards. (+4 Wisdom) (Rank 1)
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Hulkenberg. (Rank 7)
- Night
- Spend time with Alonzo. (Rank 5)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for Orbwise Path.
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read Bygone Days. (+4 Tolerance)
- Orbwise Path – Collect the Gold Beetle on the right side of the first floor. (28/49)
- Orbwise Path – Go up the stairs in the north west area of the first floor and collect the Gold Beetle in the corner. (29/49)
- Orbwise Path – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon, which will complete the side quest “Save the Mourning Snakes” and unlock Junah as a follower. You can go back to town afterwards. (+4 Imagination) (Rank 1)
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Eupha. (Rank 2)
- Night
- Spend time with Brigitta. (Rank 7)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Alonzo. (Rank 5)
- Night
- Spend time with Junah. (Rank 2)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Eupha. (Rank 3)
- Night
- Spend time with Neuras. This will complete the side quest “Relic Search: Youth’s Folly” and start “Relic Search: Engineer’s Destiny“. (Rank 4)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course to Scoundrel’s Hold.
- Spend time with Hulkenberg. (Rank 8)
- Ligno – You can buy some pretty useful weapons here, especially for the Masked Dancer. If you have the extra pocket money, it’s highly recommended to purchase some stuff here.
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read Bygone Days. (+4 Tolerance)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read Bygone Days. (+4 Tolerance)
- Scoundrel’s Hold – At the very start of the dungeon, go to your left and go through the hole in the wall to get the Parquet Chest for Neuras.
- Scoundrel’s Hold – Once you reach the last floor, climb up the ladder to the south and follow the path to a Gold Beetle. (30/49)
- Scoundrel’s Hold – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon and return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Recruitment Center – Turn in the bounty “The Greater One-Eyed Scoundrel“. (+4 Courage)
- Grand Trad, Sunshade Row – Talk to More and go to Akademia. You should have researched 25 different Archetypes by now, so you can turn in “More’s Task Chapter Five: Resolve” and accept “More’s Task Chapter Six: The End“. You should also be able to turn it in right away if you’ve maxed an Elite Archetype by now. (Rank 7-8)
- Akademia – Talk to More and go to the special experiments. Craft as many of the Masks and Vessel’s as you can. Unlocks
For Science!.
- Spend time with Eupha. (Rank 4)
- Night
- Spend time with Junah. (Rank 3)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Maria. (Rank 7)
- Night
- Spend time with Heismay. (Rank 7)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Eupha. (Rank 5)
- Night
- Spend time with Junah. (Rank 4)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Maria. (Rank 8)
- Night
- Grand Trad, Hushed Honeybee Inn – Help Fabienne cook. You’ll unlock
Chef in Training. (+3 Tolerance)
- Grand Trad, Hushed Honeybee Inn – Help Fabienne cook. You’ll unlock
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Eupha. You’ll accept the side quest “Wayward Shepherd“. (Rank 6)
- Night
- Spend time with Junah. (Rank 5)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course to Gracia Forest.
- Spend time with Heismay. (Rank 8)
- Night
- Spend time with Neuras. This will complete the side quest “Relic Search: Engineer’s Destiny” and start “Relic Search: Bitter Memories“. (Rank 5)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Junah. (Rank 6)
- Gracia Forest – There will be a Gold Beetle in the North-East most corner of the map. (31/49)
- Gracia Forest – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon and return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- You’ll be able to spend time with a party member of your choosing. You can pick whoever you want and you’ll get a unique weapon for that characters main class type.
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read How to Walk Outside the Island. (+6 Tolerance)
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read How to Walk Outside the Island. (+6 Tolerance)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Eupha. (+6 Imagination)
- During a story event you’ll get the Colerodio Cliff Drawing. (+4 Wisdom)
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and finish reading How to Walk Outside the Island. (+12 Tolerance. Rank 5 Tolerance)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Eupha. (+6 Imagination)
- During an event you’ll get the Murky Graveyard Drawing. (+4 Wisdom)
- Night
- Altabury Heights, Lunlumo Approach – Collect the Gold Beetle on the right sidewalk. (32/49)
- Altabury Heights, Lunlumo Approach – Collect the Gold Beetle at the bottom of the stairs near the bridge. (33/49)
- Altabury Heights, Whitepeaks Magic Shop – Interact with the pot to get a Gold Beetle. (34/49)
- Altabury Heights, Blue Sky Bridge – Collect the Gold Beetle by the pillars. (35/49)
- Altabury Heights, Opera House Square – Collect the Gold Beetle at the end of the giant bridge. (36/49)
- You can now progress the story like normal.
- Afternoon
- Nothing but story, but you’ll unlock
Mission Accomplished during the scenes.
- Nothing but story, but you’ll unlock
09/11 – 09/12
- Nothing but story.
- Afternoon
- Altabury Heights, Dia Franco Street – Talk to Loveless to mark his Gauntlet Runner on the map.
- Altabury Heights, Dia Franco Street – Talk to Rudolf to mark his Gauntlet Runner on the map.
- Altabury Heights, Dia Franco Street – Accept the side quest “Warmth in Winter” from the Portly Man.
- Altabury Heights, Opera House Square – Accept the side quest “Proof of Power” from the Obsessive Soldier. Make sure you visit the informant after accepting the quest to buy Giant of the Tower of Insolence in order to actually mark the Tower of Insolence on the map.
- Altabury Heights, Recruitment Center – Accept the bounty “The Fiend in the Frozen Forest“.
- Altabury Heights, Skyward Tavern – Collect the Gold Beetle by the barrels in the corner. (37/49)
- Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square – Turn in the side quest “Soldier’s Solace“.
- Altabury Heights, Blue Sky Bridge – Debate Julian at the podium. Choose option 3 to win the debate. You’ll earn unlock
Debate Me. (+7 Eloquence, +2 Imagination)
- Night
- Spend time with Catherina. (Rank 5)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for Mt. Vulkano
- Gauntlet Runner – Interact with the stove to unlock new recipes and cook Amber Stew.
- Spend time with Basilio. (Rank 1)
- Mt. Vulkano – Keep progressing through the dungeon until you find a ladder to your left. Follow the path without dropping down any holes to the Gold Beetle. Keep following the path to find the Stitched Sphere for Neuras. (38/49)
- Mt. Vulkano – On Floor B4, go up the ladder in the center of the room and go through the hole in the wall. Keep following the path to find the Rusty Greatsword, which is used in a later quest.
- Mt. Vulkano – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon which will complete “Wayward Shepherd“. You can return to town afterwards. (+4 Eloquence. Rank 5 Eloquence)
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course to Malva.
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read Literacy Workbook. (+6 Imagination)
- You’ll then have a battle with Loveless if you talked to him earlier.
- Malva – Stock up on ingredients, mainly Altabury Wheat Flour. Then buy the Durable Spider Silk and return to town.
- Night
- Spend time with Catherina. (Rank 6)
- Afternoon
- Altabury Heights, Dia Franco Street – Accept the side quest “Defeat Milo” from Loveless. This only appears after defeating him on his Gauntlet Runner.
- Altabury Heights, Dia Franco Street – Turn in the side quest “Warmth in Winter“. (+4 Tolerance)
- Spend time with Basilio. (Rank 2)
- Night
- Altabury Heights, Lunlumo Street – Talk to Milo to mark his Gauntlet Runner on the map.
- Spend time with Junah. (Rank 7)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course to Rudolf’s Gauntlet Runner.
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Indestructible Honeycake.
- Spend time with Hulkenberg. (+4 Wisdom)
- You’ll then battle Rudolf.
- Night
- Spend time with Catherina. (Rank 7)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for Everfrost Forest.
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Adamantine Honey Cake.
- Spend time with Basilio. (Rank 3)
- During an event you’ll get the Solstice Crossing Drawing. (+4 Wisdom)
- Everfrost Forest – Collect the Gold Beetle at the very bottom left of the map. (39/49)
- Everforst Forest – Collect the Panhandled Ore on the right side of the map for Neuras.
- Everfrost Forest – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon and return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Altabury Heights, Recruitment Center – Turn in the bounty “The Fiend in the Frozen Forest“. (+4 Courage)
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Tower of Insolence.
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and read Literacy Workshop. (+6 Imagination)
- During an event you’ll get the Decaying Estate Drawing. (+4 Wisdom)
- Tower of Insolence – Collect the Gold Beetle on the second floor. (40/49)
- Tower of Insolence – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon and return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Altabury Heights, Opera House Square – Turn in the side quest “Proof of Power“. (+4 Courage. Rank 5 Courage)
- Spend time with Basilio. (Rank 3)
- Night
- Spend time with Alonzo. (Rank 7)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course to Milo’s Gauntlet Runner.
- Gauntlet Runner – Go to the bookshelf and finish reading Literacy Workshop. You’ll unlock
Bookworm. (+10 Imagination. Rank 5 Imagination)
- You’ll then fight Milo.
- Night
- Spend time with Catherina. (Rank 8)
- Afternoon
- Altabury Heights, Dia Franco Street – Turn in the side quest “Defeat Milo“.
- Spend time with Basilio. (Rank 5)
- Night
- Spend time with Alonzo. You’ll end up accepting the side quest “A Rake’s Last Wish“. (Rank 8)
- Nothing but story.
- Afternoon
- Plaza of Light – After a small cutscene in the area with the fountain, go collect the Gold Beetle by one of the burned down houses. This is highly missable as you cannot come back to this area, so make sure you don’t forget it. (41/49)
- From here you can progress the story and unlock
His Majesty.
- Nothing but story.
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Sunshade Row – Accept the side quest “The Edge of Glory” from the Ornamented Man. You can instantly turn the quest in since you already found the Rusted Greatsword earlier. (+4 Wisdom)
- Grand Trad, Sunlumeo Street – Accept the side quest “The Queen of Cuisine: Soul” from the Classy Woman. You can instantly turn it in by giving her the Indestructible Honey Cake, as long as you still have it. (+4 Eloquence)
- Grand Trad, Recruitment Center – Accept the bounty “The Cockatrice in the Clouds“, The Apostles of the Apocalypse“, and “The Incarnate in the Woods“.
- Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square – Accept the side quest “Trial of the Dragon: Mad Mischief” from the Gabby Mustari.
- Virga Island – Accept the side quest “Trial of the Dragon: Heroes’ Rest” from Edeni.
- Altabury Heights, Blue Sky Bridge – Accept the side quest “Trial of the Dragon: Bygone Legacy“.
- Altabury Heights, Blue Sky Bridge – Accept the side quest “Deliver Hot Spring Water” from the Gentle Merchant.
- Grand Trad, Sunshade Row – Talk to More to go to Akademia and craft as many Masks and Vessels as you can. From this point on, you’ll want to start buying any mask pieces you’re missing from the Weary Shopkeeper so that you can craft all the masks in time since his inventory swaps every day and you can only buy one of each every day. You can also buy talismans one time from the Hunter in Virga Island in order to craft more vessels.
- Martira, Cattleracket Road – Collect the Gold Beetle located by the cow at the bottom of the stairs. (42/49)
- Martira, MesmerEyes Apothecary – Collect the Gold Beetle by the sack of grain. (43/49)
- Grand Trad, Regalith Grand Catherdral – Collect the Gold Beetle in one of the merchant stalls. (44/49)
- Spend time with Basilio. (Rank 6)
- Night
- Spend time with Junah. (Rank 7)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Disgraced Ruins.
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Enchanted Pottage
- Spend time with Hulkenberg. (+4 Wisdom)
- During an event you’ll get the Malibelo Stope Drawing. (+4 Wisdom)
- Disgraced Ruins – At the very start of the dungeon, follow the left path to a Gold Beetle. (45/49)
- Disgraced Ruins – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon and return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Recruitment Center – Turn in the bounty “The Apostles of Apocalypse“.
- Spend time with Basilio. You’ll accept the side quest “A Brother’s Mercy“. (Rank 7)
- Night
- Spend time with Brigitta. (Rank 8)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Bardon. (Rank 8)
- Note: If you skipped Bardon Rank 7 earlier due to the difficulty of the boss fight, you can do it here instead and you’ll reach Rank 7.
- Night
- Spend time with Neuras. This will complete the side quest “Relic Search: Bitter Memories” and start “Relic Search: A Dream’s Origin“. (Rank 6)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Basilio. This will complete the side quest “A Brother’s Mercy“. (+4 Tolerance) (Rank 8)
- Night
- Spend time with Neuras. This will complete the side quest “Relic Search: A Dream’s Origin” and start “Petty Thief“. (Rank 7)
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Regalith Grand Cathedral – Talk to the Grand Cathedral Guard to mark Jin’s Gauntlet Runner on the map.
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course to Jin’s Gauntlet Runner.
- Spend time with Hulkenberg. (+4 Wisdom)
- Defeat Jin, and you’ll complete “Petty Thief” for Neuras. (Rank 8)
- Night
- Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square – Talk to Dataram and spend time with him to complete “A Rake’s Last Wish“.
- Altabury Heights, Blue Sky Bridge – Spend time at the Hot Spring to get Hot Spring Water.
- Afternoon
- Altabury Heights, Blue Sky Bridge – Turn in the side quest “Deliver Hot Spring Water” and you’ll get a Gold Beetle. (46/49)
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course to the Spire of Blind Faith.
- Spend time with Hulkenberg. (+4 Wisdom)
- Spire of Blind Faith – Collect the Gold Beetle on the 6th floor. (47/49)
- Spire of Blind Faith – You can now loot everything, then defeat the 2 bosses at the end of the dungeon. After defeating the last one you’ll complete “Trial of the Dragon: Heroes’ Rest“. You can then leave the dungeon.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Virga Island – Turn in the side quest “Peak Curiosity“. (+4 Courage)
- Brilehaven, Arenafront Wharf – You can talk to the Elderly Entomophile to turn in all of your Gold Beetles to unlock
All that Glitters. There is still 2 more Gold Beetles in the game, so if you missed one or both of the highly missable ones, you’re still in the clear to earn the trophy in this playthrough, and you can just turn it after after collecting the last ones.
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course to Orbwise Path.
- Gauntlet Runner – Make a backup save and then go fishing using the Tail Bait. The prompt that appears is random, so keep reloading until you catch 1 Lord of the Lake and 2 Queen’s Honey Jars at the same time.
- Orbwise Path – Enter the dungeon and instantly leave so you have the ability to set up camp for the night, the choose to go somewhere else.
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Secretest of Secrets.
- Gauntlet Runner – Spend time with Hulkenberg. (+4 Wisdom. Rank 5 Wisdom)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for Silento.
- Gauntlet Runner – Make a backup save and then go fishing using the Tail Bait. Keep reloading until you catch 1 Lord of the Lake and 2 Queen’s Honey Jars at the same time.
- Silento – Once you arrive at Silento you’ll unlock
Globetrotter. You can buy whatever you want while you’re here, then return to town.
- Night
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Talk to the Spirited Receptionist and take part in a Ranked Battle. (Bronze 2) (+4 Courage)
- Afternoon
- Spend time with Eupha. (Rank 7)
- Night
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Talk to the Spirited Receptionist and take part in a Ranked Battle. (Bronze 1) (+4 Courage)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course to the Manor of the Ascendant.
- Gauntlet Runner – Cook Sublime Spoonful. You’ll then unlock
Cuisine King.
- Gauntlet Runner – Feel free to do whatever to pass time.
- Manor of the Ascendant – After crossing the beams on the 2nd floor, there will be a hole you can crawl through that will lead to a Gold Beetle. (48/49)
- Manor of the Ascendant – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon and return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Recruitment Center – Turn in the bounty “The Cockatrice in the Clouds“. (+4 Courage)
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course to the Abandoned Path.
- Spend time with Eupha. You’ll then unlock
Hearts as One. (Rank 8)
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner – Feel free to do whatever to pass time.
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Feel free to do whatever to pass time.
- Abandoned Path – There will be a Gold Beetle at the north most point of the map. (49/49)
- Abandoned Path – You can now loot everything, then defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon and return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad, Recruitment Center – Turn in the bounty “The Incarnate of the Woods”. (+4 Courage)
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Forsaken Tower.
- Gauntlet Runner – Feel free to do whatever to pass time.
- Forsaken Tower – Defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon to complete “Trial of the Dragon: Mad Mischief“. You can then return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Tower of Insolence.
- Gauntlet Runner – Feel free to do whatever to pass time.
- Tower of Insolence – Defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon to complete “Trial of the Dragon: Bygone Legacy“. You’ll then accept “Trial of the Dragon: Essence of Power“, You can then return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Dragon Temple.
- Gauntlet Runner – Feel free to do whatever to pass time.
- During an event you’ll get the Sporico Cave Drawing and unlock
Vista Viewer. (+4 Wisdom)
- Dragon Temple – Travel to the end of the dungeon to fight the boss and complete “Trial of the Dragon: Essence of Power” and unlock
Entrusted. You can then return to town.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Talk to the Spirited Receptionist and take part in a Ranked Battle. (Silver 3) (+4 Courage)
- Night
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Talk to the Spirited Receptionist and take part in a Ranked Battle. (Silver 2) (+4 Courage)
- Afternoon
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Talk to the Spirited Receptionist and take part in a Ranked Battle. (Silver 1) (+4 Courage)
- Night
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Talk to the Spirited Receptionist and take part in a Ranked Battle. (Gold 3) (+4 Courage)
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Skybound Avatar.
- Skybound Avatar – After defeating the boss at the end of the dungeon, you’ll unlock
Skybound Hope, and
Worldly Wisdom shortly after.
- Night
- Skipped due to entering a dungeon.
- Afternoon
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Talk to the Spirited Receptionist and take part in a Ranked Battle. (Gold 2) (+4 Courage)
- Night
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Talk to the Spirited Receptionist and take part in a Ranked Battle. (Gold 1) (+4 Courage)
- Afternoon
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Talk to the Spirited Receptionist and take part in a Ranked Battle. You’ll then accept the side quest “Become Champion of the Coliseum“. (+4 Courage)
- Night
- Martira, Thoroughfare Square – Talk to the Spirited Youth and take the plunge. (+4 Courage)
- Afternoon
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Talk to the Spirited Receptionist and take part in the Champion Battle and complete “Become Champion of the Coliseum“. (+4 Courage)
- Night
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Tacitum Receptionist and take part in the Gold Gauntlet Challenge and win 30 battles. This will unlock
Coliseum Champion. (+4 Courage)
- Optionally, you can reload after earning the trophy and spend the night however you want afterwards, or catch up on anything missed.
- Brilehaven, Coliseum – Tacitum Receptionist and take part in the Gold Gauntlet Challenge and win 30 battles. This will unlock
- Afternoon
- Martira, Thoroughfare Square – Talk to the Spirited Youth and take the plunge. This will unlock
At Your Own Risk. (+4 Courage)
- Optionally, you can reload after earning the trophy and spend the afternoon however you want afterwards, or catch up on anything missed.
- Martira, Thoroughfare Square – Talk to the Spirited Youth and take the plunge. This will unlock
- Night
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Afternoon
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Note: If you skipped Bardon Rank 7 earlier and did it in place of his Rank 8 event, you can now finish Bardon’s Rank 8 event here.
- Night
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Afternoon
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Night
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Afternoon
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Night
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Afternoon
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Night
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Afternoon
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Night
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Afternoon
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Night
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Afternoon
- Feel free to do whatever to pass the time, or catch up on anything you missed.
- Night
- Spend time with all your followers.
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner – Chart a course for the Tyrant’s Star,
- Tyrant’s Star – Throughout the dungeon you’ll encounter Melancholia Crystals that you can destroy, which will weaken the final boss. In order to unlock
Star Shatterer, you can’t destroy a single one of those Melancholia Crystals and defeat the final boss while he’s at full strength. This can be quite difficult, so if you’re struggling to defeat him, you can lower the difficulty to Storyteller and you’ll be able to just keep spam attacking him and fully revive your party whenever you wipe in order to cheese the fight.
- Tyrant’s Star – Towards the end of the dungeon, there will be a cluster of 3 Trance Crystal that spawns a Human type enemy that gives you a lot of EXP and A-EXP upon being defeated. This is a great place to unlock
Archetype Hero if you haven’t already.
- Tyrant’s Star – After defeating the final boss, you’ll unlock
Star Shatterer, and you’ll also unlock
Help Anyone in Need after the final quest completes.
- Afternoon
- Spend time with all your followers and then watch the final scenes of the game. After the final cutscene ends after the credits, you’ll unlock
Coronation of the King. Make sure you save your Clear Save Data, as you’ll be needing it.
- Spend time with all your followers and then watch the final scenes of the game. After the final cutscene ends after the credits, you’ll unlock
New Game+ Run
You’ll now need to start a New Game+ run using your Clear Sava Data as there is a superboss that you can only fight on New Game+. Make sure when you choose the difficult, DO NOT select Storyteller as you cannot fight the superboss on Storyteller difficulty and you cannot change the difficulty later if you select it. The lowest difficulty you can select is Easy. Below is some stuff you’ll want to focus on your New Game+ run, since while you can fight the superboss right away, he’s way too powerful to actually take on at the start so you’ll have to pretty much do an entire playthrough again to be ready to fight him.
- You’ll want to rank up all your Followers again since while levels of Archetypes transfer over, the Archetypes themselves don’t.
- You’ll want to grind Gauntlet Shrooms, Lord of the Lake, and Queen’s Honey Jar to make as many Sublime Spoonful’s as you can. Before you start cooking however, make sure you have Maria at Rank 7 so not only can you cook without passing time, but you’ll also get double the amount of cooking items. The Sublime Spoonful food is extremely useful in fighting the superboss.
- If you never unlocked
Summon Mask Time, you’ll want to focus on crafting the rest of the Masks and Vessels you missed in your first playthrough. You’ll also want to get every other trophy you missed along the way as well.
- If you want more details on fighting the superboss and everything you should do to prep for his fight specifically, refer to
Closing the Book.
With this the game is finished. Be sure to check out the Metaphor ReFantazio Trophy Guide if you need help cleaning up any miscellaneous trophies.
More Guides:
- Metaphor ReFantazio Quest Guide
- Metaphor ReFantazio Superboss Guide
- Metaphor ReFantazio Gold Beetle Locations
- Metaphor ReFantazio Trophy Guide & Roadmap