Metamorphosis Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 3-4 hours
- Offline Trophies: 26 (1
, 6
, 9
, 10
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 0 – You can use Choose Chapter to unlock any remaining trophies from the Main Menu.
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No difficulty options available. Difficulty is the same for everyone.
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 + replaying Chapter 8 “The Tower” for both endings.
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, after you’ve finished the story, Choose Chapter unlocks.
- Release Date: August 12, 2020
Welcome to the Metamorphosis Trophy Guide! Inspired by the worlds created by Franz Kafka, Metamorphosis is a first-person puzzle-platforming adventure set in a surrealist world. You play as Gregor who sets out on a journey to find out why he was transformed into a bug. Most trophies will unlock as you play through the story, with only a few related to Side Missions or activities, especially in Chapter 7 – The Village. The game sports a total of 20 Collectibles (Effigies) scattered throughout the different Chapters. Refer to the Collectibles Video Guide to find them all.
Step 1: Play through the Story While Collecting all Effigies and Unlock the First Ending (Condemn Joseph)
Your first step is simple. Play through the story while referring to our Collectibles Video Guide to find out where all Effigies are. At the end of Chapter 8 – The Tower, you need to store the verdict in order to condemn Joseph and unlock the trophy related to the first ending. Follow the directions under A Cage Went in Search of a Bird to find out how.
Step 2: Replay “The Tower” for the Second Ending (Save Joseph)
After completing the story, Choose Chapter unlocks in the Main Menu. Now reload Chapter 8 – The Tower to unlock the second ending. At the end of Chapter 8 – The Tower, you need to burn the verdict in order to save Joseph and unlock the trophy related to the second ending. Follow the directions under A True Hero Must Do Romance to find out how.
Step 3: Miscellaneous Trophies (Optional)
This step is optional. If you need to, use the Choose Chapter feature from the game’s Main Menu to reload any Chapter and unlock any remaining trophies. Refer to the guide below for the chapter-specific trophies. Congratulations on your new shiny Platinum.
Metamorphosis Trophy Guide
Redlightsaber says
Captain Planet trophy is glitched for me.
I’ve died every way, multiple times, still hasn’t popped )=
Redlightsaber says
To follow up, I now have the trophy.
Worth noting you also need to die to the green gas found around the floor late in chapter 2
FranciRoosters says
Thank you. I’ll add this information in.
Edwin says
Is the helping leg trophy glitched? I set his assistant free and now I’m at chapter 8 and I haven’t gotten the trophy yet
Anthony says
This game has been delisted from the PlayStation store
Panda-cool says
Hey, just in case it might help someone who downloaded the game prior to delisting, but I found out the trophy Elevator Bug is technically missable.
Indeed, I did not see the sandwich on the desk on which you’re supposed to go to get elevated to the upper shelf, and Iwas able to climb up using the lamp, thus missing the trophy.
Nothing too bad, you can replay chapter 2 later to get it, but quite frustrating.