Mafia 1 Remake Definitive Edition has 20 Super Science Stories Pulp Magazine Locations. Finding all Pulp Magazines is required for the Lending Library trophy or achievement. This guide shows all their locations.
None of the Collectibles in Mafia 1 Remake / Remaster are missable. You can see which Collectibles you’ve found in the Collection Menu. Click on the Collectible Type and press (PS4) /
(Xbox One) to sort them by their Chronological Order. This guide lists them in the order they are closest together and includes the chronological in-game number and name for each one, so you can easily find your missing one. All Collectibles are saved instantly. On chapter replays you can quit to the Main Menu without reaching the next Checkpoint and there’s no need to find them again if you die. Everything carries over into your next playthrough, nothing gets lost when starting a new game.
Whenever there’s a collectible nearby it will show up as a colored icon on the minimap.
7 Super Science Stories can only be found in the Story. The remaining 13 are found in Free Roam (Free Ride). You can access Free Ride from the Main Menu after playing the first story chapter. For a list of all other Collectible Types, including which ones to look out for during the story in chronological order, refer to the Mafia 1 Remake Collectibles Guide.
Super Science Stories in Story
1 – Super Science #16: The Brain Beast
Chapter 7: Better Get Used to It / Objective: Clear the yard – during the first gunfight in this chapter, on the mandatory story path on a couch (next to an ammo crate).
2 – Super Science #7: Aerita of the Light Country
Chapter 10: Omerta / Objective: Follow Frank and his Escort – in the airport lobby building, in the coffee break room.
3 – Super Science #10: Prisoner of Time
Chapter 11: Visiting Rich People / Objective: Take out the Guards – on the sunbeds by the pool.
4 – Super Science #20: Half-Past Eternity
Chapter 13: Bon Appétit / Objective: Circle round and ambush attackers – in the kitchen of Pepe’s Restaurant.
5 – Super Science #8: Tumithak of the Towers of Fire
Chapter 14: Happy Birthday / Objective: Find the Gun – on board the ship, in the kitchen (one deck down from where you spawn on the ship).
6 – Super Science #2: Invisible One
Chapter 18: Just For Relaxation / Objective: Search the cigar shipment – in the Federal Customs Impound. In the large room where you must search several crates (white markers) with 3 armed enemies patrolling, check the office upstairs.
7 – Super Science #13: Legion of the Dark
Chapter 20: The Death of Art / Objective: Follow Sam – in the Lost Heaven Art Gallery, north-east corner, after going up the first set up of stairs and fighting past some enemies in rooms with lots of paintings.
Super Science Stories in Free Ride
8 – Super Science #19: The Death Crystal
Beech Hill – at the Beech Hill Lighthouse, under a bench by the cliffs overlooking the ocean.
9 – Super Science #17: Minus Dancer!
Halbrook – outside the Warehouse in the north-east of Holbrook.
10 – Super Science #14: The Black Sun Rises
North Park – in the entryway of “Storage Warehouse Company” building.
11 – Super Science #9: The Wicked People
Downtown – on the rooftop of a parking garage, where the letter “D” of “Downtown” is on the world map.
12 – Super Science #5: Genus Homo
Central Island – where West River Tunnel meets Central Island on the pedestrian overpass (on a bench).
13 – Super Science #3: Cepheid Planet
Central Island – on a boat bridge south of Giuliani Bridge.
14 – Super Science #18: Outcast of the Stars
Central Island – at St Peter’s Docks, on one of the docks.
15 – Super Science #1: Day of the Comet
Little Italy – in the Garage at Salieri’s Bar.
16 – Super Science #6: Mission Unknown
Chinatown – west from Chinatown, in front of a toilet.
17 – Super Science #4: Collision Course
Chinatown – on the little island that’s connected to the south of Robinson Park.
18 – Super Science #12: We Guard the Black Planet!
Countryside – in the south-west of the countryside, on top of the Overlook.
19 – Super Science #11: Cham of the Hills
Countryside – in the very northwest of the countryside, on the docks facing Lake Fyer.
20 – Super Science #15: The Earth Killers
Countryside – in the northeast of the countryside, under a gazebo.
That’s all of the Super Science Stories Pulp Magazines in Mafia 1 Remake: Definitive Edition for PS4, Xbox One, PC.
Remember, in order to get the Lending Library trophy or achievement, you need all 4 types of Pulp Magazines and not just this one (Dime Detectives, Black Masks, Super Science Stories, Terror Tales).
For all other Mafia 1 Collectibles refer to the Guides below:
- Dime Detectives (Pulp Magazines)
- Black Masks (Pulp Magazines)
- Super Science Stories (Pulp Magazines)
- Terror Tales (Pulp Magazines)
- Gangsters Monthly Comics
- Cigarette Cards
- Post Cards
- Hidden Cars
- Mystery Foxes
Tom says
Number 13 in chapter 20 won’t actually let me pick it up! I reload that checkpoint and then the magazine is gone. Its there again after i re start the mission but it still won’t let me pick it up!! Any ideas guys??
Head_Runner says
Im having the same issue chapter 20
Mr.GamerADd says
Majority of the magazines can be picked up via Free Roam. Some you need to be in the actual mission to get it. EX: Pepe’s Restraunt. Or the church on the altar. Or the one behind the gas station. Once you have picked it up, you can stop the mission and continue on to the next one. Hope this helps if you read this ^^/