Mafia 1 Remake Definitive Edition has 10 Gangsters Monthly Locations. Finding all copies of Gangsters Monthly Comics unlocks the Picture Book Connoisseur trophy or achievement. This guide shows all their locations.
None of the Collectibles in Mafia 1 Remake / Remaster are missable. You can see which Collectibles you’ve found in the Collection Menu. Click on the Collectible Type and press (PS4) /
(Xbox One) to sort them by their Chronological Order. This guide lists them in the order they are closest together and includes the chronological in-game number and name for each one, so you can easily find your missing one. All Collectibles are saved instantly. On chapter replays you can quit to the Main Menu without reaching the next Checkpoint and there’s no need to find them again if you die. Everything carries over into your next playthrough, nothing gets lost when starting a new game.
Whenever there’s a collectible nearby it will show up as a colored icon on the minimap. The Gangsters Monthly look like comic books.
4 Gangsters Monthly can only be found in the Story. The remaining 6 are found in Free Roam (Free Ride). You can access Free Ride from the Main Menu after playing the first story chapter. For a list of all other Collectible Types, including which ones to look out for during the story in chronological order, refer to the Mafia 1 Remake Collectibles Guide.
Gangsters Monthly in Story
1 – Gangsters Monthly #9: Sarah Moll on a Mission
Chapter 8: The Saint and the Sinner / Objective: Send a Message from Don Salieri – in Hotel Corleone. From the Lobby, go up two floors to find this in Room 210’s bathroom. Beware of one guy being in this room who turns hostile when you enter, must knock him out.
2 – Gangsters Monthly #1: A Trip to the Country
Chapter 10: Omerta / Objective: Find the safety deposit boxes downstairs – Once you get to the bank, head downstairs and you can find a Gangsters Monthly next to the security guard on a chair.
3 – Gangsters Monthly #10: Steam Boys
Chapter 15: You Lucky … / Objective: Don’t let Sergio escape – in the Harbor area. Where the letter “O” of “Harbor” is on the map, check the train compartment to find this Gangsters Monthly collectible inside.
4 – Gangsters Monthly #6: Moonlighting
Chapter 20: The Death of Art / Objective: Meet Paulie at his apartment – in Paulie’s apartment building on the top floor (on a table in the hallway).
Gangsters Monthly in Free Ride
5 – Gangsters Monthly #5: The Mafia Three
North Park – on the rooftop of the diner north-east of Pepe’s Restaurant. You need a vehicle and jump over a ramp to reach the diner’s rooftop. The ramp is just to the east of the diner. If you’re having trouble with this, use the Crazy Horse car, which is unlocked from the first Phone Booth Side Quest. The jump is quite tricky. If your car runs out of gas (starts to slow down), remember you must refill the tank at a gas station to drive full speed again. (Special thanks to Nesmaster for sharing this location)
6 – Gangsters Monthly #4: Jimmy’s Vendetta
Central Island – in the alley east of the State Prison you can climb over a chainlink fence to find this Gangsters Monthly collectible in a yard.
7 – Gangsters Monthly #2: All Saint’s Day Massacre
Little Italy / Works Quarter – in the section north of Works Quarter / south-west of Little Italy, climb over the wall in the parking lot to reach a garden area with this Gangsters Monthly magazine.
8 – Gangsters Monthly #8: The Racing Racketeer
Chinatown – in an alley where the letter “H” of “Chinatown” is on the map.
9 – Gangsters Monthly #3: Beware Hanoi Hangman
Chinatown – by a chair of a fisher hut, at the coast south of Terranova Bridge.
10 – Gangsters Monthly #7: An Offer You Can’t Refuse
Countryside – in the north-east corner of the countryside area, on the balcony of Clark’s Motel. You can climb on some logs on the outer wall of the building and from there to the balcony above.
After locating all of the copies of Gangsters Monthly in Mafia 1 Remake: Definitive Edition for PS4, Xbox One, PC you will receive the Picture Book Connoisseur trophy / achievement.
For all other Mafia 1 Collectibles refer to the Guides below:
- Dime Detectives (Pulp Magazines)
- Black Masks (Pulp Magazines)
- Super Science Stories (Pulp Magazines)
- Terror Tales (Pulp Magazines)
- Gangsters Monthly Comics
- Cigarette Cards
- Post Cards
- Hidden Cars
- Mystery Foxes
Irwynn says
sup, #9 is called Sarah Moll on a Mission, not Holl
PowerPyx says
Good spotting! This has been fixed, thank you =)
Omen says
Gangsters Monthly #5 is between claveny garden and LITTLE ITALY below the road which lead to west river tunnel behind the dinner
PowerPyx says
That’s a Dime Detective, not a Gangsters Monthly.
Jinks says
Yo me and a friend hunted every square of every town no luck I believe number 5 isn’t in the game or it’s locked behind something ?
Blackbeard says
There is a strange grey paint can in “Little Italy” right above the letter “A” on the map. People said that if you pick it up, it opens a blank page. It may be a bug, but I am not sure.
PowerPyx says
I found that one too, it just has a placeholder text. Wouldn’t be surprised at this point if it’s the missing collectible. That item seemed way out of place to be a normal note.
Nesmaster says
On the building.
PowerPyx says
Thanks man! You were the first to find it and post the location here.
Credited you in the guide
It’s #5 in the guide now.
That was the only collectible in the game on a rooftop. I ran through the entire map on foot and everything else was accessible from the street. Quite well hidden that one. Good spotting!
dalailama1989 says
Thanks for sharing it with us

And also to many many more who did so moments later
Get that Platinum!
TJCal50 says
I gotta admit, you pulled through. After spending a few hours combing through Reddit comments which turn out to be dead ends, you came through. Nice work. Now let’s plat this sucker.
PowerPyx says
Last Gangsters Monthly has been found (thanks for Nesmaster for his comment above).
It’s #5 in the guide now. So if you already collected the other Gangsters Monthly collectibles, check #5 and it will be the new one. Enjoy
Jack Curtis-Newton says
Hello I collected the one by Robinson Park but its saying I haven’t got it any suggestions? I even went back to double check but nothing has come up
Jack Curtis-Newton says
Sorry its the beware the Hanoi Hangman
Hyzenthlay1183 says
Somehow I was able to snag “An Offer You Can’t Refuse” during the story.