Mafia 1 Remake: Definitive Edition has 172 Collectible Locations. Finding all Collectibles (except foxes) is needed for The Whole Story trophy or achievement. Finding all Foxes unlocks the Mystery Fox Domination trophy and achievement.
They are split in two categories: some are Story Exclusives, some are found in Free Ride (Free Roam). None of the Collectibles are missable. You can still get everything after the story in Chapter Select and Free Roam. All Collectibles will show up on your minimap when close to them (except Mystery Foxes, those have a white Fox Icon in the game world).
You can keep track of which Collectibles you’ve found via the Collection Menu. Simply click on the desired Collectible Type and press (PS4) /
(Xbox One) to sort them in chronological in-game order. The guides linked below include the in-game numbers and names so you can easily reference your missing items. All Collectibles are saved instantly. On chapter replays you can quit to the Main Menu without reaching the next Checkpoint and there’s no need to find them again if you die. Everything carries over into your next playthrough, nothing gets lost when starting a new game.
Collectible Types:
- 20 Dime Detectives (Pulp Magazines) – Trophy: Lending Library
- 20 Black Masks (Pulp Magazines) – Trophy: Lending Library
- 20 Super Science Stories (Pulp Magazines) – Trophy: Lending Library
- 20 Terror Tales (Pulp Magazines) – Trophy: Lending Library
- 10 Gangsters Monthly Comics – Trophy: Picture Book Connoisseur
- 22 Cigarette Cards – Trophy: Full Set
- 5 Post Cards – Trophy: Car Thief Number One
- 5 Hidden Cars – Trophy: Car Thief Number One
- 50 Mystery Foxes – Trophy: Mystery Fox Domination
Special Types (don’t count as Collectibles towards “The Whole Story” trophy):
- 36 Vehicles – Trophy: Motor Museum
- 11 Phone Booth Side Quests
Semi-Missable Story Collectibles in Chronological Order
Below you can find a list of all Collectibles that can only be found in the story (unavailable in free roam). It’s recommended you follow this for your first playthrough, then grab the remaining Collectibles in Free Ride (Free Roam). Simply click the links and it will take you right to that Collectible without having to scroll through the pages. If you miss any of them, remember you can still get them via Chapter Select after the story. Some Collectibles can spawn in both Story as well as Free Roam. In those cases I pick them up in Free Roam. So if you run into additional Collectibles, that means it’s supposed to be a Free Roam Collectible (the game has a weird structure like that). The below list is 100% complete for Story-Only Collectibles, anything else is available in Free Roam for collection after Story.
- Chapter 3
- Cigarette Card #2: Paulie Lombardo
- Dime Detective #14: Death Wears Red Heels
- Note: you may already see an extra collectible in the garage at Salieri’s bar. This can be ignored. Those are Free Roam Collectibles, there’s no need to grab them during the story. Any additional Collectibles not listed here are Free Roam Collectibles. For right now we’ll only focus on the Story Exclusive Collectibles that cannot spawn in Free Roam. So don’t worry, nothing is missing.
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 16
- Chapter 17
- Chapter 18
- Chapter 19
- Chapter 20
Boy says
Powerpyx you’re order is incorrect there is also a dime in 3
PowerPyx says
It’s a Free Roam Collectible. When you look at the Dime Detective guide you can see they are all there.
Anything that is available in Free Roam I picked up in Free Roam and not Story. Don’t worry, nothing is missing. Just follow the instructions and you’ll get everything easy peasy 🙂
The game just has a weird structure where some stuff can spawn in Story and also in Free Roam. In those cases I always pick it up in Free Roam. In the story I only pick up stuff that cannot spawn in Free Roam. If you run into additional Collectibles during the story, that means it’s supposed to be a Free Roam Collectible and you can ignore those during the story.
Boy says
Okay thnx for the quick reply you’re guides are ??
Guilherme Bastos says
So you’re saying that I should ignore all the free roam items while on the first playthrough and focus only on the story related? Why is it better not to grab any of the free roam items? As it would save time on the clean-up
PowerPyx says
Well, it doesn’t really matter if you grab them in story or Free Roam. I recommend only going for the bare minimum (=the story exclusives) during the story. This saves you some time and has you worrying less about collecting in the story. Then mop up everything in free roam. The guides are laid out for this order.
Salieri37 says
Hello, need help!
I have all the Pulp Magazines for trophy Lending Library but didn’ pop up 🙁 why? Any sugestion.?
PowerPyx says
Are you sure you got all 4 types (4 x 20)? There’s 80 total.
If yes and it hasn’t popped, then it’s bugged. In that case, reinstall the game, delete save games, and start a fresh game collecting everything from scratch.
Randy Pena says
So apparently someone has found the final gangsters monthly platinum percentage is currently standing at 0.1 instead of 0.0 I hope we find out where the missing collectible is soon
PowerPyx says
It has been found and updated in the guide now. All collectibles done 🙂
Josh says
If I start a new game will my collectibles carry over?
PowerPyx says
Yes everything carries over (as stated in the third paragraph of this guide) 🙂
Gaz says
The foxes aren’t required for The Whole Story trophy, I just got it having only collected the 5 in the main missions so they can also be listed under special types.
Loustar says
So I was exploring in Free Roam and found out the farm from A Trip To The Country is completely explorable in it, so some of that mission’s collectables (particularly the fox) might be gettable in Free Ride, can someone verify?
PowerPyx says
None of those collectibles can spawn in Free Roam (and yes the area is accessible in free roam). I had already checked that during my collectible gathering. They only spawn in the story.
jimbean says
Will new game wipe my story collectibles?
PowerPyx says
It’s answered in the third paragraph from the top of this very guide 🙂
“Everything carries over into your next playthrough, nothing gets lost when starting a new game.”
Jon says
As @Gaz mentioned above, Mystery Foxes are not required for “The Whole Story”. So collectibles that must be found are total of 122, not 172 (Pulps, Comics, Cigarette Cards, Post Cards and Hidden Cars).
PowerPyx says
They’re not needed for “The Whole Story”, but they have their own trophies / achievements. So still a “Collectible”, just for a different trophy.
Nicole says
In the game we found a symbol we don’t understand. It was on a building, and a garage behind it. It’s up near lake fyer, a building on the right hand road, between old Ford bridge and fyer dam.
I said it might be a night time thing, since we were there in daytime. We could enter the garage, but nothing was inside.
Pozzezz says
It’s Marcu Morello not Maren Morello?
Liam says
Pyx big fan man , every thing carry over I found even starting a classic diff save
Liam says
Awsome Ty , as bout start classic but unsure , had regret every thing ty