This Lost Judgment Dating Guide will walk you through all content in the dating aspect of the game, showing the “best” answers for each interaction when possible and how to get through each of the girl’s sets of Side Cases related to dating them. Note that answers during the dating part don’t really matter, you can’t actually “fail” any of the dating parts. If you give “wrong” answers you will just get less progress towards the girl’s relationship meter from that interaction, but that just means you need to do more work in between to get to the next relationship stage.
Only one of the girls (Emily) is available to date in the main game. The other three girls are included as part of the Detective Essentials DLC pack, which includes the other three girls along with a number of other items.
Dating Guide
Emily S. Mochizuki
You are able to start dating Emily after you complete the entire Girls’ Bar investigation during the School Stories side content of the game. You can view the following page for info on completing all School Stories: Lost Judgment School Stories Walkthrough
Once you have finished the Girls’ Bar investigation and return to the bar, you can then find Emily sitting off to the side by the dartboard. Speak to her and you’ll get a series of options for how to respond to her.
Depending on what option you go with you get different choices for what to do to raise Emily’s (or the other girl’s) relationship meter (these won’t be explained again after this section).
“Let’s chat for a bit.” – Each girl has a set of conversation topics you can choose to chat with her about. You can only select these once each, so it’s recommended you go through the chat option first before doing anything else to raise their intimacy meter. Some girls have more options than others, it’s just how they’re set up.
“Wanna hang out?” – Choosing this option lets you select between playing Darts or going to the Batting Center with the girl. Doing good at the activity gives a larger increase to the intimacy meter, but just going and immediately quitting the activity still gives a small increase, which can be done over and over if you don’t want to actually play the activity through to raise their meter.
“I’ve got something for you…” – Choosing this option lets you select a gift from your inventory to give to the girl. Gifts can be either jewelry/accessories bought at La chatte blanche in Ijincho or at Le Marche in Kamurocho, UFO Catcher prizes from the arcades, or some specific healing items from other stores. This is the fastest way to raise a girl’s intimacy meter, as giving her the same gift over and over gives the same meter boost regardless.
Once you raise Emily’s intimacy meter halfway through the first level you will get an option for how to ask her for her number. Select whatever you want, then continue raising her meter to the max to reach level 2. Once you do, you will have to leave the bar and go do something else while waiting for her to message you. A way to force these waiting parts to trigger is to take the taxi to Kamurocho and back, and she should message you when you are back in Ijincho. When she does text you respond with “Use food as an excuse to invite her out.” She’ll then agree to meet you in front of Jinnai Station.
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Wait for her at the station, then the Side Case “Step by Step” will start. Walk with her down to Plage, where you will talk to her after food. You will have to examine specific spots around the area, then respond in ways that she likes. The way you respond determines how well the date is going. If you give bad responses it doesn’t lock you out of the relationship, you just get less progress on the Liveliness meter and therefore less bonus to her Intimacy meter when the date is over and need to interact with her more to raise it to the next level.
The best ways to interact with here are:
- Her hair – Respond with: “It’s beautiful.”
- Her jacket – Respond with: “I’m sure you get hit on a lot.”
- Her hands – Respond with: “Your nails are super cute.”
After the date at the cafe is finished you will walk her back to Girl’s Bite. Outside she will be bothered by a group of people who know her from school, then after the rest of the dialogue is over the current Side Case will be complete and you can continue the dating part.
Back at Girls’ Bar raise Emily’s relationship meter to the next level, then after leaving she will text you to hang out, and Yagami offers to meet up before the bar again. Wait for her back in the same spot as last time by Jinnai Station to start the next relationship Side Case.
This time you are taking Emily out for Chinese food. You will need to inspect her again and respond in an appropriate way s to raise the Liveliness meter.
The best ways to interact are:
- Her hair – Respond with: “Just thinking about how beautiful you are.”
- Her jacket – Respond with: “I like your outfit today.”
- Her bag – Respond with: “I wanna say… friends.”
After you’re finished at the restaurant you will be walking her back to Girl’s Bite again. The group who know her from school show up again and almost get into a fight with Yagami, but Emily gives them the what for and they mellow out, completing the current Side Case.
Raise Emily’s intimacy meter once more, then leave the bar and she will eventually call you and ask you on a date. This time she will be there to meet you at the regular spot at Jinnai Station.
You will then get a special scene with Emily, and she will officially ask you out after. Regardless of how you respond, you will complete the Side Cases related to her, and count as the first of the four girls asking you out.
Minato Todo
Minato and the other two girls from the DLC become available to date after you go to the mailbox at either Yokohama 99 or Yagami Detective Agency and pick up the “item” that allows them to appear (this is just how the game recognizes you having DLC on a save file).
Minato is interacted with in Kamurocho. You first need to check the Buzz Researcher keyword “mascot” which, points you towards Children’s Park where there will be a Side Case marker for “Why I Don the Costume.”
Go over to the area and you will find a bunch of Kamulop costumes, and the man in charge heads off after explaining their purpose. You hear a girl’s voice coming from one, and you should pull out your Noise Amp and inspect the one behind the swings against the wall.
You determine that there is a girl inside who is very overheated and need to give her some water.
Yagami offers to help her out with her job so that she can rest, which involves him donning a Kamulop costume and heading out to help people around Kamurocho. You will be in the theater square area and need to interact with a number of people to help out.
Interact with the man and woman standing directly in front of where you start, then select the option “Take him out, Kamulop-style”.
Go to the north side of the area and interact with the two men by the entrance of the building, then select the option “Step in”.
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Go east along the building and interact with the woman standing outside Club Sega. She’s lost her son and gives you a description of a child to look for. Go directly south to the other side of the area, and interact with the boy in the yellow and black jacket.
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Finally, go back over to where you found Mako-chan and there will be another boy standing nearby. Interact with him, then you will have a timed prompt to grab the balloon he just lost.
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After helping all of the people you will automatically return to Children’s Park and speak with Minato and tell her about the work you did, completing this first Side Case.
You can then find Minato at M Side Cafe in the Theater building.
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Interact with her then you can go through the rest of the normal dating options. She only has one topic to chat with though and doesn’t accept jewelry items as gifts, so if you want to spam her intimacy level up you need to give her healing items (Staminan X, Tauriner, Toughness Z, etc).
Once you raise her intimacy level to 2, the next time you go to M Side Cafe she won’t be there, and you Yagami finds her notebook on the ground.
For the best option in the date you have with her, you should choose “No, I’d better not.” so that you don’t look at the notebook. Yagami calls and leaves a message, then she immediately calls back and asks to meet her by Club Sega in Theater Square.
Choose to wait for her, then respond however you want to her showing up in the Kamulop costume. You’ll then need to walk with her to Cafe Alps. She’ll be convinced to take the costume off, then you actually start having the actual date.
There are a large number of things to interact with during this date compared to most other ones, and you have to do some things before others are available. The best ways to interact are:
- The Kamulop costume – Respond with: “They must trust you a lot to keep that.”
- Her eyes – Respond with: “Draw eyes on your eyelids?”
- Her drink – No response on this one
- Her notebook – You gain Liveliness if you didn’t read it, but lose it if you did.
- After checking the notebook you’ll be prompting her on things to make jokes about – Inspect: The Kamulop head, the notebook, her drink, and Minato herself.
- The poster on the wall – This only becomes available after you have inspected everything else, no response on it.
When leaving Cafe Alps, select the option “How about me?” to offer to be her comedy partner.
This now completes the current Side Case, and you can continue interacting with her at M Side Cafe to raise her intimacy level more. Once you have raised it to level 3, you need to go to Yagami Detective Agency and change the time of day to nighttime if it isn’t currently. Once it is, Minato calls you and tells you that she was able to get you registered for the manzai competition, and asks you to come. You then need to meet with her down at the taxi stop on the south end of Tenkaichi St.
Walk with her to Theater Square, then you will be going through a number of responses as you do the comedy routine. These are all either the projection choices where you select how strong of a response to give or timed multiple-choice ones.
The best ways to respond are:
- Projection choice – maxed: “Minato-chan!?”
- Timed choice – bottom: “What the hell!?”
- Timed choice – left: “What are you, a waitress!?”
- Timed choice – right: “God, I’m broke!”
- Timed choice – bottom: “Hang on, that’s my line!”
- Project choice – maxed: “Okay, hang on!”
- Timed choice – right: “What year is this!?”
After the routine is done your intimacy with Minato increases depending on how well you did, and you even win the competition. Return to speak with her at M Side Cafe again to continue raising her intimacy to level 4. When you do you will see her help out a woman the next time you enter the Theater building, then she will call and ask to meet at Children’s Park, where she officially asks you out.
Kyoko Hakase
Kyoko is interacted with in Ijincho, and you first find her by going to the Side Case location along Hyakkei St. when it is nighttime.
You’ll encounter a woman who looks scared. Speak to her and she’ll tell you that she thinks she’s being stalked. Yagami says he’ll help her out, and then she leaves and you need to wait for her to call to set up a sting to catch the stalker (you can force the phone call by going to and from Kamurocho in the taxi). When she calls you can then meet her at the south end of Hyakkei St.
She’ll start out in one spot, with a man on the phone and a cat behind her.
Inspect them both, then she’ll walk down the street a short distance. You then need to inspect the man and the cat again, along with the two high school students. She moves one final time with the first man leaving, then you need to inspect the cat one final time, followed by the man closer to you looking at Kyoko. When telling her who the stalker is, respond with the bottom left option “a cat”.
They check the address on the cat’s collar, then automatically go there where you speak with a woman about the cat. After that Kyoko reveals finally that she’s actually the nurse from Seryo High, so knows who Yagami is. You can then rest until daytime, where you can then meet her at the Nurse’s Office at the school to continue interacting with her.
After speaking with her and seeing her deal with some students, Yagami leaves and you will need to wait until nighttime before you can interact with her more (she’s typically busy during the day). Speak with her to raise her intimacy level to level 2. She has a large number of chat topics that you should go through first, then you can just give her jewelry as a gift over and over after that to raise it quickly there rest of the way.
Leave the school and enter again at night where you can meet with her for the Side Case “Melody of the Night“. When given the option at the start, call out to her forcefully: “Good evening!”
You’ll then sit down and speak with her as if it were a date.
The best ways to interact are:
- Her clothing – Respond with: “White coat”.
- The eye chart and Ono Michio figure to the left, along with the beds on the right and the papers on the table – No response for any of these.
- The brown box to her left (first aid kit) – Respond however you want.
- Once you check both the figure and the first aid kit, you can answer the next couple of questions in any way, she gives you contradicting responses regardless of how you answer, even if you say the “correct” things.
After the talk, you will walk her home from the school. Right before your destination, you will automatically be attacked by two men.
Kyoko then offers to treat Yagami’s injury, which you don’t have a choice in. This somehow manages to put him on the verge of death, which is then fixed by her giving him a folk remedy she made herself.
You can now continue interacting with her at the school at nighttime. She now offers to give you treatment at school if you have injuries. Either of the treatment options will typically result in her injuring you more, but there is a chance she actually gives you proper treatment which heals your health.
Continue interacting with her with talking or gifts to raise her intimacy level further. When you reach over halfway through intimacy level 2 there will be an automatic story scene where she treats Yagami again but is interrupted by Nana. After that, you can continue interacting with her to reach intimacy level 3.
Once you are at level 3 you need to leave the school and change the time of day to noon, then return to the school. Go out into the courtyard where there will be a new Side Case marker.
You will encounter the cat from earlier. Interact with it and call it by its name, “Cherry”.
Kyoko then comes out and you have a talk with her again like it were a date.
The best ways to interact are:
- Her face – Respond with: “So is sunbathing good for the body?”
- The students, the board, and the tables to her left – No response for any of these.
- The cat Cherry on the ground – Also no response for this.
After you finish talking with her she will ask you out for drinks, and you will need to leave the school and return at nighttime to pick her up. You’ll then walk with her to Eomeoni’s Vow. Before you actually arrive though you will hear someone get hit by a car, and run over to see that it was Nana, the girl who keeps interrupting you at the school. Respond forcefully when given the option both times.
The man who caused the accident tries to leave the scene but is stopped by Cherry. Yagami then needs to punish him for trying to run away.
There will be some more scenes after with Kyoko then she automatically leaves. You can then return to meet her at the school at night to raise her intimacy level to 4. You then need to leave the school and change the time of day to noon, then return and you can find her in the cafeteria.
She gives Yagami a drink from the vending machine, then the final Side Case for her starts. You then need to change the time of day to nighttime one final time, then she will call Yagami to ask him to meet her at Harbor Light. Once there you will have a number of scenes with her where you can respond how you want, culminating with her officially asking Yagami out.
Tsukino Saotome
A familiar name if you played the first Judgment, as Tsukino was one of the possible girlfriends in that game too. You first are able to interact with her by accepting the request Let’s Talk About Perverts from the request board in Yagami Detective Agency. You can then choose to get a review about the original Twisted Trio case from the first game if you don’t remember it (or never played it). Yagami then automatically waits for Yosuke and Tsukino to show up at the office.
Go over the prior case information with Yosuke, then they will automatically leave the office. You then get a number of terms to select from on Buzz Researcher when looking for clues.
Select the term “panties” to get led over to Bar Tender, where you find Mari has been a victim of Professor Panty. She offers to allow you to look at the ones she has for the investigation, where you should then look into the bag beside her, not at the ones she’s wearing.
Outside the bar call Ranpo the Detective Dog, who then leads you across town to where you can find Professor Panty. He then calls a number of followers, who you need to fight off to continue.
Go on Buzz Researcher again and select the term “Ass Catchem”, which should lead you over to Nakamichi St. near to Club Sega. When you get there inspect the woman and the Kamulop mascot just north of the arcade entrance, then interact with the group.
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After speaking with them a scene occurs where Yagami is “attacked” by more mascots, then you can check buzz Researcher again. Select “Judge Creep ‘n Peep”, which leads you up to the Hotel District. Once there, pull out your Noise Amp and inspect the man very obviously hanging out on the wall above.
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He flys off, then Yosuke calls and says to come to the marked spot on Taihei Boulevard. He tells you that Tsukino was kidnapped by the perverted group, and he gives you her bag. You can call Ranpo and see the bag to lead you to where Tsukino is, which is the abandoned building all the way on the north side of the city.
Inspect the hole in the wall directly above the sign to spot your way in, then climb your way up to the wall to get into the building.
Inside you need to inspect each of the rooms before you can continue through the locked gate at the end of the hallway from where you enter. Most rooms just involve you looking in then leaving, aside from the room directly to the left of where you enter. In here there is a group of 3 guys talking about school bathing suits, and if you respond with “They’re the best” then you get a free Hug Bomb Omega.
Check the other room on this floor, then the one downstairs. Once you’ve been in all three rooms, you can go through the locked gate on the second floor to get to the third floor.
The Filthy Four appear and fight Yagami. You will have to take them all out, but they should cause you no issue at all.
After defeating them you are able to rescue Tsukino, completing the Side Case.
Now to progress the dating aspect, you need to go to Ijincho, as Tsukino doesn’t stay in Kamurocho. Head to Pocket Cafe where you can find her sitting near the back in a booth seat during the day.
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Talk to her, and she explains a bit about why she’s in Ijincho before running off. When automatically outside Pocket Cafe, go back in and you will be able to speak with her again immediately. Yagami has the option to give her a gift, and you need to give her any possible gift item three times in a row here before you can progress talking with her more. You can talk to her again immediately after Yagami stands up, you don’t need to leave and wait or anything.
After the third time she runs off again, and you can immediately reenter the restaurant to see her talking with Kento. He leaves and she talks a bit more about the work she is doing on Seiryo’s website, then Yagami offers to help her with taking some pictures. Speak with her once more to head to the school with her.
You end up in the gym with the aim being to take a picture of some students playing dodgeball. If you want to get the best possible shot, you need to move to the side and get an angled shot to get both boys in while they’re mid-action.
There will be a number of scenes after, with Tsukino talking to the teacher dealing with the website redesign, then you will walk back to Pocket Cafe. Then you will get the first scene as if you were on a date.
The best ways to interact are:
- Her face – Respond with: “Tell her how mature she’s become.”
- Her clothing – Respond with: “That outfit looks great on you.”
- Her earrings, her drink, and her laptop – No response for any of these.
After that, the “date” and Side Case are finished, and you can continue interacting with Tsukino. You need to raise her intimacy to level 2. Tsukino has three conversation topics you can talk with her about first, then just give her gifts when needed.
Once her intimacy is at level 2 speak with her again, and she says she wants to try to convince the faculty member to go with her idea for the website. Yagami offers to take pictures of the dance club girls for the website too, so speak with her again to go to the school. When speaking with the dance club you can choose for them to wear whichever outfit you want from the ones you’ve unlocked during the school stories. You then need to get another angled shot to get all the correct girls included. If you want to wait for the perfect moment you need to watch for when Nishizono winks at the camera.
After taking the picture you will go to the cafeteria with Tsukino and have the second “date” interaction with her.
The best ways to interact are:
- Her face – This triggers the next three options in a row.
- Respond with: “Buy her some nice, warm cocoa.”
- Respond with: “Pull a funny face”, then mid-intensity to select “Just standard weird should be fine.”
- Respond with: “Make a funny reference”.
- The counter behind her to the right – Respond with: “Do you still draw for fun?”
After those interactions, you will need to walk with Tsukino up to the faculty room. She then has a meeting with the faculty member again about the website, then you walk with her over to Jinnai Station to complete the current Side Case.
You can then meet with Tsukino again back at Pocket Cafe and continue raising her intimacy meter to level 3. You then need to change the time of day to nighttime, where she will then call and ask to meet again at Pocket Cafe. When you speak with her she takes Yagami over to Hamakita Park, where she officially asks Yagami out (again).
For more guides on everything needed to 100% completion, check out the Lost Judgment Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Hado says
It’s kinda lame that they put what was in the base game of the first one behind a pay wall this time. That is some pretty greedy tactics.