Lost in Random features a unique style of combat, characterized by the use of playing cards. Familiarizing yourself with it can be a bit tricky, so this guide should help make sense of it.
Whenever you face a group of enemies, the first thing you need to do is gather crystals. Crystals are glued to enemies. To acquire them, use your Sling and aim at them to drop them. Once they’re on the ground, send Dicey to collect them ( +
) or walk near them and they will automatically hone in on Dicey. As you collect more and more crystals, your card meter will fill up. As the card meter fills up completely, a card will be revealed. Once it’s revealed, you can use it. It’s up to you to decide if you want to use it right away or wait for a Full Hand (5 cards). To obtain a Full Hand, you just need to gather more crystals. Crystals on enemies respawn, so ideally you want to always work towards getting a Full Hand. This way you will have more combat options. Each card in your deck allows you to sport a different fighting style, from bombs to cheating advantages. As soon as a card reveals itself, you can start using it by entering the Dicemension with
. In the Dicemension, you’ll be able to see your cards and what perk they have. Additionally, in the top right-hand corner you should see a red jewel featuring a specific number. This indicates which cards you can use. For example, if your red jewel shows number 2, this means that you can use any card showing number 1 and 2. If you own cheating cards, you can for example increase the jewel number of one or two units depending on the cheating card. After determining the red jewel’s number, choose any card you’d like to play. Once you’ve chosen your card, exit the Dicemension with
and get rid of enemies. To be able to use more of your cards, rinse and repeat by collecting crystals.
When in Two-Town, you’ll meet Mannie Dex. He will give you the Card Binder, which you can access by pressing . This allows you to rework your card deck to whichever combo you like. You can only customize your deck once you own more than 15 cards. Until then, you can only use whichever cards you currently possess.
When browsing around the store, you’ll notice a vertical yellow bar on your right. As you buy more and more cards from Mannie Dex’s this bar will start filling up. This is called the Coin Counter. Every time you fill it up to the max, new cards can be added to the store and made available for purchase. Keep in mind that you can also buy cards you’ve already bought before. Additionally, as you buy more and more cards, you’ll be able to use a Golden Pin on them. Golden Pins are used to upgrade the cards you’ve chosen for your deck. Pinned cards will not be discarded from your deck once you leave the Dicemension.
To collect more cards, you can either go through the story or buy more at Mannie Dex’s. Buying all available cards at Mannie Dex’s is required for the Card Collector trophy or achievement.
This is all there is to how combat and cards work in Lost in Random.
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