Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth has a total of 52 substories. Completing 10, 20, and 40 substories are required to earn the Touching Lives, Saving Lives, and Living Your Best Life trophies/achievements. Completing all Sujimon-related substories specifically is also required to earn the Suji League Champion trophy/achievement. Other than that, you can complete any that you want and don’t need to complete more than 40 for the Platinum trophy & 1000 Gamerscore.
Aside from 2 story-related substories at the start of the game, all substories occur in Hawaii. The majority will be marked on the map with the “speech bubble” substory icon, with a handful occurring automatically during the story, or after interacting with certain characters a number of times. No substories are missable, but some only occur at specific times of day so progression on them may be blocked by where you are in the story. All substories can be completed after the story in Premium Adventure.
Substories are listed in the order they appear in the Tasks > Substories menu. Story-related substories are noted and don’t show starting locations. Where applicable the Chapter the substory becomes available will be listed along with prior substories required to start it.
Substories that require leaving and coming back typically only require you to walk a short distance away. You can check on the map and a blue substory icon will appear when you are able to progress the substory further.
1 . Radio Active – Automatic story-related, Chapter 1
Occurs during the story in Chapter 1, unlocks the Playlist app on your phone/the ability to listen to unlocked songs while walking around.
2 . Sujimon, Generation II – Automatic story-related, occurs during Chapter 2
Occurs during the story in Chapter 2, unlocks the Sujidex app on your phone.
3. Crazy Money – Automatic story-related, occurs during Chapter 2
Occurs during the story in Chapter 2, unlocks the Crazy Delivery minigame.
4. Busted! – Automatic story-related, occurs during Chapter 3
Occurs during the story in Chapter 3, unlocks the Poundmates feature for use in battle.
5. Welcome to Hawaii, MFer! – Automatic story-related, occurs during Chapter 3
Occurs during the story in Chapter 3, unlocks the Aloha Links app and features.
6. Surfin’ the Streets! – Chapter 3
Outside Pigeon Family Market, unlocks the Street Surfer for use around the city.
7. Miss Match – Chapter 3
In the park at the intersection of Seaside Ave and Waikiki St., walk near the dolphin statues to trigger a scene. Unlocks the Miss Match minigame.
8. Snap Those Sickos – Chapter 3
This substory occurs when you use the trolly at Aloha Beach, unlocks the Sicko Snap minigame.
9. A Love as Sweet as Lemons – Chapter 3
Go up to the boy at the Lemonade Stand in the Park on the East end of Waikiki St. After agreeing to help, hand out samples of lemonade to the correct people (their dialogue says they are hot or thirsty, blue dots on the minimap are all the possible people you can interact with). If you run out of time or get hit by a car you can try again immediately. Note that the people who want drinks will be in the same place each time, so just run to the same spots quickly if you need to try again. Come back and help two more times, then follow the quest marker around for a few more scenes to finish the substory.
10. Coming Out of Her Shell – Chapter 3, and completed story-related substory #4
On Aloha Beach directly north of the L-shaped concrete wall, go near the marked spot for an automatic scene with Nancy (Kasuga’s pet crawfish). Leave and come back to the same spot again where you’ll be able to interact with the crab on the ground for another scene. Now head to the marked spot on the north end of Momo St. to pick up some flowers, then bring them back to the beach for another scene. Throw Nancy with medium strength to scare away the boys and get a personality stat bonus. Next, head over near Mocha Mahalo on Resort Blvd. to spot some guys talking about the crab. Finally, head back to the beach once for a fight to complete the substory.
11. Wait for Me – Chapter 3
Head near the marked restaurant on Sakura Street and agree to help out. During the scene you’ll receive a bunch of information, and if you answer correctly you receive a better reward at the end and stat boosts from the individual responses. After completing the whole scene helping out you’ll complete the substory.
First customer – Friendly greeting.
Second customer – Refined greeting.
Third customer – Friendly greeting.
Individual Orders:
Customer in black – Acai bowl and lau lau
Cheerful customer – Ahi poke and 3x Haupias
Elegant customer – Mahi Mahi
Family Table Orders:
First order – Lau Lau (left dish)
Second order – Kalua pig (center dish)
Final question – What is the owner’s name?
Answer: Obispo
12. Saved by Kindness – Chapter 3
Across from the taxi spot on Makani Ave, interact with the man on his knees on the ground. Return to the same spot to meet up with the man again for another scene where you should answer “The lei girl” when prompted for a stat bonus. Return to the same spot three more times for additional scenes, then to the new spot near Ayame St. for a fight to complete the substory.
13. Rock and Roil – Chapter 3, and completed story-related substory #4
Nn Aloha Beach immediately south of Aloha Beach Juicery, interact with the man being fanned by the other men around him. After the scene, head to the marked location southwest of Julia’s Brilliant Design along Aloha St. During the scene respond “Ask the spirits for a storm!” for a personality stat bonus. Head back to the beach and speak with the rocker again to start the sequence. Follow the actions Kasuga is doing with the left stick as shown, speeding up as he speeds up. Once you have completed the ritual you’ll complete the substory.
14. Neck Deep in Love – Chapter 3
On Aloha Beach just east of Kana’s Coconut Juice Stand, interact with the girl standing behind the surfboards. When speaking to the girl, reply with ‘Tanabe-kun”, then you’ll be automatically taken over to the spot to find him. You need to interact with each of the interactable boys first as they give clues as to where Tanabe is. Following the clues you can then face the ocean and he is the boy four spots right and one spot down, who is facing the boy directly to the right. After the next scene you will complete the substory.
15. Samurai, May We Walk Together? – Chapter 3, and completed story-related substory #4
On Aloha Beach just south of Ocean Boys restaurant, go near the boats for an automatic scene where you fight a couple of enemies, then agree to help the news station director. You’ll then have a series of choices where he films Kasuga. You can pick what you want, but for a personality stat bonus you’re supposed to only pick the “Japanese” options to enable Nathan’s weirdness, so “Rice and Millet” and “…The hat.” on the first two. After the scene with the darts you’ll have another fight with some men to complete the substory.
16. Beach Guardian: Water, Water Everywhere – Chapter 3
In the ocean directly south of the Aloha Beach map label, go near the marked spot for an automatic scene. Agree to help Raymond, then go around and look for people on the beach to give water to. Ones who need water will say things like being dizzy or having blurry vision. If you’re unsure you can interact with people and you won’t hand out water if they don’t need it, you’ll just waste a few seconds. After successfully handing out all the water you’ll complete the substory.
17. Beach Guardian: No Kidding Around – Chapter 3, and completed substory #16
Go back to where you met Raymond on the beach to see him being harassed by some beachgoers. After the scene, you’ll need to look for a lost girl who is wearing a red swimsuit and a straw hat with a blue ribbon. The blue dots on the map show possible kids to interact with, but the correct one is farthest to the northeast standing beside a tree. Next, you’ll have to find a boy wearing white shorts and an orange baseball cap, who is located farthest west on the beach (don’t worry about this being a high-level area if you do this early, no enemies appear during the substory gameplay). After finding him you complete the substory.
18. Beach Guardian: Heroes of the Sand – Chapter 3, and completed substory #17
Go back to where you met Raymond once more and speak to him beside the lifeguard tower. After the scene, you’ll engage in a chase. Perform the button prompts to catch up to the thief. After the next scene you’ll need to find Raymond, who is farther west on the beach. Be careful if you’re doing this early in the game as there will be higher-level enemies there. Once you reach Raymond you’ll fight with the group of men who were harassing him earlier (they’re lower level than the beach spawning enemies so you should be able to deal with them early). After they’re dealt with you complete this substory.
19. Home to Roost – Chapter 3, and completed story-related substory #4
On Aloha Beach near the very west end, interact with the empty beach chair. After the scene, you’ll need to make your way to the marked store to buy bird food. Avoid people on your way to get there within the time limit. After this you’ll fight two men to end the substory.
20. A Better Bat – Automatic story-related, Chapter 4
Occurs during Chapter 4, unlocks Julie’s Gearworks and weapon crafting/enhancement.
21. Playing With Fire – Chapter 4
Outside Ounabara Vocational School, approach the crowd for an automatic scene. After being reintroduced to Ikari you’ll be shown the ropes of the Hawaii branch of the Vocational School. Pass the first trial exam to complete the substory and fully unlock the Vocational School options.
22. Rise and Grind – Chapter 4
On the north side of Anaconda Blvd. in front of the shop Cafe SORAMAME, interact with the two men talking to the worker outside. Step in and you’ll fight with them to chase them off. After the scene, leave and return to the shop again for a scene. Next, make your way to the marked spot near Hyper Ecstasy on Twilight Dr. to fight with the reporter and his accomplices. Reply “Sorata” in the conversation for a personality stat bonus, then after some more scenes you will complete the substory.
23. The More the Plumeria – Chapter 4
This substory requires going to two specific spots first before it starts.
There are two locations in parks on the west side of the map with substory icons, but when approached Kasuga will just note flowers on the trees
After both of these are looked at, there will be an icon at the corner of Momo and Waikiki St. where you can interact with a boy and a girl in front of a store. After the scene there, head halfway down Waikiki Street where there will be a blue icon to find the girl and interact with her again to formally start the substory. You can agree to help, then immediately go to the flowers on Harbor Street. You’ll get into a fight with two sumo near the tree. After the fight, you can then head to the other park you visited before to find the other tree and interact with it to pick some flowers. Aina asks you to come to the Art Walls area, though be careful if you are early in Chapter 4 as this is a higher-level spot that could cause problems if you enter unprepared. There isn’t a fight over there during the substory though, so if you carefully sneak in to speak with Aina you can. After interacting with her and the final scene occurs you’ll complete the substory.
24. Let It Snow – Chapter 4
In front of Mohala Shave Ice on Aloha St., approach the store for an automatic scene. After it’s finished, head north to Momo St. to find the man speaking to someone outside a restaurant. Speak with him and agree to help, then to continue you need to head over to the Anaconda Shopping Center where there is a marked location in the center of the mall. You’ll have a chase scene after a stroller, followed by a fight against 3 enemies. After another scene, go to the marked spot on Seaside Ave. and speak to the man waiting outside to complete the substory.
25. Embrace Your Wild Side – Chapter 4
On the upper floor of the Anaconda Shopping Center, approach the stage in the large central area, then interact with the man on the stage playing the ukelele. After the first scene, make your way over to the marked spot on the west side of Worldwide Market Village Mall for an automatic scene. You can then head back to the upper floor of the mall to find Matt being bothered by a group of men in leather jackets. After fighting the men off go with Matt for an explanation of what’s going on. Next head near Fancy Cookies on River St. for another scene. You can then head to the very northeast corner of the map to find the kid talking to his mom. Speak with him on the nearby bench, then head to the northwest corner of the map to find Matt again in the pawn shop. Finally, head over to the edge of Aloha Beach to find the kid again and agree to go to the concert with him for one more scene to complete the substory.
26. Anaconda Escape – Chapter 4
On the upper floor of the Anaconda Shopping Center, approach the group of men in light blue outfits. After the scene, agree to participate in the TV show. As they explain, this is sort of like an escape room taking place in the mall, where you need to solve puzzles and navigate through enemies to win the minigame. There is still combat, but you are incentivized to avoid it as you have a time penalty regardless of whether you win or lose. Your goal is to make your way to the computers in the mall (marked with a blue dot on the minimap) where you answer trivia questions for extra points, with the final goal of reaching the escalator on the far side of the second floor. Enemies have very small vision cones, so use that to avoid them. Whether you win or lose doesn’t actually matter for completing this substory, you just get a better prize at the end if you win with more points.
27. The Pursuit of Realism – Chapter 4
At the intersection of Riverside Walk and River St., approach the end of the bridge on the southeast corner of the mall for an automatic scene, followed by a fight against two enemies. Agree to help the director, then you’ll play a minigame where you’re running against oncoming traffic avoiding cars. While not conveyed well, you need to hold forward to stay sped up, then hold back to slow down. After finishing the minigame you’ll complete the substory, and you’ll get a better reward based on whether you get hit by anything during the minigame.
28. An Authentic Blockbuster – Chapter 4, and completed substories #15 and #27
Right beside Makani Coffee (Sunset Park), speak with the blonde man sitting on the bench. During the scene select “Bony Kashiwa” for a personality stat bonus, then agree to help out. You can go with them immediately, or say you’ll join later and meet at the marked spot. You’ll then play the vehicle dodging minigame again, after which you’ll complete the substory, getting a better reward if you perform well in the minigame.
29. Litterbugged – Chapter 4
Directly south of Sunset St. Trolley Stop (Harbor Line), approach the green shop for an automatic scene, where you will be reintroduced to a familiar vacuum inventor. He needs a total of $3000 to invest in the vacuum, which Kasuga needs to give him. You can contribute him lower amounts, or just wait until you have the $3000 all at once (which is probably better to wait and do if you start this substory early in the game). After giving him the required funding he’ll contact you by email after a short period, and you can head to the marker near the Docks taxi spot. After the scene, you’ll need to help identify which items are trash for the Professor. The order is:
- Trash
- Trash
- Not Trash
- Trash
- Trash
- Not Trash
- Trash
- Trash
- Trash
- Not Trash
Leave and then return when the Professor has a new substory icon to see the results of your labor, followed by a fight with a giant vacuum. Be careful if you start this fight early in Chapter 4, as the robot will be level 27. Even if you are around level 27 it hits hard, so be sure to watch your team’s health. Take out the side units first to reduce the number of attacks it can get on you to make the fight easier. After winning the fight you will complete the substory.
30. Close Encounters of the Bird Kind? – Chapter 5, and completed substory #29
At the intersection of Kaku Ave. and River St., approach the corner where a woman is talking to a police officer. After she runs off, head nearby into Worldwide Market Village to spot her sitting on a bench. After agreeing to help, you’ll need to wait until nighttime to meet her at that spot again. When at the lot when prompted, select the rocket launcher (third option) and aim in the middle to successfully shoot it. You’ll then have another fight against Sojimaru, this time a flying model that’s level 29. Notice that when the fight starts there’s a battery charger on the side of the area, take that out first, then focus Sojimaru with gun attacks to take it down quickly. Once you successfully defeat the vacuum for the second time you’ll complete the substory.
31. Let’s Go Alo-Happy! – Automatic story-related, Chapter 5
Occurs during the story in Chapter 5, unlocks Alo-Happy tours, which are how you gain access to new jobs.
32. Tropical Photo Rally – Automatic story-related, Chapter 5
Occurs during the story in Chapter 5, unlocks the Photo Rally activity.
» Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth – All Photo Rally Locations
33. The Island at Rock Bottom – Automatic story-related, Chapter 6
Occurs during the story in Chapter 6, unlocks Dondoko Island side activity.
34. The Legend of the Labyrinth – Automatic story-related, Chapter 5
Occurs during the story in Chapter 5, unlocks the Hawaiian Haunt dungeon.
35. Love and Punishment – Chapter 6 (after going to the Daidoji hideout)
Interact with the woman in the alley across from the Night St. taxi spot. Agree to stay with her, then after the scene and losing some of your money, you can head over to the taxi spot on Pearl Ave. to spot her again. Interact with her in the alley, then you’ll get into a fight with a man who appears. After the next scenes, you’ll need to wait until daytime (either later in the story or in Premium Adventure when you can switch manually), then you can head to Anaconda Harbor Park where you can interact with Zack, then head over to the marked alley near the Art Walls to speak with Marian again. Defeat the man who attacks you to complete the substory.
36. Relics of the Past – Chapter 9
Head to the west end of Aloha Beach and approach the two excavators. After the initial scene, head slightly back east on the beach for a scene with the man in the top hat. Come back to the beach later for another scene with Yasuda. Follow him over towards the excavators, where you’ll then have a boss fight against both of them. The excavators are both level 31, so shouldn’t pose too much trouble for the point in the game you can do this substory. They’re both weak to fire, so use any fire attacks you have to take them out quickly. Once the excavators are defeated you’ll complete the substory.
37. Choose Your Starter – Automatic story-related, Chapter 4
Occurs during Chapter 4, unlocks Sujimon battling and capturing, along with the rest of the Sujimon storyline.
38. The CEO of Suji – After reaching Sujimon trainer rank 10
After reaching Sujimon trainer rank 10, you’ll receive a message telling you that you can now challenge Jack, the first of the Discreet Four. Head to the marked location and after the scene interact with the door of the building to head in. You have to fight two other trainers before you can fight Jack, so deal with them first. Jack mostly uses Light-type Sujimon, so you can deal a lot of damage to most of them with dark types, though night they’re weak against each other so they also will do more damage back. Stick with your strongest overall and make sure they’re all at level 10 before the fight.
39. The Queen’s Subilee – After reaching Sujimon trainer rank 20
After reaching Sujimon trainer rank 20, you’ll receive a message telling you that you can now challenge Queen, the second of the Discreet Four. She’s located in the previously block off area all the way at the west end of Aloha Beach. Like before, you’ll need to fight two other trainers before you can challenge Queen. Queen uses mostly Frost-type Sujimon, so having strong Nature types will make this fight easier for you.
40. A True Gym Battle – After reaching Sujimon trainer rank 30
After reaching Sujimon trainer rank 30, you’ll receive a message telling you that you can now challenge Ace, the third of the Discreet Four. He’s located near the large grass area off Makani Ave. Once again you’ll need to fight two other trainers before you can challenge Ace. Ace uses an even split of Blaze, Nature, and Light-type Sujimon, so having a good set of Darkness, Blaze, and Frost is recommended against him.
41. Sodachi’s Revenge – After reaching Sujimon trainer rank 35
After reaching Sujimon trainer rank 35, you’ll receive a suspicious message telling you to head back to Ace’s gym. This is just an initial scene as this is the next part of the main Sujimon storyline, you’ll still need to reach trainer rank 40 to challenge Ace. Once you do, you’ll receive another message asking you to head back to Ace’s gym. You’ll receive Super Sodachi, who is very strong and a good inclusion for your party until the end of this substory. You can then make your way to the marked location at the pier to challenge Joker’s gym.
Unlike prior times, this first fight is against 3 trainers back to back, with no healing in between. Because of this it’s recommended you have at least one Sujimon with a healing MP ability, as you don’t regain health in between the 3 fights. Also note that even though it says the recommended level is 35, none of the opponent Sujimon are actually that strong. The first set is around level 20, while the second and third sets are around level 30, so as long as you have your team around or at level 40 you should be able to make short work of each set, swapping in or healing if needed.
After defeating that group of 3 you will fight Joker, who uses mostly Darkness-type Sujimon. You can opt for Light ones to try and take his out quicker, or also go for Darkness so they can’t get increased damage on you. Once he is defeated head over and speak with Kuraki and Yokawa, then you’ll have a normal fight against Joker and some enemies. They’re all level 11, so they’ll likely pose zero challenge unless you try to do the entire Sujimon storyline as soon as it’s unlocked. Once the substory is done Sodachi reverts to normal form, but you can Evolve him back into Super Sodachi if you want to keep using him.
42. Atop the Plateau– After completing substory #41.
After you’ve defeated the Discreet Four, you can challenge the Champion at any time by heading back to the Sujigami PC Shop in the mall. Before doing this though it would be highly recommended you make sure your main set of Sujimon are all level 50. This shouldn’t take too long battling Platinum rank trainers, as they all give a good chunk of XP along with Ultimate Sujimunch, which gives huge amounts of as well. Once you’re ready, head into the Stadium from the shop and speak with the battle counter and choose to battle King.
King doesn’t have a specific type that he favors, having one Sujimon from each type, then a duplicate Blaze type, so if you have an extra Frost sujimon it would be helpful here. Note that you can also retry the fight against King as much as you like, so there is no penalty for losing if you try the fight and back out to change your party. After defeating King you’ll have another normal fight, this time against level 31 enemies, so this would be a struggle if you’re trying to complete the storyline early in the game. Once they’re defeated you will complete the substory, and the overall Sujimon storyline.
43. A Man Named Asakura – Chapter 4
At the corner of Aloha Bridge and River St., approach the corner for an automatic scene where Asakura from earlier in the game appears. He challenges you to a fight immediately (which is one-on-one with only Kasuga) so try to make sure you’re fully healed up before approaching the corner. You can use Poundmates though, so utilize that if you’re stuck in the fight without being prepared. After winning the fight you complete the substory.
44. A Changed Man – Chapter 4, and completed substory #43
A short period after completing substory #43, you’ll receive a text from Asakura asking you to come to the docks. If you want to do this substory in Chapter 4 be careful as the area he’s in has much higher level enemies wandering around, so quickly run past to his position. Asakura will be level 26, so depending on how much extra running around you’ve done you might be able to fight him in Chapter 4, but if not save it for later. Note that you can fight him as many times as you want with no penalty for losing (other than items or cash you use on Poundmates).
45. The Final Showdown for Real – Chapter 4, and completed substory #44
After completing substory #44 you’ll receive another text from Asakura asking you to come back to the docks. Return there to see him being bothered by a group of men. After he sends them off you’ll have another fight with him. This time he’s level 33, so be careful about fighting him early in the game. The same applies as before though where there is no penalty for losing, so you can come back and try as much as you like.
46. A Man Facing the Future – Chapter 4, and completed substory #45
After completing substory #45 you’ll receive another text from Asakura, meet him in the same spot once more. After the scene, you’ll be attacked by a group of enemies wanting to fight the two of you. These enemies are all level 43, so quite a jump up from Asakura on his own. He fights with you, though you don’t control him and he doesn’t have health, so you just need to worry about keeping Kasuga alive. If you’re well underleveled this likely won’t be possible, as all the enemies target Kasuga and may get turns in first. There are also three waves of enemies, so keep that in mind if you are near low health during the first or second waves. If you can hold out through all three Asakura will likely do most of the work for you. After defeating all the enemies you’ll complete the substory.
47. Certifiable Lover
After completing all 21 Ounabara Vocational School courses, there will be a substory icon at the reception desk. To trigger the substory you first need to chat with Maeda the receptionist and give her all the required gifts along with meeting minimum personality stat levels. Once you have given her a final gift speak to her again to trigger a scene, which completes the substory.
Items requested by Maeda and where they can be purchased:
- ABC Store Gift Set – ABC Store (East Waikiki)
- Hawaiin Cosmetics – Seaworthy Treasures
- Plumeria Bouquet – Melia’s Leis and Flowers
48. The Ultimate Alo-Happy Activity!
After completing 8 Alo-Happy tours, speak with Elizabeth at the reception. To trigger the substory you first need to chat with Elizabeth and give her all the required gifts along with meeting minimum personality stat levels. Once you have given her the final gift speak with her again to trigger a scene, which completes the substory.
Items requested by Elizabeth and where they can be purchased:
- Matsumoto Shave Ice Gift Set – Matsumoto Shave Ice
- Tobacco Assortment – Cigars in Heaven
- Postcard Assortment – Bluebird Gallery
49. She Never Misses
After meeting with all 10 Miss Match dates, speak with Machiki-san again. To trigger the substory you first need to chat with Machiko-san and give her all the required gifts along with meeting minimum personality stat levels. Once you have given her the final gift speak with her again to trigger a scene, which completes the substory.
Items requested by Machiko-san and where they can be purchased:
- Dim Sum Assortment – Liang’s Bakery
- ALOHABEER Gift Set – Loco Fiesta Liquor
- Tobacco Assortment – Cigars in Heaven
50. Together, Forever…
After reaching the second Poundmates spend level (Silver – Peak Pounder), speak with Chitose who hangs out at Ohahu Burger. Chat with her and give her all the required gifts along with meeting minimum personality stat levels. Once you have given her the final gift speak with her again to trigger a scene, which completes the substory.
Items requested by Chitose and where they can be purchased:
- Hibiscus Bouquet – Melia’s Leis and Flowers
- Matsumoto Shave Ice Gift Set – Matsumoto Shave Ice
- Hawaiin Cosmetics – Seaworthy Treasures
51. Experimental Procedures
After reaching Investment Level 4, go to the main Julie’s Gearworks and speak with Julie. Chat with her and give her all the required gifts along with meeting minimum personality stat levels. Once you have given her the final gift speak with her again to trigger a scene, which completes the substory.
Items requested by Julie and where they can be purchased:
- Hibiscus Bouquet – Melia’s Leis and Flowers
- Plumeria Bouqet – Melia’s Leis and Flowers
- Hawaiin Cosmetics – Seaworthy Treasures
52. Surviving Paradise – Completed substories #47 – #51
After completing the 5 “relationship” substories, head back to Revolve and speak to the Bartender. Chat with him and give him all the required gifts along with meeting minimum personality stat levels. Once you have given him the final gift leave the bar and return during the daytime when their is a substory icon to trigger an automatic scene. After the scene is over you’ll complete the substory.
Items requested by the Bartender and where they can be purchased:
- Tobacco Assortment – Cigars in Heaven
- Coffee Assortment – Cafe Trip
- ALOHABEER Gift Set – Loco Fiesta Liquor
For more guides see Photo Rallies, Memoirs of a Dragon, Trophy Guide.
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