Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name has a total of 34 Substories and Requests. These are divided into 7 Substories being related to the Coliseum storyline, 1 Substory for the series’ regular Amon fight, and 26 Requests given automatically or accepted through the Akame Network menu. Completing substories and requests is required for the following trophies/achievements:
Taking Requests – Complete 5 requests for Akame
At Your Service – Complete 10 requests for Akame
Go-To Guy – Complete 15 requests for Akame
First King Dethroned – Defeated the first of the Four Kings
Second King Dethroned – Defeated the second of the Four Kings
Third King Dethroned – Defeated the third of the Four Kings
Fourth King Dethroned – Defeated the fourth of the Four Kings
The World’s Strongest – Defeated Amon
Defeating Amon requires completing all substories related to the Coliseum storyline aside from Mizorogi’s Big Dreams, along with finishing all Coliseum Matches at least once. You aren’t required to complete all Akame Network requests, but it is still recommended you do so as most give a large amount of Akame points, a large amount of money, or both, along with a number of them unlocking members for the Joryu Clan.
The Four Kings of the Coliseum
This substory is story-related and occurs when you are leaving the Castle after taking control of it in Chapter 4. You’ll have a short fight with the first King Dan Brody, which starts the Four Kings storyline at the Coliseum.
King Dan Brody
This substory is for defeating Dan Brody in the arena. The fight with Dan Brody is a Clan match, unlike the one you had during the story. If you want a much easier time you can work on setting up your Clan members before starting any of these Four Kings fights, as you aren’t prevented from doing any of the Team Coliseum matches before completing these.
Aside from the extra team members, the fight is basically the same as the one in the story aside from him having an absurd amount of health (a similar issue you’ll have in the third King fight). Dan Brody spends most of his time just summoning drones and being a mild nuisance, so like normal Team matches focus all the other enemies first, then everyone can focus Dan Brody alone. If you are running out of time due to his absurdly high health try leveling your team more and increase Kiryu’s damage if it isn’t maxed already.
Mizorogi’s Big Dreams
This substory is given automatically after defeating Dan Brody in the arena. Mizorogi wants you to strengthen his gadgets to the maximum, at which point you’ll be awarded the ability to purchase the final upgrade for them, which gives a unique Heat action using all gadgets on a group of enemies.
King Kunimitsu Samejima
This substory is for defeating Samejima in the arena and is available immediately after defeating Dan Brody. Unlike the fight against Dan Brody, this is a solo match, which actually makes it far easier than the Dan Brody fight as it’s not timed and Samejima only has 4 health bar segments. The only notable thing about the fight is that he can be mildly annoying constantly jumping around, but as long as you are diligent about chasing him down quickly he isn’t very dangerous.
This substory is for defeating JUSTICE in the arena and is available immediately after defeating Samejima. This fight is another Team fight, and because of it is actually probably the most annoying fight in the game. JUSTICE pulls in both Samejima and Dan Brody to fight with him, and Dan Brody again has the same absurd health pool that he had in his own fight. You again want to focus on the grunts first, then if your team hasn’t taken them out focus on JUSTICE, then Samejima, then Dan Brody last. If you’re running out of time on this one you may need to grind your team all up to max level (which is required for To Train Beyond anyway) which should then help you deal with all of the Kings in a reasonable time in this extremely overtuned team fight.
King Kiyoshi Ugajin
This substory is for defeating Ugaijin in the arena and is available immediately after defeating JUSTICE. This fight is back to being a team fight again after the over-the-top Team fight against JUSTICE, which means that again like Samejima it is very easy. Ugajin’s main gimmick is just that he can use all of the gadgets, including the disc launcher encountered on an enemy earlier in the story. Aside from that he should actually be quite easy, with his very reasonable health bar and damage output.
Operation Family Welfare
NOTE: This is listed with the Coliseum substories in the Substory menu, but with the requests in the Akame Network menu.
After defeating the Four Kings, return to Akame and she will have this request available. Once you accept it you’ll automatically be a location where you fight the gadget thieves. Compared to what you went through in the Coliseum this fight should be nothing, so take out the enemies to complete this substory, which makes the second last Platinum rank Special Match available to be played.
Path to the Strongest
This substory is for the two Amon fights this game has, one against a robot and then a second against the real Amon. Completing “Operation Family Welfare” gives you access to the second last Special Event Match in the Coliseum, followed by the final one that requires having completed all other matches. You will then receive this substory, with the first step being a battle against Tetsu Amon that is started by speaking with the gold robot to the left of the Coliseum reception.
The fight against Testu-Amon is another Team fight, and for this one, you will want to set yourself up with a fully leveled team of Gold and Silver fighters, along with most of Kiryu’s upgrades and high-level equipment. This is even more of a slog than the Four Kings fights, so you want to be as prepared as possible going in. Setting Kiryu up also works to be set up for the real Amon fight immediately after.
For equipment, the minimum recommended would be the following:
- Great Fortune Gold Undies (purchase for 50 million Yen from Boutique VIP vendor, extremely helpful as it gives resistance to all 4 status effects)
- Dragon Binding (purchase for 2~ million Yen from Boutique VIP vendor, high attack and defense)
- Sengoku Armor (decent attack and defense bonus, obtained from coin locker. If you feel like grinding more you can swap this with Chainmail Armor purchased from Boutique VIP vendor for 9~ million Yen)
- Eye of the Dragon (decent attack and defense bonus, purchased from Mizorogi’s shop for 1.2~ million Yen)
For team setup, you don’t need to worry much about placement, just stick defenders in the front and healers behind. The layout only determines where they start in formation, so you want the defenders taking the initial attacks before you can get in. A team comp you can use without having the preorder characters is list below, left to right in formation. Note that there are only two healers, but a number of the other characters also recover health, so having those two is basically back up.
- Masaharu Kaito (Defender)
- Super Guard Machine (Defender)
- Gary Buster Holmes (Attacker)
- Mr. Masochist (Defender)
- Fumiya Sugiura (Attacker)
- Chicken Man (Attacker)
- KATSUWO (Healer)
- Toru Higashi (Healer)
- Yappi-Kun (Attacker)
- Sheep Man (Attacker)
In the fight itself treat it the same as before: try to focus on the weak enemies first to take them out quicker, then focus on the gold Amon bot. Keep note of your health as well as all of the enemies can use Ultimate Attacks which will do very heavy damage if you don’t evade or counter them.
Finally, once this match is completed, you are challenged by Gai Amon. Before heading into this fight, make sure you’re fully stocked up on healing items, as this is a normal fight and not an arena fight. You can purchase all the versions of the normal healing items (Toughness, Tauriner, Staminan) from both vendors at Boutique. If you want to be really prepared you can also then fill your inventory fully with all the consumables purchased from the convenience stores in Sotenbori. Once you’re ready to fight, speak with Amon by the entrance of the Castle.
Because this is a normal fight and not a Coliseum fight, it sort of ends up being more of a slog than any difficult. Amon uses all of the gadgets like Ugajin did in a similar manner. The main issue for this fight is that he heals himself, with drones at the start of the fight and whenever he hits you at the end of the fight, so you need to counteract the gadget attacks more directly than the Ugajin fight where you could mostly ignore them, along with using Heat replenishing items to finish him off quickly.
At the start, he’ll immediately summon a drone swarm that hovers above his head. These drones prevent you from doing a lot of damage as they constantly heal Amon while they’re hovering over his head, so you need to deal with them whenever they come up. This is done by switching to Agent style, activating Extreme Heat, then holding to very quickly summon drones yourself which will clear out his drones (this is why making sure you’re stocked on healing items is a necessity).
Once you’re aware of this bit with the drones, the rest of the fight with Amon is basically just him being a nuisance and dragging it out. He will constantly rope you with his own Spider, which you need to mash to escape from and quickly dodge away from the bomb he throws. He’ll sometimes summon another swarm of drones that fly in a circle, and then all fly toward Kiryu. These ones can just be guarded against and they will all disappear immediately after hitting you once.
He has two full strings of health bars, and once he reaches the last couple he will power up and this is when his attacks will start healing himself (by a significant amount) so you want to finish him off quickly. Charging your heat then using Heat Actions in Yakuza style is the fastest way to finish him off, there are a number of easily triggered ones while you are in Ultimate Heat that can make quick work of him. Once defeated you’ll obtain this trophy, along with the War God Talisman as a final reward.
NOTE: The Akame Network requests are listed in the same order in both the Substories and Requests menu, but a handful received automatically (such as reaching Gold/Platinum arena tier) aren’t listed in the requests menu. Some also have a different name between the two menus. These instances are noted below where they occur.
A Simple Heavy-Lifting Job
In this request, you’re asked about helping run an orphanage, which leads to something deeper after investigating further. To start, head to Wild Jackson and speak with the man sitting at the table.
After a number of scenes, you’ll need to go question a homeless man. Head over to the underside of Bishamon Bridge to find and speak with him.
Next, head to Matsumura’s office, which is located just north of Kiss Shot Billiards. When you enter you’ll need to deal with a couple of enemies who attack you.
Lastly, head over to Ashitaba Park where you will confront Matsumura, having to fight him and a group of enemies. After this, you will complete this request.
Ghost of Sotenbori
In this request, you’re tasked with investigating reported sightings of what should be a man long dead. Head to the first location in the northeast corner of Sotenbori where you will automatically be attacked by some thugs, followed by a man who claims to be Ryuji Goda.
Next, you’ll hear about someone blackmailing people connected with this investigation, so head over to S Shofukucho and you’ll automatically have a scene where you’re stopped by a woman and taken to a hotel room. Here defeat the next man who claims to be Ryuji Goda.
Through this interaction, you learn the culprits behind the lookalikes. Head over to the final marked location near Ashitaba Park, where you’ll have a fight against a number of enemies in the office to complete the request.
End the Destruction
In this request, you’re tasked with investigating someone attacking the homeless. Head over to the marked location along Shofukucho, where you’ll be attacked by a mysterious man.
After defeating the mysterious man he’ll run off, and you’ll be prompted to head directly west to the next location to speak with a homeless man.
Next, you’ll have to join up with Kaito (you have the option to decline, but can’t actually continue the request until you agree to work together) then you’ll automatically go through a few scenes investigating together. Once these are complete you’ll fight a group of enemies, followed by a real fight against Kaito where he has much more health than last time. Once this is dealt with you’ll need to make your way to one final location, located on the corner by Bishamon Bridge. Interact with the building to head inside, where you’ll have one final fight against a group of enemies to complete the request.
Investigation Request
In this request, you’re tasked with Investigating the Namioka Family. The first objective is immediately outside of Akame’s Hideout near the shogi spot, and you’ll be stopped automatically when you go near. Note that the dialogue choices in this substory don’t matter, you can choose whatever you like. After this, you’ll need to head up to Sotenbori St in front of the arcade.
Next, head over to the center of Shofukucho St. where you’ll be automatically stopped once more. After the scenes finish you’ll complete this request.
Film Assistant Needed
For this request, a man is looking for help recording ghostly activity. To start, head to the upper floor of Smile Burger where he’s waiting. After a number of scenes, you’ll be attacked by a knife-wielding enemy in an apartment. Defeat them to complete this request.
Looking for Advice (Seeking Advice)
For this request, a man is looking for advice but tells Joryu he isn’t actually needed after you show up. To start, head into Smile Burger where he’s waiting on the lower floor as soon as you walk in.
After the first encounter, head over to Iwao Bridge to stop him from jumping into the river.
Next, head over to Sotenbori St where you’ll have to stop him being beaten up by a man he tries to start a fight with.
Finally, head over to the south side of the river along Sotenbori Footpath where he’s meeting up with the girl he was trying to impress, where he’ll try to fight Joryu. Defeat him to complete this request.
Recruit Homeless Yamanaka
A request to recruit someone to the Joryu clan, make your way over to Ashitaba Park where you can find a man sitting on a bench. Speak to him and he’ll want to fight you before he agrees to join. Defeat him to recruit him to the Clan and complete this request.
The Strongest Convenience Store Clerk
A request to recruit someone to the Joryu clan, head over to Poppo (Shofukucho) and speak with the extra clerk inside. Here you’ll have to do two fights, first against the Clerk’s boss, then against the Clerk to get him to agree to join the Joyru Clan. After you defeat him you will complete the request.
Save the Pro Wrestler (after completing The Strongest Convenience Store Clerk)
A request to recruit someone to the Joryu clan, this request first requires you to complete “The Strongest Convenience Store Clerk”. Once you accept, head over to the corner of the river and Iwao Bridge and walk underneath the bridge to meet with the wrestler.
He tasks you with handing out flyers for his wrestling match. There are 10 spots marked around Sotenbori where you need to speak with someone to give them a flyer. Once you’ve given out all 10 return to the bridge and speak with the wrestler again. He’ll complete his match, then ask for a fight before he’ll agree to join you. Once you defeat him he’ll join the Clan, completing this request.
The Cat-Lovin’ Rapper (The Tough Cat-Loving Rapper) (after completing Recruit Homeless Yamanaka)
A request to recruit someone to the Joryu clan, this request first requires you to complete “Recruit Homeless Yamanaka”. Once you accept, head over to the East Bunzaemon Outdoor Mall taxi spot and interact with the man crouching on the ground near the cats.
There will be a minor misunderstanding and you’ll have to fight him as you did with Homeless Yamanaka. After beating him and clearing up the misunderstanding he says he won’t join you due to the ruffians who are hurting the cats in Sotenbori. You’ll have 3 spots marked on the map now where you need to head and defeat a group of enemies harassing the cats. Once they are all dealt with head back to KATSUWO where you’ll have to fight one more group of enemies, after which he’ll agree to join the Clan, completing the request.
The Struggling Host (after completing Liberate the Hammer Man)
A request to recruit someone to the Joryu clan, this request first requires you to complete “Liberate the Hammer Man”. Once accepted, go meet with the host Renji opposite Ebisu Pawn Sotenbori. Before he agrees to join he wants your help determining why he’s struggling so much climbing the ranks as a host. You’ll need to travel to 6 different spots marked on the map to speak with clients and hosts about Renji.
After speaking with the 6 people, you’ll need to head over and speak with Itsuki near Kiss Shot Billiards. He doesn’t like the accusations you’re throwing at him and will challenge you to a fight. Defeat him, then head back and speak with Renji once more, he also wants to fight before he agrees to joining the Clan, completing the request.
Liberate the Hammer Man
A request to recruit someone to the Joryu clan, head over along the south side of the Sotenbori river where you can spot a construction worker standing in front of the large blocked-off wall. Speak with him and he’ll say that he’s working to pay off 1 million Yen he owes his boss. You need to offer this much to him to help buy him out so he’ll join you. When you have at least this amount on you (don’t worry you don’t actually lose it, just need that much to progress the request) head over and speak with him again.
He asks you to take it to the foreman for him, so head nearby and speak with the man in the hi-vis vest. This will trigger a fight with the Nunokawa after the foreman tricks him into fighting you, followed by a fight with the foreman and a group of other enemies. Once both these are completed Nunokawa will agree to join the Clan, completing this request.
Gotta Catch ’em Balls!
This request is effectively a prompt for you to find the 7 Gold Ball collectibles. You can find some before this request is available, but the final one isn’t available until Chapter 4 well after you can already accept this request.
Like a Dragon Gaiden All Gold Ball Locations
Once you have all 7 Gold Balls you’ll be prompted to return to Akame, then meet with Shen-san who will grant you a wish.
He has a few options for wishes, which you will get the following from if you pick:
- I want the normal, peaceful life I once had. > Nothing (You get to pick a different option)
- I want endless riches. > 1 million yen
- I want eternal life. > 100 x Nourishment of the Sea King consumables (heals health and charges heat, arguably the best choice as these are one of the consumables you can’t buy but can hold 100 of them).
- I want sexy panties. > Shen-san’s Panties (sellable for 1.5 million yen)
Vanquish the Red Peacocks
In this request, you’re tasked to deal with the Red Peacocks, a small gang causing trouble in Sotenbori. To start, make your way to the parking lot near Wild Jackson and interact with the people dressed in red. They’ll attack so, so defeat them to continue.
After defeating them, there will be another 3 locations marked around Sotenbori where you will need to defeat 3 more groups of Red Peacocks. After these 3 are dealt with you’ll receive a call from Akame, tell you to head to one more spot to deal with the leader. This is in the parking lot in the southwest corner of Sotenbori. After defeating this final group you’ll complete this request.
Final Showdown: Red Peacocks (available after Vanquish the Red Peacocks)
Available after the initial Red Peacocks request, the Red Peacocks are causing trouble again. Head out to the parking lot in front of Club Four Shine where the leader and a large group is waiting for you. Deal with them once more to complete this request and gain the leader as a Joryu Clan member.
Vanquish the White Knights (available after Final Showdown: Red Peacocks)
Available later on in the story after dealing with the Red Peacocks, there is a new gang causing trouble called the White Knights. Head over to the path along the south side of the river to find the first group.
This request functions the same as the Red Peacocks request. There are three more locations marked now where you need to head and defeat groups of White Knights. After they are dealt with you’ll have a final location marked where you confront the leader for the first time to complete this request.
Final Showdown: White Knights (available after Vanquish the White Knights)
Available after the initial White Knights request, these gangs have no originality and the White Knights are causing trouble again. Head to the marked location to confront the leader again, after which you’ll complete this request and gain the leader as a Joryu Clan member.
Vanquish the Black Swallowtails (available after Final Showdown: White Knights)
The final pair of the Sotenbori Gang requests, this one available after dealing with the White Knights and being near the end of the game. After accepting the request head over to Wild Jackson to encounter the first group of Black Swallowtails.
Same as before, after dealing with the first marks 3 more locations on your map. After dealing with these 3 you’ll have one final location marked. Note that this group is inside the Gambling Hall building on the second floor. Deal with them to complete this request.
Final Showdown: Black Swallowtails (available after Vanquish the Black Swallowtails)
The final gang-related request, make your way over to Iwao Bridge to have your final showdown with the Black Swallowtails. Defeat them once more to complete this request and gain the leader as a Joryu Clan member.
The Golden Samurai
After accepting this request it triggers a Gold Samurai enemy to appear in Sotenbori. He sticks out due to wearing all gold and is marked on the minimap with a purple triangle when he is near. You need to find him and defeat him to complete this request. He’s quite a bit stronger than most normal open-world enemies, so make sure to be fully healed up before facing him.
The Golden Scourge (available after The Golden Samurai)
After defeating the Golden Samurai the first time, there will be another request to fight him again. After accepting he’ll again appear somewhere in Sotenbori, so you need to spot him while you’re walking around and defeat him. He’s a bit stronger this time, having a couple of extra health bars and some new attacks. Defeat him again to complete this request.
Golden Gauntlet Throwdown (available after The Golden Scourge)
The final request related to the Golden Samurai, this time he requests you directly, and you need to meet him on the rooftop of the Gambling Hall (Yotsudera Kaikan) building. Once there you’ll fight him one final time where he is at his strongest, so be prepared before you approach him. Once he is defeated he will admit defeat and you complete this request.
Reach Gold Tier (Not listed in Akame Network request menu)
This “request” becomes available during Chapter 2, after you’ve reached Silver rank during the story. Gold rank is next up and requires raising the Akame Network level to 10, along with completing any 3 Silver rank matches. You are required to do this to progress the story in Chapter 3.
Reach Platinum Tier (Not listed in Akame Network request menu)
This “request” becomes available after you’ve reached Gold rank, which is required for story progression. Reaching Platinum rank isn’t required for the story, but you do need to do it to enter all areas of The Castle and complete all matches. Reaching Platinum rank requires raising the Akame Network level to 20, along with completing any 3 Gold rank matches.
Friends in Special Places (Not listed in Akame Network request menu)
This “request” becomes available after achieving Gold rank at the Castle. After you complete this the first time you will have a scene where Joryu and Akame have a drink together. This is the first of 4 scenes that you have with Akame at the bar, with the further three requiring you to raise the Akame Network to levels 13, 16, and 19 as shown in the Network Level list. The responses you give in these scenes don’t matter, you’ll progress through all the Bond events no matter what. Once you’ve completed the 4th bond Event you’ll complete this substory, along with earning the trophy Drinkin and Linkin’.
Investigate the Immersive Cabaret Club (Emergency Request!)
This request is story-related and prompts you to visit Club Heavenly in Chapter 2. This makes the hostess minigame available there. How well you do in this first instance doesn’t matter for the completion of the request or story progression. Just complete the first minigame then report back to Akame to complete the request.
That’s all of the 34 Substories/Requests in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name.
For more collectible types check out:
- Locker Key Locations
- Gold Ball Locations
- Master System Locations
- Pocket Circuit
- Trophy Guide & Roadmap
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