Life is Strange: Before the Storm contains 30 Graffiti Locations. There are 10 Optional Graffiti Collectibles per Episode (the game consists of 3 Episodes total). Each Graffiti unlocks a trophy! To earn the platinum trophy or 1000 Gamerscore you simply need to play through the story and collect all graffiti along the way.
None of them are missable! After beating an Episode you unlock Chapter Select (Collector Mode) in the main menu. It shows you exactly how many graffiti there are per chapter and which ones you have found. Your choices during dialogues etc. don’t matter.
Once you get close to a graffiti a white circle will show you. Then you can press Square (PS4) / X (Xbox One) to draw the graffiti with your marker. There are always two choice of things you can draw, it doesn’t matter which one you pick.
Episode 1: Awake
Graffiti #1 (Chapter: Old Mill – Exterior)
The first graffiti is located at the start of the game, in the area where you have to find a path around the bouncer. You can spray it on the back of the RV, on the left side of the area.
Graffiti #2 (Chapter: Old Mill – Interior)
Inside the bar (after getting past the bouncer), check the saw blade on the wall in the back of the room by the counter.
Graffiti #3 (Chapter: Price Home – Upstairs)
In your bedroom after you wake up. Tear down the poster to the left of the door, then you can paint a graffiti on the wall.
Graffiti #4 (Chapter: Prime Home – Downstairs)
When going outside to David and his car, you are supposed to bring him a wrench. Go inside the garage and open the toolbox. After picking up the item, you can tag his toolbox.
Graffiti #5 (Chapter: School Campus)
On the left side of the school yard, check the wall by the swimming class entrance.
Graffiti #6 (Chapter: School Drama Lab)
After you enter the school, in the drama class. BEFORE getting the belt, check the “The Tempest” poster in the backroom. You can draw a graffiti on that poster. Do not deliver the belt yet, as it will bring you to a new area.
Graffiti #7 (Chapter: Train)
On the train. As soon as you’re on the train, move the box behind you out of the way. Then you can walk to the back of the train cart. The graffiti can be drawn on the left wall.
Graffiti #8 (Chapter: Overlook)
In the park (after exiting the train). Turn around as soon as the cutscene ends. There’s a big statue behind you. Look at the statue to draw a graffiti on it.
Graffiti #9 (Chapter: Junkyard)
When you have to go around and smash things with the baseball bat, go destroy the tall sign first. Then smash the red paint into the sign. You can now use the paint to draw a graffiti on the sign.
Graffiti #10 (Chapter: Dream)
During the car ride after exiting the park, you can press Triangle and then X on the “The Tempest” poster on the seat in front of you. This reveals a graffiti opportunity. Now interact with the wine bottle on the left. The marker is sticking out of the bottle. You need to pick up the marker from the bottle to draw the graffiti on the back of the seat.
Episode 2: Brave New World
Graffiti #11 (Chapter: Parking Lot)
After leaving the school you’ll reach the parking lot and get to walk around for the first time in this episode. From where you start, head to the white truck on the far right. On it is some equipment that you can mark with a graffiti.
Graffiti #12 (Chapter: Junkyard)
As soon as you reach the junk yard, turn around and climb up the boat (you must use a pallet to the left of the boat to climb up). Up on the boat you can make a graffiti.
Graffiti #13 (Chapter: Junkyard)
After repairing the broken car in the junk yard you will get to sit in it. Immediately look behind yourself and graffiti the backseat. DO NOT SMOKE THE CIGARETTE YET!
Graffiti #14 (Chapter: Junkyard – Later)
After a lengthy talk with a certain someone in the junk yard car, you will go into a ruined building (you will get to change your clothes here). Check the wall for a graffiti opportunity.
Graffiti #15 (Chapter: Frank’s RV)
Once you’re in Frank’s RV, turn around and look for a paper to scribble a graffiti on (before opening the door in the back of the RV).
Graffiti #16 (Chapter: Dormitories)
As soon as you reach the school campus, there is a yellow sign “Wet Concrete” and some yellow caution tape on the left side. Walk through the wet concrete and then put a graffiti on it.
Graffiti #17 (Chapter: Dormitories)
Same area as before (school campus). After the last graffiti, try to enter the door to the dormitory rooms. It is locked so you must find the keys. Look for the keys in the gradener’s room, then look at the sprinkler where the boy is taking photos. Scare off the bird to make the boy chase after it. Now you can break the sprinkler to distract the gardener, grab his keys and mark the white door in the gardener’s shed (where the gardener was previously standing). Be sure to graffiti the door before going to the dormitory rooms.
Graffiti #18 (Chapter: Boys’ Dormitories)
This is after entering the dormitory rooms. You can enter the second room on the right. Open the cupboard and read the journal. Exit the room and to the right of the door is a small whiteboard you can make a graffiti on. You can only do this graffiti after reading through the journal inside the room.
Graffiti #19 (Chapter: Campus – Backstage)
This is after you arrive at the theater play and change into your costume. When you’re walking around the backstage area (in your bird costume), you can draw a graffiti on the right mirror. Do this BEFORE reading the script and leaving for the main stage.
Graffiti #20 (Chapter: Amber House)
Once inside the Amber family’s house, talk to Rose (the mom) and choose to help her set the table. Get the dinner plates from the cupboard and set them on the table –> talk to Rose –> talk to James (the dad) what he wants to drink –> talk to Rose –> get glass from cupboard and put it on the table –> talk to Rose.
Rose will now turn her back on you to work on the other side of the kitchen. This is your chance to draw a graffiti on the fridge! Only after doing the before mentioned tasks you can do this.
Episode 3: Hell Is Empty
Graffiti #21 (Chapter: Rachel’s Room)
Upstairs in the Amber House, inside Rachel’s Room, you can draw a graffiti on the world map next to Rachel’s bed.
Graffiti #22 (Chapter: Rachel’s Room)
Still in Rachel’s room, do this graffiti on the book to the right of Rachel’s Laptop.
Graffiti #23 (Chapter: Price House – Upstairs)
In Chloe’s room, interact with the picture on the left side. Then you can draw a graffiti on it.
Graffiti #24 (Chapter: Price House – Upstairs)
Leave Chloe’s room and head into her mom’s bedroom (still upstairs, before taking a shower). Behind the door in Mom’s bedroom is a calendar with a graffiti opportunity.
Graffiti #25 (Chapter: Junkyard)
While fixing up the car’s engine, blow the gunk out of the fuel filter. Then the gunk will stick to the hood and you can draw a graffiti on it.
Graffiti #26 (Chapter: Hospital)
At the start of the hospital, take the corridor on the right. You’ll see a cutscene with the people you stole wine from in episode 1. After the cutscene, at the end of the corridor is a board with a graffiti collectible.
Graffiti #27 (Chapter: Hospital)
Head back to where you started in the Hospital (reception desk). There’s a big vending machine. Slam it 3 times and you will be able to draw the graffiti on it. You must also have triggered the aforementioned cutscene from Graffiti #26.
Graffiti #28 (Chapter: Hospital)
Go visit Drew (or Mike if you chose him in Episode 2), his room is the second on the left. Talk to the guy outside his room to enter. Then talk to Drew and take his pudding. He doesn’t want to give up the pudding so you must engage in a backtalk with him. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. The winner will get to eat the pudding. Afterwards, you can sign Drew’s cast on his leg and put a graffiti on it. Your previous choices from episode 2 affect who of the two (Drew/Mike) will end up in the hospital but the graffiti is obtainable either way. If it’s Drew you have to do the pudding backtalk, if it’s Mike you can skip the backtalk.
Graffiti #29 (Chapter: Amber House – Office)
Open the left drawer of the office desk and you’ll find a graffiti opportunity inside the drawer.
Graffiti #30 (Chapter: Old Mill)
At the start of the old mill, pull the knife from the wooden beam. Then turn around and look for a sheet metal behind you. Move the metal out of the way and destroy the final graffiti on the wall behind it.
That’s all the graffiti locations in LiS Before the Storm. Congrats to your platinum trophy for finding all of them! 🙂
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Angel says
This was super helpful thanks.
Lamar says
Thank you so much, very helpful
Kthulu says
Thank youuuu!
Mr Trophy Hunter ;) says
Great help ?
Kyle says
It’s worth noting that graffito #25 ought to be the first part (the farthest on the right) you fix in the engine. It was my last part fixed, and I didn’t get a chance to complete the graffito.