Lies of P contains three different Endings: Rise of P, Free from the Puppet String, and Real Boy. Reaching all three Endings unlocks the following trophies and achievements:
Rise of P
Free from the puppet string
Real boy: They all lived happily ever after
Throughout the game, you will be presented with many opportunities during which you must choose between telling a lie or the truth. The choices you make affect your Humanity, which is a hidden stat that determines whether you can make the refuse choice at the end of the game, as well as if you can get the Best ending if you are at the highest level of Humanity when making a certain choice. Humanity is generally gained from telling lies during story dialogue choices, but you also gain it from completing the character-related sidequests (regardless of outcome) as well as fully listening to all Records. Some choices, especially those to other puppets, can award Humanity if you tell the truth. Accidentally making incorrect choices in a couple of story dialogues is fine, as you can still gain enough Humanity from the other sources before the point you make the ending choice that matters based on your Humanity. All three endings can be earned in one playthrough if you make backup saves at the locations outlined below.
You can get an idea of your level of Humanity by the text that appears after making most dialogue choices or listening to records. Starting out the text is “Your springs are reacting”, which is the lowest level. You do need to gain some Humanity for the Free from the Puppet String ending if you are doing this in a second playthrough, as if you aren’t at least the second Humanity level you won’t be able to refuse Geppetto at the end of the game. If you want to do a second full playthrough for Free from the Puppet String instead of backing up a save farther back you can make the same choices during your second playthrough (aside from Eugénie for the other record) as you will lock yourself into this ending with the “Let her live” choice with Sophia.
To achieve the Rise of P ending you need to be at the highest Humanity level before reaching Sophia after Laxasia the Complete, as your choice there dictates the ability to reach that ending. You’ll know you are at the highest Humanity level if you receive the text “Your heart is pounding” after receiving Humanity.
How to unlock all three Endings in one playthrough:
- After defeating boss “Laxasia The Complete“, do not go forward into Sophia’s room. Make sure that you have completed all possible character stories (Antonia, Euginie, Venigni), as well as listened to all possible records to gain maximum Humanity. You will know you are at the required Humanity level if you’ve received the “Your heart is pounding” prompt when gaining Humanity. If you want to earn all 3 endings in one playthrough, make a backup save now. If you don’t want to do that, skip to step 4.
- Head into Sophia’s room and choose “Let her live”, then continue through to the final boss.
- After defeating boss “Simon Manus Awakened God“, ride the elevator down, choose “Refuse” and fight the Nameless Puppet to unlock
The First Puppet. This unlocks the
Free From the Puppet String ending because of the choice to let Sophia live.
- Reload your backup save if you made one, then head into Sophia’s room and choose “Give her peace”. If you were at the required Humanity level your hair will turn white after making this choice, which means you can earn the best ending.
- After defeating boss “Simon Manus Awakened God“, ride the elevator down and rest at the Under the Abyss Stargaser instead of walking into the room. Make a new backup save.
- Choose “Give the Heart” when Geppetto asks for it to unlock the ‘Real Boy’ Ending.
- After the end credits, do NOT start NG+. When back at Hotel Krat, head into Geppetto’s Study, pick up the letter from the desk and read it. This will unlock
The Story of One Father. Unlock
Pianist of Krat as well by interacting with the piano on the ground floor.
- Reload your save, but this time choose “Refuse” and fight the Nameless Puppet to unlock
The First Puppet. This will unlock the ‘Rise of P’ Ending because of your high Humanity level and your choice to give Sophia peace.
- After the end credits, do NOT start NG+. Back at Hotel Krat, buy the last Special Weapon from Explorer Hugo that you can exchange with the Nameless Puppet’s Ergo.
- Head into Geppetto’s Study, pick up and read The Blue Butterfly’s Letter. This will unlock
The Story of the Blue Butterfly.
- Check the nose on the Portrait in Geppetto’s Study. If you had already listened to all records you can interact with it to obtain the Golden Lie Special Weapon. If you haven’t fully listened to all records and aren’t able to collect it, make sure to listen to all records now. This will unlock
Special Weapon Collector.
NOTE: The recommended choice for gaining Humanity is listed first in each section, even if that may be listed as a Truth.
Inside the House on Elysion Boulevard
- From the Stargazer, continue along the rooftops until you can go through a house. Outside the house, you can see the silhouette of a woman at a lit window on your right, before climbing down the ladder. Talk to her and accept her quest. She wants you to find her baby. Continue through the story as normal and you will eventually reach an area with two swordsmen near a fountain past the Krat City Hall stargazer. Go up the stairs and you should notice an elite puppet guarding the item. Defeat the puppet, then grab the item. Now return to the weeping woman and give her her “baby”:
- Lie: “That’s a cute baby”
- Truth: “That’s just a puppet”
St. Frangelico Cathedral Library
- Shortly after the Stargazer, ride the next elevator you see to the top to find Alidoro:
- Lie: “Venigni Works”. If you send him to Venigni Works, he can be found at Workshop Union Entrance stargazer, up the stairs, inside the room on the left after defeating Fallen Archbishop Andreus. If you’ve lied to him the first time, you can lie to him again at Venigni Works by sending him to Elysion Boulevard, after which he will end up at Hotel Krat.
- Truth: “Hotel Krat”
Rosa Isabelle Street Culvert
- Next to the Stargazer, talk to Julian the Gentleman and accept his quest to retrieve her late wife’s belongings. Continue through the sewers and you’ll eventually resurface into an area full of chimney sweeper puppet ladies. Continue up the stairs, watching out for the hunter and the kamikaze puppet, then cross the bridge and down the stairs to find the corpse of a woman leaning on the wall. Collect her belongings and then return to Julian the Gentleman:
- Lie: “I saw the message she left, saying she loves you”
- Truth: “I’ve never seen that happen before”
Hotel Krat (Chapter 6)
- After defeating the King of Puppets, talk to Antonia:
- Lie: “Of course”
- Truth: “There’s nothing left”
- After talking to Antonia, talk to Polendina near the fountain outside. If you completed the side objective for Julian the Gentleman, choose “I have” to show Polendina the wedding ring which is the better outcome:
- Truth: “I have”
- Lie: “There’s no such a Puppet”
Grand Exhibition Conference Room
- After defeating Champion Victor and whilst talking to Simon Manus thereafter (NOTE: this choice doesn’t seem to give Humanity for either option):
- Lie: “Hope for a cure”
- Truth: “Monsters”
Hotel Krat (Chapter 9)
- After defeating Corrupted Parade Master and obtaining information from Antonia about the secret passageway behind her portrait, talk to Belle again to continue her Side Quest. She wants you to look for her friend. Fast-travel to Krat Central Station Platform. Go right and then down the stairs, turn around and enter the train car. Talk to the Carcass NPC to receive a Letter. Now return to Hotel Krat and talk to Belle:
- Lie: “He was killed in battle”
- Truth: “He’s become a monster”
Hotel Krat (Chapter 10)
- After defeating the Black Rabbit Brotherhood at Relic of Trsimegistus Combat Field, return to Hotel Krat and talk to Venigni:
- Lie: “I couldn’t hear”
- Truth: “Geppetto caused the Puppet Frenzy”
- After having Venigni decipher Alidoro’s Cryptic Vessel immediately after the above and reading it, talk to Eugénie (NOTE: These choices are mutually exclusive to gain two Records, and you need to redo this step in NG+ choosing the other option for the other record):
- Truth: “He was Eugénie’s older brother”
- Lie: “I think he just was a talented Stalker”
Arche Abbey Outer Wall
- After opening the last Trinity Sanctum shortly after the Stargazer and at the bottom of the vertical room with the two beams, talk to Arlecchino:
- Lie: “Human”
- Truth: “Puppet”
Ascension Bridge
- After defeating Laxasia The Complete, talk to Sophia in her room:
- “Give her peace” – This choice is REQUIRED to reach the Rise of P ending, if you were at the max Humanity level before interacting with Sophia. If you were at the required Humanity level your hair will turn white, which means you can receive that ending at the end of the game. If your hair doesn’t turn white after this choice you weren’t at the required Humanity level, and will only be able to receive the Free from the Puppet String ending.
- “Let her live” – This choice locks you into only being able to reach the Free from the Puppet String ending after refusing Geppetto, regardless of how high your Humanity level.
Arche Abbey Upper Part – Internal Bridge
- After finding Geppetto in the prison cell:
- Lie: “Yes”
- Truth: “No”
Arche Abbey Cradle of the God
- After defeating Simon Manus Awakened God, you must tell him what you did with Sophia. You can always choose the “I liberated her” dialogue option in this case, and he will respond to you the same regardless of what you actually did.
- “I liberated her from Arche Abbey“
- “I gave her peace”
Gabriele says
You stress constantly about always lying or telling the truth, but what happens if you don’t ALWAYS lie or tell the truth? What if you lie 60% of the times?
FranciRoosters says
In my Truth run I accidentally lied 2-3 times and still got Free from the Puppet String ending.
Gabriele says
Gotcha, thanks.
Dallas says
Hello, I was worried about this as well because I accidentally told the truth in a few situations. I still got the Golden Lie special weapon & was able to get rise of P ending.
FranciRoosters says
Thanks for reporting this.
Dani says
First thanks for the great work, appreciate.
In my first and current playthrough I played casually and have mixed lies/trues
As far as I understand
Rise of P – good
Free from the puppet string – bad
Real boy: They all lived happily ever after – basic
(Correct me if it’s wrong please)
So on my current playthrough I will get the third right ?
FranciRoosters says
I didn’t play the game casually on either runs, so it’s hard for me to say which ending you’re getting. As a reference, Real boy is the worse ending, Free from the puppet string is the bad ending, Rise of P is the good ending, but this is up to interpretation.
GailGabriel says
Do I need to save at cloud and reload it to get two endings?
FranciRoosters says
Yes, check the roadmap. ?
AndrewGKim says
Regarding Special Weapon Collector, can I achieve this in NG+? Since my first run is for all truth, I might not get the `Special Weapon Collector` trophy in the 1st run.
FranciRoosters says
Dani says
So if I choose to not backing up and reload saves
I need a minimum 3 ng to receive the platinum am I right?
Thanks for the respond btw.
FranciRoosters says
If you don’t back up your save on NG, you can back it up on NG+ and still get two endings. If, however, you don’t back up your save on NG+, you will then need a third playthrough.
naoneko says
woah i got the puppet string ending after killing nameless puppet, the only thing i made a mistake for lying when you were to be asked about what to do with sophia in her chair. i did not get the special lying weapon because of this.
naoneko says
waaaa i still got the golden lie weapon even thou i did not give sophia peace.
i chose release her
the manus -> same released her
played all the record, (i did not get the sophia record) ( i have no antonia record)
then boom golden lie is there
FranciRoosters says
Thanks for confirming another way to secure the weapon.
Vince says
Hi, you mentioned that in order to obtain the Golden Lie special weapon, one have to play all available record, my question is, is it ALL the record i need to obtain or just only the record i had collected so far?
FranciRoosters says
All the Records you have so far.
Gail says
My partner finished this yday and was able to get the weapon without lying every time, for ex they didn’t have the gesture to lie about being a stalker and didn’t lie to the weapon merchant.
So it’s not 100% lies or truths (but you should still focus to be sure)
FranciRoosters says
Thanks for reporting this.
Vince says
Garna says
Where’s the logic here?
If you gave her peace, say “I gave her peace“
If you let her live, say “I liberated from Arche Abbey“
Surely you would want to say the opposite of what you did in a Lie playthrough and what you actually did in a Truth playthrough?
FranciRoosters says
Yes, I’ve laid out both options so you know what you need to choose depending on the playthrough you’re on.
Edhelvar says
So basically on both playthroughs you want to answer “I liberated her from Arche Abbey” right?
FranciRoosters says
You’re correct.
snapback_ says
You mentioned that you can get 2 endings in one playthrough with cloud save. My question is…if I don’t have playstation plus (and I assume that means no cloud save), can I still get 2 endings from one playthrough with the auto-save system of the game or will I need to 3 playthroughs? Thank you in advance.
FranciRoosters says
This won’t work because the game creates a save right after choosing what to tell Geppetto and before fighting the Nameless Puppet. Unfortunately, ending trophies don’t unlock immediately after the fight against the Nameless Puppet or giving Geppetto the heart. So, you need 3 playthroughs.
Leo says
The Story of One Father hasn’t popped after I picked up the note the only thing I know I missed was the belle side quest, would that have messed that trophy up if so does it require a whole new play through where I lie?
Leo says
Nvm I forgot puppets can read
FranciRoosters says
The Story of One Father can be unlocked after reaching the Real Boy ending. You should still be able to unlock this during your Truth run provided you make a back-up save at Under the Abyss stargazer. I can’t think of why the trophy didn’t unlock for you. Probably a bug.
Jay says
To unlock the endgame trophies that require you to read a note, you have to pickup the note and read it all the way to the last page. Otherwise it won’t trigger.
Asdf1234 says
The guide here and collectible guide is different after beating Simon Manus.
Which one is the correct one to follow?
FranciRoosters says
They’re both correct now.
Jerry says
I choose to lie at most of my play and I got the golden lie weapon,but why I still get the Free from the Puppet ending….I can’t get rise of p ending.
Ep says
I said yes when the king of riddles asked if geppetos puppet was a killer you know if this will prevent me from getting the golden lie?
FranciRoosters says
You’re allowed to make 1-2 mistakes.
Rayden says
When speaking to Simon for the first time, are you sure that the lie option is “monsters”? Because i looked at another source saying that its the other
FranciRoosters says
Simon’s goal throughout the story is creating superior beings and purging the world from lies. A cure for a world plagued by lies. As such, it makes sense that “monsters” is the lie. This is my understanding of Simon’s ulterior motives, which to me is confirmed by one of his lines during the boss fight against him at the end of the game.
PositiveProton says
I’m curious about this as well. All lie options have a reaction that comes up, and I was informed that “Hope for a cure” had the reaction, so wouldn’t it be a lie instead of the truth?
Dijito says
Hey thanks for the info first and foremost. I did everything except Eugenia’s part cuz I didn’t know I had to attack the weapon guy. It’s the I my lie I didn’t complete and I didn’t get the lie ending. Got the strings ending. Not sure why but maybe there is something else at play.
FranciRoosters says
Hard to say why you got Free from the Puppet String ending without knowing exactly what you did every step of the way.
BigBoring says
You say the truth playthrough should answer “I have” to Polendina in chapter VI after defeating King of Puppets. When I did this it said my gears are turning which is usually what it does when you lie. I hope this didn’t just screw me out of the truth ending man.
FranciRoosters says
If you’re on your Truth playthrough and you told Polendina “I have”, you’re fine because you indeed have met someone that fits Polendina’s description: Julian the Gentleman.
sanson says
I tell always the truth, i dont give Sophia peace, i tell simon i liberated to sophia and in the final with geppeto the option “refuse” dont appear. any advice?
I say all the times the truth and in the final with geppeto the option of refuse give the heart i dont appear and only apper the give option. What i do for the puppet final?
I am in NG+2 and the last trophy for get y the final of puppet. Help please
FranciRoosters says
That must be an isolated bug. Never heard of the dialog option not appearing.
MagsPrime says
I have followed the guide for the Truth playthrough and at the last question Simon ask, I answered “I liberated her” which I did and Simon told me I was lying.
Please tell me I can still have free from puppet string ending ?
FranciRoosters says
You’ll be fine.
MagsPrime says
Got it !
Many thanks
4Twenty420 says
I just finished my 3rd playthrough. Last 1 being a 100% truth playthrough (answering phones incorrectly and everything) and can confirm that the option to refuse Gepetto at the end will not appear. Therefore: REAL BOY aka the “bad/normal” ending will be the only attainable ending. YOU NEED ENOUGH HUMANITY FOR THE OPTION TO REFUSE HIM TO APPEAR. What that threshold is I’m not sure, haven’t gotten too far in my 4th playthrough yet
The previous 2 playthroughs, I had lied and gained as much humanity as possible. Then the ending I got was decided by my CH. 11 decision.
FREE FROM THE PUPPET STRING – choose to let Sophia live, then have enough humanity to refuse Gepetto.
RISE OF P – choose to give her peace instead, and have enough humanity to refuse Gepetto in the end.
Having full humanity only mattered in me obtaining the Golden Lies special weapon.
So in conclusion, to get all 3 endings, you can lie/gain humanity as much as you want on your playthrough, because to obtain the bad ending REAL BOY, you can always accept to give Gepetto your heart, regardless of your Sophia choice.
Don’t care enough to sign up and post to one of the guide sites I scour usually, but seeing how many people are getting discouraged or dropping one of my new favorite games of all times due to all this confusion is a flippin’ tragedy. So I hope this info can help people who’s looking for that certain ending until the guides can peice it all together.
Lifthrasil says
I am doing my Truth playthrough and somehow have to fight the NAmeless Puppet after refusing. I thought that was not supposed to happen. I checked my painting, and I have a short nose
FranciRoosters says
Nameless Puppet after Refusing is supposed to happen.
rezrez says
let records play till end and your heart pounding message appear i can’t get golden lie weapon and want to play another playthrough. i like some tracks and listen to them, before start ng++ check portrait and can pick up weapon
MohamedTaher says
Hi There
so I am about the unlock the first two ending during my Lie Playthrough, I gave sophia peace, so what should I tel l Simon,
Either ‚I gave her peace‘ or ‘’ I liberated her from Arche Abby’??
another question If you may, how I reload my PS CLOUD save after getting the first ending?
Tofas says
I finished my 1st play and inmediatly started NG+ I only got Real boy achievement. I started 2nd run, I am in chapter 4 and telling the truth. Is there’s a way I can skip a 3rd run or I already screw it up ?
NJ says
Unfortunatly not, you had the ‘basic’ ending so you need 1 more truth and lie playthrough.. You can do combine real boy ending with truth/lie playthrough but you can’t combine these too.. Hope this info helps you, good luck 🙂
Jason says
On my lie play though and ive accidentally told Simon the truth.
read that you are allowed 1 or 2 mistakes, my question is have i screwed up my lie play though with this 1 mistake?
G says
Great guide, I appreciate the time and effort put into this. Looking at the comments on some sections, it looks like I’ve followed the polished version. Credit to you for how you’ve responded to (at times arsey) comments and made the changes.
ed anderson says
im confused how do you do the cloud save trick?? can anyone explain this to me.