Kingdom Hearts 3 has 9 Constellation Locations to photograph for the Stargazer trophy or achievement. The Constellations are all in space, the hub between worlds where you can fly around on your gummi ship. None of these are missable, you can still get them after the story.
As you progress through the game you will reach new galaxies. In total, there are 3 galaxies. Each galaxy contains 3 Constellations so in total there are 9 locations.
The star constellations look like bright blue / green dots that are close together. They are within the playable area, never in the distance. To take a picture of them, press the Touchpad ( PS4) or View-Button (
Xbox One). Make sure you’re looking from the right angle and right distance (not too close and not too far). If it’s the correct angle you will see the star constellation getting a yellow box around it. Then simply click
to take a photo. If you’re not looking from the right angle you won’t see a box around the constellation or it will be a red box.
To keep track of which ones you found, go to the Pause Menu (while flying in space) — Information — Gummi Missions — Scroll to the bottom. Each constellation counts as its own mission.
Because these are in space there are not a lot reference points to describe them. Just refer to the location images below and you’ll easily see the constellations when you approach. If a galaxy is not available to you yet then continue with the story and you’ll get there.
Constellation #1: Moogle
Galaxy: Starlight Way
When facing the Toy Box World, fly to the right of it.
Constellation #2: Bomb
Galaxy: Starlight Way
When facing the Olympus world, fly to the right of it.
Constellation #3: Cactuar
Galaxy: Starlight Way
When facing the Kingdom of Corona world, fly to the right of it.
Constellation #4: Imp
Galaxy: Misty Stream
Spawn at Waypoint MST-01 and from where you spawn fly to the right.
Constellation #5: Tonberry
Galaxy: Misty Stream
Spawn at Waypoint MST-01 and turn around by 180° then fly in that direction.
Constellation #6: Endymion
Galaxy: Misty Stream
When facing the Caribbean world, fly to the right of it.
Constellation #7: Ultros
Galaxy: Eclipse
When facing the Keyblade Graveyard world, fly straight up. It’s above that world’s entrance. This and all other constellations in this galaxy are outside the space station where you initially spawned. If you don’t know how to get outside, follow the green gates until you come to a big space ship boss (Sora will make a comment that this is a dead end, but it’s not). After defeating that space ship boss you will come outside where the final world in the game is. Above the entrance of that world is the star constellation.
Constellation #8: Bismarck
Galaxy: Eclipse
On the map it’s left of the Waypoint ECL-03.
Constellation #9: Omega
Galaxy: Eclipse
On the map it’s right of the Waypoint ECL-03.
That’s all of the constellations in Kingdom Hearts III. After finding them you will earn the Stargazer trophy or achievement.
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Beanseh says
any word on a purple crystal guide ?
ue says
When you do a gummi map know stuff respawns. I like to take the 3 constellation pics, puzzles,and unlock the warp gates on trip 1 along with the crystals. Directions can be confusing, so do the left side,center,right, making the northern most point a waypoint flag then sweep up. Make a ship that is high in mobility (up/down), and speed (forward) with only a minimum focus to cannons to pop the crystals. Call it “scout”
That way you can come back with your battling ship and do the enemies in a similar fashion and not worry about crystals that respawned messing you up/passing enough time for previous enemies to respawn while you hunt them. That’ll also help you from getting stuck with 1 group of enemies running into everything else. + you’ll get exp from treasure and exploration which will make any fighting easier (so respec the battle ship after the full crystal/scout run). Mobility/speed helps alot. First and third map have some otherwise annoying indoor ones in volcano/base.
The second gummi boss in a whirlwind is insanely hard to A rank due to cheesy umbrella laser. I left him until I had defeated omega/area and got the score multiplier bonus/gold highwind. + he requires like 220-230 speed in addition which eats up offense if using a custom built.
Make a mental note where defeat as many in x seconds as you can appear. They are good for the 9999 gummis defeated as you can off 200-300 in a minute vs the others that slow wave in.