The Prey is the 7th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD). This walkthrough will guide you through all the steps of the Prey quest.
Triggers automatically after completing Keeping the Peace.
Meet Lord Capon at dawn in the courtyard of the Upper Castle
Simply go to the upper castle courtyard of Rattay at dawn. You can sleep or press Touchpad (PS4) to skip time. Around 8:00AM is a good time to come.
Follow Hans Capon
Lord Capon will ride his horse while you have to walk beside him. He will talk to you a little bit along the way and apologize for what he said to you the evening before. It doesn’t matter what dialogue choices you make with him.
Eventually the screen will fade to black and you’ll see a fast travel sequence going to the woods. Once there, follow the Lord to the camp.
Bring Capon Wine and Bacon
An easy and short step — head back to his horse and interact with the sattle bag to pick up the wine and bacon. Talk to Capon and place the items from your inventory in his and confirm.
Now sleep till morning (7 AM). If you wake up Lord Capon before 7AM he will make an angry comment that it’s still dark outside. After 7AM talk to him and he’ll challenge you to a competition: whoever catches the most rabbits wins.
Compete with Sir Hans at Hunting Hares
First you’ll want to grab the sword and bow from the box at camp. There’s only one big box here so it’s easy to locate.
There are two ways to go about hunting: you can use your bow (but hares are awfully small targets) or run after the hares, wait for them to get stuck and stab them with the sword.
The animal AI isn’t the best here. They will often run towards trees or rocks etc. and get stuck for a few seconds. Just run after them. You can’t catch up to them but eventually a rabbit will get stuck. Then just do a quick stab with the sword to kill it and loot it afterwards.
When you think you have enough hares you can skip time till evening. Press touchpad (PS4) and advance time till 17:00 (5PM). Personally, I won the competition with 3 hares. Head back to camp and talk to Lord Capon. For the quest it doesn’t matter if you win or lose the hunt. Your reward is only 35 Groschen for a win.
Wait till tomorrow / Follow Hans Capon
Sleep another night at camp until 7AM the next day. Then follow Lord Capon into the woods. You’ll see a cutscene of him trying to kill a boar with a bow and arrow which fails. He will now chase after the wounded animal and you’ll lose sight of him.
Find Hans Capon
The game only gives you a search area for Hans Capon in the woods but not exact location.
See the screenshot below for where to find Hans Capon Location in The Prey Quest:

Rescue Hans Capon
After finding the Lord Capon location in the woods you will see him tied to a tree. Two Cumans (enemies) are guarding him. Either sneak up to them from behind to knock them out or engage them in combat. If you’re doing a “no kills” run, you can use a blunt weapon (Bludgeon etc.) to knock them out.
After the two Cumans are gone untie Lord Capon and return back to Rattay with him. This finishes the quest. As a reward you will unlock your own horse!
Next Up: The Hunt Begins
For more Walkthroughs, check out the complete Kingdom Come Deliverance Walkthrough (All Main Quests).
Sarker says
The last part (Hans chasing the boar) is not always the same.
In my game the main character did not lose him during the cutscene (it’s probably tied to riding skill) and saw him ride into cumans’ camp and cumans springing to their feet and shooting his horse, which resulted in Hans falling to the ground and getting injured.
Octavio says
Did you had a horse diring the quest?
Laura says
Yes, at least most likely. I had one and mine was the same cut scene, so it’s about the horse not the skill. Funny enough they still walked home by foot… xD
Octavio says
How did you had a horse tho? stole one or?
Nightingale says
Somehow I failed the quest after he got off his horse talking about the boar. Anyone know how to restart the quest or something?
Laura says
Reload. It saves automatically some short time before.
scharn73 says
Yes, if you already own a horse the Cuman scene will play out differently. You will not be left behind. If you are trying to not kill anyone, it is extremely glitchy. The main NPC is lying on the ground and looks dead, has no name or state message, but you can pick them up and move them. You are expected to defeat the 2 Cumans before the unresponsive body will finally “wake up” and talk to you. If you kill them, there is no problem. But I had to knock them unconscious repeatedly. They would wake up, lie down on their cot to sleep but then get right back up.
The main reason I posted this: you have to keeping knocking them unconscious until BOTH of the Cumans eventually run off into the distance screaming. If they stand up and do not run off, knock them down until they do. The NPC finally displayed a Talk option for me after the second one finally ran away. This allowed me to complete the quest. I thought I had a broken core game save in owning that horse.
CassandraGemini says
In the hunting duel against Hans the reward you get seems to be tied to the amount of hares you actually kill. I just went around the woods practising my shooting and surprisingly got a lot better at it pretty quickly, so that I was actually having fun just sneaking around shooting hares, and I think in the end I managed to kill 7 or 8 or something, levelling up my bow and hunting skills in the process. Got 100 Groschen from Hans as a reward.
Einar Firebeard says
I found the same thing myself – I nailed 7 hares and got 100 Groschen as well.
DestroyerofRabbits says
I lost count, but Sir Hans gave me 800 groshen for my hunt. So, probably quite a few.
Al Prater says
I already had a horse. Sir Hans had wine but no bacon. broken quest. tried a few more times still no bacon.
Henry says
I got more arrows witnessing a bandit attack down by the river. I looted the dead body and found lots of arrows. Had to wait until the killers ran off before exposing myself.
Ian says
I just crept up and untied him and we both crept away with no fighting at all