Siege is the 24th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD). This walkthrough will guide you through all optional objectives of the Siege Main Quest for the Talmberger trophy / achievement.
Siege triggers instantly after completing Night Raid Main Quest.
Completing all optional objectives in the Siege Main Quest unlocks the Talmberger trophy / achievement. You must do a lot of tedious tasks for it but aside from the trophy you also earn a lot of Groschen from doing the optional tasks (They give 90 – 235 Groschen each).
Halfway through the “Siege” quest another main quest “Cold Steel, Hot Blood” will trigger. The “Siege” quest will be put on hold and you must complete “Cold Steel, Hot Blood” to continue.
Talk to Captain Robard
Robard is walking around the camp where the quest starts. Talk to him.
Pick these dialogues to get all optional objectives available from him:
- He seemed a bit uncertain.
- (Exhaust all other dialogue options)
- Is there anything else I can help with? –> unlocks objective “(Optional) Ask the nearby charcoal-burners if they have any pitch“.
Talk to Master Feyfar
Feyfar is walking around the same camp as Robard, marked on the map. Talk to him. Agree to help him find Konrad Kyeser, a war machine engineer who came to Sasau.
This triggers side quest “Rocketeer“. It’s recommended that you do this quest now in order to get the trebuchet built for the siege.
» Rocketeer Side Quest Walkthrough
Talk to the Quartermaster
The quartermaster is marked on the map, go talk to him.
[Quartermaster] There’s not much meat in the camps – I could go and get some
There are two ways to do this: Either hunt animals and carve their meat or buy it from taverns. Buying it from taverns is the easiest solution. Check two taverns and pick the cheapest sorts of meat. In total it will cost you around 60 Groschen (can haggle down the price). Just stick to the cheap types of meat when buying it.
Deliver the meat to the Quartermaster. He gives you 90 Groschen for your troubles.
[Quartermaster] The camp is out of beer – I need to ask around the local taverns for some
The only tavern that can send beer is the “Inn in the Glade”. That’s the one north-west of Neuhof. However, their innkeeper needs to be persuaded first. Even though he has only 10 speech and I had 13 it would not work. So what I did was to drink a “Bard Potion”. It gives +5 speech for 10 minutes. With 18 speech I could convince him. So you need really high speech stat for this.
Bard Potions are sold by every bathhouse proprietor. For example, the bathhouse at Rattay Mill sells it.
After he agrees to send the beer, head back to the Quartermaster. When you talk to him this objective finishes and you earn 90 Groschen as a reward.
Below is the map location of the Inn you need to go to:
Talk to Sir Divish
Go talk to Sir Divish, who is marked on the map (camp near Talmberg).
[Sir Divish] Find a Medicus from the monastery to come to Talmberg
Go to the Sasau monastery and talk to brother Nicodemus, the herbalist in the black robe standing by the alchemy station. He is marked on the map. If you haven’t done Johanka’s In God’s Hands Side Quest yet, Nicodemus will tell you to go see her and triggers a new objective. Johanka is the nurse in the same house as brother Nicodemus, you have to do her side quest now. Otherwise Nicodemus cannot be convinced to help you.
» In God’s Hands Side Quest Walkthrough
[Sir Divish / Nicodemus] Persuade the sawbones from the monastery to come to Talmberg
After completing Johanka’s side quest “In God’s Hands” you can talk to Nicodemus again. Now that the sick are healed he has time to come with you to Talmberg. This completes the objective.
» In God’s Hands Side Quest Walkthrough
[Sir Divish] Find a priest willing to go to Talmberg
Go to Uzhitz and talk to Father Godwin. Depending on whether or not you drank with him in Mysterious Ways Main Quest this conversation will differ. If you drank with him, he’s more willing to help.
If you did not drink with him (which was needed for the Virgin trophy), you can convince him with a high enough speech stat. Unlike other persuasions, this one is not selected as a dialogue choice. When asking him for help you’ll either see a “Success” or “Fail” on screen while talking to him. Personally, I had speech level 15 and succeeded. One quick way to boost your speech is by consuming a Bard Potion. It increases speech by 5 levels for 10 minutes. Bard Potion can be bought at any Bathhouse (e.g. Rattay Mill Bathhouse). So if you fail, load the last save, drink a Bard Potion and try again.
If he refuses to help you outright, you can recruit Priest Simon in Rovna instead. However, you must have completed the Side Quest “A Man of the Cloth” to make Simon spawn in Rovna. If you followed this walkthrough in the given order, you will have done this already in the last step when you went to the monastery to heal the sick (it’s a sub-quest needed to complete “In God’s Hands“).
Talk to Captain Bernard
Go talk to Captain Bernard and exhaust all dialogue options with him to get one new objective.
[Captain Bernard] Find out if some herbalist could brew up something to fend off sleep
You get this after talking to Bernard. It will mark 3 locations of Herbalists on your map. Go to the herbalist circled in red below:
[Captain Bernard] Get 120 Mint / 60 Valerian / 12 Wormwood
Talk to the herbalist and agree to help her pick the required herbs. She won’t help you otherwise. You need at least 70 reputation with her to get this option! If you have less than 70 rep, haggle with her and pay more money than she asks for. Keep buying and things from her (or selling them) to increase rep quickly.
You need to get the following herbs:
- 120 Mint: It is rarely found in nature, but rather alongside houses and in gardens cultivated.
- 60 Valerian: To be found on forest paths, in mires and peat bogs and everywhere that ground is damp.
- 12 Wormwood: Abundant grows on roadsides and in fields.
To make it real simple, you could just go to Herbalists / Apothecaries and buy the ingredients from them. They usually carry 10 of each type of herb. You will get 325 Groschen as a reward from Bernard later on, so don’t worry, you’ll more than make back the money you have spent on herbs. Furthermore, herbalists tend to keep a herb garden. These are ripe for the picking and give you 20+ herbs in one quick swoop.
The 12 wormwood are very easy, the herbalist that gave you the task sells 10 of them. Then go to another vendor and get another 2.
The 120 Mint and 60 Valerian are a bit more tedious, although not nearly as bad as it sounds. Below are a few herb gardens that have lots of these herbs. The rest you can quickly buy from herbalists around the map.

After that just buy the rest from herbalists and loot their gardens. When you have everything, return to the herbalist woman.
[Captain Bernard] Wait until the potion is brewed / Take the potion back to the encampment
Wait 2 days for the herbalist to brew the potions. Talk to her again, then deliver the potions to Captain Bernard. You get 325 Groschen as a reward!
Ask the nearby charcoal-burners if they have any pitch
The charcoal burners are marked on the map (in woods between Talmberg & Neuhof). Go talk to them. They will be happy to help and only ask that you send someone to get the pitch. Talk to the quartermaster about it.
[Charcoal-Burners] Tell the quartermaster to send someone for pitch
Head back to the quartermaster at Talmberg. Tell him about the pitch and he will send someone to get it. Objective complete.
Those were all the optional objectives in this quest. You should now have unlocked the Talmberger trophy/achievement for completing all optional tasks in the Siege quest.
Talmberger trophy unlocked! – Complete all Optional Objectives in Siege quest
Wait until the Trebuchet is finished / Go and watch the Trebuchet Test
If you went through all those objectives in order, the Trebuchet will now be ready. If you still don’t have this objective for some reason, be sure to talk to Feyfar again. The trebuchet takes a few days to be build after you bring Konrad Keyser to Talmberg. Now is the time to test it out. Head back to the main camp (marked on the map of course) and enter the central tent to let the show begin!
Cold Steel, Hot Blood Main Quest
Going to the Trebuchet test triggers the “Cold Steel, Hot Blood” main quest. However, the Siege main quest is not yet done, it’s just on hold. You must now complete a series of other main quests to finish the “Siege” main quest.
» Cold Steel, Hot Blood Main Quest Walkthrough
» Family Values Main Quest Walkthrough
» An Oath is an Oath Main Quest Walkthrough
During “An Oath is an Oath” you will get a new objective to talk to Sir Robard which completes the “Siege” Main quest.
Talk to Sir Robard about starting the Siege
Just keep playing the main storyline and you’ll complete this automatically. Halfway through An Oath is an Oath Main Quest you must talk to Sir Robard (for both quests) and it will complete the Siege Main Quest.
Next Up: Continue with An Oath is an Oath Main Quest Walkthrough
For more Walkthroughs, check out the full Kingdom Come Deliverance Walkthrough (All Main Quests).
Balduihn says
In finding a priest task… I drank with Father Godwin but he didnt accept to help because he has problems with the heretics, it must be because I didnt complete the Waldesians side quest. Then, I went to find Father Simon in Rovna and he accepted because I had completed the quest for his rescue (I found him in a house near to the church in Rovna)
PowerPyx says
Will add Simon as an alternative, thanks!
Also, I can 100% confirm you don’t have to do any of Godwin’s side quests for him to help. I never even activated his quest and I also did not drink with him during “Mysterious Ways”.
Cantwait says
Is there any other option to find a Medicus that is not from the monastery? I did the sidequest from Johanka but failed to heal all of the people, due to the fact that I accepted the Quest way before “siege” and now she is really pissed and I can’t ask Nicodemus to go to Talmberg, because he wants that I help Johanka but that is not possible as I already mentioned.
If thats the case I have to do this in a second playthrough.
PowerPyx says
Hmm… good question.
It doesn’t give you an alternative quest marker to another location? And this leaves you with an uncompletable objective?
I had not touched the quest until I had to do it in “Siege”.
If this is indeed missable this seems like a big oversight by the devs. So far there have always been alternatives to get things done. If you do find an alternative please leave an update. I’ll look into it later, after I’m done with the story and finished up the treasure guide.
Anthony says
I’m in the same boat, I tried to talk to all the monks inside of the monastery too, but the dialog doesn’t come up… I think this it either a bug or it just doesn’t give you another option. :-(
Exareo says
Anything found for this yet?
JHoover says
I am literally in the same boat. Johanka is simply unresponsive and I cant talk to her. Even though I completed “In Gods hands” Nicodemus still says to speak with Johanka. Unsure what do do at the moment. Is there still a way to progress past this quest without getting a medicus. Cuz if i have to go back to the start of “IGH” ill be loosing like 30+ hours of gameplay…
Lunartiglio says
For everyone not having the right dialogue appearing with the alchemists, you need to have around 70 reputation with her, only THEN the right dialogue choice will magically pop out -.- Just keep selling her things at a lower price through the haggle mechanic and your rep will keep going up.
kixick says
Dude you are a life saver! And the treshold seems to be even lower, the option appeared at 66 REP.
Cantwait says
No, there is no new quest marker…i’m looking for an alternative and remembered that there was a hermit in Sasau. I started a questline with the hermit, maybe he can be asked afterwards for help, just like Father Simon.
He was the only NPC that came to my mind who could possibly replace Nicodemus.
But i am not really sure if this is gonna work. If not, then i will do it in my 2nd run. I made a savestate, just in case the optional quest with Nicodemus is buggy. We will see…
PowerPyx says
It’s worth a try, let me know how that goes.
Luckily though, the game keeps an autosave from the start of every main quest. So you probably don’t have to replay from the very start (just from the point where you did In God’s Hands side quest).
Cantwait says
Well, I did the hermits quest in Sasau and after that he says that he is going to Ledetschko. But I can’t find him (so I am not able to follow his questline)…
Already waited several days cause I thought that he maybe would not spawn directly but I guess that he is not recruitable for the siege quest anyway. But right now i can’t tell.
I am going to write a new post if I can find him and ask him for help.
I think the optional objective with the medic might be buggy, due to the fact that the Quest “In Gods Hands” is listed as “done” and not as failed in the Questlog, it just says that many of the wounded people died. Quest done should mean that Nicodemus should be able to move to Talmberg, but that is not the case.
Now there are three options:
1) One has to heal every person in Sasau during the Quest “In Gods Hands” to achieve that Nicodemus can travel to Talmberg (as it is described in your walktrough)
2) …and this also means that if one completed the Quest without healing everyone, that this optional Objective can not be completed (just like I did…or it still can be completed but it is buggy)
3) There is another NPC that can be recruited and replace Nicodemus for the “Siege” Quest in Talmberg
Sorry that I could not really help with a possible alternative for Nicodemus
Thuglife1403 says
The Skalitz priest in Sausau church didn’t hesitate.
Alex Skutnick says
For the herbalist, you need to post up there that you NEED 70 or higher REPUTATION in order for her to give you the option, thankss.
Alex Skutnick says
Oopsie poopsie, messed up on that. You must have 70+ REPUTATION with her in order for her to help you. Have a nice day/night.
PowerPyx says
Thanks, will add it in. For me she had enough rep when I first visited her (and I never talked to her before).
Fredrik says
I can’t return the potion to captain Bernard because he is asleep all the time
Christian says
And for me the quest wont update when i convice the dude at the inn and the glade to send ale..
Christian says
For others, the quest wont update, just go to the quartermaster and tell him that you got beer. Then the quest will update.
Sid says
The charcoal burner runs from me on sight and I’ve done nothing to him. He acts as if I’m Satan himself and refuses to stop running from me. I can’t talk to him or anything. Is there another burner I can talk to about the pitch? Or am I going to have to try for the achievement on a second playthrough?
LuKyno says
I have the same problem. PS4, newest update (1.3). He is still running away from me. Can’t talk to him. Very annoying. Did you find out how to fix this issue?
PastorP says
There is pitch in one of the huts. You can just take it. ?
NoClue says
I gather the herbs for the women but then she refuses to talk to me about it. Did I do something wrong? I Tried everything.
Damien says
The herbs have to be fresh. I had this problem. So I reloaded one save game before it. Picked them all the. Gave it to her.
How she won’t give the potions to me even after the quest says she should ?
gafpiratehook says
Can “meat delivery” be done for good or is a repeatable (and endless) subquest? I delivered 200 pieces of meat twice but I’m asked again to bring other if I can. I’m good with just one deliver or I need to make more (and if so how many times)?
Thanks in advance.
gafpiratehook says
I quote myself just to clarify it for anyone that will maybe found this bug: just leave the meat delivery as your last point of the entire quest, complete every other point and then deliver 200 units of meat and, even if you’ll asked again for more meat, trophy will unlock (but only if you deliver meat as your last delivery).
Shane Camburn says
If you hunt game — can find venison and hare in the woods nearby, and you deliver 200 hunted meats (Quartermaster accepts cooked and raw) he gives you 325 groschen each time! Seems to be repeatable until the the trebuchet is completed.
Jack says
Anyone else experienced a bug where the trebuchet test won’t start?
Dave says
To all that didn’t finish “in gods hands” quest before, and all the sicks already die
There is short way to jump in to ” watch the Trebuchet Test quest” and save hours of doing all from start
Go to Captain Bernard talk to him and do all the “Ruin” quest!!
After finish the quest go back to him and walk to the place where “watch the Trebuchet Test” quest start, you can see on map, and than boom “watch the Trebuchet Test” start and you continue to main story)))
I almost quit the game after i saw i needed i need tonback and do this in gods hands quest, but thx god, i found away to finish the game))))
Best game ever