“Run!” is the second main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance. This walkthrough will guide you through all the steps of the entire “Run!” main mission.
This quest automatically starts after finishing “Unexpected Visit“.
Get a Horse
The quest starts outside Skalitz. Run down the hill and away from the enemies. Along the way you will hear a woman called Theresa (the Skalitz Miller’s daughter) crying for help. Helping her is optional but unlocks the Cavalier trophy/achievement.
The horse is downhill near Theresa.
Ride to Talmberg
This is easy enough when you go into this section with full health. Double tap /
to make your horse run faster. When the horse’s stamina is low hold the button to gallop. Reach Talmberg in one piece, try to keep as much distance as possible between you and the enemies. When they are about to fire arrows at you be sure to double press
to go faster.
Talk to Sir Robard
Once you arrive in Talmberg you must talk to the head of the Talmberg army called Sir Robard. Afterwards, follow him to Talmberg’s ruler and then to the kitchen. In the kitchen you meet Lady Stephanie.
Eat / Go to the Courtyard Lodge to Sleep there Until Morning
In the kitchen there is food on the table you can take. When you pick it up it goes in your inventory. From your inventory hold /
to consume the food you just picked up. Next stop is the shed in the Talmberg courtyard. There is a bed waiting for you there. Sit on the bed and sleep. You will wake up in the middle of the night, a cutscene starts and you see Lady Stephanie walking in. Talk to her. Always pick the speech options at the top. Lady Stephanie only has speech level 2. If yours is higher than level 2 you will succeed in all dialogues. It doesn’t really matter though what you do here.
Go to the Battlements and talk to Sir Robard
After Stephanie leaves you go back to sleep and wake up later again. People are preparing for an invasion and you are supposed to help. Go talk to Robard on the walls of the castle. From the courtyard go upstairs, he is standing on the castle wall behind the main building.
Wait Until Morning / Go to the Battlements of the Outer Bailey
Robard will ask you to help and look out for potential attackers. You can talk to the other soldiers standing on the wall if you like. They will tell you to lean against the wall and wait. To wait you can press Touchpad (PS4) and then choose to wait until morning. In the morning you get a new quest marker to go to another wall. Go there and you’ll see a lengthy cutscene.
Get Out of the Castle / Get a Horse
To get out of the castle is the tricky part of the “Run!” Quest. Here you have to get creative, there are many ways to get out.
The easiest option is to get caught stealing something or attack a guard. Let them catch you and surrender, then they will throw you out. No horse for you though.
You can also jump over the little bridge between the castle and the exit gate but it only works in a certain spot, at the end of the bridge. This works with and without a horse! Go get the horse from the stables by the castle. Your horse is the second from the right. You’ll know it’s yours because the button prompt says “Mount” instead of “Steal”. Ride to the bridge and drop down the bridge with the horse.

Bury your loved ones in Skalitz
Head back to Skalitz. On the way there you will get a cutscene and the next main quest “Homecoming” begins. There are quest markers guiding you there (see the marker on the compass at the top of the screen).
Next up: Homecoming Main Quest.
For more Walkthroughs, check out the complete Kingdom Come Deliverance Walkthrough (All Main Quests).
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