Poverty, Chastity and Obedience is the 18th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD). This walkthrough will guide you through all the objectives of the Poverty, Chastity and Obedience Main Quest.
Poverty, Chastity and Obedience triggers automatically after completing If You Can’t Beat ’em Main Quest.
This is a very quick and easy quest.
Tell Sir Radzig what the bandits want you to do
As soon as the quest starts, you get two objectives. Go back to Sir Radzig first. He’s marked on the map, in the lower Rattay castle where you met him many times before. Talk to him to report your findings from the last quest. He sends you on a mission to infiltrate the monastery in Sasau.
Talk to the young man who’s supposed to enter the monastery
Back in Sasau you find a map marker at the inn in the north at Sasau. Somewhere inside or outside the inn will be a guy called Karl with fancy clothes and a green pointy hat. Speak to him. Your dialogue choices don’t matter, he will always tell you that he can’t talk to you because his guardian won’t let him out of his eyes.

Get rid of the guardian so you can talk to Karl in private
The guardian should be sitting next to Karl, the guy in the fine reddish-brown clothes. Chat with him and try to persuade him during the talk. He has 10 speech (white icon) and 11 charisma (red heart icon). Pick whichever of your values is higher. Those are the easiest options to get rid of him. I recommend the speech option which will lead to playing dice with him.
Can’t Persuade Manfred with Speech or Charisma?
Simply knock him out from behind with a sneak attack and quickly loot the quest item “Monastery entry writ” from his body (or simply loot his entire inventory to be sure). Quickly run off before guards come to arrest you. Picking up the Monastery entry writ will give you the objective “Go with the writ to the monastery porter”, so skip the next two objectives and read on.
Play dice with Manfred
Assuming you succeeded in the speech dialogue persuasion you must play a round of dice with Manfred. I don’t think it matters if you win or lose. I won the match.
Steal the guardian’s purse / Steal the write from the guardian
Now that you got Manfred drunk and played dice with him, he will walk upstairs and sleep in his bed. With Manfred out of the picture you now can talk to Karl again. He’ll tell you why he is being sent to the monastery and is keen on trading places with you, so that you may take his place in the monastery. He instructs you to steal the purse and writ from his guardian Manfred.
The guardian will be sleeping upstairs in the inn in the left room (use stairs outside the inn to get up there). When he’s sleeping in his bed press /
to knoch him out. Then loot all items from his body to complete these two objectives.
Should he not be sleeping in the bed you may need to advance time until evening.
Go with the writ to the monastery porter
You should head back downstairs and give Karl the full purse so he can run off and doesn’t cause you trouble later.
Now head to the monastery in the north of Sasau and talk to Brother Porter, the guy in a black robe in the monastery courtyard (marked on the map, if he’s not there advane time until it’s day). He’ll tell you to put all your belongings in a trunk and put on a monk’s robe. Go and do this.
(Optional) Put away all your worldly goods and chattels / (Optional) Put on the monk’s habit
Bug Warning: It has happened to many players that their equipment got marked as stolen or disappeared completely after returning from the monastery. There’s an easy fix: Before putting your things away in the Monastery, head back to Rattay Mill and put everything in the chest by your bed. This way nothing in your inventory will get lost. After returning from the Monastery you can retrieve everything from your chest!
This objective is marked on the map. Go inside the corner room of the monastery courtyard and interact with the chest to drop off your clothes. It’ll automatically put on the monk’s robe and you’ll get a beautiful cutscene of how you’re initiated as a Novice to the monastery. This also completes the quest-wide objective “Enter the monastery as a novice“.
Monk trophy/achievement unlocked!
This concludes the Poverty, Chastity and Obedience Main Quest and triggers “A Needle in a Haystack“.
Next Up: A Needle in a Haystack Main Quest
For more Walkthroughs, check out the full Kingdom Come Deliverance Walkthrough (All Main Quests).
Ata says
When I enter the room where the chest is it says you are in a private area and when I open the chest nothing happens. Is there any solution for this bug?
Jt says
Have same problem? Did you get it to work?
Ata says
No I still don’t
erich says
make sure you are at the right room, its the one on the ground level.
rhisui says
imo that’s not bug, The brother said you must sell or donate your belongings to the monastery or the poor. so maybe the game recognize that as the donate you do
Xsident says
wondering how you become a monk without handing your stuff over.
Xsident says
discovered that i dont have to become a monk after all,nor i have to do the needle quest i simply need to climb up the scafold (hope im saying the right word for the construction for repairing the church,use the roof to get to the spot where pious work in the garden around 9am and kill him,yeah,will be told i failed the poverty and needle quests tho also was told i began the Dice quest (sorry for not writing whole names of quests).
Nickson says
Hi, I came across something that might help getting rid of Karl’s guardian. His stats was 16 for speech and the other I forgot but mine was lower than his, I went to talk to the tavern brawler and there there is an option to tell him that the guardian called his mother a wh*re, I used that option and it got the guardian to leave, I hope you guys can do it too.
Riang Wijaya says
imho, its not a bug of the game. if u remember, when henry talked to brother porter.. brother porter said that “if u want to become a monk, u should leave life obsession. so give all ur things to monastery as charity, or people who needs” more or less he said that. so, when u put ur stuffs to monastery trunks, basically u donate it. :D
Seth says
Is there a way to do this without stealing or pickpocketing? It seems there is no moral good way to do this without pickpocketing or robbing.