Night Raid is the 23rd main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Night Raid Main Quest.
Night Raid triggers instantly after completing Out of the Frying Pan Main Quest.
This quest is set up for you to fail. Luckily, it only takes 1 minute to beat the entire mission.
Go and see Captain Robard once you’re ready
When the quest starts, Captain Robard will be standing right in front of you (also marked on map). Talk to him when you’re ready to go on the Night Raid.
Wait until the Sentries are taken out / Scale the Walls
Follow your group. They will put up a ladder at the castle walls and automatically climb up to kill the Sentries. Climb up the ladder after them. Now you’ve infiltrated the Talmberg castle.
Eliminate the guards at the gate / Find Sir Radzig and Lady Stephanie / Run!
Easy Way:
The fastest way to finish this quest is to get detected by the enemies, then run back to your ladder. This will instantly finish the quest.
Since it’s set up for you to fail, this is the easiest option.
So just be seen by a guard, run back to ladder, quest complete!
Hard Way:
There is a more complicated way to do it: you can infiltrate the courtyard and save the hostages in the room where your Talmberg bed used to be. Then Hans Capon gets shot in a cutscene and you must carry him out before you get a chance to look for Radzig and Stephanie. However, these are just random NPCs and whether you save them now or not is irrelevant for the next quest. You might as well go with the easy option. If you want to do it anyway, you must go left after climbing the castle walls with the ladder. There are two guards on the wall. Do a stealth-takedown on the first one and carry his body back behind the corner. Wait for the second guard to walk from the guard tower to the wall, then choke him out (you can only choke him out when he’s at the wall, in the guardhouse he will always counter you). With both guards choked out, proceed downstairs to the main courtyard. One guard is patrolling here. Hide behind the left side of the stairs leading up to the castle. When the guard goes down to the courtyard wait for him to stop in the middle and then walk around the left side and into the hut where your bed used to be. In that building you will see 4 hostages. Talk to them, then Capon gets shot, and now you must carry him back upstairs to the ladder. If you do it this way it’s recommended that you wear black light-weight clothing so you’re harder to see at night and don’t make too much noise. Alternatively, simply take off all your clothes to avoid the armor making noise when walking.
Whichever method you pick, the Night Raid Main Quest will finish when you go back to the ladder and ends in a cutscene. The next quest “Siege” triggers automatically.
Next Up: Siege Main Quest
For more Walkthroughs, check out the full Kingdom Come Deliverance Walkthrough (All Main Quests).
Jack Steele says
How many main quests are there? Also you do a great job with these, they’re godsends.
PowerPyx says
I think close to 30. There’s not much left after Night Raid.
Should be complete in the next 1-2 days.
jerw says
I cant take out the first guard, he always counter me.
Pilgrim says
Same it’s why I came here
Adam says
I don’t think you can die?
Lark says
when approaching those first two guards after reaching the top of the wall I was able to take down the guard in the guard house. Just thought I’d mention it seeing as you said it’s not possible. (Just saying, not trying to argue)
Steven says
I fell down in the guard hut and killed all the bandits with stab as they came down the ladder
xarny says
For me this quest is bugged. Nothing happens when I get to the hostages, no conversation no quest update no nothing. I’ve tried it a few times without killing anyone and including eliminating up to three guards. I’m on PC.
Kris24morris says
Personally I hate missions that you’re supposed to fail. Played through this twice before coming here to find out it was useless. ?
Rechon says
Same here, sucks with quests that force you to fail. I tried again and again as well. =(
liam says
it is possible to stealth kill the gaurd in the hut. you just need to have your stealth or main level progressed enough
Shogun1x says
Every time I try to stealth kill they just turn around and raise the alarm. Good to know there’s no real consequences.
JESSE crain says
The bs i went through on this mission. Absolutely livid after every single time i was spotted.. waiting 5 minutes for the dumb f***ing game to load, waiting several more to climb the ladder, only to have the first guard survive a spinal shot with a better piercing poisoned arrow on a 74 power bow and raise the alarm, then do it all over again.. now finding out one of the potentially most badass missions in the game is set up to fail after sneaking for 10 seconds. Wow. I hope whoever created this bit feels worse than wilson passing on the 1 yd line. I feel insulted as a fan after that. Was going to pursue these games further but this mission killed the entire experience for me. Kind of like colin did the NFL.
FU says
Oh shut up with your nfl analogy, nobody cares.
Benjajrnrndndn says
I care bro that dudes just a ho
Kyle says
Holy shit I finally figured this one out, after going through all that same crazy bullshit. Not sure if it’ll work for ya’ll, but what I was doing wrong was attenpting to carry the bodies after stealth kill, instead of just drop them. Killed the first guard, dropped him, onto the second, dropped him, then mission checkpoint. From there I didn’t kill any and just snuck, and it worked out. Took 2 months off this game cuz this damn mission! Logic dictates you’d want to carry/hide the guards bodies, apparently not though.
Jeremy Tucker says
Didnt get here yet new to the game but its what im doing on nest of vipers. Also carrying bodies deplete stamina unless u have that perk.
Vevi says
EASY !! Climb on castle walle then take cloths from died guy. Take torch (from inventory) and go save on point. Talk with guardian use power and then they walk away. Continue to house. Talk with NPC then with Capon. In chat want save all!! Capon get hit by arrow. Take him and run on castle wall. (Guardin will hiting you so you must wake up Capon and try running). Its works and you will survive
Sry for my English
Rolymo1958 I says
It sucks having to fail,I spent hours on this I’m very disappointed.and with the monotonous loading screens and scenery taking ages to catch up.if this is gaming of the future I’m sorry but it’s gone back 10 years wasn’t never this bad on Sega mega drive or ps1
Marco says
Or I get a harder “easy” way: climb ladders in full plate armor, get spotted by the guards, they run the alarm, your buddies flee, and you get into Rambo mode. Start shooting everyone in the head with strong bow and arrows. The AI is dumb as s**t or is programed to not kill you. Seriously, I killed every soul in that castle, still failed the mission. But got some Xp and loot. Same result, next mission will trigger.
Tommy says
I agree absolutely its a massive let down when bugs like this can’t be addressed by developers.
It’s gone from a great game to just being painfully frustrating.
I mean seriously you can’t even have a save option? after you climb the forsaken wall cut seen for the 100th time.
Even when your set to fail the mission.