Nest of Vipers is the 13th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD). This walkthrough will guide you through the objectives of the Nest of Vipers Main Quest.
Nest of Vipers triggers automatically after completing My Friend Timmy Main Quest.
Find the Bandit’s Camp / Go and scout out the Bandit’s Camp
With the information Timmy gave you, it will show a waypoint on the map. Go there and then follow the directions listed in the quest log. From the waypoint, always take the path on the left side or simply check the screenshot below for the bandit camp location. You can go there directly and skip all the searching.

Look around the camp and see what could be useful information for the attack
After reaching the gates of the fortified bandit camp this objective will trigger. There are some destroyed wooden houses. Look at one of them and you’ll complete the objective and can return to Sir Radzig. Before you do, ride into the camp real quick. This will get you more info to tell Sir Radzig and gives you more options to prepare for the fight. Just ride/run inside and outside the whole camp to gather info. You don’t have to fight the enemies. When you’re riding they’ll just be investigating you. Only if you stay for too long they will attack. Also check out the bridges leading to the camp, this is good info for Sir Radzig later.
A word on optional sabotage objectives: the quest log shows two optional tasks to sabotage the arrows and poison the bandits, but you can skip these. Sneaking into the camp is far too difficult and quite frankly it’s a pointless task. In the next quest when you conquer the fort, your teammates will have infinite life and cannot die, so you can literally just watch them kill all the enemies for you without having to lift a finger. Don’t worry about optional sabotages, they don’t really matter in the end.
Go back to Sir Radzig
After taking a good look at the bandit camp, return to Radzig.
Pick the following dialogue options to be better prepared for the fight:
- I’m back from scouting
- It’s in some overgrown ruins
- I tried to count them –> There’s a lot of them
- There are bandits there
- There are cumans there
- Their arms and armor –> They’re well positioned
- They’re making some ladders in the camp
Sir Radzig will send you to ask Sir Divish of Talmberg for reinforcements.
Ask Sir Divish of Talmberg for reinforcements / When you’re ready for battle talk to Sir Divish
Head to Talmberg and talk to Sir Divish. He’s inside the castle on the first or 2nd floor. If you’re ready to go, tell him so. Otherwise, you can say you need time to prepare and adjust your armor / weapons.
Beware, when you say that you’re ready it will bring you to the fight immediately and there won’t be any time to go back. It is highly recommended that you bring a bow and 15-20 high-damage arrows (e.g. Better Piercing Arrows) for the upcoming boss fight.
Letting Divish know that you’re ready to go ends the “Nest of Vipers” quest.
Next Up: Baptism of Fire Main Quest.
For more Walkthroughs, check out the full Kingdom Come Deliverance Walkthrough (All Main Quests).
dirk says
by saving yourself hours watching 2 guys fight in the next mission i reccommend to do the optional sabotage
Salroka says
You can also disguise yourself with an enemy armor, they will let you enter and walk into the camp, but you will have to answer to some guards with speech skills.
Tileguy says
I’m struggeling to find the cuman armour, got any tips on getting it?
Lukas says
Wait near town for one guard to come and kill him without alerting other and wear his armour,do it at night
Gary says
If u go round the camp and approach from the north-east, there are many burnt out buildings. In one there is an open door that takes you into a barn. In the barn there is a chest with the Cuman gear. ‘Easy’ unlock (so a pain in the ass) but just make sure u got your save juice. It’s tricky to find but it is there.
deniz says
Where is the sir rad zigg anyway
bubba bo bob says
I found it easier to ride in at night, with a good sword or polearm, full tilt, and skewer as many as I could. Just like real life, fighting on horseback multiplies your attack force, just don’t let them be unhorse you. Then I could poison the food, burn the arrow stacks, & recon the camps at will. It takes longer, but it reduces their numbers, raises your reputation, and just satisfies the need for virtual revenge. You could also poison your weapon for faster kills, but you need a lot more poison, and the combat simulator doesn’t allow you to re-poison during combat.