In God’s Hands is a Side Quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of In God’s Hands Side Quest, how to heal all the sick, how to brew Lullaby Sleeping Potion for the Insomniac, where to find Comfrey herb for Semek, where to find father Simon, and how to secure better conditions for the sick.
The goal of this side quest is to heal all the sick in the Sasau Monastery and improve their housing conditions. This side quest is needed to complete one of the optional tasks in the “Siege” Main Quest.
You will unlock In God’s Hands Side Quest by talking to nurse Johanka at the Monastery in Sasau. Multiple main quests lead you to her so odds are you trigger this by accident at some point.
Unlocking the Quest
The quest is unlocked by talking to Johanka at Sasau Monastery. See her location below:

Help with healing the sick in the monastery
This is the quest-wide objective, to complete it you must heal all 5 sick (Philip, Hans, Semek, Insomniac, Man with Broken Leg). To trigger their objectives you must talk to all of the sick in the Infirmary. Continue with the rest of the objectives and this will complete automatically at the end.
(Optional) Bring 10 game meat to the infirmary
Doing this task is not absolutely necessary for the completion of the quest but if you want, you can go hunt some wildlife in the woods and bring the meat to the infirmary or buy it from a tavern.
You can skip this objective, it’s not needed to finish the quest.
(Optional) Find out how to get better conditions for the sick
Go talk to Brother Nicodemus at the Alchemy Station (guy in black robe in the side room of the infirmary). Ask “Why are they so badly provided for”, “And the local Custodion?” to complete this objective.
[Philip] Find out what happened to Philip
Talk to Philip in the infirmary:
Now talk to Nicodemus and Johanka in the infirmary, they will tell you about Philip’s state of health and give a new objective to find Father Simon (dialogue “What happened to Philip?”).
Note: Johanka is only there during working hours at daytime.
[Philip] Find Father Simon
There will now be a waypoint marker pointing you to Rovna near Skalitz. If you already completed A Man of the Cloth Side Quest, you can find Simon in Rovna.
If you haven’t completed this side quest you must talk to the villager marked on the map and he will give you this quest. Now complete it. At the end, Simon will give you Artemisia Potion which you must give to Philip.
» A Man of the Cloth Side Quest Walkthrough
[Philip] Get Philip Artemisia Potion / Wait a while to see if the cure takes effect
After completing A Man of the Cloth bring the Artemisia Potion back to Philip in the infirmary. Then skip time for 1 day to complete this cumbersome objective.
[Villager] Help the man with the broken leg
Talk to the villager in the infirmary:
Now talk to Johanka (she’s only in the infirmary at day during working hours). Pick dialogue “What’s wrong with the man with the bandaged leg?”.
If you unlocked a high enough “First Aid” Perk in your main level skill tree, you get the option “I’ll straighten it out myself” (then interact with the man to complete the task). If not, you must pick “What about the Rattay Executioner”. Then go see the executioner in Rattay to learn from him how to fix broken legs (will be marked on the map).
Either option will let you complete this objective.
[Hans] Find bandages for Hans
Talk to Hans in the infirmary:
You need 10 bandages to heal him! 1 is on the barrel next to him, 2 are inside the barrel to his right. The remaining 7 can be bought from Nicodemus in the other room or if you have 10 in your inventory you won’t have to buy any. Once you have 10 bandages talk to Hans again.
If you unlocked a high enough “First Aid” Perk in your main level skill tree, you can patch him up yourself. If not, ask Nicodemus to do it. This completes the objective.
[Semek] Get healing herbs for Semek
Talk to Quarryman Semek in the infirmary:
He asks you to find a purple herb for him, the one you need is called Comfrey.
The fastest way is to buy it from Nicodemus (costs only 0.7 Groschen). Alternatively, it can be found in the Monastery gardens, see the Comfrey location in the screenshot below:

Bring the herb to Semek and move it from your inventory to his, this completes the objective.
[Insomniac] Find something to help the insomniac fall asleep
Talk to the insomniac in the infirmary:
Now go talk to Nicodemus (Alchemist) in the other room. Pick dialogue “A potion to induce heavy sleep?” and he’ll unlock the recipe for you. Now you must brew the Lullaby Potion at the Alchemy station right next to Nicodemus.

Lullaby Potion Ingredients
You can either buy these directly from Nicodemus or loot the sacks to the left of the alchemy station.
- 1 x Poppy (bought from Nicodemus)
- 1 x Herb Paris (bought from Nicodemus)
- 1 x Thistle (bought from Nicodemus)
How to Brew the Lullaby Potion
You can use the alchemy bench where you talked to Nicodemus.
Here is the full recipe as written in the Alchemy book and the steps you need to do:
Lullaby: Whoever cannot lull themselves or needs to make wounded livestock sleep, let tem brew this and they shall have peace. Do not drink it often, though, or it may dull your wits. For a crying child use only half the dose.
Prepare oil, a handfull of poppy, one of thistle and one of herb paris. Drop the poppy in the cauldron and boil for one turn. Add the thistle and boil for one more turn. Leave to cool and then add the herb paris.
- Interact with Alchemy bench, look to your right and press
to read the book. Use
to turn to the page that says “Lullaby” recipe and hold
to place the ingredients (must have enough of each ingredient in the inventory).
- Oil: Put oil (brown keg top left) in the cauldron.
- Poppy: Put poppy (right shelf) directly in the cauldron (don’t use mortar)
- Boil 1 Turn: Press
to use the Bellows exactly 3 times in a row for the right temperature. You’ll see bubbles in the cauldron when it’s “boiling”.
- Sandglass: Press
to use sandglass (this lets you know when 1 turn is over).
- Thistle: Put thistle (right shelf) directly in the cauldron (don’t use mortar)
- Boil 1 Turn: Press
until you see bubbles in the cauldron. Don’t overdo it, once you see bubbles stop immediately.
- Sandglass: Press
to use sandglass. After 1 turn the bubbles should go away. If it lasts 2 turns it’s still okay.
- Cool: Wait for the cauldron to cool down until the flame goes out.
- Herb Paris: Use the herb paris (right shelf), drop it directly in the cauldron (don’t use mortar).
- Phial: Pick a phial (bottom left shelf) and use it on the cauldron to fill up the potion.
And that’s how you make the lullaby potion in “In God’s Hands” Side Quest! When done successfully it will say “You brewed Lullaby Potion”. If you did too many steps wrong you must try again or reload the last save until you get it right.
Now walk over to the Insomniac and hand him the potion to complete this objective.
Try to get Supplies from the Custodian
After curing the sick, Sebastian Vom Berg will enter the room. Pick this dialogue:
- (Speech-Persuasion) How about having the banquet here? –> He has speech level 12. Yours must be well above his to succeed (there are reports that 13 speech is not enough, personally I had 18 speech and it worked). An easy trick is to drink a Bard Potion which temporarily boosts your Speech by 5 Levels for 10 minutes. Bard Potion is bought from Bathhouses everywhere, e.g. the Bathhouse at Rattay Mill.
Skip time until the next day and talk to him again in the northern-most building of the Monastery (he’s marked as a main objective on the map). Pick these dialogues:
- Supplies
- (Speech-Persuasion) Maybe because of Johanka? –> Here he had only speech level 10 for me. Yours must be above 10 to succeed (personally I had 18 speech when it worked). An easy trick is to drink a Bard Potion which temporarily boosts your Speech by 5 Levels for 10 minutes. Bard Potion is bought from Bathhouses everywhere, e.g. the Bathhouse at Rattay Mill.
Now he will send food to the sick which completes the objective!
Tell Johanka you can’t do any more
After all other objectives are done you will get this objective. Talk to Johanka again and say “There’s nothing more I can do”.
This concludes In God’s Hands Side Quest!
Deanbeansean says
Philip and hans are not in the room for me
And cant talk to the broken leg guy and i went for father simon and cant talk to him aswell .. bugged quest
Chris says
Deanbeansean says
I finally finished the quest . I killed all patients including philip hans and that leg guy and killed johanka aswell and he agreed to help . But now new bug triggered .. after finishing the bath with lord capon .. i cant talk to him anymore. He keeps moving forward and then turns back and go the other way .. his second quest unlocks silver trophy though .. we should pray for a fixing update or no one will achieve this platinum buggy trophy!!!!
Steve says
The priest is actually west of skalitz. If you go to the man in cloth sidequest link above there is a pic of the map location to find him, just set a marker. He is there.
Dan says
Unlocked this quest too soon, did not complete quest at that point as I was busy doing other quest. Now all the patients except 2 are dead. Cannot complete a main quest (side task) later on, so be warned!
Drew says
Quest may or man not be bugged for players, if you cannot progress with the quest, speed time to 23:00 and stealth kill the wounded patients. Then you will be prompted to tell what’s her face there’s nothing more you can do, she will be pissed but this will complete the quest.
PowerPyx says
That’s certainly a creative way to solve the quest.
Thanks for the tip!
Exareo says
Life saver. No pun intended…
Red says
I “healed” the patients apart from one who I couldn’t talk to. I spoke to Johanka and she told me I’d killed them but Nicodemus just tells me to talk to Johanka despite there being no option to talk her now, any clues?
Chris says
So when I talk to the custodian he has a speech of 19 I had 20. My speech failed. I had a save before I attempted so I reloaded and trained till I had 21 speech. No the custodian has 20 speech and I have 21 still fail.
PowerPyx says
Starting to think this is a bug. This can’t be right.
I noticed with city guards their speech increases the more often you get caught and try to persuade them. So MAYBE the custodian is counted like a city guard here. Did you talk your way out of crimes with guards a lot while you leveled your speech? That’s the only possible reason I could think of, just a guess though.
Myth says
My experience is similar. The custodian showed 15 Speech when I tried. I had only 8 Speech but a Bard Potion, the Golden Tongue and Loose Tongue perks put my Speech at 16. Failed.
If he’s going to just cheat up regardless of skill increases I’d rather have the option to kill him.
Hans says
You need to at least have more than 2 sometimes for speech check to work/
Chris says
i just love how the quest is so long and annoying then some dude comes in the infirmary to invite johanka to a banquet and i get thrown in jail, lmfao its like they just want me to quit playing.
Isaac says
Wym you got thrown in jail?
a concerned citizen says
Yuh, but when do i get to smash Johanka.
Punished Henry says
I think the worst part is, when you fail the speech check and then talk to Johanka, she gets mad at you for talking shit to him and says he isn’t really that bad. You know what? I’m just going to kill Johanka. I come in, big dick swinging, singlehandedly save all of these sick men through my extensive knowledge of herbology, alchemy and first aid, my hunting prowess, and my game glitching speedboi horse to track down father Simon and save Phil, and then the Custodian cheats the skillcheck no matter how high I inflate my speech, throws me in jail and Johanka says “Fuck you, Henry, don’t be mean to the Custodian! He’s an asshole, but I like him!”
Okay, fine. I’ll just KILL THEM BOTH. Pat my head and tell me “You’re a good boy, Henry! Thank you, Henry!” and I’ll continue my merry little jihad against Runt and the beta-Mongolians. Ask for help and then get mad when I save your ass? I will commit forcible unalive to you.
Steve says
I like that idea the best, to hell with Johonkers shes goin bye bye
Insert_Text_Here says
This is one of the most hilarious things I have ever read