Epilogue is the 29th, the last and final main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Epilogue Main Quest which ends the storyline.
Epilogue triggers automatically after completing An Oath is an Oath Main Quest.
Go to the upper castle during the day to meet Margrave Jobst
Go to the upper Rattay castle, marked on the map. A cutscene automatically triggers when you approach.
Talk to your father
Talk to Sir Radzig after the cutscene (he’s standing in front of you).
Pick up the letter from Margrave Jobst
Margrave is sitting at the table in the same room where you just talked to Radzig. Press /
to take the letter from him.
This results in another cutscene.
Speak with Lord Capon in the Courtyard
After the cutscene you receive the following message:
“Congratulations! You’ve completed the main storyline. If you like, you can still embark on side quests and activities or just wander the world. You can finish the game anytime by joining Sir Hans Capon’s squad”.
Go after Capon
Just ride alongside Capon. It’s a long ride, takes 10 minutes.
Talk to Capon
At the edge of the map, Capon will get off his horse. Talk to him and select “Sure” to finish the story once and for all. If you followed this walkthrough you should now unlock these trophies / achievements:
- Virgin
– Stay celibate and complete the entire game as a virgin.
- The End
– Complete the main story line.
- Merciful
– Don’t kill anyone during main quest line (except Runt).
This finishes the story and the Epilogue Main Quest. It also concludes the Main Quest “Vengeance” that has been with you throughout the entire game.
You’ll now get an “End” screen and can reload the last autosave if you want to finish up more side quests etc.
There is no free roam after talking to Capon so the only way to go back is by reloading a previous save.
Congratulations! You have beaten the story of Kingdom Come Deliverance. I hope you enjoyed the game and this walkthrough. Leave your thoughts in the comments below
If you’re going for 100% game completion, you may find the Kingdom Come Deliverance Trophy Guide & Roadmap helpful, too.
For more Walkthroughs, check out the full Kingdom Come Deliverance Walkthrough (All Main Quests).
Collin says
Wow I just feel the game ended with many thinks still unresolved. I looked at your guides for time to time, just to see what I had missed, I really liked them, thank you. Maybe while Radzig’s sword situation will be some sort of Dlc…
Bard says
Warhorse posted a roadmap for Kickstarter backers way back when. As they developed the game, the scope of the main quest got bigger and more ambitious. Originally it was just going to be a single chapter but they added Act II which is releasing for free later this year and Act III which is supposed to be the biggest and most story laden part of the game is coming in Kingdom Deliverance 2 or whatever they decide to call it.
Jason says
Terrible game. Just finished it, what chore thru many many bugs,
uhhhh says
Jesus that game was amazing
Robert Moore says
This was one oficina the Lost interesting ganes that I have ever played, a thousand times better thanks that crappy overvalued Witcher 3, I Got 140 hours there, And each one of them hace been dull as hell… But kcd was freaking epic, i love it so much. I just wish they do some warband like gane based ok kcd
Henry says
Overvalued witcher 3?? Buahaha
Vincent says
I keep getting to the cutscene in Rattay and it just refuses to load for me, any tips?
SyrWoodie says
Wtf game didn’t end now I have to get a stupid necklace
PowerPyx says
Did you buy any DLCs for this game? Might be a DLC mission. The main game is over after the Epilogue.
(When I played it there was literally an “End Screen” and you couldn’t continue playing at all, had to reload last save to go back).
Dave says
One of the best games ever!!!
I think better than the witcher 3
Was hard and not easy but thats what was fun about it))
Harpua77v says
Thank you for this amazing walkthrough! I was following many other walkthroughs at tough times throughout my playthrough and they were leaving out key parts to missions to proceed. You did NOT! Thanks again!
I absolutely LOVE this game! Very difficult at times, a little tedious, some nasty bugs, but overall an amazing experience and story! It did not hold your hand at all, which so many other action/RPG’s do. I really appreciated that, as frustrating and difficult as it could be at times.
A unique, classic throwback and new at times style adventure! Great job all around!
M Beckett says
I both hated and loved this game, I came close to throwing the controller at the telly a few times. But this game does have atmosphere and once you get past the faults I loved it. It reminds me of elder scrolls in part, I look forward to part two.
db171717 says
just play the dice game with bandits find out who wins and go to the bar at sasau and just rob him of the necklace