An Oath is an Oath is the 27th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of An Oath is an Oath Main Quest.
An Oath is an Oath triggers immediately after completing Family Values Main Quest.
What’s special is that during this quest (to be exact during objective “Sir Robard is expecting me“) you will complete the 24th Main Quest “Siege“. This quest was put on hold before, while you had to work on a series of other main quests.
Talk to Sir Divish once you’re ready
Simple enough, talk to Sir Divish in the main camp (he’s marked on the map) and he’ll tell you that you should have the honor of firing the first trebuchet shot at Talmberg.
Fire the trebuchet
This is a very cool moment — watch the soldiers load up the trebuchet for you. It takes a minute but it’s interesting to watch. When the men have put a rock in the trebuchet you can use the lever on its left side (at the backend of the trebuchet).
Press /
to pull the lever, which in turn releases the trebuchet. This is all for this objective, now check in with Sir Robard who stands near the trebuchet.
Talk to Sir Robard
Robard tells you to wait for 2 days until they’re done bombarding the town.
If you have some last-minute preparations to do, now is the time.
Wait until the two-day bombardment is finished / Sir Robard is expecting me
Just skip two days ahead. You can wait right there (although it will deplete your stats) or go back to a tavern or lodging to sleep for a while. Then go see Sir Robard again.
Warning: Telling Robard that you’re ready will instantly start the attack on the castle! If you feel your armor is not good enough, go find some treasures – they contain good gear and a lot of money. See Treasure Map Locations Guide. You should also go into this part with full energy and nourishment, the section ahead is quite lengthy.
Storm the walls (Help the Lords to recapture Talmberg)
Now the attack on the castle begins! Storm ahead and climb the walls via the ladders. The ladders are at the same wall you climbed earlier in Night Raid Main Quest.
After climbing up, you’ll notice there’s no longer an objective or marker of any kind. What you must do is to conquer the castle (or in other words: defeat every enemy inside).
The good news is, you can let your allies do all of the work for you. You can just hang back and enjoy the show.
Merciful trophy/achievement (don’t kill anyone): Just hang back, follow the path outlined below and let your allies take care of the enemies. Help out by attacking them with your bare fists, especially on the battlements (on top of the wall). You can hammer them with quick strikes to the face to knock them out and distract them from your allies. Since Bernard has infinite health there is no way to fail this mission except for you dying. Even if all your other allies die it won’t fail the quest.
If you don’t care about a no-kills run you can use a bow to kill the enemies quickly.
The following paths works best:
- Before climbing the ladders, let your other allies climb up first (there should be 6 of them total).
- After climbing the ladders, defeat the group of enemies on the left side on the battlements. Then the group on the right side (or at least as many as you can before your allies die). One ally – Captain Bernard – has infinite health and cannot die.
- When nobody but Bernard is left on the battlements, head down to the courtyard. Bernard will kill a few enemies on his own in the meantime. Your allies in the courtyard should easily outnumber the enemies and conquer the courtyard on their own. You can lean back and watch or join in to help (remember to use bare fists if you’re on the Merciful playthrough). Beware of archers, they can make you bleed real fast.
- After the Courtyard is clear, the only enemies remaining are with Bernard on the battlements. Go back to him and fend off the enemies to give Bernard some breathing room. Lure enemies away from him so he has a better chance to land some hits. The surviving allies from the courtyard are supposed to spawn after you. This can be a bit glitchy sometimes, just keep attacking the remaining enemies and lure them away from Bernard until the remaining allies come to your help. Alternatively, just let Bernard take care of it (he has infinite health after all). It will take him a long time solo but as long as you don’t let multiple enemies gang up on him (just lure them away), he will land a few hits every now and then.
After all enemies are dead (or knocked out), the screen fades to black and a lengthy cutscene triggers. After the cutscene you will be sitting on a horse and must ride with Sir Hans to Skalitz.
Ride with Sir Hans to meet your father
With the Talmberg castle conquered, you must now ride to Skalitz with Sir Hans Capon to rescue Sir Radzig. Just ride close to Capon until you reach Skalitz. The screen fades to black and a series of cutscenes will trigger. After the cutscenes the quest is complete.
This concludes An Oath is an Oath Main Quest Walkthrough and triggers the final 2 main quests “Epilogue” and “Vengeance“.
Next Up: Epilogue Main Quest & Vengeance Main Quest
For more Walkthroughs, check out the full Kingdom Come Deliverance Walkthrough (All Main Quests).
Fredrik says
My game goes into an infinite loading screen following the cutscene
GastNDorf says
With the latest patch this thing is just neverending your allies get wrecked in seconds while your pals fall like flies. Then only Capon and Bernard remain but they both have to fight 8 ennemies by themselves so they can’t even move they’re just beaten up.
Sven says
Oh man this Game sucks so hard. :/
I will pause until the next patch,only need the two trophies then platin.
SLAyER_0307 says
I cant beat them, there is only 5 men and me fightting and all our allies dies expect bernard even we reach before main hall. what can I do ?
anonny says
Poison arrows don’t seem to count,and when the poison wore off I spent time distracting shield guys by stabbing their shields and I just earn the trophy.