All that Glisters is the 16th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD). This walkthrough will guide you through the objectives of the All that Glisters Main Quest.
All that Glisters triggers automatically after completing Questions and Answers Main Quest.
This guide assumes that you healed all the villagers of Merhojed and interrogated the captive during the last main quest “Questions and Answers“. If the captive died, you had to loot his letter and bring it to Radzig. In this case, the first main objective will be slightly different, you will have to go to the Sasau Inn and talk to the Innkeeper. If you interrogated the captive you can skip straight to objective #2.
[Only if Captive died in Questions and Answers] Find the German Knight in the Sasau Inn
Only if you let the captive in Questions and Answers die you will get this objective! It will put a waypoint marker on Sasau Inn. Go there and exhaust the dialogue options with the innkeeper to get the next objective. If you saved the Captive in the last quest you can skip straight to the next step!
Go to the place where the counterfeit money is handed over / Explore the crossroads by Rovna / Go to the Junction to the north of Rovna
Simply follow the waypoint marker to the crossroads in the woods just north of Rovna. It’s marked on the map. If you interrogated the captive in the last quest then this will be your first objective of “All that Glisters”.
Follow the trail of blood from the ambushed wagon
In the middle of the crossroads is a wagon, a corpse and some blood. Investigate the blood and follow the trail along the road. It will lead you into a charcoal-burner’s camp.
Find out what happened with the wagon
Talk to one of the charcoal burners. The charcoal burner in the middle of the camp has speech stat 0 so use the speech-icon option (“it isn’t hard to guess what happened”) when talking to him. He’ll tell you to go talk to Borya who is also in the camp.
Talk to Borya
Borya is now marked on the map. Go talk to him. He has speech stat 8 (white icon) / strength stat 11 (swords icon). When trying to convince him pick whatever of your values is higher than his. He’ll tell you of a wounded man he rescued from the wagon, who is now hiding in his shed.
If you persuade him he’ll give you the key to his shed willingly.
Talk to the wounded man
Use the key Borya gave you to open the shed behind him. Talk to the wounded man inside and exhaust all dialogue options.
Catch the mystery knight
A cutscene will play in which you see a knight storm into the camp. There’s an autosave here. Get on your horse immediately and ride after the knight. To “catch” him simply bump your horse into his and he’ll get off his horse and fight you.
The easiest strategy to defeat the mystery knight in All that Glisters is to shoot him with arrows in the head. Walk around a tree in the woods so it blocks his path of attack. Keep walking around a tree and shoot him in the head a couple times (2-4 headshots will do).
When he surrenders, be sure to talk to him! Do not kill him! Exhaust all dialogue options to receive new objectives. You’ll learn that he is on your side and also hunting for the counterfeiters and willing to share info if you deliver documents for him.
Merciful trophy/achievement: wait for the mystery knight to yield when his health is low, do not kill him, do not let him get away!
Note: if you let the knight get away you receive the objective to “Lie in wait for the mysterious knight” at Sasau Inn. It’ll be marked on your map. Go there and advance time until the next day to make the knight show up sitting somewhere in front of the inn or walking up the stairs. Talk to him again and he’ll give the objective “Meet the mysterious knight by pond in Sasau“. There he will fight you again. So it’s better to catch him on the horse ride to save yourself the extra steps. You’ll have to fight him either way. In either case you should let him surrender to gain him as an ally.
Give Ulrich’s documents to Tobias Feyfar
Fast travel back to Rattay and talk to Tobias Feyar, who is in the lower castle. He’s marked on the map. Exhaust all dialogue options.
(Optional) speak with Ulrich
Travel to Sasau Inn and talk to Ulrich there. At day he’s usually sitting in front of the inn. He’ll tell you about what he found out about the counterfeit money so far and that you should talk to the painter.
Talk to the master fresco painter
Master fresco is in the same inn where you talked to Knight Ulrich. You may need to advance time to 19:00 (7pm) to make him spawn. Do that and then talk to him (he’s usually inside the inn).
[Recommended] Continue the investigation in the Overseer’s office / Find out where the counterfeiters get the quicksilver
After talking to the Master Fresco Painter the location of the Overseer’s Office is marked on the map. Talk to overseer in corner office upstairs in monastery. Then talk to the Overseer’s hand. To get the info you need you must persuade him in the dialogue. He has 10 speech (white), 12 charisma (red), 5 strength (swords). Pick whatever of your values is higher than his and it’ll trigger the next objective.

[Not Necessary] Find out who in Sasau works with copper
If you did the previous objective you can skip this!
If you got the info from the Overseer’s office, there is no need to do this objective! Feel free to skip to the next objective. This is simply an alternative to investigating the Overseer’s office. Either method leads to the same outcome.
However, if you want to pursue this objective anyway (again, not necessary, too complicated and leads to the same outcome), you must talk to the Blacksmith called Zach near the monastery (spawns at day). Then check the shed behind his forge to find the stolen copper and confront him. He has 8 charisma (red icon) and 9 strength (swords icon). If you can’t persuade him, he will send you on side quest “Rattled“. Then do this side quest and return to him to get the info you need.

Go and talk to Master Feyfar
Head down south in Sasau and talk to Master Feyfar marked on the map.
Regardless of whether you got the info from the Overseer’s Office or found out who in Sasau works with copper you will get this objective.
Check the engraving workshop
Master Feyfar sends you to a workshop in north of Sasau, marked on map. Go there and talk to the guy upstairs (he’s there at day). Exhaust all dialogues, it doesn’t matter what you say to him.
Talk to the Madam of the baths
This is optional. The guy in the engraving workshop will have told you where Florian lives and of a bath maid he was seeing. You can make a quick stop at the baths to talk to the bathhouse proprietor. Doesn’t matter if you do it or not, she just tells you what happened to the bath maid.
Talk to Florian the engraver’s apprentice / Find out what Florian knows
Go to Florian’s house (marked on map) and talk to him. You should try to persuade him in the dialogue. He has 9 charisma (red crown icon), 8 speech (white icon). If you can persuade him he will give up the info you need and tell you about a fellow called Rapota who is following him around.
If you don’t have high enough stats to persuade Florian, you must agree to save Esther. This will trigger side quest “Damsel in Distress“. Go do that quest and save the girl, then return to Florian. If your stats are high enough to convince Florian to help you, you can skip this step and don’t have to play the side quest.
Find Rapota
As Florian told you, Rapota is going wherever Florian goes and watches his house whenever he is home.
Advance time till 7:00am and Rapota will be leaning against a fence in front of Florian’s house. Below are screenshots of where to find the Rapota Location in All that Glisters Main Quest and what he looks like:

Stop Rapota / Question Rapota
Talk to Rapota, the guy in yellow clothes. He will run away.
Quickly run after him. He’ll stop before a horse, you can simply run into him and he’ll stop right there. If he continues running through the town, call your horse and ride ahead of him. Get off your horse roughly 25 meters/yards in front of him and then run right into him as he approaches. When running after him it’s almost impossible to catch up, he is very fast. He runs on a predetermined route across the bridge and up the north of Sasau. On the bridge is an easy spot to catch him. Just remember to run at him from the front (get off your horse after passing him), instead of trying to catch him from behind. If you don’t catch him it’s best to reload the last autosave.
[Warning: Only do this if you have Speech Level 13 or above] Secure Ulrich’s help
I strongly recommend you don’t do this objective if you have less than level 13 in your speech stat!
If you bring Ulrich he will attempt to kill your target Jezhek of Ronow who you are trying to catch alive for interrogation. Then you will get a chance to persuade Ulrich to let you bring in Jezhek alive. Even though Ulrich has only 9 Speech, you need at least 13 Speech to convince him. If you fail this persuasion you will have to fight Ulrich again and he is a harder enemy than Jezhek of Ronow. Bringing Ulrich will end in fighting/killing him if your speech stat is below 13. If your speech stat is 13 or above you should do this objective — then you won’t have to fight Jezhek, he will just surrender to you and there will be no fighting.
Merciful trophy/achievement: Do NOT secure Ulrich’s help if your speech stat is below 13! If you do, you must kill him later in the quest.
Find the entrance to the mineshaft in the Skalitz hills
Whether you secured Ulrich’s help or not, this objective will always be the same. Go to the mineshaft south of Skalitz. It’s marked on the map as a big search area. Below is the exact mineshaft location:

Find the counterfeiter’s workshop
Enter the mineshaft tunnel shown in the screenshot above. Then head straight to the end of the tunnel. Do not take any turns, just head straight to the end of it. Then a cutscene will automatically trigger. On the map it shows as one big search area but really all you need to do is run straight to the end of that mineshaft tunnel.
Note: You should consume a Saviour Schnapps to create a manual save before the end of the tunnel. The upcoming boss fight doesn’t make an autosave for you.
Arrest Jezhek of Ronow
At the end of the mineshaft you encounter Jezhek of Ronow who is behind the counterfeiting workshop. Persuading him is very hard. Even though he had only speech stat 9 and I speech stat 12 I could not persuade him (but it is possible with higher stats). Most likely you will end up fighting him. When his health is low he will surrender to you. Don’t kill him when he yields!
The easiest strategy to defeat the Jezhek of Ronow boss is to use a bow & arrows. There is a small wooden stump on the left of the area (near a ladder). Walk around that and shoot him in the head with arrows. 4-6 arrows to the head will be enough. The area is very small and you will most likely get hit by him. You should wear some thick armor for this fight. Otherwise, he can kill you in 3 quick stabs. If you have at least 20 defense on all your armor pieces it’s not too difficult.
Merciful trophy/achievement: If you can’t persuade Jezhek of Ronow in the dialogue, you must fight him but he surrenders when his health gets low. Be sure to stop attacking when he yields.
Return to Rattay and speak Radzig Kobyla
After capturing Jezhek of Ronow (alive), you will get a cutscene. You’ll be back in Sasau. Now fast travel back to Rattay and talk to Radzig. Jezhek will be put in jail automatically.
Get the keys from Jezhek’s cell from Bernard
Radzig tells you to get jail keys from Bernard. You can find Bernard at the battle arena near the upper castle at day (usually 11:00 – 16:00). He’s marked on the map.
Question Jezhek of Ronow / Find out where the counterfeit coin is coming from
With the key in hand, go to the jail cells (marked on map). The jails are underground, you can enter through the right door in the courtyard between armorer’s shop and apothecary, then go downstairs. Should this door be locked you can take the wooden stairs leading up to the Scribe’s house and then go downstairs in that house to reach the prison. Jezhek is in the last cell. Unlock the cell using the key and talk to Jezhek. Exhaust all dialogue options.
Report to Sir Radzig
Return to Sir Radzig in the lower castle of Rattay to report what you learned from interrogating Jezhek of Ronow.
This concludes the All that Glisters Main Quest and immediately starts the “If You Can’t Beat ’em” Main Quest.
Next Up: If You Can’t Beat ’em Main Quest
For more Walkthroughs, check out the full Kingdom Come Deliverance Walkthrough (All Main Quests).
PowerPyx says
These quests are just getting longer and longer :D
This was another day-long project to write. Enjoy guys!
Wossoo says
Actually Jezhek can be persuaded – I successfully arrested him by offering him a deal without fighting.
PowerPyx says
What stats did you have?
Because I had 12 speech, he had only 10, and it NEVER persuaded him.
Maybe it was buggy for me.
DimosthenisTheGreat says
Yeah me too with 16 speech
Hcein says
Correct, also the men at the camp in front of the cave entrance always fight me. If I secure Ulrich’s help, he end up being killed. The only way I found to finish this quest is to run past the men at the cave entrance and go to the workshop where Jezhek is. I spoke to him and convince him to give himself up. Chose the speech option . I was at level 15. I’m on patch 1.04
joe blow says
“Bringing Ulrich will always end in fighting/killing him.” this is 100% wrong- it doesnt always end up killing or fighting UIrich, you can convince him to leave without fighting him or killing your target….
PowerPyx says
I tried all dialogue options with him many times, for me there was no way possible to convince him.
What dialogue did you pick if you remember?
Trevelyan says
It is possible, after securing Ulrich’s help, to persuade him that he does not need to kill Jerhez, if you have a quite high speech. Because you know of his involvement with the Rossenbaum’s he says he can’t go back to them now and will leave without killing anyone.
PowerPyx says
I’ll add this in for now, thanks for confirming!
I never got any persuasion options with him but maybe my game glitched. Replayed this quest 3 times and it never showed lol.
Melar says
With 13 Speech I convinced Ulrich to give up and don’t fight. Tried with 11 and 12 and couldn’t do it.
PowerPyx says
Okay then you need at least 13 speech. Because I also had 12 speech and couldn’t do it.
I’ll rewrite those sections a little bit, thank you very much for your help =)
PowerPyx says
Updated now!
Nedas says
I cannot seem to find the jail cells, Im on the quest marker and don’t know if im where supposed to be, when being in the spot I hear and see subtitles underground, is the jail cells underground and if so where do I find the entrance?
PowerPyx says
Yes it’s underground, enter through the Scribe’s house (there’s a small courtyard between the armorer’s and medicine shop, there’s a door on the right of the courtyard that you must enter and go downstairs).
If you’ve ever been to Rattay Jail it’s the same place where you come out of jail.
I’m gonna make some clarifications in the walkthrough, thanks for asking your question.
Melar says
It seems that you can go straigh to the mines and skip the entire quest instead of doing the entire investigation.
Nedas says
Sorry if it’s not the place to ask but did you do the monk quest? I’m in it and don’t know how to do it.
PowerPyx says
I’m on it now, I think.
The one called Poverty, Chastity and Obedience?
I’m writing up the quest before that now and then will get right on that
These quests are getting more and more complicated and this sounds like another long one. Will take me the rest of today probably, to finish up the walkthrough for it.
(and sure, here is the best place to ask general question about the main quests)
Nedas says
And what about the night raid, did you manage to rescue lady Stephanie and Sir Radzig? Or is it imposible, as I’m trying to do it but it’s no luck, even read on reddit that this mission is bugged or so, if you manage it, would like to hear how!
Melar says
I failed that mission and still got Merciful.
Erik says
I accidentally killed the knight before I could talk to him, all you need to do is grab the documents and go to Tobias Feyfar. It’s weird.
PowerPyx says
Yes that works too.
It’s a very complicated quest, there are many ways to play it and many things you can skip.
Matthew says
But how are you supposed to continue ? Now I have no marker, just a quest in journal “find out whos working with copper and who is giving them quicksilver” at Sasau. How am I supposed to do that ?
Ty says
Thank you for helping me find Rapota. I will also add that you can use a back entrance into the mines and avoid a fight entirely. When doing the damsel in distress quest the last bandit will surrender and you can interrogate him. Loving how everyone plays a little differently.
Perthos says
The door to the rathaus is always locked, and i can’t pick the door (terrible at the minigame) so how or when does the door open (the one across from the tailor, to the scribe)
PowerPyx says
That’s weird.
You mean for the second-last step when you have to question Jezhek in the prison?
You can try entering via the wooden stairs leading up the building. There is a way to get down to the prison cells from there, hard to explain, but look around and you’ll find it.
Alternatively, your best bet is advancing time until the door opens. I was there in the middle of the day, not a night.
Matthew says
I have a problem. I killed Ulrich. I failed finding out whos working with copper, cuz I failed the quest blacksmith Zach gave me. I dont want to reload it all… What should I do ? Find Overseer ?
555 says
an easy way to convince Ulrich if you have 8+ speech, but below 13, is to use a Bard Potion before the cave cutscene, gives you +5 speech and makes it easy to convince him
MaxMurray says
i dont know if its a bug but i will tell you my way through the end of this mission.
Ulrich was sleeping above the inn, its the 3rd door, you can open up woithout trouble. i talked to him and teleported to the hills. as you will see he doesnt wear any armor, so you can easily kill him before going into the cave.
but i left him alive, we went inside together, hoping it will be easier to kill after conforting the other guy. but as soon as the fight begins with him, he is just falling to the ground, and he is dead lmao
Merion says
Haha, I ran into a random encounter before saving Esther. I found a dead body on my way to the place she was held up. I tried to find a clue about who killed the woman, but didn’t succeed. So I whistled for my horse, and then heard a “what’s that”, so I guessed it was bandits. I wiped their camp, and found an entrance to a cave. I finished the quest without doing much investigation !
Opie says
Did the dame but then sir Radzig didnt have anything to say about the prisoner. Killed Rapota and everything but Im stuck, cant complete the mission.
Aditya says
I had a speech of 20 and i didnt have to fight him we both co-operated in this mission..
James says
You can also skip fighting the people at the entrance of the mine. If you accept to find Esther for Florian and go complete the Damsel in Distress mission, you find out about a secret back entrance that is unguarded. I managed to get one of the bandits holding her hostage and questioned them,. They told me if the entrance. Ulrich and I strolled right in up to the last guy without fighting a single person lol
rd says
Maybe i was the one who pursue the “misterious knight” (Ulrich) and killed him… thats WHY my graphics in the game started to “break”… and dont let me pass to the next challenge.. stupid bug
Joemeatballs says
I ended up killing rapota’s horse while he was riding and I think I bugged him. No longer had a talk option so I beat him up and told him to surrender his weapon. After he ran off i got the update to head to the camp to catch up to him but he hasnt showed up :/
MikkDC says
Maybe things have changed in a recent patch but when I was told to meet Ulrich by the pond in Sasau, I did just that but DID NOT have to fight him. He said it would be the last mistake I ever made meeting him there but had 2 options – 1 was to fight but the other was to say “WAIT!”. I chose wait and it opened up a lot more dialogue options in which we discovered we had a common enemy and he became my ally.
Barnabee Wylde says
Regarding “Lie in wait for the mysterious knight” at Sasau Inn: When I got there, it was night. I found him sleeping in a room upstairs. Talking to him yielded the “Meet the mysterious knight by pond in Sasau“ reply…. When he went back to sleep, I shot him twice with an arrow and he yielded on the spot and gave me the papers, etc….
Gerrick Vrooman says
To help with my persuasion I drank a bard potion right before I got to the cutscene it gave me a plus 5 on my speech stat.
Gianni says
If I bring Ulrich, I he always ends up dying in front of the mine shaft entrance and I always loose reputation. Also, fighting all the bandits in front of the mine seems to be quite impossible without exploiting the AI and shooting them from a hill. This can’t be right. Am I missing something??!
TiberiusGG says
lol I had this mission active and I accidently find de cave of the quest while exploring, that’s weird. I finish the mission without investigating anithing xd