Wedding Crashers is the 5th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Wedding Crashers main story quest.
Find a way to get into the wedding party
To get to the wedding party you need the help of either the blacksmith or the miller by doing 3 side quests for either of them. We’ll go through both paths. It will affect who you go to the wedding with, and whether you need to find the concubine (miller path) or the sword (blacksmith path) at the wedding ceremony. The blacksmith is in the north and the miller in the southwest of the map. The blacksmith’s quests focus on crafting weapons and combat. The miller’s quests focus on stealth and thievery. Both questlines take roughly the same amount of time and have you zigzagging over the map. The blacksmith quests are slightly more linear and easier, the miller quests are more complex but teach you more game mechanics.
IMPORTANT: For the sake of quest completion and Been There, Done That (complete most of the game’s content), it’s recommended to do The Blacksmith’s Questline first. This is because the Blacksmith’s questline is tied to 6 missable quests (The Jaunt, Canker, Handsome Charlie, Johnny the Gob, Casper, A Sinful Soul). You can still do the Miller’s questline after doing the Blacksmith’s.
Before heading out, take a look around Troskowitz – talk to Bara the beggar, who is marked as a quest giver. You can ask her for info where to get clothes, money, horse, sleeping place. She also gives the side quest “Combat Training 1“. You should do these now or before the wedding.
- Combat Training 1 (from talking to Bara in Troskowitz)
- Mutt (automatically marked on the map already)
- Bad Blood (talk to Bozhena at her hut, the woman who nursed you back to health)
Tip – Getting a Horse: You can steal a horse from the paddock in the south of Troskowitz. Be careful when stealing horses, if nearby NPCs notice it, they will report you to the authorities and you have to pay a fine or accept punishment next time you enter town. You can make a manual save beforehand in the pause menu by clicking Save & Exit to Menu, and reload if caught. Stolen horses will walk back to their original location when you dismount them. You can always fast travel back to the paddock in Troskowitz to steal another horse if needed. Most other towns have horses too. This will get you to the quest objectives quickly.
Tip – Fast Travel & Quest Markers: You can fast travel to any location that has a blue flag icon on the map. Simply open the map and hold /
to fast travel (doesn’t work while inside buildings). It’s also important to know that only 3 side quests can be tracked at a time. If you already have 3 active quests and then accept new quests the objectives won’t be marked on the map. To fix this, open the Journal and press
to track/untrack quests.
Option 1 (Recommended): Get into the wedding party with the help of the blacksmith Radovan
For the blacksmith’s questline, head to the red “B” marker in the north of the map, in the small village Tachov. There you can talk to Blacksmith Radovan. At day he’s usually outside in the forge, at night he’s asleep (press Touchpad to skip time). Talk to him and exhaust the dialogues. Because the blacksmith’s questline has 6 missable quests tied to it, it’s best to do his quests first.
This will start side quest The Blacksmith’s Son. You must now finish a series of 3 side quests for the Blacksmith to access the wedding.
Blacksmith Questline:
- The Blacksmith’s Son Side Quest
- The Jaunt Side Quest
- The Hermit Side Quest (+ Optional Missable Task: A Sinful Soul)
After completing his third quest, you must get a suitable wedding outfit, then talk to the Blacksmith again to be brought to the wedding. See below for How to get Wedding Outfit, afterward continue at the next objective “Talk to Svatya“.
Before going to the wedding you can clean up the side content in Trosky region including the Miller’s Questline. All available side content is listed below in chronological order with the questline in brackets. Plan in around 30 hours for this:
- Canker (Gules Questline)
- Handsome Charlie (Gules Questline)
- Johnny the Gob (Gules Questline)
- Casper (Gules Questline)
- Materia Prima (Miller’s Questline)
- Forbidden Fruit (Miller’s Questline)
- Opus Magnum (Miller’s Questline)
- Melee at the Mill (Brawler Questline)
- More Melee at the Mill (Brawler Questline)
- Wine, Women and Blood (Brawler Questline)
- The Best for Last (Brawler Questline)
- Mutt (Shepherd Questline)
- Sheep among Wolves (Shepherd Questline)
- The Lost Sheep (Shepherd Questline)
- Carrot on a Stick (Shepherd Questline)
- Hunting the Werewolf (Shepherd Questline)
- Lackey (Vostatek Questline)
- Bird of Prey (Vostatek Questline)
- Frogs (Truce Questline)
- Mice (Truce Questline)
- Battle of the Frogs and Mice (Truce Questline)
- Combat Training 1 (Nomad’s Camp)
- Combat Training 2 (Nomad’s Camp)
- Miri Fajta (Nomad’s Camp)
- The Voivode’s Curse (Nomad’s Camp)
- Bad Blood (Bozhena’s Hut)
- Invaders (Troskowitz)
- The Axe from the Lake (Tachov)
- Troubadours (Zhelejov Wagoners’ Inn)
- The Lion’s Crest (Pre-Order DLC)
Option 2: Gain access to the wedding party with the help of the miller Kreyzl
Head to the red “C” marker in the southwest of the map. When you reach the Lower Semine Mill, talk to Miller Kreyzl there. At night he’ll be asleep, at day he’s usually outside (press Touchpad to skip time). Agree to help him carry the sacks. To gain reputation say this: “Are you still looking for help?” > “What kind of work do you have for me?” > “Alright, I’ll carry the sacks“.
This will start side quest Materia Prima. You can still do the Miller’s questline after doing the Blacksmith’s, either before the wedding or after. Doing all content as soon as it’s available is always best and helps you level up stats as early as possible. So ideally, clean up all side content before going to the wedding.
Miller Questline:
- Melee at the Mill Side Quest – from Miller Kreyzl, pick dialogue “What’s the pen beyond the stream for?” > “Can I try too?“. It consists of beating 3 of his hired hands in fistfights, which is a quick way to make 155 Groschen.
- You can also clean up all other side content in Trosky region before the wedding, see side content list above.
During the third side quest “Opus Magnum” the objective auto-completes and you’re brought to the wedding. Then continue here at the next objective “Talk to Svatya“.
How to get Wedding Outfit
Regardless of whether you go to the wedding through the blacksmith or miller, you will need appropriate clothes. You need any outfit that reaches 16 Charisma. Doesn’t matter which items exactly as long as it gives enough Charisma. You can check this in the Inventory under the “Charisma” stat. Make sure you’re not hungry or tired as this causes a Charisma reduction (red Charisma stat).
The outfit can’t contain armor. You don’t have to fill every single clothing slot, but it must contain a coat, hose, shoes. Other clothing items are optional but helpful to get a better charisma rating (hat, hood, gloves etc). When you inspect clothing in the inventory (swipe on it), it shows a Charisma stat.
Speak to the tailor in Troskowitz, say you need a wedding outfit. Then you can ask him “Can I go to the wedding like this?” and he’ll let you know when it’s good. When he replies “magnificent” you’re good to go. Make a save before spending your money. Put together the cheapest combination of clothes that the tailor approves of. Reload the save and try other items until it works.
There are many combinations that work. The cheapest combination is this for ~78 Groschen (depending on reputation):
- Hat: Chaperon (~24 Groschen)
- Body: Burgher Coat (~36.5 Groschen)
- Legs: Gartered Hose (~18 Groschen) *can be skipped if your hose has same or better charisma
- Arms: Knacker’s gloves – was a reward from miller’s side quest “Forbidden Fruit“, not purchased.
- Shoes: if you don’t have any shoes, you can buy some in Nomdas’ Camp from Fence Whitebeard. Alternatively, loot them at night from people’s bedside chests (pickpocket their key while they sleep to open chest next to their bed).
- (Optional: One of the “Hemmed hoods” from the tailor gives +1 Charisma, but can be skipped if you put on Knacker’s gloves or other items)
If you can’t afford the clothes you can also steal them. Simply go outside and throw a stone through the window (crouch and /
). Then the tailor will investigate the noise, quickly steal what you need before he comes back. If you’re noticed, the authorities will stop you next time you enter the town and must pay a fine or accept punishment. If you have the money to spare it’s safer to buy the clothes. At the wedding nobody will notice if you’re wearing stolen clothes.
After getting an acceptable outfit talk to the Blacksmith (if you did his quests) or Enneleyn at the Nomad’s Camp (if you did Miller quests), this will skip to the wedding. Continue at the next objective.
Talk to Svatya / Wait for von Bergow
After you arrive at the wedding you get this objective. To wait for von Bergow you must do other tasks at the wedding to kill time. If you untracked the main quest in the meantime, make sure you track it again in the journal to see the waypoints.
Svatya will stand in the backyard wearing a pink coat. Talk to him, to gain reputation say this: “I’m sorry about that” > “You did better” > “What’s it about”? > “Girls like poems” > “Sure, I’ll give it a whirl” > “I’m in“.
Chat up Myshka
Talk to Myshka, the girl in red dress sitting in the corner of the backyard. The first dialogue always gives negative reputation no matter what you pick.
For the best result to get her to dance with you, pick the following: “To rescue the damsel” (all 3 choices give negative reputation, doesn’t matter) > “Why don’t we leave Myshka alone?” (results in her wanting to talk in private).
Note that if you pick other dialogues Myshka doesn’t want to talk in private or dance, which would skip the next objective. The story will progress regardless.
Talk to Myshka in private
If you won the dialogue with Myshka, you can follow her to the pond to talk in private. This gives the best result: “Nice place” > “Do you want to be alone?” > “Those are the worst” > “Where am I from?” > “From Skalitz” > “Burned down” > “I’d love to dance” > “Sure I do!”.
If you picked these dialogues, then it automatically starts the dance with Myshka. During the dance you can say “Natural talent”. If you picked other dialogues then the dance will be skipped, and it can even result in a brawl with Vuytek who’s chatting with Myshka. Either way you can return to Svatya.
Return to Svatya
Talk to Svatya to report how it went with the girl. The choices here don’t affect reputation, you can say “Myshka is quite nice” > “We danced”.
Talk to Lord Semine
Sir Jan Semine is sitting at the table inside the courtyard, the old man wearing a red coat. For reputation say “I’ll talk to the guard“. If you pick the other choice you lose reputation.
Talk to the guard at the gate
At the entrance gate talk to Guard Commander Tuma, the guy in green robe. Regardless of what you say, you will be tasked with gathering 40 food. To gain reputation: “What kind of food should we give them?” > “I’ll try to sneak into the pantry” > “That’s good”.
Collect food on the wedding (40 pieces)
Walk around the party and pick up any 40 food items (drinks don’t count). No need to go to the pantry or kitchen, there are more than enough food items where the people are seated. Especially the small quark/poppy kolachs on the trays.
Return to the commander when done. You must give him exactly 40 food, not more, not less.
Talk to the Moravians
The Moravians are a group of men sitting at the table in the courtyard. What you say to them doesn’t matter, either way you’ll have to get them Moravian Schnaps.
Get drinks for the Moravians
The Moravian schnaps is in the guarded cellar. Enter through the door in the corner of the guest area. Inside there’s a single guard watching the cellar door. You have to get the guard out of there. Talk to him, there are two options: if you win the skill check he will leave. If not, you must grab some beer from the party and bring it to him until he needs to take a leak. He then walks away and you can enter the cellar. Pick up the Moravian schnaps, in the corner of the cellar. Bring it back to the guys at the table.
Afterward, Chamberlain Ulrich will automatically talk to you.
The next objective depends on whether you came to the party with the Miller or Blacksmith! If you did the Miller’s questline you must find the concubine, she’s in the barn upstairs (behind the dance area). If you did the Blacksmith’s questline you must find the sword. During this step you can also talk to other guests and do optional objectives.
Optional: Ask Doubravka to dance (gives speech XP)
At the door from the guest area to the dance area stands Doubravka’s mother. She wants you to dance with her daughter. You can then talk to her daughter, the girl in purple dress sitting at the campfire. However, she will trample your feet and you lose 15% of your health from the dance. Afterward, if you lose the skill check she will run away crying. Then talk to her again and say you’re sorry > “I can’t think of anyone” > “A kiss could be arranged”. Then you get to kiss her, it also grants speech XP.
Optional: Get a badge from Emmerich / Radovan / Chamberlain (gives gold badge)
In the betting area behind the dance field, you can talk to Bailiff Thrush about playing dice. You can then play against 3 other people to win their badges.
[Miller Path] – Find the young man dressed in yellow / Find the concubine
If you came to the wedding with the Miller, you will be tasked with finding the concubine. She was last seen with a man wearing yellow. There are multiple men wearing yellow around the party. You can also talk to the Scribe in the guest area to get 48 Groschen, but he’s not the right man. The Peasant in the betting area behind the dance field reveals she went upstairs in the barn with a young man. You’ll find them there – and the man she went with is Sir Hans Capon. Exhaust the dialogues. Either way, the girl refuses to go back to the Chamberlain because of his perversions.
Now talk again to the Chamberlain. It doesn’t matter what you say, either choice results in a cutscene and the wedding ceremony takes place. Unfortunately, von Bergow never shows up at the wedding (he was the reason you went here). Afterward you spawn on the castle wall.
[Blacksmith Path] – Find the young man dressed in yellow / Find the sword for Lord Semine’s son
If you came with the blacksmith, you must find the sword instead. First, behind the dance field enter the barn and go upstairs to find Capon and a concubine. Exhaust the dialogues with Capon, he reveals that Svatya took the sword. Then talk to Svatya, he stands in front of the barn at a wagon (edge of dance field). You talked to him earlier about Myshka, he wears a pink outfit. The easiest skill check to win is the one based on charisma “Not even the bailiff’s son will escape punishment”. It should always succeed since you’re wearing the charismatic wedding outfit. Ask “what did you do with the sword”, he reveals he threw it in the pond.
Now go through the door behind where Blacksmith Radovan is standing, it leads to the pond:
The sword is inside the pond. It’s right at the edge of the pond below the small stairs, in the area where you can walk (not in the deep). Look at the water until you see Sword for young Lord Semine, pick it up.
Afterward return the sword to Radovan, who stands right in front of the door to the pond. Pick whatever dialogues you want here, afterward the wedding cutscene will start.
Congratulate the newlyweds
You can now talk to the other guests again for some speech XP and skill checks (Chamberlain, Doubravka the girl in purple if you danced with her, Sir Semine, Satya).
You can find the bride, Agnes, crying in the wine cellar. The groom left already. It’s the same cellar where you stole the Moravian schnaps. Talk to her there, exhaust all dialogues.
Someone walks in on you and insinuates you’re trying to make out with the bridge. A brawl breaks out.
Defend yourself
No matter what you do, after 1 minute the guards arrive and you’re sent to jail. After some cutscenes, you briefly talk as Godwin. Say this to gain reputation:
“You came to see me off?” (both options always give negative reputation, doesn’t matter) > “I’m listening” > “He went to Trosky” > “Should I find out why he’s not there”? > “I’ll do it“.
After another cutscene it transitions to the next main quest.
This finishes Wedding Crashers in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Next Quest: For Whom the Bells Tolls
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
Alex Jones says
Might be worth noting you can also do an optional activity of swordfighting at the wedding.
Alex Jones says
And you can romance Doubravka.
RedEye says
You can get the trophy for acquiring a gold badge in a dice game at the wedding
Huha says
I’m confused. Should I go with the Blacksmith to the wedding or with the Miller?… the guide says pick the Blacksmith but than it says do this side content before going to the wedding which includes the Miller quest but this leads to the outcome that I go to the wedding with the Miller and the Girl.
PowerPyx says
Doesn’t matter, only important thing is to complete Blacksmith quests before wedding. Who you go to the wedding has no lasting significance, you can go with whoever you want.
Baz says
So will I miss out on the trophy for completing most of the quests?
Because I followed this guide when it said “We recommend to do the Millers questline” missing out on 6 quests. Dunno how many more I’ve missed from reading this guide now
PowerPyx says
You’ll be fine, doing blacksmith/gules questlines isn’t needed for the trophy.
126 quests confirmed, trophy unlocks at 112. 126-112 = 14 quests can be skipped = almost all missable quests can be skipped and you’ll still earn the trophy.
Many people unlocked it at 99-100 quests by the time they reached Main Quest 18. You can easily miss 10+ side quests/tasks and still get it. If you follow the guide you’ll get it. All side content is listed in the main walkthrough when it becomes available.