The Lion’s Den is the 22nd main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Lion’s Den main story quest.
Consult with Zizka on the next steps to take
Return to Zizka in Devil’s Den. Report what happened in Kuttenberg. If you have not yet done Main Quest: The Devil’s Pack, he will give you the objective “Find Dry Devil’s Old Gang”. You must do that mission first before you can proceed here.
Find Dry Devil’s Old Gang
If you haven’t yet, complete Main Quest: The Devil’s Pack to recruit Dry Devil’s comrades. Only then will Zizka let you proceed with the quest.
Wait till Samuel gets back from Kollin
If you go to Devil’s Inn immediately after completing the previous main quest, you get this extra objective as Samuel hasn’t arrived yet. You must skip to the next day for him to arrive, then you can talk to Zizka gain to meet with your allies.
Talk to Dry Devil’s Gang
You will meet with your full crew to discuss the next steps. What dialogues you say here doesn’t really matter, the quest always proceeds in the same way. You can try to win skill checks but it’s of no significance, they only affect reputation.
Missable Task: After this you can talk to Sir Hans at Devil’s Den to get the highly missable task “Like Old Times“.
Meet up with Katherine in the camp
Katherine is in Opatowitz, in Sigismund’s camp. She’ll be marked.
If you tried entering the camp earlier, the guards at the gate were hostile. But now you can enter freely through the front gate.
You have to talk to Katherine at night. At day she’ll send you away. After 22:00 works. She’ll take you into her bathhouse. Exhaust all dialogues. She has been spying on Sigismund’s camp for you and reveals what she learned. You must enlist with Sigismund’s army to figure out when they are moving to Sedletz, then your gang can ambush them along the path.
Get enlisted
Talk to Stephen Crow to enlist. He’ll be marked, his location varies but will be in Sigismund’s camp. Since you skipped to night he might already have gone to bed, but can talk to him anyway. What dialogues you pick doesn’t matter here. There will be some skill checks, but even if you fail them or pick the non-skill options he’ll present you to the captain Ditrich Katz.
What you say to Katz also doesn’t matter. Exhaust all questions. Even if you fail all skill checks he gives the next two objectives. Some of his soldiers went missing, you must find them and then he’ll let you enlist.
Talk to Musa
Talk to Musa of Mali in Sigismund’s camp, he’ll be marked. He tells you about Myshek, one of the soldiers from the group that disappeared. He’s the only one who made it back to camp but is severely wounded and not fit enough to talk to you. If you pick the dialogues “Can’t we wake him up for a while?” or “I don’t have time, just heal him somehow”, you’re given an optional objective to help Myshek. If you say “I’ll think of something else” you won’t get that objective. Musa says you can wake him with a Strong Cockerel potion.
Help the wounded Myshek (Optional)
This objective is a bit tricky and can be skipped. You only get this if you asked Musa about it. Myshek lays in the infirmary tent of Sigismund’s camp.
You can give him a potion. The correct potion to give is Strong Cockerel. This will wake him up and he tells you where exactly to search for the lost soldiers and removes the search area. This is totally optional, refer to the next objective for the exact location.
Strong Cockerel isn’t purchasable at apothecaries. You must brew it yourself. The recipe is the same as regular Cockerel, same ingredients and steps. The quality you brew (Weak/Normal/Strong) depends on how well you do it and whether you use fresh ingredients or dried. For Strong Cockerel you’ll want to follow the steps perfectly and use very fresh ingredients (near 100% quality, the heart icon in inventory). Having a higher alchemy skill level makes it easier. An alchemy bench is found behind Musa’s tent. You only need 1 Valerian + 2 Mint. These can be bought from herbalists or found in the wild. You don’t need to have learned the recipe, all potions can be brewed without having learned the recipe, as long as you follow the correct steps:
Find the lost soldiers
The lost soldiers are found at Old Lhota. It’s slightly south of the red “D” marker on the map, near the middle of the yellow search area.
Upon approaching, there will be hostile soldiers and it starts the next objectives.
Find the lost charter / Deal with the lost soldiers (Optional)
Turns out the missing soldiers have deserted the army and are now living in Old Lhota, an abandoned sawmill. Attacking them is a bad idea, they are well equipped and you’d get attacked by 5 of them simultaneously.
If they don’t attack on sight you can try replying to a guard with /
, then say “Let’s talk” > “I just need one document” > “Katz sent me” > “Give me the charter and I’ll be on my way” > “Go your own way”. Then the guard gives you the key to the chest willingly and they let you grab it without a fight.
If the soldiers are hostile and can’t be talked to, the next-best option is to come at night, steal the lost charter and leave. Skip time to midnight 24:00, they will all be asleep.
The lost charter is inside the house where the soldiers sleep, upstairs in a red-painted chest. Climb up the ladder inside the house to the attic.
At night three of them will sleep upstairs. The chest has a medium difficulty lock. You can pickpocket the key from the sleeping soldiers. The one sleeping in the middle upstairs has the key. Alternatively, you can lockpick the chest.
From the chest loot Lost Charter for King Sigismund. It also contains 300 Groschen.
Take the lost document to the commander
Return the charter to Ditrich Katz in Sigismund’s camp. He’s in the top tent furthest up the hill, will be marked.
He gives you 250 Groschen and a waffenrock. You then have celebratory drinks with him and Musa. To gain reputation say “Let’s drink” and “Let’s play” for a game of dice. Winning gives 600 Groschen, losing costs 300 Groschen. Then you have more drinks and pass time till 23:00. If you prefer, you can skip the dice game by saying “I don’t want to play” > “I really don’t want to play”.
This is followed by a cutscene. Chertan, the commander of the Cumans, was stabbed and is in critical condition. You then talk to Ditrich, what you say doesn’t matter. He’ll always task you with finding who attacked Chertan.
Search the spot where Chertan was stabbed
You must gather clues at the crime scene.
Clue 1: Inspect the blood on the ground, directly in front of where you spawn.
Clue 2: Examine the cannon in the hut to the left of the blood.
Clue 3: Examine the ground inside the hut where the cannon is, the spilled gunpowder around the cannon balls.
Clue 4 (Optional): Examine the bloodied tub, in front of where Chertan was stabbed, in front of his green tent.
Clue 5 (Optional): You can open the hard difficulty chest inside Chertan’s tent. It’s the big green tent where the bloodied tub is, in front of where he was stabbed. If you have trouble with this, consume a Quickfinger Potion to temporarily raise your thievery skill. From the chest loot the letter Lord Borumlaca’s bond and read it from the inventory. It reveals that Grozav owes Chertan money, so he had motive to murder him to avoid paying back his debts.
Gathering the first 3 clues removes the search area and updates the objective marker. Return to Ditrich Katz in his tent, say “I’ve searched the whole place”. You then go to the infirmary tent – commander Chertan has died from his wounds. Another guy Grozav joins in, he casts suspicion on Musa.
The best choices to not lose reputation are: “(Stay Silent)” > “(Stay Silent)” > “(Stand up for Musa)” > “(Stay Silent)” > “We should help Musa” > “You really don’t know what to do?” > “A girl from the baths will help” (triggers optional objective).
You can cast suspicion of Musa or defend him, but it’s of no consequence. Ditrich will always defend Musa, who was with you when the attack happened so has an alibi. Musa determines the cause of death was poisoning, not the stab wounds.
Regardless of what you say, you’ll always be tasked with defending Musa and finding the true murderer. If you said a girl from the bathhouse will help, you can talk to Katherine which gives a Side Task.
Ask Katherine for help with the guard (Optional) – Side Quest: The Stalker
You’ll get this objective only if you said “A girl from the baths will help“. Return to Katherine at the baths, exhaust all dialogues. She needs help catching her stalker, then she’ll help you distract the guard. This starts the missable Side Task: The Stalker.
It’s best if you do this as it counts towards Been There, Done That (completed most of the game’s content). After doing this quest you can talk to Katherine again and she’ll agree to distract the guard. You must then wait until she walks to the guard to distract him, this takes 2 minutes.
Note: complete all other side content in Sigismund’s Camp before the end of this main quest. The camp and everything in it disappears later in the story.
Talk to Musa
Enter Musa’s tent, exhaust all questions with him. He tells you someone poisoned the wine that was given to dead Chertan. Finding out what poison was used will lead to the killer.
Examine Chertan’s corpse
Check Chertan’s body in the infirmary tent. Exhaust all examinations. The important clues: He had spasms, skin is red, shat himself, puked blood.
Read the book of poisons
The Book of Poison is inside the easy-difficulty chest directly next to Chertan’s corpse. Lockpick the chest, loot the book, read it from the inventory, browse through all pages.
The correct poison is Kiss of Death.
Go back to Musa
Return to Musa, report that Kiss of Death was used to kill Chertan. This is the only poison that fits all the symptoms. Say “Kiss of Death” > “It was definitely that poison” > “Tell me” > “I don’t know what you’re talking about (Lie)”.
You must now search the tents of all suspects for the poison ingredients. They will all be marked on the map.
Search Musa’s Tent
In Musa’s Tent (“S” marker), inspect the vessel next to the bed, the items of value in the corner, the potions on the shelf, the prayer rug on the floor.
Search Grozav’s Tent
In Grozav’s Tent (“R” marker), inspect the wine and herbs on the small table on the right side of the tent.
Search Stephen Crow’s Tent
In Stephen’s Tent (“Q” marker), inspect the bowl of water, oak wood, nails. Henry will comment these are all ingredients to brew Kiss of Death poison. Thus Stephen is our prime suspect.
Search the tent of Adalbert and Radovan
In the Guards’ Tent (“T” marker), inspect alcohol, broom, bed, lockpick the easy chest.
Prepare to defend Musa at the trial
After searching all tents, skip time until morning so the “L” marker appears in Commander Ditrich’s tent at the top of the camp. Talk to Ditrich, say “I’m ready for the trial”.
The Trial
Important: If you give 3 wrong answers at the trial, you will be hanged and it results in a Game Over screen.
You can either accuse Grozav or Stephen Crow. They will always try to fight their way out of it and get slaughtered.
Trophy/Achievement: The Hydra’s Head (Missable – kill all 3 commanders Chertan, Grozav, Katz) – for this you have to accuse commander Grozav so he ends up dead.
Correct choices during the trial for the trophy:
“(Stay Silent)” > “(Stay Silent)” > “He was with us at the time of the stabbing” > “Lord Grozav of Borumlaca” > “Chertan caught Grozav in the act while he was stealing powder” > “There was powder scattered all over the storeroom” > “Grazov poisoned the wine before we arrived” > “(Mention the found herbs)” > Grozav will attack, kill him > “As you wish”.
If you read the letter from the chest in Chertan’s tent you can also use that as evidence, but having found the spilled powder is enough to convict him.
Tell Katherine that the Praguers are moving out
Head back to Katherine at the baths, tell her the Praguers are about to move. She will report back to Zizka so they can ambush them on the way.
Talk to Katz / Leave the Camp with Katz
Note: equip your best armor/weapon before talking to Katz. A big fight will start after this.
You won’t be able to advance the dialogue with Katz until you talked to Katherine. After that you can say “We can set off to Sedletz” > “What would I have to do?” > “I would be honoured”.
Defeat the Praguers
A cutscene will begin where Dry Devil’s gang ambushes the soldiers. You must kill the remaining soldiers. If you immediately run forward you can hide behind your teammates. Attack enemies from behind with a combo, run away until the enemies refocus on your allies. Rush back in, attack from behind, run away, rinse and repeat. Eventually, more soldiers will run after you, but can keep attacking the ones focusing on your teammates. Shooting them in the back with rifles works well too.
Trophy/Achievement: The Hydra’s Head (Missable) – After defeating all enemies, commander Katz will crawl out from under his horse. Kill him before talking to Zizka, this will unlock the trophy if you also convicted Grozav during the trial.
Afterward, loot the bodies for Groschen, keys, and the most valuable gear. You can store the best pieces on your horse (press /
in inventory) to sell later.
Talk to Zizka
When you’re done killing Katz and looting the bodies, talk to Zizka and say “I’ll come with you”. This initiates fast travel to Devil’s Den. Upon arriving this very long quest is done and the next main quest begins.
This finishes The Lion’s Den main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Next Quest: Dancing with the Devil
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
Isk says
Additional option –
After deducing with Musa the correct poison (Kiss of Death), and after fully searching Crow’s tent (basically finding his payoff and the Kiss of Death ingredients), confront him with the evidence. If you pass a speech check, he’ll basically admit he’s a spy, that he killed Chertan, and that he’ll give you evidence to frame Grozav. From there, plant the evidence in Grozav’s tent.
Al says
The last item in Musa’s tent is the prayer rug on the floor, making 4 total items and the marker will go away.
Riley says
When Searching Musa’s Tent, you need to examine the Prayer Mat ad well, THEN the marker disappears.
rick says
There is also a bloody knife next to the bloody tub you can pick up
Joe says
WARNING: Make sure you search the 3 MAIN clues, not the optional ones, when your at the objective “Search the spot where Chertan was stabbed”
My objective changed when I found 2 of them and did an optional one without realizing and when I started “The Trial” objective, i never got the option to say “Chertan caught Grozav in the act while he was stealing powder”
Had to reload an old save. Just need to search blood, cannon, and on the ground next to the cannon where the powder is all over.