The Jaunt is a side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Jaunt side mission.
- Starting Location: Trosky Region > Tachov
- Quest Giver: Blacksmith Radovan
- Requirement: Finished Side Quest The Blacksmith’s Son (Blacksmith Questline), but only available if you didn’t do the Miller’s Questline. If you did the Miller’s Questline, then this quest is skipped and instead jumps to the next quest The Hermit
- Reward: 80 Groschen, Rusty Sheet (chest armor cuirass)
- Quest Type: Side Quest
- Questline: The Blacksmith’s Son > The Jaunt > (Canker > Handsome Charlie > Johnny the Gob > Casper) > The Hermit > A Sinful Soul
- Quest Description: The blacksmith’s cart has gone missing, along with his goods and his two hired hands who were supposed to bring the cart to Semine. You’re sent to figure out what happened to them.
- Head to Semine
- Defeat Jurko in a fight
- Meet Gnarly and Lord Semine in the courtyard
- Follow Lord Semine and Gnarly
- Talk to Gnarly
- Duel with Lord Semine
- Get your performance judged
- Carry on to Troskowitz
- Talk to Gnarly and Lord Semine
- Talk to the bailiff
- Go back to Lord Semine
- Follow Lord Semine and Gnarly
- Investigate the area of the crossroads by the cemetery
- Follow Lord Semine and Gnarly
- Investigate the area of the crossroads by Apollonia
- Follow Lord Semine and Gnarly and keep your eyes peeled
- Get closer to the camp
- Go scouting
- Go back to Semine
- Attack the Patrol
- Talk to Gnarly
- Attack the camp
- Catch the hired hand
- Go back to Lord Semine
- Report to the blacksmith
Starting Location: The Jaunt
The Jaunt starts after you hand in the side quest The Blacksmith’s Son and talk again to Blacksmith Radovan. However, this quest will only trigger if you choose to do the blacksmith’s questline before doing the Miller’s questline to get into the wedding. If you did the Miller’s questline, then this quest will be skipped and the blacksmith immediately gives his third quest The Hermit.
He explains his cart got lost somewhere in Semine town and now the cargo is missing. You’re sent to Semine to find out what happened. You can exhaust all dialogues to get more info. He says there were a bunch of weapons on the cart and it was transported by his helpers Ventza and Franzi. Remember that you can track the quest from the journal to see the waypoints (only 3 side quests can be tracked simultaneously to see their waypoints).
Head to Semine
Tip – Fast Travel: You can fast travel by clicking /
on the blue flag icon on the map. Fast travel only works while you’re out in the open, not inside buildings. Any place that has a blue flag icon can be fast traveled to. The fast travel icon appears on any town after visiting it for the first time. If you’ve not been to Semine yet, you can shorten the journey by fast traveling to Troskowitz and continue from there.
Semine is the town southwest of Troskowitz. Go there now. When you enter the fortress a cutscene will play where you meet the townsfolk. A drunkard will attack you and a fistfight starts.
Defeat Jurko in a fight
Jurko attacks you. Defeat him.
When he attacks and a green shield icon appears press /
to counter. Then counter-attack with a combo. Let your stamina recharge, rinse and repeat.
After beating him, another cutscene plays and Captain Gnarly breaks up the fight. You then talk to the captain, pick whatever dialogues you want here, it doesn’t matter.
Meet Gnarly and Lord Semine in the courtyard
Walk outside, Sir Jan Semine will wait in the courtyard next to the horse.
An Old Friend Trophy/Achievement (found Pebbles, your horse): You can get a horse from the stables here. Talk to the horse trader, directly behind where Sir Jan Semine is standing. Look at the horse named “Pebbles” with
and then talk to the horse trader. With 7 speech stat you can say “be reasonable” to convince him to give you the horse for free. If you pay he wants 150 Groschen but you can haggle to get a cheaper price. Now you have a permanent horse you can call with
. It doesn’t necessarily need to be done now, you can still return at any time later to get the horse.
When ready talk to Sir Semine and say “Let’s go” > “We can go”.
Follow Lord Semine and Gnarly
Simply follow Semine and Gnarly. You can press /
to auto-follow. You can engage in some conversation along the way, Semine will challenge you to a practice fight. You can accept the challenge and he’ll dismount further up the road to engage in a friendly duel.
Talk to Gnarly
After dismounting, talk to Gnarly. He’ll let you pick a training weapon (Sword, Axe, Mace). If you say “the quill is mightier than the sword”, he gives you his cudgel but you lose reputation.
Duel with Lord Semine
Press &
to draw your weapon. Reply to him when ready. Block with
when the green shield icon appears. Let your stamina recharge enough that you can land a combo, rinse and repeat. Always attack from the side where the opponent isn’t holding the weapon.
The fight ends automatically after about 2 minutes and Gnarly calls you over to judge your fight. If you won, he gives you a shield. You can also keep the weapon.
Get your performance judged
Talk to Captain Gnarly after the fight.
Carry on to Troskowitz
Continue following them. You can engage in more dialogue along the way, say what you like.
Talk to Gnarly and Lord Semine
After arriving in Troskowitz, talk to them again. Doesn’t matter what you say here.
Talk to the bailiff
Talk to Bailiff Trush in the Troskowitz Rathaus. Exhaust all dialogues, you can’t say anything wrong here.
Go back to Lord Semine
Talk to Lord Semine again.
Follow Lord Semine and Gnarly
Follow them again. After a while a cutscene triggers.
Investigate the area of the crossroads by the cemetery
Lord Semine will tell you and Gnarly to investigate the area. Go to the northern tip of the search area. On the road you find a sack of coal, investigate it with /
Talk to Semine afterward.
Follow Lord Semine and Gnarly
Follow them again. Can engage in optional dialogue along the way but it’s of no consequence.
Investigate the area of the crossroads by Apollonia
At the next stop you get another search area. From Lord Semine turn around and walk the road back from where you came, on the side you will find another sack of coal. Next to the sack is a small path leading into the wood, follow it to find the missing cart. Investigate it with /
Follow Lord Semine and Gnarly and keep your eyes peeled
Go back towards the road and the two of them will come running to check the cart. Follow them on foot through the woods.
Get closer to the camp
After a while, you hear people talking in the distance. Keep following Semine and he’ll automatically start talking to you. Say “I’ll get on it” to gain reputation. If you say “I’m afraid of heights” you lose reputation and he sends you to scout the camp anyway.
Go scouting
Go up the path between the rocks, next to where Semine and Gnarly are standing. At the top of the mountain you find 3 bandits talking. Press /
while looking at them from a safe distance to fulfill the scouting objective. Remain unseen, if they spot you it fails the objective and turns into “Attack the patrol”. Then you’d need to fight them 1 vs 3 which would be difficult.
Go back to Semine
If the bandits didn’t notice you, you get the objective to return to Semine. Talk to him. You report that you saw 3 bandits.
You can then suggest an approach to attack them: “Up top would be a good place to shoot from” results in Gnarly giving you his crossbow. When you shoot the first bandit from the cliff above, your two companions will charge the remaining bandits. If you suggest “We’ll just go straight at them, no?” then all of you attack them in a surprise frontal assault.
Picking the first option to shoot them is easier and you are given a crossbow (which Gnarly wants back after the fight).
Attack the Patrol
If you picked the shoot option, equip Gnarly’s Crossbow + Common Bolt and go back on top of the hill. From there you can safely shoot a bandit. You first equip the crossbow in the inventory , then draw it with
, aim with
, shoot with
The bolts must be equipped or else the crossbow won’t shoot.
Try to go for headshots. You can shoot the remaining bandits in the back. Your companions will also defeat them in combat after a while.
Talk to Gnarly
Talk to the captain after the fight is over. Say “Let’s go”, after the dialogue you get a cutscene where you see the bandit leader talking to the blacksmith’s hired hand. The bandits then attack you.
Attack the camp
Defeat all 4 bandits. Attack them from behind while your companions draw their attention. After the fight reply to the captain with /
. Agree to find the prisoner who ran away “I’ll go and find him”.
Catch the hired hand
A search area will be marked on your map in the woods. You’ll find the hired hand close to the camp where you fought the first 3 bandits. He moves around a little bit so just run around the area until you see him. Sometimes he talks to himself so listen out for that. Talk to him.
There are multiple options. You can win the skill checks to get more info from him. Or ask “Can’t you think of any other solution?”, then he’ll try to bribe you and gives you Hired hand Ventza’s Map which leads to the stolen goods. You can then kill him or let him go. If you say “You leave me with no choice” he’ll fight you, but you can loot the same map from his body.
How you handle the situation is up to you but getting the map is recommended. So if you fail the two skill checks use the dialogue: “Can’t you think of any other solution?” > “I’m listening” > “Alright, I’ll take it” > “Get going!”.
Hired hand Ventza’s Map:
Go back to Lord Semine
Report back to Semine, he gives you 80 Groschen. If you want to shorten the path back to the blacksmith you can say “I could use a ride”, then you fast travel near Troskowitz. From there dismount the cart and fast travel to Tachov (click the blue flag icon on map to fast travel).
Report to the blacksmith
Head back to the blacksmith in Tachov. Say this to gain reputation: “The cart has been found” > “Semine is marrying Agnes” > “Theresa is waiting for me” > “We don’t have any good steel?” > “Where will we get the steel?” > “What strange goings-on?” > “Where can I find the hermit?” > “He made a pact with the devil?”.
He rewards you with a chest armor Rusty Sheet. This immediately starts the next quest The Hermit.
This finishes The Jaunt side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Next Quest: The Hermit / Canker
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
James says
Seems The Jaunt is bugged/failable. I accidentally wandered into the initial meeting and walked off when I was supposed to do go with them to find the cart. It left without me and now that it’s back the journal says I should go check how things went but talking to him just makes him angrily tell me off. Can’t do anything to move forward with it.
Joniyh says
same man, tell me if you have a fix because i did so much between the saves i cant just lose all the progress
improlight says
Same for me, can’t believe it’s bugged
Matt says
When you say that this is missable if you do the Miller’s questline, do you mean finishing it or starting it? I’ve done the first quest for the Miller and want to know if I’ve already missed out or if I can just switch over and do the first few Blacksmith quests now.
PowerPyx says
Before entering the wedding.
Matt says
Awesome! Thank you!
Rzr1911 says
For those people who say the quest is bugged, it really is, so, just hit the old man till the fight is done LMAO it works!