The Hermit is a side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Hermit side mission.
- Starting Location: Trosky Region > Tachov
- Quest Giver: Blacksmith Radovan
- Requirement: If you choose to do the Blacksmith’s questline to get into the wedding then this will be his third quest after The Jaunt (didn’t to Miller questline). If you did the Miller’s questline to get into the wedding, then the blacksmith will give it as his second quest after The Blacksmith’s Son.
- Reward: 45 Groschen
- Quest Type: Side Quest
- Questline: The Blacksmith’s Son > The Jaunt > (Canker > Handsome Charlie > Johnny the Gob > Casper) > The Hermit > A Sinful Soul
- Quest Description: Blacksmith Radovan wants to forge an unbendable blade made from Damascus Steel. But he’s missing the required material. He sends you to get the material from the Hermit in the woods of Apollonia.
- Find out more about the Hermit
- Find out the truth about the devil (Optional) – needed for missable task A Sinful Soul
- Talk to the villagers (Optional)
- Talk to witness Gerda (Optional)
- Investigate the cross (Optional)
- Talk to witness Stanislav (Optional)
- Explore Apollonia (Optional)
- Find another clue
- Read the diary you found
- Find the hermit’s grave
- Get the Hermit’s Sword
- Take the sword to the blacksmith
- Forge and hand over the sword
- Take the sword to Tomcat (Only if you did the Miller’s Questline to get to Wedding)
Starting Location: The Hermit
The Hermit starts from Blacksmith Radovan in Tachov. This will be either his 2nd or 3rd quest depending on whether you help the Blacksmith or the Miller to get into the wedding during Main Quest 5: Wedding Crashers. If you do the Blacksmith’s questline for the wedding, then it will be his 3rd quest after The Jaunt. If you did the Miller’s questline, then The Jaunt will be skipped and you instead get this as the blacksmith’s second quest.
Find out more about the Hermit
The blacksmith told us that the womenfolk in Troskowitz know where to find the Hermit. Go to the tavern and talk to Innkeeper Betty. She’ll walk around the tavern area. She might also give another side quest “Invaders” but ignore that for now.
Talk to Innkeeper Betty about the Hermit.
- “I need advice on the hermit” > “I want to talk to the hermit” –> triggers Objective: Find out the truth about the devil (Optional)
Instead of ending the dialogue be sure to pick “I want to ask about the hermit“. She will now have new dialogues, exhaust all questions, these trigger a series of objectives to talk to witnesses:
- “What do you know about the apparition?” –> triggers Objectives: Talk to the villagers + Investigate the cross
- “Who saw the apparition by the cross?” –> triggers Objective: Talk to witness Gerda
- “Where can I find the herdsboy?” –> triggers Objective: Talk to the witness Stanislav
- “How do I get to the hermit?”– > (doesn’t trigger objective)
- “Who’s this hermit fellah anyway?” –> (doesn’t trigger objective)
- “Where did these strangers come from?” –> (doesn’t trigger objective)
MISSABLE WARNING: Doing the optional objectives to talk to all witnesses is necessary to get the missable Task “A Sinful Soul“. It’s recommended that you do all objectives in the order shown here to not miss it.
Talk to the villagers (Optional)
Go through Troskowitz and talk to every villager until this objective completes. There are usually some people at the inn who you can ask about the hermit and the apparition. Some villagers will have info and some won’t. For example, Drunkard Jezhek sometimes sits around the inn and completes the objective when exhausting his dialogues.
Talk to witness Gerda (Optional)
Talk to Gerda in Troskowitz, she will be marked, her location varies by time of day.
You can either win a skill check or pay her 12 Groschen. The speech check is easy to succeed. Exhaust the dialogues “What happened with the apparition?” > “Where did you see the apparition?” > “I’ll find out what happened” > “I don’t know yet”.
Investigate the cross (Optional)
The cross is found a little bit west of Troskowitz. Inspect it with /
to start digging. This requires a Spade which you can buy from the trader in Troskowitz.
In the grave under the cross you find a bunch of items, loot everything. It contains two books and a letter “Chronicle of the Knights of the Cross”, “Seneschal Ambrose’s decree”, “Old letter about the Order’s commander…”. You can press to open the inventory and read these from the books section.
Talk to witness Stanislav (Optional)
Talk to Shepherd Stanislav in the woods east of Troskowitz.
Say “I heard you saw an apparition”. You can either pay him 12 Groschen or win a skill check, or if you have Schnapps you can offer him that.
Then exhaust the remaining dialogues “About the apparition in Apollonia” > “What did you see that night at the crossroads?” > “Why would the devil go to see the hermit?” > “Why would the hermit sell his soul to the devil?”.
Explore Apollonia (Optional)
After talking to all witnesses, you get a new search area in the woods of Apollonia. Almost exactly where the green “H” marker is, you find a black horse and an abandoned hut.
Climb over the broken fence and examine the black horse. This finishes the objective.
Find out the truth about the devil (Optional) / Find out more about the hermit
You must now find the hermit in the search area. Follow the paths through the mountain to find him in a hut.
Hermit Location:
WARNING: Make a save before approaching the Hermit. If he’s hostile, you’ll want to go away and advance time until he sits down in his hut peacefully. Then you can talk to him. If you kill him you miss out on his missable task.
Talk to the hermit, tell him “I learned some strange things about you…” > “There was a hiding-place beneath the conciliatory cross” > “There was a cloak and Knights of the Cross in the hiding-place” > “Money was left in the hiding place” > “I found some charters of the order of the knights!” > “I found a black horse” > “Out with it! (Press)” > “What are you doing here?” > “How did the hermit die?” > “Ambrose was a member of the order?” > “Alright, what am I supposed to do?” –> Triggers Missable Task: A Sinful Soul.
Doing this will change the next objective to “Bring the message of forgiveness to the widow”.
If you didn’t do the optional objectives he will refuse to talk to you and the task will be missed. In this case continue at objective “Find another clue“.
Bring the message of forgiveness to the widow
Finish Task: A Sinful Soul. This autocomplete the objective.
Return to the Hermit
Go back to the Hermit in Apollonia. When you approach, there will be 4 knights on the path leading to his hut, one of which is wounded.
Find out what’s going on
Talk to the knights with /
and say “Who are you?” > “Offer Help” > “I’ll help you”. They explain that the hermit is an imposter, he’s a wanted man.
Set fire to the hay in front of the hovel (Optional – triggers fight against Hermit)
Warning: doing this will immediately trigger the fight against the Hermit. If you want to save him, don’t do this objective (continue at next objective).
If you want to burn the hay you can find it in front of the hermit’s hut, at the side of his little yard, next to the trough. Then the knights come to kill the hermit.
Kill or save the hermit
It’s up to you if you save the hermit or not. Saving the hermit kills the 3 knights, and assisting the 3 knights kills the hermit.
If you want to save him: approach the hermit and talk to him from afar. Then he will lower his crossbow and you can talk to him from up close. Can say “Where can I find Ambrose’s broken sword?” > “That’s all I need to know” –> immediately skips to objective “Find the hermit’s grave“.
You can choose if you want to help the hermit or attack him.
- “I’ll help you” –> the 3 knights will attack, must defeat them. Let them focus on the hermit, attack from behind. Then talk to the Hermit, he gives 85 Groschen.
- “You’re right (Attack)” –> you’ll have to fight the hermit. Afterward you can talk to Brother Arn, he gives 85 Groschen.
Either way you get 85 Groschen reward here. You can also loot the armor of whoever you killed.
[If Hermit killed or you skipped optional Objectives] Find another clue
Can be skipped if you followed walkthrough so far.
The Hermit has a book called Diary of Knight Konrad. You must obtain this from him and read it, but only if you didn’t already learn of the hermit’s grave through dialogue. If you already got objective “Find the hermit’s grave” you can skip this.
- If you killed the Hermit & didn’t ask him where to find the sword: upstairs in his hut take away the 3 sacks. When the sacks are removed you can find the “Diary of Knight Conrad” underneath them.
- If you skipped Optional Objectives: If the Hermit refuses to talk to you but is still alive, you can pickpocket the book from him while he sleeps, or kill him and loot it from his body. If he doesn’t have it on his body check upstairs in his hut below the sacks. Skip time to 24:00 midnight so he’s asleep. Aim at his pouch so the “Rob” prompt appears. Hold
on the pouch. The lunette will fill up, if it’s red you’re nearing detection. The longer you let it fill up, the more time you have later to steal items. Let it fill up as long as possible just before reaching detection (listen to the sound, it gets louder when near detection). Then the second phase starts, you can select an item to reveal, then click it to confirm you want to steal it, select the top slot at 12 o’ clock to successfully steal it before time runs out. When done successfully, he won’t notice you. Pickpocket the item that looks like a brown book (he has two books, the correct one will update the objective).
[If Hermit didn’t tell you where to find sword] Read the diary you found
Can be skipped if you followed walkthrough so far.
Open your inventory and from the Lore Books section read Diary of Knight Konrad. Then read through all pages. This will trigger the next objective. It’s revealed that the guy posing as the hermit isn’t the real hermit at all. He buried the real hermit. We must head to the true hermit’s grave.
Find the hermit’s grave / Get the Hermit’s Sword
The Hermit’s Grave location is near the middle of the search area, slightly north of where the objective letter is on the map. It’s under a beech tree. Loot Amrbose’s broken sword that sticks out of the grave.
Digging up the grave would require a Spade (bought from Troskowitz trader), but isn’t necessary. His corpse doesn’t have anything to loot anyway. You only need the sword that sticks out of the ground.
Take the sword to the blacksmith
Fast travel back to the blacksmith (click blue flag icon on map to fast travel there).
Say “I got the hermit’s sword“. He then wants you to forge the sword. It’s best to make another save here, in case you mess up the sword you can reload to recraft it.
Forge and hand over the sword
Interact with the anvil and select “The Hermit’s Sword” recipe from the Longswords tab. It requires Ambrose’s broken sword, 1x Frankfurt steel, 2x Scrap metal.
Then craft it just like you did the sword in the previous quest.
- Hold
to blow the bellows and move the left stick up/down until the entire sword glows white.
- Put sword on anvil and hammer it evenly from both sides. Hit each side 6 times, each hit evenly spread apart from the previous one (don’t hit same spot repeatedly). Rinse and repeat.
- When sword cools down, heat it up again and continue to hit it evenly from both sides.
When it’s done Henry will automatically hold up the sword and you can quench it. This forges the Toledo steel sword. Give it to the smithy afterward, say “I forged the sword”.
Before going to the wedding you can finish up Gules’ questline in Semine, starting with Canker.
When you’re ready to go to the wedding with the blacksmith then continue at Main Quest 5: Wedding Crashers to get the wedding outfit.
Take the sword to Tomcat (Only if you did the Miller’s Questline to get to Wedding)
If you already went to the wedding through the Miller’s Questline then you get this extra objective. Normally, you’d bring the forged sword to the wedding as a gift for the groom. But if you already finished the wedding you bring it to Tomcat instead.
Tomcat is in the Nomda’s Camp, in the southwest of the map. If you’ve been there before you can fast travel, if not you’ll have to go there yourself. His exact location in the camp varies by time of day, so check your compass marker.
Tell him “The blacksmith won the bet (hand over the sword)“. He wants to see the sword in action during a fight. It doesn’t matter if you say “let’s fight” or “Sod fighting”, either way Henry will admit he forged the sword and Tomcat will reward you without a fight.
You get 45 Groschen. Tomcat also gives another side quest “Combat Training 1“.
This finishes The Hermit side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
Pjotr says
I wanted to forge the sword but I don’t have it in my inventory anymore, maybe I dropped it without thinking about it. It’s also not in my horse sack and chest
Erik says
I had the same issue but it still let me choose to make the sword, then it was in the materials list. (I’m guessing that’s to prevent you from losing it before that point. Or it’s a glitch)