The Finger of God is the 11th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the The Finger of God main story quest.
Go with Godwin
When the quest starts, you will be playing as Henry again. Walk with Godwin, you can press /
to auto-follow. He walks you to a burial site behind the Nebakov stables.
Bury the Dead
You must bury 3 bodies. First, you must dig the graves, they will already be outlined in the ground. This requires a spade, you can find one sticking out the ground to the immediate right of the 3 graves.
Now pick up the 3 dead bodies lying on the path, in front of the 3 graves. Put each in a grave and press /
to bury.
Talk to Godwin
Simply talk to Godwin in front of the graves. Exhaust all dialogues.
Go to the fosse to speak to Godwin
Follow Godwin to the archery range and talk again. This will start the pistole tutorial.
Learn to shoot a hand cannon
Hold /
to load the weapon and
to shoot. Repeat 3 times.
Afterward you are gifted your first pistole for free.
Try to get new allies (Optional)
This is an overarching objective for the next several tasks. You can roam around Nebakov and fulfill side tasks to gain allies for the upcoming fortress defense. This is helpful as you can then assign the allies to defend the battlements or gate during the upcoming battle. So if you want to make the battle easier it’s worth doing all tasks before going to bed. Helping Klara (5th Task) is also a requirement to unlock her romance cutscene, which then gives you a skill buff.
Task 1: Load supplies on the cart (Optional)
At the stables you find a cart. Talk to Hired Hand Bluster there. If you ignore him or fail the skill check he will start fistfighting you. If you win the skill check he’ll leave you alone. He has a lot of health so it’s best to avoid the fight, but you won’t die if getting knocked out. If you still have the high-charisma outfit from the wedding it should suffice to win the skill check.
Then pick up the 5 sacks next to him and load them onto the wagon behind him. He then thanks you, press /
to say “Agree”. This makes him an ally.
Task 2: Help Bull in the forge (Optional)
Talk to the blacksmith Journeyman Bull, win the skill check or else he’ll fistfight you too (make save beforehand to retry). Afterward he wants your help with sharpening weapons.
Interact with the barrel in the corner to loot 3 weapons that have low sharpness/health: Common longsword, Military sword, Bearded Axe. Now use the Sharpening Wheel to repair all 3 of them to 100% (the heart icon). Henry makes a comment when fully repaired. Afterward talk to the Blacksmith and say “I repaired the weapons”. He won’t accept them until they are sharpened.
He gives you 24 arrows and 8 scatter shot projectiles.
Task 3: Play dice with Hans (Optional)
Talk to Hans, who stands above the fortress gate, opposite the blacksmith. He’ll call out for you. After the dialogue he’ll play dice against you.
Task 4: Find horseshoes for Peltzel (Optional)
You can talk to Groom Peltzel at the stables near the archery range. He requests 3 horseshoes.
You have to forge these yourself at the blacksmith. This requires 1 iron per piece, you can find enough iron in the barrel in the left corner in the forge (where you also found the 3 swords to sharpen for the blacksmith). Then interact with the Anvil and select the horseshoes. Forging 3 of them takes around 10-15 minutes. Afterward bring the horseshoes to Peltzel, he rewards you with 55 Grosche, 1 Cockerel potion, 8 Lead balls (rifle ammo).
Task 5: Help the Wounded / Treat Mark / Treat Zwerk / Treat Kozliek (Optional)
Talk to Klara, she’s either in front of the jail or in front of the house where your bed is marked, through the door next to the blacksmith. She needs help treating the wounded in the lower part of the fortress.
After talking, enter the house behind Klara, go up the ladder and loot the chest for potions and bandages.
Then go all the way down to the end of the lower fortress. There you find the 3 wounded people. We’ll start with the one on the right, then the left, then downstairs. What will succeed here is reliant on your skill stats, especially Survival & Craftsmanship. I had 10 Craftsmanship and 10 Survival, this was enough to successfully treat everyone despite some fails.
Kozliek (has fever, bleeding leg wound):
- (Exhaust all skill checks to inspect the wounds)
- I’ll clean his wound: Use Water or Alcohol to disinfect the wound
- I’ll change his bandage: Henry automatically uses a bandage on him (depends on skill level if it fails or succeeds)
- We’re all done (finish)
- I’ve done enough
- (*I didn’t give him potion, it will succeed without it)
Mark (has concussion, bleeding leg wound):
- (Exhaust all skill checks to inspect the wounds)
- I’ll clean your wounds, just don’t fall asleep
- I’ll clean your wound: Use Water or Alcohol to disinfect the wound
- I’ll dress your wound: Henry automatically uses a bandage on him (depends on skill level if it fails or succeeds)
- I’ll give you a potion: Give Weak painkiller potion (was looted from chest in Klara’s house)
- That’s all (finish)
- I treated you
Now to downstairs to the other patients. Note: downstairs, behind the stairs is a small chest containing weak Saviour Schnapps and a Gemstone Ring. There’s also a medium-difficulty chest around the stairs that contains expensive armor.
Guardsman Zwerk (he’s downstairs below Mark, has internal bleeding, don’t give him food/drink)
- (Exhaust all skill checks to inspect the wounds)
- I’ll clean your wound: Use Water or Alcohol to disinfect the wound
- I’ll sew up your wound (requires Tailor’s Kit)
- I’ll dress your wound: Henry automatically uses a bandage on him (depends on skill level if it fails or succeeds)
- I’ll rub this on your ankle: give Weak Chamomile Brew (was looted from chest in Klara’s house)
- I’ll give you something to drink: give him 4 drinks, there’s 2x Moonshine in the medium-difficulty chest in the corner of the room if you need
- All done (Finish)
- I treated your wounds
After treating all 3 patients go back to Kara. She rewards you with 3 potions and bandages. You can exhaust her dialogue and win the skill check to earn more reputation.
Go to sleep in the cabin
Note: Before going to sleep, equip your best armor/weapons. A big battle comes next and you can’t change outfits mid-combat.
When you’ve finished all the tasks and equipped armor, go to sleep in the cabin, it has a red waypoint marker on the compass.
Klara Romance Cutscene: If you helped Klara treat the wounded and won the skill check dialogue with her, you get an extra romance scene. Klara will spend the night with you. This gives the “Time Well Spent” buff for the next battle which increases Strength, Agility, Vitality by 1.
A series of cutscenes will play. Then Bergow’s army arrives at the Fortress. You must defend it. You get the decide where to place the allies you gained, either at the gate or battlements. The easier choice is “Reserves at the gate”, as there are enough on the battlements as it is.
Defend the castle!
This is the overarching main objective for the rest of the quest. It consists of the next several sub-objectives.
Knock down the ladders!
Stay on the battlements where the defense starts. Enemies will put up ladders, knock them down by holding /
. Two ladders get put up at the side and two at the front. Be quick or enemies will climb up.
Repel the attack on the gate
As soon as this objective appears, quickly head to the main gate. It’s opposite the blacksmith, up the stairs.
Trophy: Rock and Stone! (You killed an enemy with a boulder dropped from the battlements)
From the gate you can drop boulders onto enemies. Lift up a stone with , then look down the hatch over the gate, and
to drop the stone to crush someone. Doing this once to kill an enemy will unlock the trophy. If you ignore this, the trophy is technically missable, but would be hard to miss here.
Talk to Zizka (if gate was defended)
If you managed to defend the gate, talk to Zizka in front of the gate. He tells us the lower fortress has been breached so we must head there next.
Repel the reserve attack! (if gate was defended)
This objective only triggers if the gate was defended. If you failed then it skips to defending the courtyard.
Climb down the ladder to the lower fortress, there will be lots of enemies fighting your allies. Attack from behind for easy kills. When complete, it triggers more dialogue with Zizka.
Help Godwin in the courtyard
The battlements will have fallen (can’t be avoided) and enemies come at you from the courtyard. Go there and a cutscene will trigger that concludes the quest.
This finishes The Finger of God main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Next Quest: Storm
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
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