The Devil’s Pack is the 15th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Devil’s Pack main story quest.
This quest starts automatically after Main Quest 14: Speak of the Devil. It will trigger simultaneously with Main Quest 16: Into the Underworld. It’s recommended that you do The Devil’s Pack main quest first. It unlocks the trophy/achievement The Dirty Seven (you found all of Dry Devil’s comrades-in-arms). If you do other main quests first and accidentally kill a quest-related NPC it could complicate things, so it’s better to do it immediately. For the trophy you must find the physical body (dead or alive) of all bandit comrades and complete the quest, the trophy unlocks when finishing the quest. Only 2 of the comrades will actually join your gang (Adder & Janosh). The rest will decline or end up dead, which can’t be prevented.
Additionally, this quest is mandatory to advance Main Quest 22: The Lion’s Den. If you haven’t done The Devil’s Pack before this, then the first objective of The Lion’s Den will force you to find Dry Devil’s comrades. I was still able to earn The Dirty Seven when doing it during the 22nd main quest but it’s better to do it immediately.
Ask Kubyenka about the rest of the band
Talk to Kubyenka at Devil’s Den, exhaust all dialogues.
Ask him all questions about the missing comrades, it doesn’t matter in what order. He will then mark points on the map that lead to the comrades.
The 5 comrades you can ask about are: Bohuta, Matthew, Adder, Ranyek, Janosh.
Even though the trophy is called “Dirty Seven” there are only 5 comrades to be found during this quest. The other 2 are Kubyenka and Zizek who you met during the main story, they are already part of the gang at this point in the game. That’s what the 7 total refers to.
You can find them in different order, we’ll go in the order from nearest objective to furthest.
Bohuta – Talk to Bohuta
Bohuta is found in Grund. At day he’s at the church cemetery in the south of town.
Talk to him, he tells you where Ranyek is which marks him on the map. However, there’s no way to convince Bohuta to rejoin the gang. He will always refuse, or ends up fistfighting you if you go praying with him and then infuriate him.
The recommended dialogue that also grants Bohuta’s map:
“Why don’t you want to go back” > “Where’s Ranyek now?” > “What did he want” > “He still hasn’t quit playing?” > “I’ll look for him” > “We can pray” > (Follow him, say “Actually, I don’t know”, when he stops at his brother’s grave talk again) > “Is that your brother’s grave?” > “Why do you want to do good?” > “Don’t you want to help the Devil?” > “That won’t help him” > “Do you think that will be enough?” > “Your faith” > “Who taught you that?” > “(Repeat prayer)” > “Amen!” –> he gives you his treasure map Boruta’s map.
If during the prayer you insult him or fail the skill check he’ll fistfight you. In that case DON’T kill him with weapons (knocking him out with fists non-lethally is fine). It’s unclear if killing him would void the trophy.
Ranyek – Ask about Ranyek at the inn
Go to the inn at the road between the towns Pschitoky & Bylany. Talk to Innkeeper Wolfram Raus. He’ll be marked after having talked to Bohuta.
Exhaust all questions about Ranyek and Adder. It’ll add waypoints for them in Pschitoky & Bylany.
Ranyek – Ask about Ranyek at the inn
Talk to another innkeeper at Bylany, exhaust all questions about Ranyek. This starts the next objective.
Ranyek – Talk to the dice players
Talk to the dice players at the Bylany inn: “Do you know anything about Ranyek?” > “I’d love to!” > “Lead the way”.
Ranyek – Follow the dice players / Find Ranyek in the sewage (Optional) / Bring the bow to the dice players (Optional)
They will lead you to the cesspit behind the inn. Turns out that Ranyek is dead, he drowned in the cesspit. He still owed the dice players money and they demand repayment from you.
The following choices are confirmed for the trophy – this leads to an optional objective to pull out Ranyek’s body so you have physically “found” his corpse:
“I’m sorry to hear that” > “He wasn’t my friend” > “I’ll pull Ranyek out” > “Where should I look for him?” > enter the cesspit, look at the ground and press /
in the search area until you find him, then
to lift up his body (prompt appears in bottom right corner), drop him outside. Loot Ranyek’s bow from him and give it to the dice players as repayment (say “Here it is”).
On your way out wash yourself in the through.
If you refuse to pay or to pull out the body, they will attack you. If you win the skill checks or pay, you’d skip out on finding Ranyek’s body in the cesspit. Pulling out his body and giving the bow to the players is what I did when I earned the trophy.
Adder – Talk to the butcher’s wife in Pschitoky
Talk to Butscher’s wife Eva in the town Pschitoky.
Ask her all questions about Adder: “Have you talked to Adder?” > “I don’t even know him” > “And where can I find him?” > “Why does he want to kill him?” > “I’ll go to see your husband”. (No need to win the skill checks, his location gets marked regardless)
Note: before proceeding, equip your charismatic outfit. This lets you win a skillcheck in the next encounter to not have to kill 5 townspeople. 16 Charisma is confirmed to be sufficient.
Adder – Rescue Adder / Cut Adder from the tree / Untie Adder / Talk to Adder
Adder will be at the end of a small path going east from Pschitoky.
When you approach, a cutscene will play. The townsfolk are about to hang Adder from a tree. Depending on dialogue choices you must either fight them before he suffocates, or can win the skill check to make them walk away. Either way you need to cut him down quickly.
The following is confirmed to work for the trophy:
“I don’t care” > “He belongs to the lord of Suchdol” (succeeds at 16 Charisma)
Then the townsfolk walk away. Quickly cut the rope where it’s tied around the tree, talk to him afterward. If you let too much time pass, Adder dies and you get a game over screen.
Adder will then go back to Devil’s Den to join the gang.
Janosh/Matthew – Talk to the Miskowitz Bailiff
Talk to Bailiff Crux in Miskowitz.
Exhaust all dialogues about Matthew and Janosh:
“I hear Matthew has been disturbing the peace around here” > “That’s probably him” > “Janosh Usher, you say?” > “How about I treat Loyza?” > “No” > “What did Janosh do to him?” > “I’ll go and see Loyza” > “I’d be happy to help” –> starts Side Quest: The Collector > “What is it that Matthew has on him?” > “Where is Matthew causing trouble?” > “That’ll be all (Leave)”.
This will mark Janosh on the map, and triggers side quest “The Collector” for finding Matthew.
We will take care of Janosh’s objectives first.
Janosh – Find Janosh / Get Janosh out of the pillory / Heal Loyza (Optional)
The Bailiff told us that Janosh attacked a man named Loyza, that’s why he’s being punished in the pillory. Janosh will be marked, in Miskowitz, on the pillory platform west of the pond.
There are multiple methods to rescue Janosh:
Method 1 (Recommended): Heal Loyza, he’s in the bed next to where the Bailiff stands at day, will be marked.
Examine his injuries. Then interact with him again to treat him. Clean and dress his wounds (requires 1 bandage in inventory). Give him the potion “Painkiller brew“. You can buy it from the apothecary in the nearby town “Pschitoky” where you rescued Adder.
Giving him the wrong type of potion can fail the objective. Winning the skill check to pray isn’t necessary. If you did it correctly the objective to heal him successfully completes. Talk to the Bailiff afterward, tell him you treated Loyza. You must pay him 500 Groschen for Janosh’s release (if you say “that’s too much” you can haggle it down, but for me it always deducted 500 Groschen regardless). You can make 285 Groschen quickly by doing Side Quest: The Collector, which you must do anyway to find Matthew. Alternatively, win dice games or sell items to merchants. After paying, the Bailiff gives you the Pillory Key. Open the lock on the side of the pillory to free Janosh, exhaust the dialogue with him. This is the intended way to rescue him through legal means.
Method 2: Lockpick the hard-difficulty lock on the pillory. However, there are usually guards watching. You can wait until a guard leaves, then you have a short moment to pick the lock.
Method 3: Steal the Pillory key from the Guard at the pillory, or from Bailiff Crux. This is easiest at night when fewer people are around. The guard who sits/stands at the pillory has it in his back pouch (he has two keys, you want the one that is a single key and no the “bundle of keys” icon). When you open the lock with the key, distract the guard by throwing rocks. If he sees you letting out the prisoner he will try to arrest you (can pay 100 Groschen fine or take punishment).
Note: if a few days pass, Loyza will die. Then the Bailiff hangs Janosh, which results in a game over screen. So don’t leave this task unattended for too long. Do it right away.
Matthew – Find Matthew / Talk to Matthew
Complete Side Quest: The Collector. Afterward continue here.
This will fulfill the objective automatically. Matthew will be marked. He’ll be hostile and attacks on sight. You’ll have to kill him, loot the book from his body, bring it back to the Bailiff. Killing Matthew is fine and still unlocks The Dirty Seven. There’s no way to convince Matthew to rejoin the gang anyway, so it doesn’t matter that he’s dead.
That’s all of Dry Devil’s comrades found! Time to return to Devil’s Den to finish the quest.
Talk to the Dry Devil
Go to Devil’s Den in the north of the map, talk to Dry Devil. He’ll be marked, usually stands at the burned-down building in front of the inn (at day).
Tell him “let’s drink”, then you have celebratory drinks with him and the 2 bandits that rejoined the gang: Adder & Janosh.
Best dialogues are “My words exactly” > “To you!” > report that the other 3 bandits are dead/not interested > “With pleasure (Sing)” > “Let’s drink”.
You wake up the next morning. Talk to Dry Devil once more, say “What about now?” to finish the quest. The Dirty Seven will unlock at the same time as the quest finishes.
This finishes The Devil’s Pack main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Next Quest: Into the Underworld
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
Col says
Weird bug if you try haggle the price it takes off the price you haggled for + the 500 so just do the 500 save the hassle of wondering where your money went later
AresD25 says
So Ranyek’s bow is the best bow I’ve seen so far at 200 damage I decided to tell them I’m not giving them the bow and I beat them up with my fist and I still got the achievement.