The Collector is a task in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. It’s classified as a “task” in the journal. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Collector side task.
- Starting Location: Kuttenberg Region > Miskowitz
- Quest Giver: Bailiff Crux
- Requirement: Started Main Quest 15: The Devil’s Pack
- Reward: 285 Groschen
- Quest Type: Task
- Quest Description: Bailiff Crux tells us that bandit Matthew is impersonating a tax collector to extort money from merchants. He sends us to take care of him and retrieve a valuable book he stole.
- Missable Warning: This has to be done during Main Quest 15: The Devil’s Pack, and you have to take to Bailiff Crux in Miskowitz before finding Bandit Matthew on your own.
- Catch the bandit known as Matthew the “Collector”
- Bring the book to the Bailiff
Starting Location: The Collector
The Collector starts by talking to Bailiff Crux in Miskowitz.
Missable Warning: You have to do this during Main Quest 15: The Devil’s Pack, as part of tracking down Dry Devil’s comrades. Must accept it before defeating Bandit Matthew.
Exhausting the dialogues with Bailiff Crux will mark Matthew on the map: “I hear Matthew has been disturbing the peace around here” > “That’s probably him” > “Janosh Usher, you say?” > “How about I treat Loyza?” > “No” > “What did Janosh do to him?” > “I’ll go and see Loyza” > “I’d be happy to help” –> starts Side Quest: The Collector > “What is it that Matthew has on him?” > “Where is Matthew causing trouble?” > “That’ll be all (Leave)”.
Catch the bandit known as Matthew the “Collector”
Matthew will get marked on the map. He will be either on the main road from Suchdol to Miskowitz, or in a bandit camp in the woods. At night he’s usually at the camp in the woods.
His gang will be hostile and attacks on sight. You have to kill them all. This is easiest at night, press Touchpad to skip time (2:00AM works great). When they go to sleep they undress, so most of them won’t have any armor or weapon equipped. Only two of them will be armed, this makes them easier to defeat. Another method is to ride in circles around them and shoot them with a ranged weapon one by one. You could also try killing one at a time, retreat until they stop chasing you, come back to take out the next bandit.
Fighting all of them simultaneously at day is too difficult and not recommended.
If he’s at the road east of Suchdol, he requests to talk to you, then tries to extort you for 1000 Groschen by claiming he’s a tax collector. If you don’t pay, or fail the skill check, his gang will attack you.
Bring the book to the Bailiff
After defeating Matthew, loot his body for the book “Rare Book from Sedletz“. Matthew is one of Dry Devil’s comrades who you must find in Main Quest 15: The Devil’s Pack, but killing him is perfectly fine. There’s no way to make him rejoin Dry Devil’s gang anyway. You will still earn The Dirty Seven if you killed him (found all of Dry Devil’s comrades-in-arms, unlocks at end of that main quest).
Note: if you took damage you can sleep in the bandits’ beds afterward and steal food from their campfire pot. Can also loot their bodies for Groschen and lockpick the chest in their camp.
Return the book to the quest giver Bailiff Crux in Miskowitz. He rewards you with 285 Groschen.
This finishes The Collector side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
Dumos says
Matthew is a skill trainer. I had him teach me all he knew (for 3,000 coin) then i killed him and took the money back.
Bazzzz says
Guess it depends on your level but I knocked him out, stole the book and then wiped out his gang in 30 seconds.
Not difficult at all.