Storm is the 12th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Storm main story quest.
Survive the interrogation
Henry and his allies were captured by von Bergow’s Army. They are taken back to Trosky Castle, where Istvan Toth will interrogate them. What dialogues you pick during the interrogation doesn’t matter, either Godwin or Henry will always give up info about Jobst and Liechtenstein. If you always stay silent, then Godwin will give up the info.
After it’s over, Katherine will rescue you. She explains there’s a secret passage leading out of the castle, but it’s behind a locked gate. To get the key you must go to the Crone Tower (west-wing) of Trosky Castle. There you will also find Istvan and search for a letter with Sigismund’s orders. Since you start without equipment feel free to loot the dead guard for a sword and armor.
What follows is a stealth section. There are only a few guards around. You can sneak around them, or distract them by throwing rocks ( /
while crouched), or do stealth kills from behind.
Search for the orders in the scribe’s chambers
Sneak upstairs and over the battlements above the courtyard. A cutscene will trigger. Afterward make it all the way across the battlements and enter the Crone Tower. Go up the next stairs, two guards will be sitting at a table. Sneak around them and go further upstairs, if you’re quiet they won’t notice you. On the next floor enter the scribe’s chamber.
Search all interactable objects in the scribe’s chamber: The shelf next to the door, the two chests by the bed, the shelf by the fireplace. The letter with Sigismund’s orders won’t be there and the objective will complete.
Kill Istvan
From the scribe’s chamber go up two floors (one floor above the alchemy bench). Another cutscene will trigger where you face off against Istvan.
You can choose to get rid of Istvan dishonorably, or fight him in a duel. From the torture earlier you’ll be wounded and at low health, so the easier way is to kill him dishonorably. The duel is extremely difficult, you need to perfectly parry and riposte all his attacks and hope to get lucky that he doesn’t block. Even though he’s unarmored he can take about 25 hits. He will also try to disarm you, if that happens it helps if you have a 2nd weapon so you can go in the inventory and equip it, or pick up your disarmed weapon from the floor. To make it easier you could use the alchemy bench before the fight to make potions, such as chamomile brew to regain health.
- If you get rid of Istvan dishonorably: Henry stabs him and throws him out the window. He dies immediately, no need to fight him.
- If you accept to duel Istvan: Henry has to defeat him in a 1v1 combat. You can use the tables for cover. Lure him in circles around the tables until your stamina recharges, then hit him until your stamina runs out, rinse and repeat.
Afterward you get Radzig Kobyla’s longsword and the story-related trophy/achievement Vengeance for killing Istvan. You get the sword regardless of whether you dueled him or not.
Get back your confiscated items / Find the castle keys / Search for the orders in Istvan’s chambers
From where you killed Istvan, go upstairs to the top floor. Search Istvan’s room. In the chest in front of the green bed you find all your equipment and the castle keys.
Search the other chests in the room to fulfill the objective of searching Istvan’s chambers. So all 3 objectives complete here in the same room.
Due to the debuff from being tortured, you will have reduced strength which limits the carry capacity in your inventory. You might be overencumbered and can only walk slowly. The chest next to your bed (in courtyard) will be grayed out and you can’t place items there, nor will your horse spawn to store items on it. So the only option to not leave anything behind is to carry everything with you till the end of the quest.
Search for King Sigismund’s orders in von Bergow’s chambers in the Maiden
Head back to the Maiden Tower (east-wing) where the quest started. Von Bergow’s chambers are one floor above the Knight’s Hall. You will find Godwin there at the door.
Search all chests and shelves until the objective updates, then follow Godwin. Since you’re overencumbered anyway you might as well steal anything useful.
Talk to Godwin about leaving
Godwin will walk to the corridor, talk to him. Can only pick a single dialogue here.
Follow Godwin down into the passageway
Follow Godwin down to the tunnels below the jail. There you will talk to Zizka, Katherine and Godwin. You can talk about how you killed Istvan, pick anything you want.
Accompany Zizka, Katherine and Godwin to the end of the passageway
Walk through the tunnels. At the other end a cutscene will trigger. Always head straight, at the end must take a right turn. If unsure where to go you can let the others walk ahead, they show the way. If you lose the others you can see their marker on the compass.
Meet Mika in the abandoned camp
Head to the waypoint south of where you exit the passageway.
You can take the path above the road. Avoid all of the people with torches, they are searching for you. At the camp there’s a single enemy talking to Mika. The easiest option is to toss a rock to distract him, then sneak behind Mika and untie him. You can talk to him and the guard simply walks away. Alternatively, you can do a stealth kill (easiest if headshotting him), or take him out in combat if spotted.
Mika sends you to find the wagon for your escape.
Go south to the double rock with the broken cart
Follow the path south to the next waypoint. The guards are still searching for you, so try to avoid them. You can throw stones to distract them (crouch and hold /
). Staying crouched and having a dark-colored outfit with low visibility is helpful, try to adjust your clothing to get to lowest visibility possible. Stay behind trees/bushes when enemies get close.
Go uphill between the rocks
When approaching the destination, the objective marker will update once more and you need to follow the path uphill.
Continue south until the edge of Apollonia
Again continue to the next waypoint. It will have a search area, walk through the area until a cutscene triggers.
This marks the end of the Trosky region storyline and the beginning of Kuttenberg region. You can still fast travel back to Trosky later via caravans. New Horizons unlocked for reaching Kuttenberg.
This finishes Storm main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Next Quest: The Sword and the Quill
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
Kirsten Holuboc says
If you head left towards the bottom of the well before proceeding down the tunnels, at the very back you can find a tiny glint of gold, it is the gold emperors badge .