So it begins… is the 27th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the So it begins… main story quest.
Go to the palisade
Go up to the palisade wall. Pick up any halberd type weapon from the weapons rack at the stairs, you’ll need it soon to push down the ladders.
Use stones to stop the attack on the gate
After a minute enemies will attack the gate. You can look through the gap above the gate to throw boulders on them.
Knock down the ladders / Repel the Praguers’ assault!
To knock down the ladders you need a halberd weapon from the weapons rack below the stairs. Start at the ladder furthest right and work your way to the left. Don’t rush, be patient and defeat the enemies as they pile up on the wall. If you rush in they will encircle you and kill you from behind. Attack them while they focus on your allies. Your friends will also push down ladders so you just need to hold out long enough here without dying.
After this a cutscene will start where the enemies retreat, for now. Then you briefly talk to Zizka and rest to refill your health. After waking, Godwin will come and you can talk to the others.
Go and see Janosh for food (Optional)
Janosh will be wandering around Suchdol. Exhaust all dialogues with him, he’s in charge of food supplies. He’ll give you some food, but remember you aren’t allowed to eat meat for Lent. You can eat from the soup pot in the kitchen anyway so no need to consume food from inventory.
Ask Frenzl about ammunition supplies
Captain Frenzl should be at the blacksmith, he’ll be marked. Exhaust the dialogue, he wants help to sharpen 2 swords which triggers sub-objectives.
Collect swords to be sharpened: Right next to Frenzl on the table you find two “Old Swords”, pick those up.
Repair the swords and give them to Frenzl: Use the sharpening wheel at the blacksmith to fully sharpen both swords. Sharpen them from different angles to finish this faster.
Tell him “I have the sharpened swords”, you gain reputation for the help.
Visit Musa and Katherine in the infirmary (Optional)
Musa/Katherine might not have a map marker. The infirmary is in the northwest corner of the inner courtyard. Exhaust all dialogues.
Go to the walls with Godwin
Join Zizka and Godwin on the inner courtyard wall, it will be marked by the red “I” objective.
Listen to Zizka’s orders
Exhaust the dialogues with Zizka. To gain reputation: “Zizka should make that decision” > “I’ll do what I can” > “(Leave)”.
Regardless of what you say he’ll make you a commander for some of his men. You must then recruit them.
Recruit Sam and Kubyenka
They are at the “L” marker, usually drinking in the kitchen. Exhaust the dialogues.
Recruit Mikesh and Kozliek
They are at the “N” marker, usually on the south battlements. Can go up the stairs in the southwest of the inner courtyard.
Recruit old friends
They are at the “M” marker, usually at the dice table across from the blacksmith.
Order your men to assemble in the outer bailey
Your men will gather near the blacksmith, when all of them arrived you can talk to them. Winning the skill check increases reputation. Tell them “You’ll reinforce the night watch”, this will make the upcoming night raid easier and you gain bonus reputation with Zizka later.
Go and lie down once you finish doing the rounds of the castle / Speak with Capon
Go to your bed upstairs. Capon will be waiting for you there. Exhaust his dialogues, to gain reputation: “I have good men” > “You’ll manage this, I’m certain”. Then go to sleep.
Dry Devil will wake you at night, then you must check in with all night guards.
Check on the guard on the eastern wall / main gate / western palisade / bailey’s gate
All the guards will be marked with objectives R, S, T, U. One of them is a disguised enemy who sneaked into your castle. The one you want to talk to is at the eastern palisade (“T” marker). Talking to the others isn’t necessary. Once you find the imposter he will attack you immediately (doesn’t matter what you say to him). A night raid will start. Make sure you have a halberd in your inventory, one can be picked up from weapons rack below the stairs.
Knock down the ladders / Don’t let the enemy get control of the gate
Most of the enemies will storm forward into the courtyard. When they’re out of the way knock down the ladders (using halberd, found in weapons rack at bottom of stairs).
Then kill the remaining enemies.
Assemble with the others and listen to the orders
Everyone will gather in the outer courtyard, listen to Zizka’s speech.
Report to Zizka
Talk to Zizka in the outer courtyard, exhaust the dialogues. If you told your men to reinforce the night watch you’ll get bonus reputation. Afterward you get a short cutscene and the next main quest Besieged starts immediately.
This finishes So it begins… main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Next Quest: Besieged
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
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