Ransom is a side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Ransom side quest.
- Starting Location: Kuttenberg Region > Near Danemark
- Quest Giver: Jan of Suchotlesky
- Requirement: Complete Main Quest 14: Speak of the Devil
- Reward: 125 x Groschen, Peter of Suchotlesky sword (if you sided with Jan) / Peter’s armor + sword (if you sided with Laszlo)
- Quest Type: Side Quest
- Quest Description: Jan of Suchotlesky has sent me in his name to negotiate the release of his brother, a knight who is held captive in Sigismund’s camp.
- Find the captured knight, Peter of Suchotlesky (Optional)
- Try and ask the camp chaplain (Optional)
- Try and ask Musa the healer (Optional)
- Try and ask the camp batthouse owner, Milada (Optional)
- Find Laszlo Farkas
- Tell Laszlo you know the truth about the knight (Optional)
- Tell Jan what you found out in the camp
- Find reinforcements for Jan (Optional)
- Tell Jan once you are ready to head out
- Kill Laszlo and his Cumans/Kill Jan
- Go and see Jan for your reward/Go and see Laszlo for a reward
Starting Location: Ransom
This quest can be started from a random event while traveling near Danemark (southeast corner of Kuttenberg region, fast travel point). A group of Cumens will attack a cart, and after defeating them you can locate Jan nearby where he is injured. Help him with his injuries then agree to help him to start the request.
If you are fast traveling along the road you can be prompted to stop by Mutt.
Find the captured knight, Peter of Suchotlesky (Optional)
Jan wants you to travel to Sigismund’s camp to negotiate in his place for the release of Peter. The camp is located in the center of the region northeast of Suchdol.
It is recommended that you head there and search for Peter first. You can find a few named people in the camp you can talk to, who will suggest some others you can try asking about Farkas’ location.
Try and ask the camp chaplain (Optional)
First, you can try to ask the camp chaplain Father Bohumil, who should be located in the large white tent near the center of the camp with the Field Chapel POI.
He will tell you a smaller area to search in, but you can continue asking the other people around the camp for more info.
Try and ask Musa the healer (Optional)
Next, you can find Musa the healer nearby in the Field Infirmary location.
Musa can provide a lot of unique information about his travels, which is useful for Scholarship XP and hints at the tournament that isn’t currently being run. He will provide the same prisoner information as Champlain.
Try and ask the camp bathhouse owner, Milada (Optional)
Finally, you can try Milada the bathhouse owner, who is located at the bathhouse right near the entrance of the camp.
Passing speech checks with everyone will point you directly to Peter, who is located at the point on the east side of the search area. The area in front of the guards is a private area and the area directly around the tent is considered trespassing, so if you want to talk to him you need to go a different route.
Go around the back where the tent is located and there is a gap in the fence, you can go through here and carefully sneak into the tent, allowing you to talk to the prisoner. This is possible during the day, the guards won’t notice you as long as you crouch around the tent entrance.
Turns out this isn’t Peter, but he’ll talk in exchange for some food. Give him any meat and he’ll tell you that the man who was possibly Peter has died already, and he’ll give you a location to check for corpses. Head to the marked location near the bathhouse, then walk through the gap in the carts to the back where you can find a cart with a body on it. Be careful entering as going this is considered a private area and you can get in trouble for entering.
Find Laszlo Farkas
Now with all possible information gathered, you can go speak with Laszlo. In the search area, he will be located in the red tent northeast of the upper round one (if you speak to a Cuman in the area he will point this out to you directly).
You can speak to Laszlo and still play along as if you don’t know what happened to Peter, including suggesting where to do the exchange, but he will bulldoze you and pick his own location. You can also pass a speech check to tell him you want Peter’s armor back, otherwise Laszlo will keep it.
Tell Laszlo you know the truth about the knight (Optional)
You can also confront Laszlo directly after finding Peter’s body. He will admit about what has happened, but he still says that Jan will get his brother back, and the handoff portion of this quest will still occur.
Tell Jan what you found out in the camp
You can now head back to Jan who will be located at an inn directly west of the Kourimska Gate in Kuttenberg fast travel point.
Speak with him and if you have found Peter’s body then Henry will immediately tell him that he has died. You can explain further, but Jan wants revenge regardless of what you say. You can turn him down, but this immediately fails the quest, so agree to help him get revenge.
Find reinforcements for Jan (Optional)
If you have completed other quests before now, you can ask your allies for help dealing with Laszlo (confirmation needed on possible allies).
Tell Jan once you are ready to head out
When you are ready to head to the meeting, speak with Jan again at the inn around noon once at least a day has passed in game. You can do this without gathering any allies, but it will make the next section harder as you will need to fight several enemies on your own. If you are planning to do this make sure your armor and weapons are fully repaired, and possibly take some potions before speaking with Jan so they are active once you start the fight. You will automatically travel to the meeting point with Jan.
Kill Laszlo and his Cumans/Kill Jan
At the meeting, you will have the option of either siding with Jan or siding with Laszlo. If you side with Jan, you will have to kill Laszlo and the group of Cumans. If you decided to do this without gaining any allies, the enemies will knock out Jan almost immediately, and you will need to deal with everyone by yourself. The enemies aren’t too strong, but there are 7 of them, so they can gang up on you quickly if you aren’t careful. Make sure to move around and position yourself so that all enemies stay in front of you, and try to only focus on one at a time.
If you decide to side with Laszlo instead because combat against 7 enemies isn’t as good of an idea as you thought, you will need to kill Jan, who will die very quickly as he’s not actually wearing any armor.
Go and see Jan for your reward/Go and see Laszlo for your reward
After the fight, Jan will wake up if he was knocked out, then you can speak to him to complete the quest. He also offers you Peter’s sword which you can pick up from the back of the cart, but make sure not to take any of the items out of the chest or he will get mad at you as he wished to keep the rest of his brother’s belongings.
If you decide to side with Laszlo he allows you to take all of Peter’s items including the sword from the chest in the cart, as well as you can loot around 500 x Groschen from Jan.
This finishes Ransom side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
TealSea says
At the very least, Menhard and Goliath and their teams can be recruited.
Besh says
There are four groups that can be recruited – Mennhard’s men, Hog and Goliath, Kubyenka and Adder, and the mercenaries from Mesoles – southwest of Miskowitz.
If you recruit all four and tell Jan, the “find reinforcements for Jan” objective will be completed, and Laszlo will be intimidated.
Alqua says
You can also recruit the zimburg brothers
kate says
i completed zimburg brothers quests and I had no options to hire them – not with Jan, not with the brothers
Becky says
If you recruit Goliath, make sure he stays alive if you haven’t done the quests for the guild. The Spark requires Goliath is alive for it to be accessible.
Dwaid says
This is a side quest, not a task. At least that is how the game categories it.
PowerPyx says
It is indeed a side quest. Fixed, thank you!
Phx says
You can also recruit the 2 survivors from the fortress raid in map 1.
Vic says
A heads up if you’re having a hard time finding this quest. It’s not on the map shown here as a random encounter. You will find Jan at the Inn west of Kuttenberg. The west gate at Kuttenberg then travel to the left (west) to the inn and horse guy. He’s there and the quest starts from there. Happy Hunting!
Henry of Skalitz says
This worked perfectly for me, I found Jan of Sucholetsky lying in a bed at the Inn west of Kuttenberg who then offered me the quest after healing him.
kate says
no sword for me, I checked everything, the chest, the bodies, bugs everywhere(((
kate says
opening the chest is counting as robbing, looting bodies no, but Jan and his solders thing it’s a robbery and call the guards in the middle of nowhere =))
bobbywong says
can anyone help me to mark the location of this cart rewarded after finshed this quest, cause I forgot to take anything after Jan told me his brother’s thing was on the cart.