Materia Prima is a side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Materia Prima main side mission.
- Starting Location: Trosky Region > Lower Semine Mill
- Quest Giver: Miller Kreyzl
- Requirement: Started Main Quest 5: Wedding Crashers
- Reward: 45 Groschen, Skill XP: Stealth & Thievery, Skill Book: With the silence of a cat I (Stealth)
- Quest Type: Side Quest
- Questline: Materia Prima > Forbidden Fruit > Opus Magnum
- Quest Description: Before the Miller will take you to the wedding, you have to do a series of quests for him. He tasks you with stealing a document from the Troskowitz Rathaus.
- Carry the sacks of flour to the wagon
- Practice takedowns and pickpocketing (Optional)
- Practice lockpicking (Optional)
- Get information from Zinek (Optional)
- Obtain some thieves’ clothing (Optional)
- Steal the document from the Troskowitz Rathaus
- Bring the document to the miller
Starting Location: Materia Prima
During Main Quest 5: Wedding Crashers, you can choose to either help the blacksmith or the miller. Head to the southwest of the map to find the miller at Lower Semine Mill. At night he might be asleep, you can skip to daytime by pressing Touchpad. Talk to him and agree to carry the flour sacks to start this side quest. You must do this to advance the main story quest. Even if you pick other dialogues you can talk to the miller again, his dialogues won’t advance until you agree to help him with this quest.
Carry the sacks of flour to the wagon
Tip: you can only track 3 side quests at a time. If you already have 3 active, it won’t show new objective markers. To fix this, open the journal and press /
on the quest names to track/untrack. Otherwise the markers of new quests won’t appear.
The flour sacks are found in the northwest building of the mill area, the building with hay on its roof and the Drying Rack inside it (the other buildings are closed anyway and can’t be entered).
Inside the building, in the corner where some candles are burning, you can find the flour sacks on the floor.
Pick one up and place it on the empty wagon parked in front of the building. When you approach the wagon it will show a prompt “Put down the sack /
Repeat until a cutscene triggers, which happens when you pick up the 6th sack. Then the miller talks to you. Henry discovers that the Miller is hiding something other than flour in his sacks. The best choices that grant reputation are “Yes!” > “I’ll help you!” > exhaust the remaining dialogues to trigger the optional objectives. You should do these to practice the basics of thievery.
- “Where can I find the documents?” > triggers ‘Get information from Zinek’
- “How do I get into the Rathaus?” > triggers ‘Obtain some thieves’ clothing’
- “I’d like to learn about thievery” > triggers ‘Practice lockpicking’ & ‘Practice takedowns and pickpocketing’
Practice takedowns and pickpocketing (Optional)
For this objective you must talk to Hired Hand Hensel in the mill area, which varies by time of day. At day he’ll be at the pen in the northwest corner of the mill area. At evening he’ll be sitting on the bench outside the miller’s house, or in the house. Tell him “I want to try pickpocketing“. Then follow him. Note: you can hold /
to automatically follow NPCs.
He explains how pickpocketing works: people carry a back pouch and front pouch. The back pouch is easier to steal from. For the front pouch you’ll want to have the inconspicuous perk to avoid detection.
To steal hold /
on the pouch. The lunette will fill up, if it’s red and the sound gets louder you’re nearing detection. The longer you let it fill up, the more time you have later to steal items. Let it fill up as long as possible just before reaching detection. Then the second phase starts, you can select an item to reveal, then click it to confirm you want to steal it, select the top slot at 12 o’ clock to successfully steal it before time runs out. When done successfully, ask Hensel about learning takedowns.
Sneak to your victim from behind and grab them by pressing
. Then choke them out at the right time with
Next, you must counter when Hensel tries to escape your grab. Use /
during the perfect block window, when the green shield icon appears. This requires perfect timing, there’s less than a second to press the button. You have to press it right when the green shield appears. It’ll take a few attempts. If Hensel slips out you can press
to say you’re ready and immediately grab him again. Objective done.
Practice lockpicking (Optional)
In the same building where you carried the sacks is a chest to practice on (very easy difficulty chest).
It’s best to Save & Quit to make a manual save before this. Then you can reload if the lockpicks break. Use the left stick to find the spot where the cursor gets bigger and glows golden. Then hold /
to turn the lock and keep the cursor golden while it rotates. Then the chest opens, it contains 7 lockpicks.
Note: if you want to farm some lockpicking level-ups, take the lockpicks out of the chest and then back out of it. The chest will close. Lockpick it again as many times as it lets you to increase your lockpicking skill. It will eventually stop after 15 tries or so. Just don’t let the lockpicks break, then they won’t be consumed. Leveling your lockpicking skill is needed to open higher difficulty chests.
Get information from Zinek (Optional)
Where you find Hired Hand Zinek will vary by daytime, so check the map marker. He can be all the way over in Troskowitz or at the mill, or anywhere in between. For me he was in Troskowitz at day and at the mill at night.
Talk to him, he gives you several tips how to enter the Rathaus. However, you can skip this, we’ll go over this soon.
Obtain some thieves’ clothing (Optional)
Highly recommended that you do this because it gives one of the best stealth outfits that will last you for the rest of the game. Head to Zhelejov Wagoners’ Inn, northeast of Bozhena’s hut. If you’ve been there before you can fast travel by holding /
on the blue flag icon on the map (must be outside). Talk to the Bathhouse owner Dorothy, at day she’s usually sitting outside the bathhouse. She’s an older woman wearing a green dress and white headdress.
Say “I heard you have Krezyl’s clothes“. She will reveal that she locked the clothes away in her chest, but now she wants 200 Groschen for them. You can try to convince her with dialogue, but if it fails you either have to pay her or lockpick the chest.
The chest is right here inside the bathhouse, upstairs next to some hay (easy difficulty chest). After going upstairs turn around 180° and you’ll see it. There are other chests upstairs but only one easy difficulty chest which is the correct one.
If someone sees or hears you lockpicking, they will call the guards. It’s best to do it at night when everyone is sleeping, then they won’t hear you lockpicking and nobody is walking around to spot you. You can press Touchpad to skip time till night (1:00AM works great). Save & Exit to menu before lockpicking, if your lockpicks break you can reload the save. Alternatively, at night you can pickpocket the key from the Bathhouse owner Dorothy sleeping in the big bed upstairs (the key with red chain), then open the chest with the key. The chest contains Simple hood, Vagrant’s Hat, Worn gambeson, Hand wrap, Simple hose, Simple shoes. Don’t equip them yet, if the bathhouse owner sees you wearing it, she knows you stole it and will call the guards.
Steal the document from the Troskowitz Rathaus
Fast travel back to Troskowitz, the town where you started Main Quest 5: Wedding Crashers. Remember that you can fast travel by holding /
on the blue flag icons on the map (must be outside).
It’s best to go here at midnight, everyone in the Rathaus will be asleep (press Touchpad to advance time). If you did the optional objective to get the thieves’ clothing you can equip it to be less visible at night. The law requires lighting a torch when going through town at night (hold :down), otherwise guards will stop you.
Go to the courtyard north of the Rathaus. When you see stairs leading down you’re in the right spot. At night there’s a single guard at the stairs. Crouch ( / left stick) and throw a rock (
) to lure him away. Then sneak down the stairs.
The stairs lead to the Rathaus jail. In the middle of the jail you find a chest that contains the quest item (very hard difficulty chest). You need the key to open it. From the jail, go up the staircase to find sleeping guards. You can pickpocket the key from them. Most guards have the key, but the one called “Guard Commander” is guaranteed to have it. You can Save & Exit to menu, reload save if you’re caught. Sleeping people are easy to pickpocket and won’t notice you as quickly.
After pickpocketing the key, use it on the very hard chest in the Rathaus jail. Loot Offer of Hermes Trismegistus.
To escape, go upstairs and leave through the open front door. Alternatively, you can backtrack the way you came and toss a stone to distract the guard at the stairs.
Bring the document to the miller
Return to the miller where the quest started. Tell him that you have the document from the Rathaus. Agree to help him find a saltpetre pit to start the next quest “Forbidden Fruit“. It’s needed to gain entry to the wedding.
This finishes Materia Prima in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Next Quest: Forbidden Fruit / Opus Magnum
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
Garlic says
You are writing here: During the third side quest ” Opus Magnum “, the objective is automatically completed and you are taken to the wedding. Then it continues here with the next objective ” Talk to Svatya “. My question is, can I still do the forging quest afterwards?
PowerPyx says
Yes the blacksmith’s quests are still doable after wedding. Even after the story it’s still available. I did it myself after story.
Same with Miller’s quests, if you do the Blackmsmith questline first you can still do the Miller questline later at any time.
Only thing is if you ignore blacksmith’s quests before wedding, you only get 2 blacksmith quests after wedding (it skips his 2nd quest “The Jaunt”, which is needed for 4 follow-up tasks by Gules). Doesn’t interfere with the trophy for completing most content though as there are more quests than needed anyway 🙂
Alex says
Why was I wanted after getting the document unnoticed? As soon as I got out the front door I fast travelled to the lower semine mill. Then I got a criminal warning.