Into the Underworld is the 16th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Into the Underworld main story quest.
Talk to Dry Devil
The quest starts immediately when you talk to Dry Devil for the first time after Main Quest 14: Speak of the Devil. What dialogues you pick doesn’t matter here, none of them affect reputation and you always get the same tasks. You are sent to find Katherine, and the Devil’s bandits. It’s recommended to do Main Quest 15: The Devil’s Pack first for The Dirty Seven (you found all of Dry Devil’s comrades-in-arms).
Talk to Katherine
Go to Kuttenberg city in the east of the region. Talk to Katherine in the Hangman’s Halter Tavern, it will be marked on the map. What dialogues you pick here doesn’t matter, none of them impact reputation, and you always get the same result.
Find Goatskin
Katherine sends you to find the NPC Goatskin in “The Hole in the Wall” inn. It’s southeast of Katherine in Kuttenberg, not far away. Goatskin won’t be there but you can talk to Innkeeper Mole.
He tells you to talk to Chenyek for more info. At night most of the NPCs are asleep, so if they’re not there skip time till next morning.
Gain Chenyek’s respect
Chenyek is in the same inn (at day). Talk to him, he’s wearing dark clothes.
If you win the skill check dialogues or pay him 200 Groschen you can skip the fight with Goliath. But if you fail the skill checks, you have to fight Goliath to gain Chenyek’s respect.
(Optional) Fight with Goliath
Goliath will be in the barn behind the inn.
Talk to him to accept the fistfight. You have to unequip your armor and weapons. Then climb into the fight pit and he’ll attack. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, even if you lose Chenyek will be impressed with your effort and gives the info about Goatskin.
Exhaust the dialogues with Chenyek afterward, he’ll stand at the fight pit. He wants to offer you another side quest, but for now you can say “I’ll stop by later.”
He explains Goatskin got beaten up, and can be found between Hradek and the Horse Market at night. He recommends checking the drinking dens: The Black Horse & the big bathhouse.
Find Goatskin (continued)
You can “cheat” this objective and head straight to Goatskin’s location (see “Goatskin Location” below). However, we’ll first go over how you’d normally find him, which is optional and can be skipped.
At the Black Horse Inn (west side of search area) you can talk to Innkeeper Weighman. He reveals Goatskin’s girlfriend is one of the bathhouse maids, and he recommends checking at the bathhouse. This triggers the next two optional sub-objectives.
Set a trap for Goatskin (Optional) / Find out more from Goatskin’s girlfriend (Optional)
Again, this can be ignored if you head straight to Goatskin’s location. You can go to the bathhouse in the south-east corner of the search area. There talk to everyone, most of the bathhouse maids, the madam, and the bathhouse owner have something to say about Goatskin. The bathhouse maid Hanka from Prague mentions that Mary is his girlfriend. There are two maids called Mary at the bathhouse, the correct one is Lousy Mary (not “Meaty Mary”). Lousy Mary wears a black dress and white headdress.
After Hanka told you that she is the girlfriend you can talk to her about Goatskin. She’ll always be somewhere in the bathhouse but what room she’s in varies by time of day. At day she’s often in the restricted areas, but in the evening between 23:00 – 1:00 she’s usually downstairs by the dice table. Sometimes she “gets stuck” in the restricted kitchen area upstairs so just advance time in 1-hour increments until she appears downstairs. Make a save before talking to her.
If you win the skill checks with her, she’ll assist in finding Goatskin. If not, she’ll make up a lie about going to the seamstress, but she’s really headed to her boyfriend Goatskin. You can then follow her. She’ll stop at a wall and shout for Goatskin, who sits inside a barn on the other side of the wall. The NPC pathing is often buggy here. Sometimes Mary goes to see him, sometimes not. If she doesn’t move, you can have her pour you a drink and sleep with her, afterward she’ll sometimes walk to Goatskin, but if it’s late at night (after 3:00) she might go to bed instead. Anyway, see Goatskin’s location below and you can head there directly.
Goatskin Location
Goatksin is very well hidden. He sits at the top of a barn in the northwest quadrant of the search area, the next building north of Black Horse Tavern. You find him there at day (at night he’s away). Reaching him requires some parkouring.
Start by entering the barn behind the Tailor, climb up the ladder in the barn (restricted area).
Go across the barn’s upper floor, at the end you can drop down into a courtyard that can’t be reached any other way.
In this courtyard climb the carriage and from there climb through the window to another barn.
Up in the barn you find Goatskin:
If he’s not there advance time. Make a save before talking to him. If you win the skill checks he’ll tell you where Samuel is, or can be bribed for “only” 150 Groschen to give you the info. If you fail the skill checks, he wants 500 Groschen. You can make quick money by winning Dice games (for example winning dice against the merchant in the bathhouse at night gives 150 Groschen). After you won the dialogue or paid him off he tells you about Samuel and triggers the next objective.
Note: You can accept the missable side task Master Schindel’s Toys by talking to Bathhouse Owner Adam or Goatskin. This should be done before the end of the quest.
Talk to Samuel
Samuel can be found in the Jewish Quarters, in the northeast corner of Kuttenberg city. Talk to him there:
It doesn’t matter what you say or if you win the skill checks, he always gives the next objective.
Infiltrate the antisemites’ meeting
Samuel tasks you with finding the place where the antisemitics meet at night. Skip time to midnight 24:00 and it will get marked on the map.
Antisemites’ meeting location (at midnight):
Upon approaching the location you get ambushed by 2 attackers. You don’t need to defeat them, just let them attack you and a cutscene will play. It turns out Samuel lured you into an ambush and the attackers are his men. In the next cutscene you meet John of Liechtenstein who becomes your ally.
You then have a dialogue with Liechtenstein and tell him what happened in Trosky. Pick whatever dialogues you want, it doesn’t matter here. You can own up or hide the betrayal that you gave up his whereabouts during torture at Trosky Castle, but even if you tell him he doesn’t care. He tasks you with finding Lord Ruthard which starts the next main quest Via Argentum.
This finishes Into the Underworld main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Next Main Quest: Via Argentum
New Side Content available now:
- The Fifth Commandment (Kuttenberg City)
- Post Scriptum (Kuttenberg City)
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
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